Chapter 310
In the days that followed, Jia's mansion gradually returned to calm.

As for Jia Lian himself, he only needs to run the army and horse department and his own family affairs every day. Occasionally, he helps out in the Ningguo Mansion.

In his spare time, he either practiced martial arts in the newly built martial arts arena, or stayed at home with his wives, concubines and maidservants, living a fulfilling and contented life.

Until this day, a piece of news from the court finally made his brows, which had been relaxed for many days, frowned again.

In the Changchun Palace, the concubine looked at Emperor Ningkang who was sitting with her in meditation, with a sad look on her brow, and asked leisurely: "What's bothering the emperor recently?"

Emperor Ningkang returned to his senses, shook his head and said: "It's just a little bit of common affairs in the court, it's nothing."

The concubine narrowed her eyes, and the rosary in her hand continued to stop spinning, "But because of the imperial court's discussion, the marriage with the Oala royal court?"

Seeing that his biological mother, the concubine, already knew about it, Emperor Ningkang no longer concealed it, and nodded in response: "The concubine clearly sees it, and it is indeed because of this matter."

"What's so embarrassing about this?"

The concubine said very naturally: "Although I don't understand the affairs of the government, I have heard a little about it recently.

The barbarians at the border are undecided, and I am unstable towards the western frontier.

Therefore, the imperial court decided to form an alliance with the Wara Royal Court, and canonize the King of Wara as a great Han of Mongolia. This will not only solve the military disaster, but also at least make our western border stable for decades..."

Emperor Ningkang attached great importance to filial piety, so he often came to accompany the concubine in his spare time.

But he is also a person who is deeply influenced by the thoughts of the emperor, and he usually does not take the initiative to discuss state affairs with the concubine.

At this time, seeing that the concubine was so clear about the current affairs of the court, she felt somewhat suspicious.But being a son, naturally he wouldn't interrupt her at this time.

So when the concubine finished speaking, he replied in a very ordinary way, "What the concubine said is true."

The concubine saw that he was not interested in talking, so she understood after a little thought, so she sighed: "Originally, these things should really be worried about by you and the ministers.

But even though you are the emperor, you are also the son of this palace. May I ask which mother in the world can bear to see her son look sad all day long?
Forget it, since you don't want to tell me, I don't want to ask too much, so that you don't think that Ben Gong intends to interfere with your outside affairs. "

Hearing what the concubine said, Emperor Ningkang dared to sit still, and hurriedly said: "What did the concubine say, I don't mean it anymore.

I just don't want to disturb your peace with such troublesome things.

After all, it's just a family affair.Nawala's envoy came to Beijing to make an alliance with our court, and his attitude was very sincere. Originally, the court had made an alliance agreement, but Nawala suddenly proposed that he wanted to marry me, the Princess of Shangbang, to show his eternal alliance. "

Emperor Ningkang said, but he would also talk about the difficulties: "The concubine must also know that Zhaoyang is the only one under her knees who is of the right age and who is waiting for her to be in her boudoir.

Originally wanted to choose another person from the clan, but Prince Nawara insisted on marrying Zhaoyang.

This is exactly the embarrassment of the son. "

"What's the trouble?"

Hearing Emperor Ningkang's words, Concubine Li was inexplicably angry.

"Could it be that she doesn't want to? As a royal princess, she has enjoyed all the honor and favor since she was a child. Now that she has grown up, she should take care of her father and shoulder her own responsibilities and missions!"

Emperor Ningkang frowned and said, "But, the Empress Dowager..."

Who doesn't know that the queen mother has no queens, and has always regarded Princess Zhaoyang as her own.

If Zhaoyang is married to Fanbang, what should the Queen Mother explain?

"Marriage is a major state affairs, which is related to the safety of the country and the country. Back then, your eldest princess made it. Going forward, which of your sisters who got married back then didn't take pride in marrying a foreign country, contributing to the country, and sharing the worries of the king?

They all wonder why Zhaoyang alone can't make it. Could it be that Zhaoyang is not the princess of my Great Wei?

The Empress Dowager understands righteousness well, and she must be able to understand this truth, so you don't have to worry too much. "

Emperor Ningkang listened silently.The concubine's words, to a large extent, are in line with the law.

However, he also has enough reasons to be cautious.

The empress dowager has a high status, and she is not his biological mother. If Zhao Yang is rashly allowed to marry, he is afraid that it will be rumored that he is deliberately bullying the empress dowager, which is not what he wants to see.

The concubine continued to add words: "Besides, I have also met the third prince of Nawala.

The man born is heroic and majestic, with an extraordinary appearance. Last time he came to visit Ben Gong, it happened that Zhao Yang was also there.

You must know a thing or two about Zhaoyang's temperament. She is very active but not quiet. She was good at riding horses and archery since she was a child. She is a good match for Prince Navala.

I see that the two of them get along very well.

Aside from talking about marriage, how can you, as the emperor, not make it happen as a god-given marriage? "

Emperor Ningkang was stunned, "Is this true?"

"Is this palace still partial to you?"

Emperor Ningkang knew something in his heart, no wonder Prince Nawala, in the main hall, kept saying that he fell in love with Zhaoyang at first sight, and was shocked to be a heavenly man, and that in this life he must not marry.

He was still puzzled at first, this Prince Wala has only been in Beijing for more than a month, but where did he get the chance to meet Zhaoyang.

It turned out to be in the palace of the concubine.

"If this is the case, this matter will be easy to handle." Emperor Ningkang said to himself.

Concubine Li was a little happy, "Exactly. One more thing, I heard that the third prince of Wala was the most favored prince in the royal court of Wala. After Zhaoyang married him, and with our support, the third prince would become the most favored prince. The next Khan.

In this way, Zhaoyang naturally rose to the top, and also became the Khan Princess, whose status was still higher than that of the Prince.

Calculated in this way, it is not humiliating her at all. "

Emperor Ningkang didn't have any expression on his face when he heard the words, he just nodded: "I know this, I will think about it carefully."

It's just a stopgap measure. In the future, this Northwest Wealthy Wolf must be completely culled!


The next day, Daming Palace.

The fourth prince rushed through the South Study Room with an anxious expression on his face. After kneeling down to pay his respects, he didn't care if he didn't get a response from Emperor Ningkang. He raised his head and asked, "Father, I heard that the imperial court wants the imperial sister to marry? Or go to the northwest desert?" A place where birds don’t shit??”


Under repeated questioning by the fourth prince, Emperor Ningkang, who was at the head of the case, finally raised his head and said very displeased: "This is government affairs, so there is no room for you to question it.

If you are concerned about this matter, learn from your big brother and third brother, familiarize yourself with the knowledge, observe current affairs more, and be able to speak insightful words.So, if you have any words of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism, I might as well listen to them.

Otherwise, just roll aside for me. "

The fourth prince's expression froze when he heard the words, what his father said, in other words, trash is not qualified to talk about government affairs!

But he is not willing to obey.

"But, that's my imperial sister! Father, do you really have the heart to see her get married to such a remote place, and from then on, it's rare to see her again for the rest of your life?

Royal Father, have you forgotten Sister Changning?She was also married with her relatives, and she cared very much for Erchen since she was a child, but after she married and went to the north, Erchen never saw her again until the news of her illness and death came.

Father!Aren't you worried that Sister Huang is like Sister Changning, she will never come back after she goes, don't you love Sister Huang? "

The fourth prince said, tears fell down.

His words also made Emperor Ningkang's expression tense.

After all, no emperor was willing to marry his daughter to a remote foreign country.

Emperor Ningkang also knew that it might not be a good destination.

Therefore, the fourth prince's words also hit the softness and intolerance in his heart.

However, who called him the emperor.

"Bastard!" Emperor Ningkang scolded.

"Do you still know your eldest sister? As a woman, your eldest sister knows how to share the worries of the country and the monarch. As my son, you only know how to play and have fun every day. How can you be my great Wei?"
Now you still have the nerve to come and question me?If you have the ability, lead your troops to destroy the Tatars and Oirats. As long as you can keep our great Wei country and society safe, not only will I not let your imperial sister get married, but I will even allow you to sit in my position! "

The fourth prince was used to hearing scolding from his father.

But this time, hearing his father blame the elder sister and others' sad fate on the incompetence of these princes, the face of the fourth prince suddenly turned red.

"Go and go!"

"I will now lead my troops to destroy the Tatars and Oirats of Raoshizi. As long as Father, you remember your promise, from now on, you will never let Huangjie go to marry again!"

The words of the fourth prince made all the servants and eunuchs in the palace look at each other in blank dismay.

This Fourth Highness really dares to agree.

What did he think of Tatar and Wala?Those are the two most powerful Mongolian tribes in the entire prairie and the Gobi Desert.

The plague of Mongolia has existed since the Taizu dynasty. For 100 years, the imperial court has always maintained a policy of wooing and dividing, and no one has ever dared to say that they can completely destroy them.

The Fourth Highness is good, as soon as he came up, he promised to lead the troops to destroy the family, but the request was only, not to let his imperial sister go to marry him!
This is true for eunuchs, let alone Emperor Ningkang himself.

He was angry from the heart, and all of a sudden his beard blew up.He slapped the table suddenly, stood up and shouted angrily: "Ignorant bastard!"

"Come on, fork him out!"

"Royal Father!~~"


"Father can't hear me so far away, why don't you let me down!!"

The conscientious guard of the South Study Room "crossed" the fourth prince for a long time, and then let go of the fourth prince's arm embarrassingly amidst the fourth prince's dissatisfied scolding.

Although they immediately bowed and apologized, they still didn't escape, and each of them was kicked by the fourth prince.

Even so, they still used their bodies to block the footsteps of the fourth prince who wanted to turn back.

His Majesty is clearly angry, if the fourth prince is allowed to break in, then the fourth prince will not be the only one who will be punished.

While they were arguing, the fourth prince's wife came over to persuade him: "Your Highness, forget it.

If you really angered His Majesty, you will be punished again.

At that time, not only will it have no effect, but it will also suffer in vain, so why bother? "

"Why bother? This time it's clearly my father's fault!"

The guards and eunuchs didn't dare to look at the fourth prince when they heard the words.

The only one who dared to say that the emperor was wronged in person was probably only the Fourth Highness.

The Fourth Prince didn't care whether these people dared to listen, he said loudly: "If it was normal, Father would be so angry that I would have been punished to kneel down long ago, but today he just kicked me out, what is wrong with him?
The imperial court couldn't beat them, so they asked my sister-in-law to get married, so that they could sit at home and live a stable life. "

The fourth prince had a look of resentment.

The wife looked like a bitter melon in front of her, and she didn't dare to answer the words, nor did she dare not persuade, so she smiled and said: "If your highness doesn't want the princess to go and get married, why don't you ask the queen mother?
Thinking about how the Queen Mother took care of Her Royal Highness, she would definitely not just sit idly by. "

"The Queen Mother..."

The fourth prince suddenly shrank his neck when he thought of the queen mother.

He didn't dare to see the Queen Mother.I don't know why, he is not even afraid of his father, but every time he is very obedient in front of the queen mother, he dare not say a word, for fear of saying a wrong word and causing the queen mother to look displeased.

In this regard, he is very envious of his imperial sister, who can act like a baby in front of the queen mother...

It is also the emperor's grandmother and aunt, why the queen mother only loves the emperor's sister and does not love him at all, sometimes it makes him feel puzzled.

Subconsciously ruled out the option of seeking the Queen Mother.The Empress Dowager must have known about such a big thing, and there was no need for him to intercede.

So, with a hard face, he turned around and walked down the white stone steps.

"Where are you going, Your Highness?"

"I'm going to find someone to settle the score!"

Because the fourth prince was walking fast, the old eunuch and others rushed to follow, and asked who the fourth prince should go to settle accounts with.

"Of course it's Jia Lian! If he didn't refuse to marry my sister, my sister would have married him by now, so there's no need to get married!
I'm going to find him right now, I'm going to ask him why my sister isn't good enough for him, and I'm going to beat him up..."

Seeing the fourth prince's plausible words, his wife Dang and the others looked strange.

It sounds like there is nothing wrong with His Highness's words.

Moreover, His Royal Highness is full of anger, and there must be a place to vent it... It seems that General Jia can only be wronged.

Just as the eunuch and others were leading their horses and preparing to escort the fourth prince out of the palace, they suddenly saw Princess Zhaoyang's sedan chair slowly approaching.

"Miss Huang!" The fourth prince hurried up to meet her.

The luxurious car curtain was lifted, and it really was Princess Zhaoyang.

She glanced at the fourth prince's person, frowned and asked, "Where are you going?"


The fourth prince stammered, trying to find a suitable reason.

Unexpectedly, Princess Zhaoyang didn't have the patience to wait for him to make up, her eyebrows sank: "I'm going to see the emperor now, you just wait here, you are not allowed to go anywhere!"

"But, Miss Huang, I..."

The Fourth Prince still wanted to say something, but Princess Zhaoyang had already put down the curtain and headed towards the South Study Room.

"Your Highness, shall we still go to Jia Lian?"

"What are you going to do? Didn't you hear Miss Huang tell me to wait here?"

Sister Huang is about to marry into a wild place where birds don't shit. At this time, don't make her angry, let her go along with her.

The fourth prince thought to himself.

Also, it's inconvenient to just go to Jia's house to find Jia Lian.It's better to ask him out alone tomorrow, and then cover his head and beat him violently, so as to relieve his anger.

(End of this chapter)

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