On the second day, after Jia Lian entered the palace to face the saint, he ran into the prince on the way out of the palace.

The prince's sedan chair stopped beside the palace road, as if waiting for him specially.

"I have seen His Royal Highness."

"The Marquis of Zhenyuan doesn't need to be too polite."

The prince held the car curtain with one hand and looked at Jia Lian with a warm face.

"I heard that the Marquis of Zhenyuan is going to Tianjin Wei soon. I am here to see the Marquis of Zhenyuan off. I hope that the Marquis of Zhenyuan will build a new type of warship as soon as possible, which will strengthen our navy and promote our country's prestige."

"His Royal Highness has said auspiciously, I should spare no effort to repay His Majesty's kindness and His Highness's expectations."


The prince laughed a little, and then said to Jia Lian in a sincere voice: "I already know what happened in Weiyang Palace that day. It was all because of the crown prince's coquettishness, and it is also my fault. Please don't take it to heart, Marquis Zhenyuan. Now, I would like Zhenyuan Hou to express my apology to the Zhen family on behalf of Wu."

Jia Lian did not expect that the prince would take the initiative to mention what happened in the palace that day and express his apology.You know, after returning to the mansion that day, Mother Jia and others wanted to force him to go to the Prince's mansion to plead guilty.

I also thought that it had been so many days, and if the prince really felt sorry for the Zhen family, even if he sent an internal official to the Zhen family to proclaim his kindness, it would be worse than just saying it casually in front of him. good.

Although he questioned the prince's sincerity in his heart, he was still satisfied with his attitude. After Jia Lian replied with a serious word from His Royal Highness, he also cupped his hands and said solemnly: "Arguing that the princess is respected and the minister is humble, so no matter what the princess is, it is her turn." If you don't come to the minister to set your beak.

However, I feel that His Royal Highness, as the heir apparent of the country, will definitely be the emperor of the Ninth Five-Year Plan in the future.If the Crown Princess has no room for others, then His Highness's harem will be difficult to stabilize.The instability of the harem is not the blessing of my great Wei, nor the blessing of the people of the world. I hope His Highness will think about it early. "

After Jia Lian finished speaking, he bowed deeply to the prince and left.

The prince kept squinting his eyes when Jia Lian was speaking, but he didn't interrupt Jia Lian's words.Until Jia Lian's figure walked away, his eyes were still deep, and then he sighed: "If such a person can be used by me completely, why worry..."

The old lady next to her listened to the prince's words, and responded with a smile: "Your Highness, why should it be a pity? According to the words of Zhenyuanhou, after the ninth five years of Longyu, why worry that Zhenyuanhou will not be used by His Highness. Don't talk about Zhenyuanhou at that time, even the world will It's all His Highness's..."

The prince glanced at him, didn't bother to pay attention to him, dropped the curtain and returned home immediately.


With Jia Lian's current status, when facing the imperial power, he no longer needs to be humble enough to dare to speak the truth.

On the contrary, the more he shows that he has his own principles and will, in addition to letting the prince and others know that he is not someone who can be manipulated at will, it can also make them feel that he is not a person who is the first and the second mouse.

Just like this time when the Zhen family was bullied by the Crown Princess, if he, as a righteous brother, did not dare to say a word, if he was just obsequious, then the Crown Prince and others would think that he was a waste, and would think that he was a waste. His palace is too deep, and he harbors evil intentions.

This is not the effect Jia Lian wants.Therefore, he directly stated in front of the prince that the current crown princess is not a person who can be a mother to the world, and since she is not a person who can be a mother to the world, she is naturally not worthy of being a crown prince.

It is also a complaint.

He didn't think he would offend the prince because of this. After all, people would not sue someone they dislike after being wronged. Since he sued him, it meant that in his heart, he regarded the other party as someone who could uphold justice.

Jia Lian knew that the prince was not stupid, and he should be able to feel the loyalty to him that he intentionally created.

After leaving the palace, Jia Lian stopped by Linzi Bo's mansion to see the old man, and then went back to the mansion to pack his bags and prepare for the trip to Tianjin Wei.

Of course, before leaving, Jia Lian had to go to Changcui Nunnery. He did not forget the agreement with Miaoyu that day.

It was another winter, and the plum blossoms on the Changcui Temple were already in full bloom.

Facing the cold scent of flowers, Jia Lian stepped on the bluestone slabs to the hillside behind Changcui Nunnery, and found a figure that was more beautiful than flowers in the shade of plum blossom trees.

Wearing a gorgeous dress with snow-white velvet collar, she stood quietly in front of an early-blooming red plum tree.The cold mist of midwinter shrouded her, making her, who already had a cold and beautiful temperament, even more like a lonely fairy standing in the world.

Jia Lian walked towards her, the beauty followed the sound and turned her head back, the faint joy blooming on her jade face immediately dispelled the mist and chill around her, the whole small world seemed to have turned into winter in an instant. Go to spring.


The beauty's lips parted lightly, and she stopped talking before finishing her sentence.

But Jia Lian knew what she wanted to ask, and smiled back: "I came to see you, your girl said you were enjoying the plum blossoms in the back, so I came up."

Then, Jia Lian walked up to her, raised his eyes to look at the shallow red plum blossoms around him, took a breath and sighed: "That's right, the fragrance of Meiling, the fairyland in the world, it's not in vain that I worked so hard to get these plum blossoms Trees are moved and planted."

Miaoyu looked sideways at the handsome man next to her, she didn't know what to think of, her face seemed ashamed but happy, she hurriedly spat to cover it up.

"You just planted them. If it wasn't for my careful care over the past year, they would be nothing more than twenty or thirty ordinary plum trees. How could such a scene come about?"

"Hehehe, yes yes, the most important thing is your hard work. Not to mention these few plum blossoms, the entire Quicui nunnery, if you are not lucky enough to be favored by a fairy like you, it is nothing more than a simple nunnery in the world. The weather is prosperous today, and even I, the Marquis of the court, often come here to ask scriptures and offer incense."

Jia Lian glanced at the beauty from the corner of her eye, shook her head and smiled.This girl is really competitive, and she is not forgiving.

Knowing that Jia Lian was teasing her, Miaoyu was about to fight back, remembering that Jia Lian must have come to say goodbye to her this time, and she didn't know how long it would be before seeing her again, so she kept her mouth shut and stood side by side with Jia Lian, admiring the scenery in front of her.

Suddenly felt her waist tightened, and her light body was already snuggled into the familiar and warm chest.This situation was not beyond her expectation, so she just frowned, and then asked in a soft voice: "Is leaving tomorrow?"


"I knew that if it wasn't for this, you wouldn't think of seeing me."

Faced with the beauty's coquettishness and complaints, Jia Lian did not explain, but turned around and looked down at the beauty in his arms. With a smile, he held her head with both hands, and with an irresistible momentum, lightly touched the beauty's unpainted lips. kiss away.

The beauty's fragrant lips are slightly cool, and her mouth is full of fragrance. The beauty is so beautiful that it makes people intoxicated.

Perhaps Jia Lian was not the only one who was intoxicated. After a long time, Jia Lian couldn't help laughing softly when she saw Miaoyu, who was obediently nestled in her arms, with flushed cheeks and affectionate eyes.

Although he has never seen Jia Lian's face, he can tell that he is proud just by hearing his voice.Embarrassed, Miaoyu felt ruthless, wrapped Jia Lian's slender hand around Jia Lian's waist, and twisted it hard through the thick clothes, and while Jia Lian was in pain, she slipped out of Jia Lian's arms. Anger eyes.

Jia Lian deliberately rubbed his waist, and then approached Miaoyu again with a malicious look on his face. Under Miaoyu's vigilant eyes, he smiled and said, "Do you still remember the last agreement?"

Miaoyu was taken aback for a moment, then stepped back a few steps.When Jia Lian looked over, she didn't have the charm of Fairy Miaoyu in the past, she was like a frightened deer, her face was red like blood, and her expression was flustered.

"What, what...promise..."

The mosquito-like voice shows the beauty's guilty conscience.

Jia Lian laughed, moved closer to her, stared down at her and said, "Why, do you still want to renege on your debt?"

"Hey, you, why are you thinking about those things so much, you can't..."

Miaoyu looked ashamed and angry, and gave Jia Lian a hard look, then turned around in shame, facing Jia Lian with her beautiful back.

Jia Lian saw Yu Sheng with a smile on his face, and quietly stepped forward to hug the beauty from behind.Noticing the beauty's delicate body trembling and tensing, Jia Lian felt even more delighted, and couldn't help but take a deep breath on her snowy and fragrant neck, and then whispered: "That's not because Fairy Miaoyu was born so beautiful, there is no such beauty in the world. Men can resist, and ordinary people like me are no exception."

Miaoyu didn't answer any more, but her body gradually weakened, and she almost collapsed in Jia Lian's arms.

So Jia Lian bent down, picked up the beauty by the waist, exchanged a glance with the shy beauty, then walked back.

Seeing that she was about to return to Changcui Nunnery, Miaoyu was so ashamed that Jia Lian was going to carry her into the nunnery to do something wrong, and even let her do such shameful things.However, I obsessively agreed to him last time, even if I wanted to repent, I couldn't stand up...

Just when Miaoyu was thinking about how to face the next thing, she realized that Jia Lian had let her go.

Miaoyu fixed her eyes, and sure enough, she was back in Changcui Nunnery. Her servants might appear at any time, so she was so startled that she immediately retreated from Jia Lian's side.Looking at Jia Lian, he opened his mouth but didn't know what to say.

Refusing to let Jia Lian go?But he will leave Beijing tomorrow, and this may be the last time I see him this year.

But if you keep him...

Jia Lian saw that Miaoyu had written all her thoughts on her face, and she looked so cute. She couldn't help but want to tease her again, so she took two steps forward.

Miaoyu retreated immediately, and warned in a low voice: "The sky is still dark, someone saw..."


Jia Lian laughed, the beauty's tone became more and more unsteady.Seeing that the beauty had leaned her back against the eaves of the wall, there was no way to retreat, but Jia Lian didn't spare her. She still stepped forward, kissed her lightly, and said in her ear: "Let's forgive you for now, wait for me to come back." , if the little lady denies it again at that time, she will definitely not allow you."


Unexpectedly, Miaoyu responded so obediently, Jia Lian couldn't help but pecked her lips lightly again in joy, then took a closer look at her, turned around and strode away.

But Miaoyu didn't gradually look away until Jia Lian's figure disappeared for a long time, and slowly squatted down along the corner of the wall, just like when she parted from Jia Lian at the Panxiang Temple in Xuantou.It's just that compared with that time, she was a little less ashamed and angry, and a little more sad and sad.

In Xiaoxiang Hall, when she saw Jia Lian coming in, Zhen Yuhuan found an excuse to leave the main room very sensiblely, but just took a playful look at Jia Lian and Daiyu before going out.

Because of this, Daiyu was a little more embarrassed than usual, and when Jia Lian sat down, she pretended to be cold and said: "Didn't you say that, I practiced it for you yesterday, so there is no need to say goodbye to each other, what are you doing here again?" ?”

"Sister Lin is different from others."

What was taken for granted in the words made Daiyu dismissive on the face, but she accepted it calmly in her heart.

After thinking about it for a while, he turned around and rummaged through the box next to him for a long time before carefully digging out two things.

Looking back, Jia Lian's eyes lit up, obviously looking forward to it, and she walked over slowly holding it, "This is for you, if you don't mind it, take it away."

Jia Lian took it and opened the silk to see a pair of shoes and a hat with ear protectors.From its fine stitching and exquisite style, it can be seen that it is written by Lin Daiyu.

In fact, this is not the first time that Jia Lian has received a gift from Daiyu, and even every time he travels far away, as long as it is not on a temporary basis, Daiyu will secretly prepare things for him that she made herself.This has even become a habit. Before coming here just now, Jia Lian was still thinking, what will Daiyu prepare for him this time?
That's right, compared to the previous gloves, fan pendants and the like, these two items are obviously more of a good wife quality.

And to be honest, Daiyu is not inferior to Qingwen in terms of ingenuity, but she is usually too lazy, and even Jia Lian rarely gets things made by Daiyu herself.

So after getting two pieces, Jia Lian observed them seriously and couldn't help laughing: "Sis sister Lin prepared a gift for me, why didn't she give it to me before, and didn't give it to me yesterday? Is it because I won't come today? You Aren't you going to give it to me?"

Daiyu snorted and said, "I just finished it today. If you don't come today, I can't give it to you."

Well, I believe you are a ghost.

After wrapping up the shoes and stuffing them into his bosom, Jia Lian was about to try on the hat Daiyu made himself.It's just that the hat is quite delicate, and even when Jia Lian faced Daiyu's makeup mirror in the distance, he couldn't get it right for a while.

When Daiyu saw it, she said, "You are still a Marquis, and you can't even put on a hat. Let me do it."

While talking, Daiyu walked up to Jia Lian, lifted her jade arms lightly, and cleaned up Jia Lian gently and deftly.

At Daiyu's age, even if Jia Lian was sitting on a high stool, she was almost as tall as her. At this moment, facing Jia Lian, she raised her hand to help him straighten his hat, and put her body and mind completely close to Jia Lian, so that Jia Lian could not only Smell her unique fragrance, and even feel her body temperature.

The only regret is that Daiyu is still too immature after all.Usually, when Sister Feng was recuperating with him, it was very easy for him not to recognize the true face of Lushan Mountain, just because he was in this mountain.

Daiyu didn't notice anything at first, but after fastening the ear protectors on both sides for Jia Lian, she found that Jia Lian's face was intoxicated, and she was suddenly surprised that this act was so intimate, so she hurriedly wanted to retreat.

Unexpectedly, she kicked the stool behind her. Fortunately, before she could panic, Jia Lian, who had quick eyes and quick hands, had already reached out to catch her back.

Definitely shocked, Daiyu felt ashamed again.It turned out that Jia Lian had not stood up. He pulled her back and hugged her whole body with his strong body. She stood obediently in front of Jia Lian, with their faces touching each other.

Daiyu's body is soft and delicate, and it is very beautiful to hold.But Jia Lian knew that Daiyu was shy, so before she opened her mouth, she deliberately let go of her, and teased her face to face, "Why are you nervous?"

"Who is nervous, you loosen it, it makes me feel uncomfortable..."

Naturally, Daiyu didn't forbid Jia Lian to hug her, after all, when Jia Lian came back from Yangzhou at the beginning of the year, Jia Lian kissed her many times on the boat.

It's just that, long before returning home, she made an agreement with Jia Lian that Jia Lian would not bully her anymore, and now there is an outsider in the Xiaoxiang Pavilion, if she is seen, she will be ashamed.

"I'll be leaving tomorrow morning, and I won't be able to see my sister Lin for a long time. Let me give my sister Lin a good hug. I like her so much."

Jia Lian buried his head in Daiyu's ear and said softly.Daiyu was originally a sentimental person, when she heard what Jia Lian said, she was overwhelmed with emotion, her eyes were red, she couldn't care less about rejecting Jia Lian.

It was Jia Lian who had inhaled enough of Daiyu's breath, and suddenly noticed that her cheeks were warm and wet. When she looked up, she found that Daiyu's face was full of tears. , quickly wiped her tears and said something nice to coax her.

Daiyu just couldn't listen to hurtful words, in fact, she didn't know that Jia Lian wouldn't be gone for a long time this time, so she would be fine in a while.

She even saw that it was getting dark outside, and she took the initiative to urge Jia Lian: "You go, Sister Feng is definitely waiting for you at home, don't delay outside for too long, and make her worry."

Uh, Jia Lian took a good look at Daiyu, and saw that she even sat under the west window and picked up a book to read. Obviously she didn't have time to talk to him, so Jia Lian got up and said how soon he would be back, so don't worry. Waiting for words, we are about to go out.

After walking a few steps, he walked back again.

"doing what?"

Jia Lian smiled, and under Daiyu's tense expression, hooked her small head with one hand, kissed her lightly on the forehead, and then left contentedly. (end of this chapter)

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