Chapter 299
When Jia Lian said that he had ordered someone to apply to the Ministry of Criminal Justice to collect Jia Rong's body after the case was closed and go home for burial, Jia Rong's affairs were considered to have come to an end.

At this moment, someone suddenly said indignantly: "The reason for the enmity between Brother Zhen and Rong'er, and even the confrontation with swords and soldiers, is because Xiao Qin is too seductive!
Since ancient times, there have been many troubles for women, if there is no Xiao Qin, these things will not happen in Ningguo Mansion, and my Jia Mansion will not become the laughing stock of the capital because of this.

Therefore, I suggest that the little Qin family should be taken back to the Qin family, and such a disaster should never be allowed to stay in the family. "

"Yes, it was all caused by that little Qin family. That child Rong'er, I thought she was quite well-behaved when I was a child, but she only became bad after marrying this funeral star. According to me, she should be buried to atone for her sins." !"

Stubborn and ignorant people always find excuses for their mistakes.

So as soon as such remarks were made, many people echoed them!
Hearing their plausible speeches one by one, Jia Lian was finally able to understand why those TV dramas in the previous life always liked to shoot this kind of plot.

It turns out that there are really so many shameless people.

However, if they knew Qin's real identity and dared to make such a proposal, Jia Lian would really admire them.

Sure enough, Jia Jing, who was originally uninterested in everything, quickly showed a panic expression in his eyes when he heard such remarks.

He immediately reprimanded: "No!"

Jia Jing's suddenly raised voice stunned the guards of Confucianism who were speaking uprightly, and they all asked back.

Jia Jing looked around at the crowd and said: "There has never been any talk of burial in this dynasty, if we rashly do something that will hurt the peace of heaven, I'm afraid the palace will blame us, we can't afford to offend.

So this discussion is very inappropriate, so don't discuss it any more! "

Jia Jing, as the only Jinshi in the two houses of the Jia family for decades, and the eldest grandson of Duke Ning, still has some prestige.

He sternly refused, and it was difficult for others to persist.

Some people with secretive minds are even still suspicious.

Could it be that the little Qin family not only charmed Big Brother Zhen, but also couldn't escape Uncle Jing?

Just respect uncle's old arms and legs, does he still have that ability?

Not necessarily, Fourth Miss, wasn't she born when Master Jing was about to turn 60?

In those years, there were rumors in the family that Miss Fourth was the seed of Brother Zhen, but now it seems that it may not be true that Mr. Jing is really old and strong...


The follow-up matters of Ningguo Mansion are many and complicated, and need to be discussed and dealt with one by one.

All the gentlemen discussed intensely for a long time, and their mouths were dry, so they naturally wanted to have some snacks and drink some small tea in the side hall.

Jia Lian was wondering why Yindie, as Youshi's confidant maid, came here, when she saw the little girl quietly blinking at him while serving tea to her.

Jia Lian knew that it was Youshi who was looking for him, so after the maids filed out, Jia Lian followed him out on the pretext of changing clothes.

Sure enough, I saw a silver butterfly on the back porch.

"Second Master, Grandma said she has something to discuss with Second Master, please come to the back hall to talk about it."

Jia Lian nodded and followed Yindie to look for Youshi.

Along the way, they also met several waves of maidservants and servants, but neither Jia Lian nor Yindie showed any intention of avoiding them.

From last night until now, the entire Ningguo Mansion has been supervised by Jia Lian, and Youshi is the mistress of Ningguo Mansion, so it is normal for the two of them to have some exchanges.

The more generous you are, the less likely you will be suspicious.

Jia Lian knew the place where Youshi often sat up and down, but Yindie brought him here, but it was a warm-toned room behind Ning Xuantang.

Judging from the layout and furnishings, it should also be the place where You Shi usually changes clothes.

Seeing this, Jia Lian was a little moved. Although Wang Xifeng danced in Rongguo Mansion in the past, she looked majestic, but in fact, she was still a little behind You Shi.

You Shi, who is the third-rank imperial order, is also the young mistress in charge of the Ningguo Mansion, so she has more style than Wang Xifeng.

Among other things, the place to change clothes is not comparable to Wang Xifeng.

Wang Xifeng's wife, only the one-third of an acre of land in her own yard belongs to her.Other places can only be occupied temporarily.

Unlike Youshi, there are so many buildings in Ningguo Mansion, you can set up a dressing room wherever you like...

After a while, You Shi came lightly.

The first thing she saw was Jia Lian, who was sitting casually on the grand teacher's chair, holding a Ru Kiln teacup with one hand.

Jia Lian, who was dressed in an official uniform, was still so heroic.

But in Youshi's eyes at this moment, it is very different.

In the past, she and Jia Lian just tasted the excitement secretly, the so-called take what they need.

But from today on, she knew that it was different.

She was pregnant with the other's child!

Jia Lian also saw Youshi's strangeness, he narrowed his eyes, and guessed in his heart, could it be that Youshi noticed something?
Is she so smart?
He didn't mean to be guilty. Although he used Youshi, he had thought about it beforehand. Even if Youshi found out in the end, it wouldn't be a big deal.

Big deal, just reward her twice.

Seeing that Youshi was not accompanied by anyone, Jia Lian was not polite, and waved to her very majesticly.

You Shi, who was dressed in white, smiled sweetly without being shy, and with gentle swaying of lotus steps, his plump body came to Jia Lian, and then sat on Jia Lian's lap following the strength of Jia Lian's arm.

Pressing Jia Lian's hand that was climbing up to her plump place, Youshi looked at Jia Lian and said, "I'll ask my second uncle a question, does my second uncle like children?"

"Child? What child?"

Jia Lian was a little careless.You Shi is one of the few women he has, and also the most understanding one.

Often, Youshi can immediately analyze different postures and methods of serving with just one look or one simple movement of his.

Situations like this where he is not allowed to touch are rare.

Seeing Jia Lian's unpredictable appearance, Youshi didn't want to play charades with him, and said softly, "I have it."

"Hmm... what?"

Jia Lian's reaction has always been sharp. Even though he was unprepared, he immediately realized the seriousness of the problem, and his pupils widened immediately.

Youshi put Jia Lian's hand on his stomach, and said, "I invited the doctor to visit this morning, and said I'm happy.

I didn't quite believe it, and then I invited a doctor to take a look, and the result was still the same, so..."

You Shi said, feeling a little nervous for no reason.

She originally wanted to wait for Jia Lian's reaction, but she couldn't help saying the following words.

"The doctor said, it's exactly about a month. In this month, I have only had a good time with you."

After finishing this explanation, Youshi stared at Jia Lian, so nervous that he could hear his own heartbeat.

She knew that the higher the status of a man, the more he could not tolerate his own blood being contaminated.

Although the only man she likes in her heart is Jia Lian, she is Jia Zhen's wife after all.

She was never worried that Jia Lian would dislike her before, but now she is very worried.

She was even more worried that Jia Lian did not believe the child was his.

Jia Lian was really shocked at this moment.

The news that Youshi brought him was really beyond his expectation, it could even be said to disrupt his plan.

His brows tightened involuntarily.

But after all, he is a person who can observe people's hearts. He sensed Youshi's nervousness, so he touched Youshi's soft belly and said with a smile, "That means it's my seed?"

You Shi nodded, and then asked, "Second Uncle, don't you believe me?"

Jia Lian laughed, putting his arms around Youshi's waist.Although You Shi is plumper than Wang Xifeng, and her waist is not so thin, it is still tight.

After all, a woman who is not yet 30 years old and can take care of herself is full of charm of a young woman.

Picking up Youshi's hand, interlocking his fingers on her chest, he said sincerely: "Of course I believe it. Everyone knows that Uncle Zhen has long been infertile.

Besides, besides me, I don't believe anyone else has the ability to make your wasteland that has not bloomed for more than ten years bear fruit!
Unless you also stole other handsome boys.Be honest, who else have you stolen besides me? "

Jia Lian's vulgar words made Youshi blush with embarrassment, and hurriedly said: "Of course not, except you, I... have no one else."


Jia Lian laughed softly.

For Youshi, he still trusts him.This woman married Jia Zhen, it was indeed Mingzhu's secret vote.

Jia Lian is a picky person, Youshi is seven or eight years older than him, to be liked by him is a proof of Youshi's charm.

So almost as soon as Youshi said it, he believed it. If Youshi was really pregnant, it should be his seed.

In fact, there is no need to doubt too much. Youshi has been married to Jia Zhen for many years. If she could conceive, she should have had it long ago.

If the child is really one month old, it can only be the result of his hard work in Tianxiang Tower in the previous month.

Thinking of this, Jia Lian was relieved a lot.

He was young, full of energy, and had wives and concubines, but only one daughter who was less than one year old.

He secretly suspected before, whether it was because Jia Lian made too many troubles in the past, or was there something wrong with the Jia family's genes?

Hearing the good news from You Shi at this time, he was finally relieved.

In fact, thinking about it carefully, his current women, Xiangling and Qingwen, are still virgins, so naturally there is no need to say much.

The others are Wang Xifeng, Ping'er, Youshi, Aqin and Xiren.

Among them, Ping'er only plows the ground and does not sow seeds.Ah Qin is also in a similar situation, besides, she is young and it is normal that she is not easy to conceive.

Not to mention the attack, it was only once, which is not enough.Besides, even if that girl got tricked, with her prudence, she might choose to do it quietly!

All in all, only Sister Feng and You Shi were the ones who really received many blessings.Because Jia Lian has no scruples about these two young women.

And the rain and dew that Sister Feng gets is more than ten times that of Youshi.Because You's only got started after he came back, and the real irrigation was after the construction of the Grand View Garden started.

You Shi, who was in good health, had immediate results.

It shows that he and Wang Xifeng have not been able to have a son for a long time, most likely it is not his problem, but Sister Feng herself.

(End of this chapter)

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