The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 309 The Worship of the Women

Chapter 309 The Worship of the Women

When she got home, she only heard Sister Feng's voice coaxing her daughter in the East Wing, so Jia Lian was not disturbed.

Go back to the house and prepare to change into clean clothes by yourself.

It happened that Xiaohong came back to put things away, and saw Jia Lian rummaging in front of the closet alone, so she smiled and asked, "What are you looking for? Let me help you."

After Jia Lian glanced back at her and nodded to get out of the way, she conveniently put down her things and walked over happily.

Sister Feng has plans for Jia Lian's usual change of clothes, and the few of them who can enter the house to serve have also heard the explanation.

Therefore, Xiaohong first tidied up the cabinets that Jia Lian had rummaged through, and then took out a set of light regular clothes, and then asked if they were all right.

Meeting Jia Lian's eyes, she lowered her head shyly.

"I'll serve the second master and put it on."

As the daughter of Lin Zhixiao, the second housekeeper, Xiaohong has a heart that is unwilling to be ordinary.

Especially since she was appointed by Jia Lian, she naturally had some different thoughts in her heart.

It's just that Lian's second grandma is a famous jealousy, and she is usually watched by a tricky senior like Qingwen, so she dare not express her feelings.

Qingwen is not here today, and it seems that Second Grandma is becoming more obedient to Second Master, so she finally couldn't help but want to beg Feng.

A pair of soft little hands, while changing Jia Lian's clothes, they always caressed like nothing.

It's just a pity, I don't know if it's Jia Lian who doesn't understand the style or her own charm is not enough.She had deliberately changed Jia Lian's clothes very slowly, but until the end, Jia Lian let her play with her like a piece of wood, without being aggressive at all.

So, seeing Jia Lian changing clothes and pacing away, Xiao Hong, who was just beginning to fall in love, felt discouraged for a while.


In Rongqingtang, after Jia Lian and Jia Mu said hello, they stopped by to see Daiyu.

Unexpectedly, Xiangling was also there.

"I just said I didn't see you at home, so I came to ask your master for sutras."

Jia Lian came in and smiled at Xiangling.

Xiang Ling, who was originally engrossed in thinking about the homework given by Daiyu, suddenly woke up from the sea of ​​learning when she heard the words, stood up hurriedly, and gave up her seat to Jia Lian.

In the first place, holding a book in one hand, Daiyu, who looks like a teacher, originally wanted to get up.

But seeing that Xiangling had already helped Jia Lian to sit down, he didn't move.

She is lazy by nature, and she used to deliberately behave well-behaved in front of Jia Lian, but now that she understands Jia Lian's personality and knows that he is also a willful and not pedantic person, she gradually stops talking about so many formalities.

"Yes, this little poem is getting better and better. It seems that you will be a teacher soon."

Jia Lian flipped through Xiangling's manuscript and praised with a smile.

Xiangling was very embarrassed, "It's nothing to me, Miss Lin did it well."

"Oh? Sister Lin also wrote it, where is it?"

Before Jia Lian could finish his sentence, he suddenly heard the sound of fluttering birds.Looking up, it turned out that Daiyu jumped over from the stool, pulled out a piece of manuscript paper, crumpled it into a ball and hid it in her sleeve.

The speed of the movement made Xiangling dumbfounded.

Seeing this, Jia Lian smiled and said, "It's useless for you to hide. I'll find out if I ask Xiangling."

Daiyu blushed, and immediately glared at Xiangling with the majesty of a master: "If you dare to tell him, don't come to me in the future."

Xiangling shrunk her neck, knowing that Daiyu was a person who could do what she said, so naturally she didn't dare to disobey her teacher's order, so she could only show a begging look to Jia Lian.

Jia Lian was indeed a good master, knowing her difficulty, he smiled, lowered his head and continued to look at her poems.

Jia Lian was indeed a little happy, but in just two years, Xiangling has changed from a little girl who can't even read a word to a talented woman who can write poems and lyrics.

I have to say that Xiangling is a diligent and talented player.Of course, Xiangling was able to reborn, thanks to his enlightened Bole.

However, he himself has always shown that he is not very interested in these literary things, so he did not make any judgments.After looking up at Daiyu's room, he asked, "I heard that girl Yun is here too, so she's staying in your room?"


Daiyu nodded without sadness or joy.

Obviously, Daiyu doesn't have much to say about Xiangyun, a ADHD patient.

"Haha, Lian's second brother is indeed here! Third sister, you are really good, you guessed it right away."

Accompanied by Xiangyun's unique high-pitched voice, the two girls came in holding hands.

Tanchun also smiled at this time and said, "It's not difficult to guess. Lian's second brother is a busy man, and he comes and goes like the wind. He is only in sister Lin's room. He will come and sit when he is free."

Daiyu turned a deaf ear to what the two said, turned her body sideways, and continued to read her book.

Jia Lian waited for Tanchun to approach, and Fang smiled and said: "Since the third sister said so, it seems that I will come to your room more often when I have nothing to do in the future. It's just that I am picky, so you have to prepare for me when the time comes." Best tea ever."

"Okay, when the time comes, my little sister will sweep the couch to welcome you."


As soon as Tanchun's polite words fell, Daiyu spit on the book, she was so happy that she hurriedly wiped it with her sleeve.

Tanchun angrily said, "Sister Lin, what are you laughing at?"

"No, I didn't laugh at anything, you continue to talk, I'm listening..."

Xiang Yun was rushing to Jia Lian's side to grab the manuscripts to read, and snorting when he saw this, "Third Sister, she is laughing at you for saying something wrong. She likes to catch people in these places the most."

Tanchun blushed, of course she knew what Daiyu was laughing at.

This sister Lin is too hateful, how can she think so, it's too bad.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but cast a glance at Jia Lian, then lowered his head.

Daiyu felt ashamed when she saw this, she felt too embarrassed to apologize, she pretended to be okay, she turned [-] degrees again, and turned her back to everyone.

Jia Lian naturally didn't express much at this time, as if he didn't hear, he asked Xiangyun where they came from.

Xiangyun replied: "Brother Bao went to play at the construction site behind, and sister Xiren fell because she was looking for him, and her knees were red."

Jia Lian nodded silently, "It's good that people don't have serious problems."

Xiangyun and others didn't know the inside story, so naturally they wouldn't doubt it, so they asked Wang Xifeng without saying a word.

"I originally wanted to visit Lian's second sister-in-law yesterday, but the old lady said that she was not in a good mood recently, so she asked me to go there later."

"If you want to see her, go, she is already much better, and she is in a good mood today."


Xiangyun suddenly became happy, and blurted out: "Second brother Lian, you are really amazing!!"

Jia Lian didn't understand what he meant, and Xiang Yun knew he was fast-talking, so he smiled at Jia Lian.

As younger sisters, the stories between brothers, sisters-in-law and third parties are really not for them to mix and comment.

But that doesn't mean they don't care about it.

In Xiangyun's heart, she likes Wang Xifeng very much, because every time she comes over, she has to trouble Wang Xifeng to take good care of her.And Wang Xifeng treats her very well.

When something like that happened, she naturally stood by Wang Xifeng's side.

Knowing that the final result was that under Jia Lian's protection, Wang Xifeng did not have to be dismissed and went home. Of course, she admired and even worshiped Jia Lian.

Lian's second brother is really powerful, if you marry someone, you have to marry such a loving and righteous person!
Jia Lian quickly realized what Xiangyun meant, and glanced at Tanchun next to him, who also had a similar look.

As for Daiyu, who was carrying her body behind her back, although she didn't show any expression, from her quiet back, Jia Lian also knew that she could understand Xiangyun's words.

It seems that although Wang Xifeng is hated by others, at least the sisters in her family who are under her care have a good impression of her.

It can be seen that this girl is not a failure in life.

(End of this chapter)

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