The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 493 The Growing Daiyu

Chapter 493 The Growing Daiyu

Gather the people left behind by the Lin family and listen to their report on Lin Ruhai's funeral during this period, and made new arrangements. It was almost noon, and Jia Lian was going back to the house to rest.

Before entering the yard, a woman came up with a girl.

For these two people, Jia Lian had a little impression that they were Daiyu's aunt and cousin.

"I have met Lord Hou..."

Seeing the charming smile on the woman's face, Jia Lian couldn't help frowning, nodded slightly and asked, "What's the matter, madam?"

"It's nothing important, I just heard that Master Hou just came back from Yangzhou on business, and now he is busy with our Lin family's affairs, so I want to thank Lord Hou for his hard work."

"Well, thank you very much."

Seeing that Jia Lian didn't intend to talk to her, and was about to leave, the woman hurriedly caught up and said, "There is one thing, Lord Hou came back from a long journey, and must have been exhausted.

The concubine heard that there was no one serving in Lord Hou's house, so she sent the little girl here so that she could take care of Lord Hou's daily life during this time. "

As she said that, the woman pulled the shy daughter beside her to the front, and said, "Jiaojiao, don't show your respects to Lord Hou."

"Jiaojiao, I met Lord Hou..."

Seeing that Jia Lian finally turned around and looked at her daughter seriously, the woman immediately said proudly: "Your Majesty, don't look at her as delicate and frail, but actually she has quick hands and feet, and she has a docile personality and is very obedient. I believe she can replace our Lin family and take good care of her." Marquis's daily life."

"Jiaojiao, don't go in with Master Hou. Don't forget what I told you. Master Hou is the great benefactor of our Lin family. You have to serve him carefully. If you dare to make your temper awkward, see if I can get around it." you……"

As if Jia Lian had agreed, the woman began to teach her daughter face to face.

Seeing this, Jia Lian shook his head and smiled.

If he remembered correctly, when he escorted the coffin of his aunt Jia Min to Suzhou, it was this Lin Jiaojiao who occupied Daiyu's room and refused to return it.

Can such a girl be called docile and obedient?
"Thank you Madam for your kindness. It's just that men and women are different. Let Jiaojiao sister come to take care of me. I'm afraid it will damage her reputation, so it's better to avoid it."

Jia Lian didn't even bother to care about these people's calculations, so he directly refused, and stepped into the yard after speaking.

The woman wanted to catch up and say something, but was stopped by Aqi and Aqin. She still didn't give up, and shouted a few words at Jia Lian's back.

Seeing Jia Lian ignoring her and walking away, the woman changed her countenance and cursed at the two maidservants who blocked her life and death and refused to let her in: "Let go of me, you two lowly maidservants dare to stop you!" Me? Do you know who I am, I am Lin Xiangjun's aunt, blind..."

The woman only thought that Aqin and Aqi were just Jia Lian's maids and slaves.He didn't dare to say anything in front of Jia Lian. He was sure that Jia Lian couldn't hear him, so he cursed whenever he wanted.

But Ah Qi and Ah Qin are good-tempered?Especially Aqi, ever since she followed Jia Lian, killing people was nothing more than normal, no matter on the battlefield or in daily affairs.

They can still maintain respect for Jia Lian's seniors or Daiyu, who obviously care about Jia Lian, but how can they allow such rude and stupid women to be presumptuous.

Seeing that Aqi pulled out half of her saber immediately, she stared at her with cold eyes.

Ah Qin also said coldly: "You try to curse again?"

The woman had never seen someone who was about to use a knife or a sword if she disagreed with her. She was so frightened that she took a few steps back, but she was supported by her daughter so that she didn't fall.

"It's reversed, you..."

The woman wanted to yell at her, but she was afraid that the other party would come up and cut her down. She was thinking about how to save face, when she saw Daiyu walking from the side corridor with two maids, her expression was not very good.

Feeling ashamed in her heart, she immediately wanted to drag her daughter away.


"Hahaha, it's Daiyu's little niece, what are you doing here at noon?"

Seeing that she was called to a stop, the woman pretended to have just seen Daiyu, and went forward with a smile.

"I asked the kitchen to cook chicken soup for Lian's second brother, and I'm going to send it to him. What are my aunt and cousin doing here?"

Seeing Daiyu's frowning and sullen face, the woman didn't know that Daiyu saw what happened just now, and her face was a little embarrassing.But then I thought about it again, isn't it unusual for a character like Jia Lian to have many women? Besides, Daiyu is not Jia Lian's wife, after all, she is just a concubine.

As long as my daughter Jiaojiao can be favored by Jia Lian, she can go to the Duke's Mansion as the third wife, and she will be on an equal footing with Daiyu, so what is there to be afraid of?

So he replied unabashedly: "Hehe, I didn't see how busy things were at home, and I was afraid that Master Hou would have no one to take care of us, so I wanted to arrange for your sister Jiaojiao to serve Master Hou. Slave, how dare you stop me from going in, it's really unreasonable.

They don't take me seriously, but they don't take you, the Lord of the Town, just in time for you to come, so hurry up and teach these two girls who don't know how to be inferior! "

The woman saw that after Daiyu appeared, the two vicious maidservants not only withdrew their swords immediately, but also saluted Daiyu respectfully, so she thought that the two were watching the dishes, so she instigated Daiyu to help her out.

Daiyu took a deep breath, took one last look at the elder, turned around and left without saying anything.

"You... oh, you are getting more and more rude!"

Zijuan didn't want to pay attention to such stupid people at first, after all, she felt that it was not worth having such an elder for her own girl.Seeing that she still dared to be dissatisfied with Daiyu, she finally couldn't help turning her head back and said: "I advise my aunt to put away those little thoughts earlier, what kind of person is Hou Ye, how could he be fooled by you?
Also, just now you asked these two sisters if they knew your identity, so do you know their identities?I might as well tell you that they are not only the personal bodyguards of Lord Hou, but also the third-class royal bodyguards, the fifth-rank official residence.My aunt is also bold enough to insult the two adults in public. The fact that my aunt committed crimes against officials is enough for the two adults to throw you into prison. When the time comes, don’t blame us for not reminding my aunt! "

"Don't scare me, how is this possible??"

Madam was taken aback, no matter what she did not believe that the two servant girls were actually officials, and they were also fifth-rank officials?
Zijuan was just angry, but she didn't care whether she believed it or not, after finishing speaking, she and Xueyan followed Daiyu's footsteps.

After examining it again and again, she felt that Zijuan might not have lied to her woman, so she finally didn't dare to do it again, snorted, and took her daughter away.



Entering the courtyard, Zijuan saw that Daiyu was not in a good mood, and she was a different person from when she just left the house, so she stepped forward and called out with some worry.

She understands why Daiyu is sad, anyone who is betrayed and hurt by someone close to her will be like this.

They had indeed seen the previous situation, and it was obvious why Mrs. Chen wanted to send her daughter to Jia Lian's room.

When Jia Lian was not around, these distant elders took great care of Daiyu. They greeted Daiyu as soon as they met, which once made Daiyu change her opinion of them.Who knew that the reason why those people were so nice to Daiyu was that they tried to get close to Jia Lian through Daiyu.

Zijuan wanted to comfort Daiyu with a few words, but when Daiyu turned around, her expression was unusually calm.

"Zijuan, you said that Lian's second brother is working outside, do you often encounter such things?"

Daiyu's voice was extraordinarily serious, full of deliberation and calmness.

Zijuan was taken aback for a moment, then nodded quickly, "Young lady is right. Second Master Lian's abilities, qualifications, and character can be seen by anyone. Otherwise, how could the old master have wronged the young lady and made the young lady What about Xu Qilian's second master?

We can see the benefits of Second Master Lian, so naturally others can also see it.Second Master Lian often works outside, I'm afraid that any woman who is a girl waiting to be married will find it difficult not to fall in love with Second Master Lian, so it is inevitable that a similar situation will happen.

So, the girl doesn't have to be angry about it at all.Just as men's families have been vying for the stunning beauty since ancient times, it is not surprising that a person like Lian Erye is favored by daughters' families in the world.

On the contrary, the girl should be happy. One is that a good man like Lian Erye, who is unique in the world, loves and loves the girl so much, which shows how precious the girl is.Second Master Er Zelian is also a clean and self-disciplined person, and the girl has also seen it. Just now Second Master Cailian directly rejected Grandma Hong's proposal. "

Zicuckoo is by nature very talkative, so in order to get rid of Daiyu's glassy heart, she said all the things in her heart at once.

"Damn it, let me ask you, who made you say so much."

Daiyu was very annoyed, one was because of Zijuan's words, and the other was that Zijuan's voice was not restrained, which easily woke up the people in the room.

Sure enough, before the two of them finished speaking, they heard Jia Lian's voice from inside the room: "Since you two are here, come in, what are you muttering outside?"

Seeing this, Zijuan sticks out her tongue slightly, while Xueyan next to her is laughing like watching a play.

Daiyu glared at the two of them, and then at the food box in Xueyan's hand, before she lifted her legs and entered the room.

This room was arranged by Daiyu herself, so she is very familiar with it.

Walking inside, he saw that Jia Lian had taken off his outer clothes and was lying on the soft couch, asking Xiangling to push his shoulders and beat his back.

For such a scene, on the boat going down to the south of the Yangtze River, Daiyu was no stranger to it.She also watched Jia Lian take off his shirt and let Xiangling step on his back with bare feet!

Xiangling is sensible, when she saw Daiyu coming in, she hammered her a few times at the end, completed a whole set of movements, then rolled down from the couch, bowed to Daiyu and stood aside.

After Jia Lian sat up, he shook his shoulders, saw Daiyu playing with the food box, and asked her, "It seems that it's not time for meal yet, why did Sister Lin bring me food?"

Daiyu blushed slightly, but said nothing.

But Zijuan smiled and said: "What we are sending here is not food... Erye must taste it, this is what our girl made for Erye herself after spending a long time digging in the kitchen.

Hee hee, to be honest, this is the first time our girl has cooked since I met her. "

Jia Lian's eyes lit up when he heard the words, "Really, then I have to try it out!"

The way the two sang together made Daiyu feel less ashamed, and slowly and gracefully served Jia Lian half a bowl, and was about to bring it to Jia Lian.

Jia Lian was afraid that she would burn her, so she jumped off the couch and walked over.

Glancing at the exquisite food urn in the food box, Jia Lian blurted out: "Chicken stewed with mushrooms?"

Daiyu and the others were all taken aback, and then Daiyu said slightly annoyed: "What chicken stewed with mushrooms, this is Suzhou cuisine, black chicken soup with fresh mushrooms, if you don't like it, I won't eat it for you."

As Daiyu said, she made a posture to close the bowl.

Jia Lian chuckled, picked it up ahead of time, took a sip with the spoon, and then praised: "Well, it's not bad, it's delicious, try this meat again, well, it's soft and tender, it's really delicious when paired with it. I didn't expect it My sister Lin still has such a good culinary skill, well, well, if one day I can't become a master in the future, with sister Lin's skills, we can open a restaurant, and the business is guaranteed to be prosperous."


Daiyu was so teased that she couldn't help laughing too.

Although she had tasted it a long time ago, she felt that the taste was really good, after all, Lin Daiyu must be good in everything, otherwise, she would not have the nerve to bring it to Jia Lian to taste.But it doesn't stop there.

Jia Lian came back today, which really made her very happy.Therefore, cooking a bowl of soup for Jia Lian herself was the way she thought of repaying Jia Lian.

Although, it is inevitable to ask the cook, Zijuan and others to help.After all, she doesn't dare to kill chickens, and she can't chop chicken nuggets, but at least she cuts the fresh mushrooms by herself, and puts all kinds of seasonings into the urn herself, which is enough for her to do it herself!

"How can I eat such a delicious thing by myself, Zijuan, don't bring me a bowl and spoon."

Seeing that Jia Lian wanted to let her eat together, Daiyu refused at first, but seeing Jia Lian eating spoonful by spoonful was very sweet, she was happy and had an appetite, so she half-pushed and half-heartedly ate half a bowl with Jia Lian.She even ate several pieces of chicken, which was very rare for her.

"Hi~ the amount is a little less, and we both don't have enough to eat. It's hard for Zijuan and the others. It's really pitiful to watch them for a long time. So, next time, sister Lin wants to cook delicious food. Remember to make more, so that They are also in my light."

Seeing Jia Lian hiccupping on purpose, Daiyu was about to say that he didn't pay attention to his appearance, but seeing Jia Lian even lifted the urn and poured the last half bowl of soup into the bowl, she couldn't help but smile happily up.

There is nothing more satisfying than being recognized by your lover for the fruits of your labor.

Hearing some problems with Jia Lian's words, he couldn't help asking: "Since you said that you want me to do more, how come you are in your favor again?"

"It's not obvious. Without me, sister Lin, would you be able to cook? So, aren't they in my favor?"

Daiyu was speechless, she was ashamed and a little happy, but said angrily: "Don't be ashamed."

Zijuan and the others nearby saw Daiyu's rosy cheeks and radiant skin, completely different from the previous days, and were very happy for her.

Sure enough, the girl would be so happy and happy only by the side of Second Master Lian.

After tidying up the bowls and spoons, they both wanted to leave with an excuse to leave space for Daiyu and the others to be alone, but someone from outside informed them that the officials in Suzhou had heard that Jia Lian was going back to Suzhou and came to see him.

"Second brother, go quickly, don't worry about me."

"By the way, I asked the kitchen to make more meals. If the second brother has no other arrangements, he will come to my courtyard at noon. Let's have lunch together."

Jia Lian, who walked to the door of the room, couldn't help turning her head to look at Daiyu one more time, and then smiled: "Okay."

That's very good. Sister Lin is not only becoming more and more sensible, but also has the attributes of a good wife, which is really rare.

Only I, Jia Daguan, are blessed to have such Lin Daiyu, hehe, how beautiful and joyful!

(End of this chapter)

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