Chapter 602

The beauty's voice was pleasant and her body was soft, which made Jia Lian feel happy both physically and mentally. Before he knew it, he was really sleepy and fell into a light sleep.

In a trance, he finally developed a firearm that was ahead of the world, and his navy also developed very powerfully in his hands, so the Tatars on land became vassals, the countries on the sea surrendered, and he himself ascended to the top of the blue sky.

However, conspiracy and assassination also came from this. In the light of the sword and the shadow of the sword, blood stained the palace wall, and countless familiar faces slowly fell into the blood like phantoms, and the boundless heaviness woke him up.

Opening her eyes slightly, in front of her was a very clear and extravagant side profile of a beauty. She frowned, with a worried look on her face, but she seemed a little more pathetic than usual, making her even more touching.

Jia Lian likes to see beauties. Seeing this scene, he appreciates it silently.Unexpectedly, the beauty soon discovered his peeping, and took his staring as dissatisfaction with her. Jia Lian felt her body tense up, and hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, please forgive me, this servant just saw the sweat on the forehead of His Majesty. Master Hou wiped, I didn't mean to disturb Master Hou..."

When Jia Lian heard this, she shifted her gaze to her left hand. Sure enough, in that plain hand with long jade fingers, she was clutching an embroidered handkerchief, which was emerald green.

Jia Lian felt that this color was very familiar. After thinking about it, it seemed that many young girls liked to use this color material for their personal items.His cute Xiangling is one of them, and in his memory, it seems that he has never seen her wearing a bellyband of other colors.

Jia Lian's thoughts turned away, and the brows that had been fixed all the time loosened, and his expression returned to tranquility, which made the tension of the beauty in his arms lessened.She hesitated for a moment, put her plain hand on Jia Lian's heart, and asked softly, "Master Hou just dreamed of something bad. This slave girl sees Master Hou's expression is very bad, and she is very worried."

Jia Lian paused for a moment, then nodded calmly.

Hu Yuanyao was a little worried, and said in a puzzled way: "Do people like Master Hou also have nightmares?"

As he spoke, he glanced at Jia Lian, lowered his body a little more, and said softly, "I've heard people say that if a person has a nightmare, he should tell it to another person, and then he won't do it again. It's a nightmare... If Master Hou doesn't dislike it, you can talk to your slaves about it."

Seeing Hu Yuanyao's serious appearance, Jia Lian laughed, "It's not you, girl, whose body is so heavy that I can't breathe. It's no wonder that you don't have nightmares."


Hu Yuanyao opened her mouth wide in shock, and hastily stood up, about to get off Jia Lian.

Jia Lian hugged her waist ahead of time, and took the opportunity to touch the inside of the beauty's clothes with one hand.Originally, he just wanted to simply test whether this beauty was wearing a bellyband or a tube top, and if possible, to see what color it was.

Just seeing the landless face on the beauty's face, it seems that he didn't notice his thieves at all, so he couldn't help but push forward.

Hu Yuanyao wanted to leave but couldn't, so she could only say embarrassingly: "If Lord Hou despises the servant girl for getting fat, the servant girl will only eat one meal a day from now on, and each meal will only eat a little..."

Hearing this, Jia Lian couldn't help laughing, worried that the beauty would really go on a hunger strike to lose weight, he quickly said: "Okay, I'm just joking with you. If you can be considered fat, there will be no fat people in the world, so take... "

A smirk flashed across Jia Lian's face, "Just take this as an example, I used to think that you are much 'thinner' than others, but I tried it today, and you are indeed easy to hold."

As he said that, Jia Lian deliberately grabbed the beauty in the arms, and Hu Yuanyao groaned, and fell limp in Jia Lian's arms.When she raised her head again, what she greeted Jia Lian was a charming face and affectionate eyes.She leaned close to Jia Lian's ear and breathed like blue: "The concubine has already felt the heat of the lord. If the Marquis needs it, the concubine will be willing to die under the Marquis..."

Jia Lian's spirit was shaken again when he heard the words. Seeing the beauty turned her hands behind her hips, she wanted to test him deeply. Just as Jia Lian was about to make a move, she heard sister Aqi's voice from outside the study.

"See Madam!"

"Well, your Lord Marquis is inside?"


Hearing the commotion outside, there was no need for Jia Lian to say anything, Hu Yuanyao turned over and stood up from Jia Lian, arranged the lapels of her body a few times, and pulled Jia Lian's robe along the way, and then stood aside.

As a result, when Wang Xifeng brought Ping'er and Xiangling into the door, what he saw was the quiet picture of Jia Lian writing in front of the first case, and the beauty in the corner of the case studying ink.

Hu Yuanyao seemed to have discovered Sister Feng just now, and quickly stepped forward to give Sister Feng a full salute.

Sister Feng frowned and glanced at her. Hu Yuanyao stepped back knowingly, covering the door and leaving.

From the beginning to the end, Jia Lian only looked up at Sister Feng when she entered the door, which made Sister Feng snort, and asked Xiangling and Xiangling to open the food box. She took a bowl of soup from it and delivered it steadily. Beside Jia Lian, she said with a smile: "I was worried that the second master would be hungry, so I brought food to the second master. Who knew that I was too worried. Our second master is accompanied by a beautiful woman. In the words of the second master, it is called' It's delicious, the second master must have eaten enough, why should I worry about it."

Jia Lian took the soup bowl from her hand, "If you bring me something to eat, I will appreciate it. If you want to vomit on me, go back as soon as possible, I still have things to do."

As he said that, Jia Lian began to taste the delicious wild ginseng and black chicken soup in his hand, and he happened to be a little hungry.

Sister Feng was just suspicious at first. When Jia Lian was receiving the soup, she took advantage of the opportunity to sniff Jia Lian carefully, and then she took a hold of her expression and smiled at Jia Lian from the side table: "Second master still doesn't want to admit it. It's not gone yet."

She was sitting on the table, her position was higher than Jia Lian's, and with her expression, she looked quite condescending.

Jia Lian didn't rush to pay attention to her. After eating two more mouthfuls of soup and two mouthfuls of meat, he put the bowl aside, took the handkerchief from Ping'er, wiped his mouth, and then waved to Sister Feng in front of him.


Although Sister Feng could see Jia Lian's malicious intentions, she still approached him righteously.She wasn't making trouble for no reason, so she wasn't afraid of Jia Lian hitting her. If Jia Lian was wronged first and did something to her, she felt relieved.

But it is obvious that every time she is determined and sure of winning, she is somewhat untenable in front of Jia Lian.As soon as her buttocks moved, Jia Lian hugged her body and laid it across her lap, giving her two slaps.


Sister Feng was in a hurry and scolded: "You have done something wrong yourself, and you still don't want people to say a word about you? How can there be such a reason in the world, let me go."

Obviously, in this situation, Sister Feng has no intention of resigning herself to it, and twists and turns on Jia Lian, obviously wanting to show Jia Lian some color.

Although Ping'er and Xiangling next to him were worried that Jia Lian would be scratched, they also felt that what Sister Feng said was reasonable.In this case, the second master still beat the second mistress. Some of them are unreasonable, so it is difficult to persuade them.

But their worries were superfluous. If Sister Feng broke out again, she would be easily taken down in the face of Jia Lian's absolute strength.

I saw that Sister Feng's hands were caught by Jia Lian's backhand, and her body was raised high. Although her beautiful face was flushed from struggling and soaked in sweat, she was still full of refusal to admit defeat.

Ping'er hurriedly stepped forward to support her, and advised Jia Lian: "Second Master, be gentle, it really hurts Second Mistress if you are careful."

Wang Xifeng struggled left and right, angry and wronged in her heart, Ping'er stepped forward, and happened to be her punching bag.

"Hey, you don't pretend to be a good person, you little hoof. You are a nest of snakes and rats, are you willing to be sincere for me? You are afraid that I will be folded in her hands, and then this house will be yours!"

Even though he knew it was an angry word, it was very distressing to say it, so Ping'er had no choice but to back down sadly.

Jia Lian was really annoyed at this moment, he grabbed the ungrateful woman with one hand, freed up one hand, pointed at her upright, slapped her elastic buttocks a few more times, and then slapped her He scolded in his ear: "You wicked woman who doesn't understand anything, what do you know? You only think that I stay here for a long time to steal incense and jade? Huh, to tell you the truth, with my current ability, as long as I I am willing, I can bring the beauties in this world into my house in groups to enjoy. At that time, you may not be able to do anything to me! So, don't be jealous in front of me, what do you really want? , I will tell you clearly, why hide it and let you catch me?"

Sister Feng obviously didn't accept Jia Lian's words enough, she still held her head up and said, "Then what's the matter with the fragrance on your body, how dare you say it's not hers?"

"It's her fault."

At this moment, Sister Feng and the two maidservants beside her were stunned.Seeing Second Mistress kneeling on his lap tied backwards by Second Master, they all felt sympathy for what happened to Second Mistress.

But Jia Lian leaned over to Sister Feng's ear and whispered, "Do you know who she is?"

Sister Feng curled her lips and said: "Isn't it a woman that the eldest princess gave you... Why, I can't compare with the princess, even a maidservant beside her is nobler than me, it's a sin for me to even ask you Hit me?"

As he said that, he looked very aggrieved.

Seeing this, Jia Lian couldn't help but tie her up and let her go.She was not struggling either, but lay on Jia Lian's chest and hit Jia Lian twice.

Jia Lian hugged her and said with a smile, "I'm promoted."

"I's because of this that they finally settled your godmother and her maidservants, and ordered the kitchen to feed you nourishing chicken soup, and happily came over to congratulate you. Kiss me with the beauties here, they just tease you, if you don't beat people..."

"Added two."


She was still babbling, but she looked like a sister Feng who I am not easy to coax today, suddenly raised her tearful eyes, and looked at Jia Lian in a daze.

It was already late when Jia Lian summoned the old slave who built the ship, and Sister Feng was busy working behind the scenes. She didn't know it yet, but she thought that Jia Lian's promotion to a third-rank official seemed to be related to the guns and cannons he said before.The rest she doesn't know.

"Two, which two?"

Jia Lian said: "Your Majesty heard that our ancestors built sea boats and repaired seawalls by order. It happened that the court needed to develop a new navy, so he ordered me to go to Tianjinwei to build a new seaport and supervise the construction of new warships."

"So, you're going to Tianjin Wei!?"

Sister Feng looked very anxious.Jia Lian finally stayed at home for half a year, why did he leave Beijing again?

"Is there no one in this court? Why does the emperor ask you to do everything, and those ministers who build ships are not allowed to go, so you must go..."

"Ha ha."

Jia Lian put her arms around Sister Feng's fragrant shoulders, "Look at you, Tianjin Wei is not far away. I rode back in half a day. If you miss me, it's only a two-day journey by car. What I want to say is another , regarding the Holy Majesty's appointment of me as the commander of the Firearms Battalion..."

When Sister Feng heard Jia Lian say that he could come back in half a day, she finally felt less anxious, and then realized that her man was about to take off.

At first, she thought that he had won a commanding officer, so she was very happy. After all, from now on, she will not only be Mrs. Hou, but also a veritable wife of a general!That's why she came to see Jia Lian at such a late night, she didn't like coming here very much.

How do you know that adding a commander is not enough, there is another one?Not to mention anything else, just this kind of honor and favor, she, a woman of the generation, can also see it.

"What kind of official are you going to Tianjin Wei? Sending imperial envoys abroad? Then what about your newly acquired command post? I heard that this is still a new government office, and it hasn't been established yet?"

"It's not difficult to form. Your Majesty asked me to randomly select elites from the major battalions of the Imperial Army. The key point is, do you know that this newly established Firearms Battalion is not only under the jurisdiction of the Imperial Army, but also stationed in the imperial city..."


Sister Feng is suspicious on the surface, but in fact she is not very clear about the relationship.For her, being stationed inside and outside the imperial city is not the same, isn't it just a few more steps to work?
Jia Lian took a serious look at him, and knew that she was not pretending. When it comes to political vision, Princess Cha Zhaoyang is really not a star.

So I didn't intend to discuss with her deeply, and just said: "I am now in the rank of the third rank, and I can be regarded as entering the high-level in the country. I also control the military power in the center, and the position is the most important. Once..."

Jia Lian lowered his voice: "Under such circumstances, if there is any change in the palace, I will definitely be involved in it. Do you know the danger?"

Just because Sister Feng is not sensitive to politics doesn't mean she is stupid.Hearing what Jia Lian said, she quickly realized what Jia Lian meant.Since ancient times, it is not new for the royal family to scramble for power, engage in coups, kill me and kill you. Once Jia Lian is involved, then...

Thinking of the danger, Sister Feng hurriedly said: "In this case, you can report to the emperor and station the yamen outside the imperial city. Anyway, the emperor trusts and likes you so much. Or, don't want this official at all. Anyway, you have many official positions. Don't care about such one or two..."

If other women hear Sister Feng's words, they don't know whether to make fun of her or envy her.I have only heard of those who persuade their husbands and sons-in-law to make progress, but why have they ever heard of those who persuaded their husbands and sons-in-law to lose their official positions?

Jia Lian also said with a smile: "If you become an emperor and serve as an official for me, you can't do business. Do what you want, and don't do it if you don't want to? You don't have to worry too much. Now that the court is stable, it is not easy for any major incidents to happen. I just It's just a rainy day.

Hu Yuanyao's father is the guard of the west gate of the imperial city. Although he is only a deputy now, as long as I want to, I can make him a regular at any time. Do you know the meaning of it? "

"what do you mean……"

Sister Feng's eyes lit up, "You want to form a clique for personal gain?"

Ping'er saw that what the master and son were talking about was getting more and more secretive, so he waved to Xiangling and retreated to the door.

"Forming a party for personal gain? You really know how to make a crime for your man.

But it is to leave a way out for myself and find a convenient way.From now on, I will be in charge of the Western Army Ma Si and the Firearms Battalion, and I will definitely enter and leave the imperial city at any time, regardless of other things, only for safety, the guard of the west gate of the imperial city is naturally the best of my own.This is a simple truth, don't I need to remind you again? "

Sister Feng nodded quickly, turned her eyes, and then said: "That is to say, you want to use Hu Yuanyao's father, so you decided to accept her? And the reason why the princess gave her to you back then was not, Did you expect today?"

Sister Feng felt that she seemed to be enlightened too.

Seeing her like this, Jia Lian finally patted her on the head like an old father, and Sister Feng also lay down in Jia Lian's arms, her eyes rolled around, sometimes shrewd, sometimes jealous, and finally turned into gentle calm.

In fact, she has long understood that the eldest princess of the royal family must have helped Jia Lian more than she, or even the entire royal family, has helped Jia Lian.

It's just that she is somewhat unwilling in her heart.Forget it, as long as the princess is really able to help her man sincerely, not only will she not target her anymore, but she will try to curry favor with her so that she won't change her mind about her man...

(End of this chapter)

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