The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 607 Miao Yu's Promise

Miaoyu left Lixiangyuan silently, with a heavier heart than when she came.

She is not stupid, so she naturally knows that with a woman like Gu Qingyi, probably any man in the world who sees her will want to take her into the back house, let alone Jia Lian.

That man is good at everything, but he has some hooligan habits, and he is very good at coaxing people, even she has been tricked, let alone those stupid women.

There is a lot of resentment accumulated in my heart, even the weeds on the roadside look very unpleasant.If you want to stomp them hard a few times, but you are afraid that people will see this kind of behavior that does not conform to the norms of monks, you can only bear it.

Along the mountain road along Daguanyuan East Road, I wandered back to Changcui Temple, ignoring anyone, and walked to the boudoir.

In Chasui-an, she has two main resting places.One is the meditation room on the outside, which is decorated for others to see.

The other is in the deep part of the Buddhist temple, which is the same room as her boudoir in Panxiang Temple, and it is also her main resting place.

"Where did the girl go, and why did she come back?"

Zhi'er came out of the room, his eyes lit up when he saw her, and he hurried forward to ask.

Miaoyu treated her indifferently, and also didn't want to talk to her, so she ordered: "Go and boil a pot of water and bring it here. Don't use the water in the tank, but fresh water from the well."

As she said that, Miaoyu couldn't help thinking that when she was in Panxiang Temple in Xuantou, the water she used to make tea was at least the mountain spring water brought by servants.The man said that he had sent someone to fetch springs outside the city for her, but she refused because she was afraid of being known and suspected.

Unexpectedly, she went down after the order, and Zhi'er, who has always been obedient to her, didn't respond. He just looked at her mysteriously, and then leaned over to her and said softly: "Young lady, let's think about it later." , there are people waiting for the girl inside, and the girl hasn't gone in to take a look..."

Miaoyu's spirit was shaken, and she tried not to show any expression, took a look at Zhizhi'er, and walked into the house.

Glancing at the sitting meditation room, seeing no one there, he walked along the corridor to the boudoir.

Outside the door, she stood for a while, and waited for three points of resentment and seven points of dissatisfaction to appear on her cold face, before she raised her leg and stepped into the door.

Sure enough, a familiar and hateful man was leaning on her bedside, looking at her with a relaxed look.

She didn't speak, just glanced at him, walked silently to her makeup mirror, and started to touch up her makeup.

Although he ignored it on the surface, he looked through the mirror from time to time to observe the movements of the people on the couch.

I saw that she did turn around, staring at her back with an expression of appreciation.Seeing that she hadn't moved for a long time, Xu Shi finally asked, "I'm a living person sitting here, can you not see me?"

"Little girl, where are you getting angry and making temper with me?"

"Okay. I've been busy outside for a long time, and I finally returned home. I didn't even return home, so I ran to you at the first time. Who knows, I waited for a long time, but people didn't welcome me, so I'll go alright."

Seeing Jia Lian getting up to leave, Miaoyu's expression finally changed, she turned her head and said bitterly: "You go, don't come back after you go!"

Although, when people spoke, there were tears in their eyes.

Although, Jia Lian himself felt that he shouldn't laugh.

But he still couldn't hold back.He thought, why is this sentence so familiar?

Sure enough, Miaoyu's temperament is comparable to that of Daiyu's, even when she utters harsh words, she is exactly the same.

So he turned back, touched the beauty's stubborn head, and asked with a smile: "Because I didn't come to see you yesterday, are you angry? That's not the case. I didn't come to see you for a long time before, and I didn't see you again." Are you so?"

"You have the nerve to say it, and you have the nerve to laugh."

Miaoyu was really angry, she stood up, went to the bed and sat down angrily.

Jia Lian followed and sat down, and she turned to look to the other side.

When Jia Lian saw this, he could only sigh with emotion. Fortunately, these girls who wanted to be coaxed by himself were all beautiful and beautiful, and even when they looked angry, they had a special interest.Otherwise, Jia Lian felt that it would be better for him to provoke less in the future, and it would be quite laborious to coax him.

"Really angry?"

"How dare I. I am a lonely and helpless woman, how dare I be angry with Lord Hou. Now that Lord Hou is promoted step by step, his vision is getting higher and higher. How can he still see a down-and-out commoner girl like me in his eyes!"

Looking at the angry young girl in front of him, it was really difficult for Jia Lian to connect her with the "Miaoyu" in his mind, and even the one he saw when he was in Suzhou was very different.

No wonder it is said that love makes women stupid.Even if that Miaoyu was lonely in the past, at least she would always have a stinking face, how could she say such disgraceful words.

"Is it really because I didn't go to see you yesterday? Yesterday I was busy very late, and I wanted to go to see you, but I didn't come because I was afraid that you would be asleep. No, I will come as soon as I have time today." ? Let me tell you, I, Jia Lian, don't care about my own wife, so don't..."

Jia Lian chuckled, thinking that he was the reason for Miaoyu's anger, so he felt sure.I'm also glad that I'm here today, otherwise if this little girl is allowed to ferment, I'm not sure what will happen next time I come here.

"Busy? Master Hou is indeed very busy. He was so busy that it was almost the second watch, before he had time to go into the garden to see what cousin, and what kind of righteous sister..."

Miaoyu turned her white face away from Jia Lian's eyes, and became more and more annoyed.

It turned out that she was also happy for Jia Lian when she heard that Jia Lian was promoted yesterday.Among other things, the stronger Jia Lian is, the more reliable it will be for their relationship.

Therefore, she was really happy with Jia Lian's smooth career.This is also the reason why in the past, even if Jia Lian hadn't had time to visit her for a long time, as long as she knew that Jia Lian was doing business outside, she could figure it out.

But yesterday she waited for half a day in vain and was bored at night, so she was going to visit Daiyu.Because she heard from the maids that a lady from a relative's family came to Jia's house, let alone how decent and noble, coincidentally, she was very similar to Daiyu's birth!

Everyone is curious, and she is no exception.Not to mention, since she moved into the Grand View Garden, among the ladies in Jia's mansion, she only felt that Baochai and Daiyu were attractive and wanted to make friends.

And Daiyu and her had met in Suzhou in the early years, and with this relationship, she naturally got along with Daiyu more and had a better relationship.

It was inconvenient for her to go down the mountain when there were many people, so she waited for the dead of night before going down the mountain. Who knew that she would run into Jia Lian.

She was still happy at first, thinking that after Jia Lian saw Daiyu, she would think of going to Quicui Temple to see her.So he didn't even enter the Xiaoxiang Pavilion, just hid outside and observed Jia Lian's movements.

Perhaps the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.Jia Lian didn't go to Changcui Temple in the end, which naturally made her sleepless all night!With her temper, it's no wonder she gave Jia Lian a good look today.

Jia Lian was secretly surprised by Miaoyu's words.Looking at Miaoyu's expression, she asked in surprise, "Did you follow me last night?"

Jia Lian's words were probing, and he wanted to know whether Miaoyu got the news from the mouth of the maid, or if she saw it with her own eyes.

"Hey, who is following you! I just came to see Mao'er, and I just happened to meet someone who was done with work and came to see his good sisters!"

"Ahem, since you've seen it all, you should know that I was indeed planning to go to Longcui Mountain. However, after seeing that the lights on the mountain were all turned off, I thought you must be asleep, so I decided to go to Luncui Mountain today. I'll see you again.

If you are angry like this, then I have nothing to say..."

When Jia Lian was talking, he kept looking at Miaoyu's expression.If Miaoyu really "followed" him last night, then the matter between him and Li Wan was not...

Even though Jia Lian had a thick skin, he couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

After listening to Jia Lian's explanation, Miaoyu thought to herself that she thought he didn't think of herself at all and went straight out of the garden.Looking back at this moment, the road from Xiaoxiang Hall to Changcui Temple is the same as the road out of the garden. Maybe he didn't lie, he really wanted to go and see himself.

Thinking about it like this, most of the resentment in my heart disappeared, but she was not satisfied with Jia Lian's last attitude, and hummed: "Where do you go, who to see is your business, don't have nothing to say with me, you don't need to talk to me at all." explain."

Jia Lian has long been familiar with Miaoyu's little girl's temperament, and just by looking at her eyes, she knows that this is her last stubbornness.So I hugged her and whispered in her ear: "Okay, okay, it's all my fault. If I knew you were still up last night, and even went down the mountain, I wouldn't go back to the house without saying anything. Together, you can go out at night with candles, talk about love and moonlight, and live up to Si Jingsi's love."

Miaoyu's face is cold and her heart is hot, especially against Jia Lian's physical assault, she is the most powerless to resist.Jia Lian just said this, and she was almost limp in Jia Lian's arms. She didn't have the strength to say anything else, think about anything else.

But Jia Lian, who had a guilty conscience, was secretly relieved to see that she had nothing to say.

It turned out that Miaoyu was hiding in the dark last night. She did see Jia Lian bumping into someone halfway, and she even guessed that the person was Li Wan. The "safety zone" caused her to only see Aqi standing on the road holding a lantern, but she couldn't see Jia Lian and Li Wan in the darkness behind her.

Therefore, she only knew that Jia Lian and Li Wan had talked for a while on the road, but she had no idea how close they were or what they did at that time.She didn't think about that, otherwise, she must have a "good word" waiting for Jia Lian.

With the misunderstanding cleared up and the beauties showing their beauty, it is naturally time for Jia Lian to collect interest and benefits.

Putting the delicate and soft Miaoyu on the couch, Jia Lian ignored her still wearing half-monk clothes, and reached out to untie the other's sweat towel, but Miaoyu held her down with her backhand.

"What are you doing..." the beauty Jiao Didi asked.

Jia Lian smiled without saying a word, and took her little hand away.Miaoyu's face revealed a look of unstoppable shame. She was ashamed at this time, but recalling the night when she handed herself over to Jia Lian completely, she was too embarrassed to refuse Jia Lian.

Distraught, he had no choice but to pull the quilt next to him and bury his head and face in it.

Seeing this, Jia Lian chuckled, and unmoved Miaoyu's square sky-blue sweater.Sweat towel is a common clothing used by people at that time. Some are used to wrap the head and some are used to wrap the chest, but the most important and most intimate one is naturally used to tie trousers.Obviously, what Jia Lian is holding in his hand at this time is the most private and last one.

Throwing the sweat towel back casually, Jia Lian stared intently at the underpants of the beauty's clothes, which lost their restraint and became baggy.If he remembered correctly, besides a pair of white and slender flawless jade legs, what was hidden there was the most captivating and fascinating beauty of Yushan Youquan.

Ye didn't know how Jia Lian bullied the ignorant girl. Anyway, after a long time, Miaoyu suddenly mustered up her strength, turned over and pushed Jia Lian away from the end of the bed, and then hid herself dripping wet under the quilt.

Hearing Jia Lian's laughter, she turned her head and saw Jia Lian hooking her tongue frivolously, and her beautiful face, which was already like the morning glow, became even more bloody.

"Bah, liar..."

Miaoyu, who was extremely ashamed, spat and was still dissatisfied, and kicked Jia Lian with her slender calf.Seeing that Jia Lian was trying to grab her jade feet, he quickly retreated.

Jia Lian chuckled, got into bed, embraced her beautiful, jade-like body in her arms again, and joked: "Why am I still a liar? You are beautiful yourself, and I can bear it. You have to rely on your conscience to be a man. You can’t eat it dry and refuse to admit it.”

As he said that, Jia Lian clung to Miaoyu's ear and made his own request.

Miaoyu's body trembled, and Jia Lian could hear her little heart beating through the two of them.

Xu Shi noticed Jia Lian's silent ridicule, Miaoyu spat again, and scolded: "It's a pity that you are still a Marquis, unexpectedly, you actually did such a shameless thing..."

Cursing, cursing, Miaoyu had already picked up an embroidered handkerchief in her hand at some point, and shyly handed it to Jia Lian's mouth, but she didn't dare to meet Jia Lian's eyes.

Jia Lian took her bare hand and wiped it casually for himself, then raised her head, and while admiring her shy beauty, he pretended to explain: "Who told you that you were born so beautiful, from top to bottom, Everywhere is not beautiful, it is common for Benhou to be unable to control it.

Otherwise, who do you really think is qualified to condescend me? "

Jia Lian's words were not false, there were many beauties around him, Miaoyu was the first one, she was not a virgin but he couldn't help but taste it with his mouth.

It turned out that after peeling Miaoyu into lambs just now, he really just wanted to appreciate its exquisite jade body at first.Who made the first time that night, I was too eager for success, and the lights were too dim, so I didn't do this step well.

So he lied to Miaoyu that he only had a look.But maybe this girl was too natural, too clean and fragrant, so he couldn't hold back in the end.Who knew that Miaoyu was so unbearable that she quickly disarmed and became angry from embarrassment!
Seeing that Miaoyu had nothing to say, Jia Lian continued to coax in her ear: "Okay, it's your turn, don't try to play tricks."

"Who cheated, I didn't answer, I promised..."

After all, Miaoyu still couldn't talk about Fengyue with Jia Lian openly. Seeing Jia Lian's entanglement, she thought she was clever and changed the subject: "I heard people say that you want to go to Tianjin Wei?"

Speaking of such an important matter, Miaoyu temporarily stopped being ashamed and looked at Jia Lian seriously.This man is like this, he misses him when he is not around, and when he comes, he always bullies himself in different ways!
But compared to not seeing him, she still hopes to be bullied by Jia Lian.

Jia Lian knew about Miaoyu, and not only Miaoyu, Sister Feng and Daiyu, none of them wanted him to leave Beijing.

But a man should put his career first, and blindly love his children can only be like Jia Baoyu, who can't even hold on to short-term happiness.But he also didn't want to deceive Miaoyu, so he made the arrangements for leaving Beijing clear to her.

Miaoyu originally had a grudge against Jia Lian's departure from Beijing.However, seeing Jia Lian patiently explaining to her, and in a tone of voice, how concerned and imperative this trip to Tianjin Wei was, she suddenly understood what she should do.

She leaned her ear gently into Jia Lian's arms, and said quietly: "Since you have made your decision, I have nothing to say, I just hope that after the Hou Ye leaves Beijing, he can still remember, remember that there are many people in Beijing, who are here. Waiting for Master Hou to return safely..."

Just as Jia Lian wanted to say with a smile that there was no danger in going to Tianjin Wei this time, she heard the beauty continue to say: "Also, I hope that Master Hou will come here again before leaving Beijing, so that my relatives can see him off. If so Well, if Master Hou can do it, then what I just said, it may not be, it may not be..."

"Not necessarily what??"

Although Miaoyu's voice became softer and softer, the deaf Jia Lian immediately caught the point.Excited, he forgot the principle of being calm to get things done, couldn't help but hold the beauty's shoulders, staring and asking.

Obviously, his overreaction raised the beauty's sense of shame to another level, and also shattered her courage.

No matter how much Jia Lian asked, Miaoyu just said "nothing".But Jia Lian didn't care at all. In order to prevent a certain little girl from going back on her word, Jia Lian immediately decided to brand her heavily several times, so that she would be more unforgettable to herself, so that she could come back to redeem the promise at that time.

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