East across the courtyard, the Jia Family Zhongyi Ancestral Hall.

Since the completion of the Loyalty Shrine, this place has become a sacred place for the servants of the two prefectures. Every person called here by Jia Lian, no matter whether they have contributed to Jia's mansion or not, will spontaneously express a sense of solemnity.

Even the most careless person in the mansion on weekdays dare not stop being careless when he arrives here.

But today, most of those summoned here are elderly people from the two mansions. Many of them have even faded out of the sight of the masters of the two mansions. They rarely come here, and they can't hold back their excitement and nervousness.

Suddenly seeing the chief steward Lin Zhixiao coming in, everyone asked questions one after another.When it was heard that Jia Lian had summoned him, one of them, a bony old man in his seventies who had to stand up tremblingly with the help of his grandson, couldn't help but said:

"I haven't shown up in the mansion for more than ten years since the old man passed away. It's hard for the second master Lian to still remember my old bone. Now that the second master has martial arts and martial arts, the family will return to the way the old man was. Rong Guang, this old man is really happy for the Jia family and the second master from the bottom of his heart.

It's a pity that with my old bones, I can't help the second master. "

As he said that, the old man turned his gaze to the spiritual tablet placed high behind him.Most of the names written on it were simple or even vulgar. Chu Dazhuang, Jia San, Wang Laoyao, he basically knew the people represented by these names.

He also wanted to put his name on it, but he didn't know whether he was qualified to put it in Jia Lian's mind based on his past achievements.

People said that after Jiao Da's death, he would definitely be able to put it on, and if the old guy could get it, he would be full of air when he saw everyone, and he would not swear at people as often as before.

The old man felt regretful and anxious, but Lin Zhixiao hurriedly supported his other arm when he heard the words, and said with a smile: "Mr. Now is the opportunity to..."


Lin Zhixiao disregarded the aching hand that was grasped by the old man, and said with a bright smile: "I dare to hide it from you, junior."

Lin Zhixiao waved his hand, and facing everyone in the hall, he said loudly in a calm and slightly excited voice: "Our second master, thanks to the saint's favor, was sent to Tianjin Wei to build a seaport and supervise the construction of ships. A group of people were selected from the clan to wait for orders.

Most of you did these things in Lianghuai and other places with the dukes, so the second master ordered me to summon you here.

The second master said that this trip is all voluntary, those who are willing to go, when the second master comes over later, just sign up, and those who don't want to go, the second master will not force it. "

After Lin Zhixiao finished speaking, the venue exploded.Many people have realized that, no wonder most of the people who are here today have worked together in the past.

"Go, it's such a great opportunity to be at the beck and call of the second master, you'd be a fool not to go!"

"That is, the errand that the saint personally entrusted to the second master, can it be trivialized? Maybe after this trip, after we die, we can also sit on it.

"I'm going too!!"

The old man reacted a little slower just now, seeing that everyone in the field expressed their intention to go, his face flushed red with anxiety, he stomped his feet and shouted.

Everyone booed: "Uncle Zhao, don't rob us of your old bones, you should give the juniors a chance."

"Fuck you, although the old man is seventy, he can still eat three catties of rice and five catties of meat every meal... Let's not care about those nonsense, let's just say that in terms of attainments in building seagoing ships, who among you can do that?" If he is better than the old man, the old man will give him this opportunity!"

Everyone was speechless, they all shook their heads and said with a smile: "Be careful, your old man and his family have not yet arrived in Tianjin Wei, so they went to sit on the top first."

Old man Zhao was quite happy with everyone's words. It seems that many people still think that his spirit card can also go up. It is simply a ranking of positions based on merit.

Therefore, not only should he go up, but he should also go a little ahead.He felt that it was an opportunity deliberately given by God to encounter this incident before he was buried in the earth, so even if he risked his life, he had to seize it.

Just as he was arguing with everyone, he heard rumors that Jia Lian had arrived. No matter how courteous the younger generation was, the old man Zhao rushed to Jia Lian at a brisk pace, bowed his head and said, "Old slave Zhao, Zhao..."

Maybe it's because I'm old, or maybe it's because I'm too excited, and I can't even give my name smoothly.Fortunately, the second master really treated his servants as leniently as the rumors said, not only was he not angry when he saw him so, he bent down and helped him up with one hand, and said with a smile: "Zhao Xiuyuan, right?"

"Exactly, it's the old slave..."

The old man Zhao became more and more excited, and finally let go of his breath, he couldn't help but choked up and said: "I didn't expect that the second master can still remember the humble name of the old slave."

"I have said long ago that I, Jia Lian, will remember all those who have made meritorious service for my Jia Mansion. Not only must they be remembered, but in the future, they will be engraved in my Jia Mansion's Loyalty Shrine for future generations to pay homage to. .

Besides, you are not a cheap name. I heard people say that the word "xiuyuan" came from the mouth of the old man, right? "

"Yes, yes, poor name... No, the old slave's name was given by the Duke of the country back then. The old slave was confused and offended the Duke of the country. Please punish the second master!"

Zhao Xiuyuan was so ashamed and regretful that he wanted to kneel down and plead guilty.Jia Lian gave Lin Zhixiao and his grandson a look, causing them to hug him, then passed him, slowly came to the top of the ancestral hall, and turned to face the crowd: "Steward Lin should have told you all about it, I will only say a little bit." , it will take a long time to go to Tianjin Wei, and everything will be kept simple. If you want to go, after the meeting is over, you can ask Butler Lin to sign up.

Now, you will first report to me the positions, experiences, and major achievements in the account of the old man.Don't hide it, and don't make it up. Offenders will be punished heavily. "



Preparatory work is always tedious and energy-consuming.

After receiving the servants, Jia Lian still couldn't get a rest, but went back to his study.

"Master Hou."

Hu Yuanyao, who was dressed in a court dress and was slightly different from the women in Jia's mansion, came over holding a stack of files.

"My lord, the servants have roughly selected the documents sent before. These are the first things that the lord should know, including the size of the Tianjin Wei Navy's establishment, its establishment, and the names and resumes of its officials. wait."

"Well, put it here."

At noon, Jia Lian went to the Ministry of War and transferred a piece of information about the Tianjin Wei Navy from his second uncle. Unexpectedly, the Ministry of War sent it to him in the afternoon.

Randomly picked up a copy to observe, and noticed that the bare hands on the shoulders were soft, Jia Lian didn't care, but quietly changed to a more stressed posture.

Although the scale of the Tianjin Wei Navy is not large, there are dozens of officials in the upper and lower levels. It is quite boring to read the resumes of these people.

Perhaps seeing Jia Lian's distress, the beauty behind him suddenly said: "Don't dare to lie to Lord Hou, this file has been read by this servant before, if Master Hou trusts you, let this servant tell you. Lord Hou just happened to be recuperating..."

Hearing this, Jia Lian immediately became more energetic and looked back at the beauty.However, the beauty looked a little uneasy.

"Okay." Jia Lian smiled slightly, took the beauty's plain hand behind her back, pulled her to the desk with her doubtful but extremely obedient attitude, then lightly wrapped her around her waist and sat in her arms.

Hu Yuanyao's spirit tensed up.As the maid given to Jia Lian by Princess Zhaoyang, she has long been prepared to become Jia Lian's woman.

However, Jia Lian didn't know whether it was because he looked down on her appearance or because he had a grudge against her identity, and he never accepted her, even under the hint of Princess Zhaoyang.

Unexpectedly, today he actually made such an intimate move towards her.

Looking back at Jia Lian, she found that Jia Lian was really leaning on the grand teacher's chair, closing her eyes and falling asleep.Even with a slightly tired face, it still looks so heroic, full of breathtaking magic power.

Feeling her soft body being held tightly in his arms, Hu Yuanyao felt boundless joy in her heart, knowing that her silent flattery had finally paid off, so she suppressed her excitement and joy and spent herself After several hours of summarizing the information, he whispered in Jia Lian's ear.


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