Chapter 606
The Xiaoxiang Pavilion has always been deserted, and the maids at the gate of the courtyard are also listless.

Suddenly a woman in black clothes came slowly and lightly from the stone path sandwiched with green bamboos.

The appearance is as fairy-like as snow, and the figure is tall and graceful, making the servant girl feel jealous and ashamed when she sees her, but also feel lucky and regretful.Because she didn't know if she was just passing by, the servant girl didn't say hello, but quietly straightened her body, so as not to lose the dignity of the servants of the Duke's mansion.

The woman circled around for a while, and finally stopped, stepped forward and clasped her hands together to salute, then asked softly, "Are you girls there?"

The maid hurriedly returned the plausible Buddhist ceremony, and quickly replied: "Second Mistress served Second Master a celebration wine. Our girl and Miss Zhen have both gone to drink. I don't know when we will come back. You want to find our girl, come back later. .”

In the Grand View Garden, everyone knew and talked about Miaoyu.Not only because she has the appearance of a stunning woman as a Buddhist nun, but also because although she is young, she is a person who is respected by the princes of the mansion.

Therefore, although everyone was amazed by her eccentricity, no one dared to offend her.

As soon as Miaoyu heard that Daiyu was not there, she stopped talking. After a salute, she turned around and walked out of the boundary of Xiaoxiang Pavilion along the narrow path she had come from.

He randomly chose a road that was not going back to Changcui Nunnery, walked aimlessly, wandered, walked for some distance, and suddenly heard the sound of silk zither in his ears.

The sound of the piano is faint, deserted and yet sad, which makes Miaoyu affirmed.When I looked up, I found that Lixiangyuan was not far in front of me.

Without any hesitation, she went straight into it.

Lixiangyuan was always noisy, but when she stood out from the crowd and appeared in the courtyard of Lixiangyuan, those little actors who practiced their skills all looked at her in unison.

Miaoyu doesn't like noise, and she doesn't like little actors.And the little actors seemed to know this too, so they only glanced at her curiously, then ignored her, and continued to do their own things one by one.

Following the sound of the piano, she went to the side courtyard alone. Sure enough, in the pavilion in the corner of the side courtyard, Miaoyu found the owner of the sound of the piano—a famous prostitute who was brought back from the south of the Yangtze River.

Miaoyu called herself an elegant person, so she didn't appear at random to disturb her master and fiddle with Songfeng, but stood behind a pot of crabapple and listened quietly.

The sound of the piano is clear without any noise, and the melody is also very unique. Miaoyu searched for the memory in her mind, but couldn't find a suitable song.

Miaoyu is conceited, she believes that she has studied all the famous songs in this world, and there is no reason why she should not know them face to face.And being able to play non-handed down repertoires until she didn't even realize it stopped, it shows that her attainments in the piano way are not just praised by the world.

After one piece, the owner of the pavilion did not play the next piece, but sat quietly in front of the guqin.The cold wind passing through the pavilion blew a few strands of her long hair, but it couldn't blow away, that lonely and desolate figure.

Miaoyu frowned slightly, casually let go, and walked out from behind Haitang.

"What's the name of this song?"

A short silence, "named "Guanghan Gongqu""

"Who did it and when?"

"This song was composed by accident when I was watching the Cang Yue at night in Zhongwu Mountain in the suburbs of Suzhou."

"Are you from Suzhou too?"

"No, I went to Suzhou to study art at that time."

This time, it was Miaoyu who fell silent.Having already entered the gazebo, she took a serious look at the famous Jiangnan prostitute in front of her for the first time.

Then, she had to admit that the woman in front of her with an identity that everyone in the world would hate, including her, actually possessed the moon and beauty of the world's most beautiful woman.

It was the first time that she intuitively felt that there really was a woman of the same age who surpassed her in appearance.The most important thing is that this woman looks so similar to her!She often felt sorry for herself in the mirror, and when she looked carefully at the woman in front of her, it was easy to find that she was not simply similar to herself in facial features, but also a coincidence that she belonged to the same stunning beauty and had the same demeanor and temperament.

Miaoyu was a little dazed.It's not about why the other party is so similar to her, but if she also generously puts on the other party's beautiful and well-fitting boudoir girl's clothes, and puts on the steps, whether the beauty at that time can overwhelm the other party, and also Or even?
When Miaoyu looked at Gu Qingyi in a daze, Gu Qingyi naturally looked at Miaoyu all over.

But she didn't express anything, even her expression didn't change much, she just stretched out her hand to Miaoyu to signal to sit next to her, and then began to fiddle with the tea set next to her.

Miaoyu glanced at her tea set, and suddenly said: "He...they treat you very well, right? Your tea set should be made in Suzhou, but I have lived in Suzhou for many years, but I have never seen it. However, I think it should be specially made and cannot be bought in the market.”

Gu Qingyi lowered his brows slightly, and offered Miao Yu the teacup in his hand, and then replied: "These things are not rewards from the mansion. They gave it to me when I fell to the south of the Yangtze River, and they said it was from a hundred-year-old tea set The hands of the family, the only one in the world.

I don't know if what they said is true or not, but I have been used to it over the years, and when I came to Beijing, I just brought it with me. "

Miaoyu listened to her soft voice, with a hint of self-deprecation, and suddenly understood in her heart that the woman in front of her, like her, was also a person who could not help herself, so she suddenly asked: "You too... are you a prisoner? "

Although Miaoyu has been staying in the nunnery since she was a child, it was only in name.In fact, she lived a more noble life than most of the ladies in the world.Even the nunnery where she lives is nothing more than a different kind of spring girl's house built for her by her father.

Therefore, like other ladies from aristocratic families, she is not deeply involved in the world.She thought, even if the woman in front of her was reduced to prostitution, she probably did not do it voluntarily. Maybe, like her, she was the descendant of a down-and-out official.

Gu Qingyi looked up at her, as if he could read her mind.However, she just shook her head without going into details.

Miaoyu realized it was presumptuous, and the two looked at each other speechlessly, and fell silent.

Miaoyu sipped the tea full of thoughts, while Gu Qingyi slowly brewed new tea.After brewing another cup, Gu Qingyi said: "I used to be here when the night was quiet, and I heard the melodious sound of the piano on the Southwest Mountain, so I guessed in my heart that it must be you.

Today we met each other by fate, I don't know if Tsing Yi is lucky enough to ask my sister face to face. "

Miaoyu was taken aback by Gu Qingyi's words.Although she had known about Gu Qingyi's existence for a long time, and had heard some people talking about how similar this girl was to her, she was like a sister, but she had a grudge against Gu Qingyi's identity, and she didn't know it.

Judging from Gu Qingyi's tone at this time, it seems that he knows her quite well.

A little ashamed in her heart, Miaoyu didn't want to fall in front of her again, so she said: "Just now I heard my sister's fairy voice, so I dare not ask for advice. But I do study music scores in my spare time, and I am also good at playing the piano, but I just have attainments. It's hard to compare with my sister.

If my sister doesn't mind it, I would also like to play a song for her, and ask her to give me advice. "

If there are people familiar with Miaoyu here, they will be very surprised.Miaoyu is a self-confident person, never seen her talking to people so politely, let alone addressing people one by one!

Don't mention foreign words.Miaoyu stood up and quickly changed places with Gu Qingyi.

It's just that Fang's eyes fell on the guqin in front of him, and Miaoyu saw how extraordinary it was.Touching it lightly with her fingers, Miaoyu couldn't help asking: "Sister, is this the piano?"

Gu Qingyi said with a smile: "Since I got this piano, my sister is the second person to touch its strings."

Miaoyu suddenly felt that the strings at her fingertips were getting thicker.Taking a deep breath, he quietly played his favorite and best song.

Accompanied by the light and agile piano sound, two stunning women with similar temperaments and the same ups and downs, just like this, make friends through the piano sound.Even the cold wind outside the pavilion became weak at this time, and was completely isolated from this elegant room.

In the end, some ordinary people couldn't see other people's elegant deeds, so a maid broke in from the sound of the piano.

"Girl, just now someone came to spread the word that Mrs. Hou Ye invited four girls to the mansion to perform with all the wives and young ladies."

The sound of the piano stopped abruptly, Miaoyu frowned deeply, and her face was full of displeasure.Gu Qingyi's expression was normal, and he didn't turn his head, and his pleasant voice had already spread out of the pavilion.

"I see. You tell them, I'll be out in a moment."

Miaoyu said: "Didn't you say that the Marquis of Zhenyuan invited you into the mansion to be the teachers of the little actors? Why do they still let you perform?"

"Anyway, it's idle. Besides, Madam asked us to perform in the past. There will be rewards every time. Why not do it."

Miaoyu didn't realize the difference between Gu Qingyi calling Sister Feng "Mrs.", instead of calling her "Mrs. Hou" or "Mrs. Zhenyuanhou".

She was just a little angry, "With my sister's personality, would she care about their little rewards?"

Gu Qingyi didn't refute her misunderstanding, and said with a smile: "I originally thought about having a chat with my sister about the piano today, but now it seems that we have to meet next time."

Seeing that Gu Qingyi started to tidy up the things here, Miaoyu could only silently step aside, but she didn't intend to help at all. After standing aside for a while, she suddenly asked: "Did she bully you?"


"Madam Zhenyuanhou!"

Seeing Miaoyu's concerned expression, Gu Qingyi gritted his teeth a little bit, and suddenly smiled in his heart: It turns out that she is not that ignorant of world affairs.

Gu Qingyi didn't think much about it, only thought that Miaoyu was concerned about her situation, so she said: "Madam, why did she bully me? Not only did she not bully me, but she never bullied anyone else. Although Madam invited us to perform in the mansion, she also But in our spare time, let us go and accompany her to relieve boredom.

Even when she was performing, she was very kind to us and never meant to humiliate her. We are very grateful to her in our hearts. "

Miao Yu said: "Don't be fooled by her. People in their own house say that she is a powerful person. Especially those who offend her, most of them will not end well."

"She is my wife, we dare not offend her, and we can't offend her, so naturally we don't have to be afraid."

"I'm afraid you've already offended her."

As Miaoyu spoke, her face blushed inexplicably, and she stopped in the middle of her words.

Gu Qingyi didn't seem to understand what she meant, stared at Miaoyu, and suddenly said: "I heard people say that my sister is eighteen years old. I am one year younger than my sister. If my sister doesn't dislike her, from now on, I'm called my sister, so my sister can call me Tsing Yi."

After speaking, regardless of how Miaoyu responded, she bowed and left the pavilion with Wanyue in her arms.

(End of this chapter)

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