The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 494 One Step Ahead

Jia Lian has experienced funerals countless times, even if he personally organized them several times.

So for Lin Ruhai's funeral, Jia Lian was also familiar with the process and led Daiyu to organize it.

The only thing worth mentioning is that although Daiyu doesn't like complicated and mundane affairs, she still attaches great importance to her father's funeral. In addition, Jia Lian is there to help her arrange everything carefully. road.In addition, during the period, he almost sat together with Jia Lian, so he became closer to Jia Lian.

It is also more acceptable for Jia Lian's occasional intimacy.She couldn't accept it, because after her father's coffin was buried in the ground, she couldn't help being sad. She threw herself into Jia Lian's arms and cried for a long time, which wet Jia Lian's clothes.

After Lin Ruhai's funeral was done, the rest was to deal with the Lin family's property.

It was also after carefully counting the assets of the Lin family that Jia Lian realized what Lin Ruhai had said to him before his death that he regretted being an official for half his life and that he could not be regarded as clean and honest.

If you add up all the family assets of the Lin family, including those brought to the capital by Lin Ruhai when he was an official in Beijing the year before last, the total family property of the Lin family is roughly estimated to be around 10 taels or close to a million!

Among them, although there are some accumulations of the four generations of princes of the Lin family's ancestors, according to Jia Lian, most of them should be the results of Lin Ruhai's twenty years as an official.Moreover, perhaps it was mainly concentrated in the years when Lin Ruhai was the censor of salt inspection.

Just now in Yangzhou, a large number of officials and merchants related to salt administration have been copied. Of course, Jia Lian knows that anyone who has anything to do with salt will inevitably become rich.

So Jia Lian didn't find it too strange that the Lin family had such a large amount of assets.

And Jia Lian suddenly felt that he had changed.Now when he looks at these massive family properties, he is very calm, and it is difficult to even bring up too much interest.

You know, just two or three years ago, he would be happy for a long time even if the emperor rewarded him with a thousand taels of silver.

It can only be said that the wealth of the salt merchants is really fascinating, which made him forget the concept of money, and he forgot that he and Wang Xifeng have been careful planning for so many years, but they only have a family property of 10,000+ taels!

But now, of course, it's different.

Among other things, Daiyu's dowry silver is enough for him and his wives, concubines and maidservants to live without worrying about food and drink for the rest of their lives.

Thinking of this, Jia Lian couldn't help laughing, he really made money by trying to marry Daiyu.

He was busy counting and changing the assets of the Lin family, and returned to the capital with good luck. On this day, Jia Lian received a letter from Jinling to Yangzhou, and then to Suzhou.

The letter was delivered by Jia Yucun. At first, he thought Jia Lian was in Yangzhou, but when the messenger arrived in Yangzhou, he learned that Jia Lian had come to Suzhou, so he sent it along.

The content of the letter is very simple, apart from flattering Jia Lian about the submissive things that the cunning salt merchants have cleaned up, the main thing is to apologize to Jia Lian.

After saying goodbye that day, he also mentioned the matter of the Zhen family to his wife.After hearing the words, his wife recalled the kindness that the mistress of the Zhen family, Feng Shi, had shown her in the past, and had mixed feelings. After enduring it for a while, she still couldn't bear her emotions and went to Daru Prefecture in person.

A few days ago, I wrote back that I had seen Feng Shi, and when Feng Shi heard about her daughter's whereabouts, she was so excited that she immediately decided to follow her back to Jinling City, and now the two of them are already on their way back to Jinling. …

Jia Yucun was afraid that Jia Lian would find nothing according to the address he provided, so he sent a special letter to inform and apologize.

Although Jia Yucun's letter kept saying that it was his wife who missed the old master so much that he didn't listen to his advice to go to Daruzhou, Jia Lian still felt that it was not so simple.

Jia Lian also heard that Jia Yucun is going to Beijing to wait for his post. I'm afraid this time he still wants to follow his four big families, so this is to seize the opportunity to make friends?
Jia Lian couldn't say anything about it. After all, the other party helped him find someone, and because he was afraid that he would miss out, he wrote a special letter to inform him, which was considered comprehensive.

In fact, the reason why Jia Lian only asked for the address at the beginning and refused Jia Yucun's help in finding people was because he wanted to take some time to go to Daruzhou with Daiyu and Xiangling after finishing his work.

While helping Xiangling find her mother, he also took Daiyu out to relax.

It's just that now it seems that it's really rare for him to spare too much time.The matter in Yangzhou has not been fully resolved.After dealing with it, it would be inconvenient for him to stay in the south of the Yangtze River for a long time, and he had to return to Beijing as soon as possible to return to his life.

Therefore, Jia Yucun and his wife helped him find him, and it was not a mistake in his plan. It can only be said that the plan could not keep up with the changes.

So after replying a letter to Jia Yucun, Jia Lian came to Daiyu's room in the inner courtyard.

Since Daiyu came out of her father's funeral, she spent most of her time sorting out the books her father left behind.

Lin Ruhai is a lover of books. Although he brought some of them into the capital the year before last, the books kept in this old house are still dazzling and innumerable.In this era when books are very expensive, these books alone are worth at least tens of thousands of taels of silver.

It happened that Daiyu also liked books, so Jia Lian entrusted her with organizing books.Let her tidy up the boxes and bring them all into the capital in the future.

Therefore, at this moment, Daiyu is leading Zijuan, Xueyan and Xiangling, busy in the room like a raging fire.When Jia Lian walked in, she couldn't help smiling when she saw the slight sweat on their busy little faces.

He didn't help, walked to the upper couch, leaned on the two pillows, and quietly watched the girls doing things.

Daiyu looked up at him several times, and finally finished counting, and asked the maids to carry the two boxes of books that had been sorted inside and put them away, and let them go down to rest.

"My uncle's books, have you sorted them out?"

"It's still far away. It's only half done. There are still a lot of dusty books in the study. I don't know when they will be finished..."

Daiyu walked to Jia Lian's side and replied in a delicate voice.

Seeing Jia Lian laughing while talking, she felt a little embarrassed, "Are you disliking us, saying that we can't handle a few books, unlike you, who can do so many big things outside quickly? it is good?"


Seeing how cute she looked, Jia Lian took her little hand over while laughing, wiped the fine sweat on her forehead with her sleeve, then snuggled her into her arms when she was a little shy, and said with a smile: " Nothing, we are different. You only have Zijuan and the others under your command, but I have hundreds of people at your disposal. It is easy to handle things with more people. You don’t need to worry at all, just take your time, anyway. I still have a lot of things outside to deal with, and I still have a lot of time.  …

After leaving Suzhou this time, we may not have time to come down again in the next few years, unless it is to visit the graves of my aunt and uncle.

Therefore, the things that should be done well have to be done one by one. "

When Daiyu heard this, she couldn't help being secretly moved.She knew that Jia Lian took time out of business to come back, and she still said that now, which warmed her heart, so she didn't resist Jia Lian's move of picking her up and sitting on her lap again.

After doing this kind of thing several times, she is almost used to it.

Coincidentally, she also felt that it was good to be held in Jia Lian's arms. Moreover, she and Jia Lian had already decided their names, so it wasn't too out of line, she thought it should be.

"By the way, second brother, what's the matter with you coming so late?"

Daiyu finally remembered to ask this question.

"There is indeed one thing. Didn't I tell you before that when we finish our work, we will take time to go to Daru Prefecture to help Xiangling find her mother. Now it seems that there is no need to go to Daru Prefecture. state."

"what happened?"

Jia Lian will tell Daiyu about receiving a letter from Jia Yucun, Daiyu's mentor.

Daiyu felt a little strange when she heard this, she never thought that there was such a coincidence in the world, that Mrs. Enlightenment's house-filling wife was once Xiangling's mother's maid?And from Jia Lian's tone, her mistress was one of the maids who took care of Guan Dai Xiangling back then!

She didn't care too much about this point, seeing Jia Lian talking about it with regret, Daiyu only had to think about it for a while, and she understood Jia Lian's intentions.

Helping Xiangling find her mother may be just a name.After all, Lian's second brother is so busy, for the sake of a maid's mother, why is it worth running hundreds of miles to find it himself, and sending a random team to fetch it back?

The second elder brother must have felt that his father would be in a bad mood just after he left, so he wanted to take her somewhere else to relax, just like when his mother left, he took himself to the Xuantou Panxiang Temple!
"I understand what the second brother said. Xiangling's mother has really been found, and this is the best result.

As for going to Daruzhou, I thought it was too far away, I didn't really want to go, I was very tired!Wouldn't it be nice to have the best of both worlds?

So, when things are settled on our side, let's take Xiangling to Jinling.I really don't know what Xiangling will look like if she sees her mother. "

Although Daiyu also looked forward to being taken out by Jia Lian for a tour of the mountains and rivers, she also knew that Jia Lian still had imperial servants.

She is already very happy that Jia Lian has this intention, but she doesn't necessarily want Jia Lian to take her out.In fact, what she said was not against her will. Her nature was extremely active and she wanted to be quiet.

If she is really asked to travel long distances, she will still feel tired.If it wasn't for being able to be with her sweetheart, she would never want to travel far.

Jia Lian hugged Daiyu and turned her sideways, so that her little face faced him.

Just by looking at her expression, Jia Lian knew what she was thinking. He fondled her head and frowned in displeasure. Then he put her on the couch, got up and said with a smile, "Since So, then it’s settled, we’ll go to Jinling after packing up here. It just so happens that you, a good student, haven’t seen your teacher for some years, so you should go see your teacher.”

Daiyu raised her eyebrows, sat on the couch and gave Jia Lian a noncommittal look.

Because she was so beautiful and lovely, and her casual expression was the kind of cuteness that would not pay for her life. Jia Lian, who was about to leave, couldn't help but bent down and lowered her head, as if to kiss her.

Daiyu's expression suddenly became tense, because it was hard to dodge with her legs curled up, she hurriedly closed her eyes in a panic.

After waiting for a while, the second brother's kiss that she had imagined did not come, she only felt a slight chill on her forehead, her neck shrank, and she opened her eyes, only to see Jia Lian chuckled, turned around and strode away.

Only then did Daiyu belatedly notice her beating heart, and suddenly her face turned red, she was so ashamed that she leaned over between the two pillows that Jia Lian had just leaned on, and smelled it in her nose. With Jia Lian's breath still remaining, her heart beat faster.


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