The secluded Duke's Mansion, the quiet Tianxiang Tower.

After the warm and elegant dance stopped, Qin Keqing softly lay on Jia Lian's chest, enjoying the ultimate tenderness between men and women at this moment.

Youshi is not as greedy as Qin Keqing, she has already quietly put on her clothes at some point, and when the two of them calm down, she wants to say goodbye first.

Before going to bed, Jia Lian held her hand, "I have something to discuss with my sister-in-law."

You Shi lowered his head, expressing his listening.

"I want to borrow my sister-in-law's Tianxianglou to house a few people."


"The four gentlemen of the little actors of Pear Fragrance Court."

Hearing Jia Lian mention Gu Qingyi and others, even Qin Keqing, who was huddled in Jia Lian's arms, poked his head out quietly.

"After all, Lixiangyuan is too small. The four of them are all beauties with both sex and art. They have been wronged by being crowded together with the little actors for a long time. I see that Tianxiang Building is spacious and there are many rooms, and there are two deep in the mansion.

If they are placed here, waiting for them to play the piano and music, it will not easily affect others. "

After hearing this, You Shi asked back, "It's just the four of them?"

"Well, it's fine for the little actors to let them stay in Lixiangyuan."

Although Tianxiang Tower is as big as it is, it can accommodate all the people in Lixiangyuan today.But the Twelve Officials were just at the age of mischief, and Jia Lian was too embarrassed to move them all in, causing too much trouble for Youshi.

Hearing that there were only Gu Qingyi four, You Shi said: "In that case, it's all up to Second Uncle's arrangement."

Although Gu Qingyi and the others are from bad backgrounds, they are all really charming.Moreover, most of the people who have been with Fengyue know how to get along with others, so excluding jealousy, many people like them in their hearts.

At least Youshi didn't reject them at all, and occasionally invited some of them to come over to relieve their loneliness.Because of their courtesy, Gu Qingyi and others will hardly refuse.

"not good."

Jia Lian and Jia Lian will make an agreement, but Qin Keqing in the bed speaks out against it.

She frowned and said, "If we put them in, wouldn't it be just a few more pairs of eyes to watch us. It's because the second uncle has despised me and my mother-in-law, so he deliberately arranged people to come in."

You Shi was taken aback by Qin Keqing's words, but she hadn't thought of this.Maybe it's because she had less secret sex with Jia Lian here, and she didn't regard this place as her base camp.

But Jia Lian looked at Qin Keqing's weeping look, raised his hand and touched her head, and said with a smile: "First of all, this place is so spacious, it won't be a problem if there are more of them. Besides, I'm only here temporarily Put them here, and when you have time in the future, you will find another place for them.

You are so lustful, you can't even waste this little time? "

Qin Keqing, who was teased by Jia Lian, said something coquettishly, and then opened her small mouth and bit Jia Lian's chest as punishment.

Rao Jia Lian had experienced Qin Keqing for a long time, but suddenly he was attacked by this sneak attack, and his whole body trembled. A big hand hidden under the quilt couldn't help but scratched his bare buttocks heavily, intending to make him let go.


Qin Keqing, who found Jia Lian nervous, let Jia Lian go with satisfaction, raised her head and smiled and said, "Well, why did Second Uncle suddenly move them here? Oh, I see, it must be because they are so good-looking, Second Uncle If you want to go far away, you are afraid that they will be hooked up by other handsome young masters, so you have to hide them here."

I have to say that Qin Keqing is very smart. Although it was a joke, it also hit the nail on the head.

Jia Lian has never liked to resign himself to fate, he likes to feel confident.Since he brought the four beauties from the south to the capital all the way, it is impossible for him not to take them seriously.

The reason why the seal has not been opened until now is that one has not allocated energy, and the other is to take care of the mood of Sister Feng, Daiyu and others.

But he has long regarded Simei as something in his pocket in his heart, and will not allow others to get involved.Lixiangyuan is facing the street, and with Simei's appearance that is easily missed by thieves, it is naturally safer to put it in Tianxianglou, which is located deep in the two mansions.

Of course, there are many ways to protect them. The main reason for choosing Tianxiang Tower is to give them a quieter and more comfortable environment.

Tianxiang Building is one of the most luxurious buildings in Ningguo Mansion. You can tell from the fact that both the eldest grandma and the eldest young mistress have set up dressing rooms in it.

Seeing Jia Lian acquiescing to her words, Qin Keqing smiled and said, "I knew Second Uncle would not let them go. Poor Second Aunt really believed that Second Uncle invited them back to be teachers for the little actors."

Just to say a word on behalf of Sister Feng, Qin Keqing resumed her charming demeanor, whispered into Jia Lian's ear, and smiled sweetly: "It's just that the second uncle has so many beauties by his side, can he really bear it?"

Faced with Qin Keqing's suspicion, Jia Lian didn't think it was disobedient at all.There is a saying that when you are really good in a certain aspect, no matter what others say, you don't care.

Jia Lian is like this.

So he just turned over and pressed Qin Keqing under him, stretched out his hand to pinch her chin, and replied with a smile: "I can't bear to be afraid, isn't it because you have to help solve the problem."

The meaningful words made Qin Keqing slightly stunned, her cheeks turned red suddenly, and she raised her small fist to beat someone's chest in reluctance.

You Shi, who was watching the play next to him, didn't understand the meaning of Jia Lian's words, but seeing Qin Keqing's reaction, it also meant something. He thought that it was absurd for the two of them to serve Jia Lian together. Now it seems that the two In private, I'm afraid there are more outrageous ways to play that she hasn't known about...

Thinking about it, she felt ashamed, knowing that the two of them on the couch would still get tired of it, she shook her head and smiled, and left.

A quarter of an hour later, Jia Lian got rid of the goblin's entanglement with great perseverance, went down the Tianxiang Tower, and entered the Grand View Garden from Huifang Garden in Ningguo Mansion as usual.

Walking past Yihong Courtyard, before crossing Qinfang Bridge, I found a group of maidservants coming out of Qiushuangzhai on the opposite side and heading north along the avenue.

Jia Lian stood where he was, and then went to Qiushuangzhai.

As soon as he walked into Qiushuangzhai, he heard bursts of cheerful singing of warblers and swallows coming from the main room, among which the most obvious voices were Tanchun and Xiangyun.

Jia Lian shook his head secretly, he knew that with Shi Xiangyun's Grand View Garden, it would be the most lively Grand View Garden.

Follow the sound and walk over, you can see a dozen or so graceful figures in Tanchun's room by the window.

"Look, Lian's second brother is here."

I don't know who is the most sharp-eyed, so he yelled, and accompanied by the sound of footsteps, Shi Xiangyun rushed out of "Tongjian Qiufeng" first, and jumped one step in front of Jia Lian, smiling happily: "Lian Second brother, we were talking about you just now, and you happened to be here."

"Oh, what are you talking about?"

"You come in first."

At this time, Xiangyun was not as shy as the girl in the carriage in the morning, she directly took Jia Lian's arm and dragged her into the room.

When we entered the house, we found that there were all staff here.

Li Wan, Xue Baochai, Lin Daiyu, Sanchun, and Zhen Yuhuan are all there. If you ignore the silly Jia Baoyu in the corner, it will definitely be a beautiful winter boudoir collection.

They greeted each other simply, and when Jia Lian's eyes fell on Yingchun and Daiyu, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Aren't you two not feeling well? Why don't you take a good rest indoors?"

Yingchun smiled shyly, but Daiyu said bluntly, "Ask her. I was resting in the room, but she insisted on pulling me over."

No need to ask, Daiyu must be talking about Shi Xiangyun.

Shi Xiangyun also generously admitted: "It's not normal to have a headache in winter. It's not good to stay indoors at this time. It's time to go out and take a walk. Maybe the illness will disappear."

While talking, Shi Xiangyun was about to lead Jia Lian to his seat.

"Wait a minute."

Tan Chun walked over with a smile, "Today is the meeting of our poetry club, and when the first club was opened last time, Lian's second brother didn't attend either.

Just now, both Xiangyun and Sister Zhen joined the club after they made up poems.Originally, we all knew that Lian's second elder brother was busy and didn't dare to send anyone to disturb him, but now that you are here, there is no exception. You have to compose a poem before you can join the club. "

"Third Sister's words make sense." Xiangyun followed good advice and immediately let go of Jia Lian, standing in Tanchun's camp.

Jia Lian smiled, and didn't mean to refuse their reasonable request, but just asked what the topic was.

"Second brother Lian doesn't need to be busy writing poems. Before that, there are more important things."

Tanchun helped Jia Lian to sit down, and said with a smile: "Earlier, Sister Lin said that since the poetry club is opened, everyone will be a poet, and then sisters, brothers and sisters-in-law will be ugly, so each of us must be a poet." I took a nickname."

Jia Lian glanced at Xiangyun and Zhen Yuhuan, and asked with a smile, "You two too?"

"Of course there are. It's all from Sister Bao. Xiangyun called it 'Xiangxia's old friend'. It was that time when the old lady led everyone to visit the garden. When talking about pavilions and terraces, the old lady said that when she was a child, there was a The pavilion is called Zhenxia Pavilion.

We didn't remember it, but Sister Pianbao did.Although Xiangyun has never seen this pavilion, since she is the eldest lady of the Shi family, she can also be regarded as the owner of Zhenxia Pavilion, so she is called Zhenxia's old friend.

And Sister Zhen is amazing.She said that there is a lake in the back of their house called Zixia Lake, and she often went boating on it, so Sister Bao named her Zixia Fairy, which happened to correspond to Sister Lin's "Xiaoxiang Concubine", and the two of them were born again. So like, we all said that Sister Bao took the number well. "

Hearing Tanchun's introduction, Zhen Yuhuan was a little embarrassed.She felt that this number was too big for her, but everyone agreed, and she couldn't go against everyone's wishes.

Jia Lian could tell that, they basically got their numbers based on their respective residences.

Daoxiang old farmer, Hengwu Lord, Xiaoxiang concubine, Banana Xiake (plantains are planted in front of the Qiushuangzhai gate where Tanchun lives), Lingzhou, Ouxie, Zhenxia old friend, Zixia fairy?
Now, are you sure Xue Baochai hasn't watched Westward Journey?
Without complaining too much about Zhen Yuhuan's name, Jia Lian thought about what name she should choose so that it could be elegant and appropriate, without being vulgar.

Daiyu, who was sitting across from him, saw what was on his mind, and snorted ahead of Tanchun, "You don't need to waste your brains, Sister Bao has already taken it for you."

Seeing Jia Lian's surprised expression, Baochai explained softly: "Just now when everyone gave them two names, they also mentioned the second elder brother Lian. I remembered the song my mother and aunt had composed in the palace the day before yesterday. poetry.

"The heavy snow presses the green pine, and the green pine is straight and straight. You must know that the pine is noble and clean until the snow melts."Thinking that Lian's second elder brother had the ambition of Qingsong, he casually said that he would call it "Qingsong".If Lian's second elder brother thinks it's inappropriate, he doesn't have to worry about it, he just chooses something else. "

Just from Daiyu's tone, Baochai could hear that this little girl was probably critical of her calling Jia Lian but getting everyone's approval, and she was also worried that Jia Lian would think she was troublesome.

"Hehehe, Sister Xue is worthy of being a learned person. I can't help myself with her ability to pick names casually. If that's the case, I'm 'Qingsong'."

Jia Lian didn't seem to understand Daiyu's thoughts at all, and he directly accepted the nickname given by Baochai happily.

With such a reaction, Baochai couldn't help but take another look at Jia Lian, but just met Jia Lian's smiling eyes. For some reason, she panicked and hurried away.

Seeing this, Jia Lian's smile grew wider, until he turned his head and met Daiyu's gloomy gaze, and then he coughed lightly and restrained himself.

Because Baochai mentioned Jia Lian's poem on Qingsong, Tanchun and others couldn't help criticizing and praising it again.Except for Jia Baoyu, he felt that Qingsong's poem was not good at all, it was very vulgar, the sentences were vulgar, and the meaning expressed was also vulgar.

When everyone was discussing before, he also expressed his point of view, but unfortunately no one echoed it.Even if Jia Lian is not here, Jia Lian is in front of him at this time, so naturally he will not make fun of himself.

On the other side, Xiangyun and others arranged the pen and ink, and immediately came to invite Jia Lian to write, and introduced: "The title is white begonia, limited to doors, pots, marks, and faints."

Jia Lian pondered for a while, then picked up the pen, and Shi Shiran wrote out the homework he had done a long time ago.

During this process, Baochai, Xiangyun and others could not help but surround him, and bursts of dark fragrance lingered on the tip of his nose, which made people feel refreshed and happy. (end of this chapter)

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