"The second master is back."

In Sister Feng's Courtyard, whoever was the leader shouted, all the busy people in the courtyard hurriedly put down what they were doing and gathered towards the gate of the courtyard.

Today, Wang Xifeng wears an exquisite eight-treasure gold walking wave on her head, green shining jade rings in her earlobes, a bright silk skirt, and a bright red mink fur-edged brocade jacket.

The gorgeous beauty with such a gorgeous dress, walking gracefully, is really no different from the concubine of the fairy family.

Seeing Jia Lian, her face showed spring, and she said with a blessing: "I welcome the Marquis."

Behind him, the maids and servants, also dressed in bright colors, also neatly echoed in greetings.

Faced with Sister Feng's serious demeanor, Jia Lian smiled slightly, and walked over with a wave of his hands, his eyes flicked from Ping'er, Qingwen, Xiangling and others who were looking at him with the same smile However, it finally fell on Sister Feng, she frowned, and her eyes couldn't help showing love.

Seeing Jia Lian standing in front of her without saying a word, just looking at her with a smile, Sister Feng felt a little embarrassed and gave Jia Lian a gentle push, "I'm watching everything I do."

With a word of coquettishness, he put on a sharp expression again, and said with a smile: "Master Hou is going out tomorrow, I brought my family and arranged a simple farewell banquet for Master Hou, I wonder if Master Hou would like to honor you? "

"It's Mrs. Lau."

"whispering sound……"

Sister Feng smiled and took Jia Lian's arm. When she approached, she keenly smelled an unusual fragrance from Jia Lian's body. There was a look of understanding on her face, but she didn't care too much. She still smiled and sent Jia Lian to him. Cited in the flower hall.

Sister Feng's flower hall is no longer the same as usual. Not only are simple tables and chairs arranged for food and drinks above and below the hall, but also many of the potted flowers usually placed in the garden are missing. Instead, they are paved on the ground under the empty flower hall. There was a red carpet that was two to three feet long and wide.

The flower hall is opened on all sides, and there are many servants.Lanterns are hung densely at the corners of the eaves, illuminating the entire small garden.

Although this scene does not say that the mansion is magnificent, it also shows the elegance of famous families.

Sister Feng helped Jia Lian to sit down at the table in front of the flower hall. She also sat down on the side and asked Jia Lian with a smile whether her arrangement was appropriate. After receiving Jia Lian's positive response, the smile on her face became brighter. Clapping lightly.

As the music played, several women with stunning looks and extremely graceful figures came out and danced gracefully to the rhythm of the music.

They are Gu Qingyi, Shen Pan'er and other daughters.

Of these four women, Shen Pan'er needless to say, is a natural dancer and is known as the number one dancer in Yangzhou Prefecture.In comparison, although the dancing skills of Gu Qingyi and the other three girls are slightly inferior, their beautiful figures and appearances more than make up for it.

Especially Gu Qingyi, who is only seventeen years old but has won the title of the most beautiful woman in the south of the Yangtze River for two consecutive times. With her immortal temperament and outstanding appearance, even if she doesn't have perfect dancing skills, she can easily capture the attention of the audience.

No wonder Shen Pan'er once said coquettishly in his arms that she didn't like rehearsing dances with Gu Qingyi.

But according to Jia Lian, it is still difficult for Gu Qingyi to match Shen Pan'er in dancing.After all, Shen Pan'er is good at dance music that is gorgeous and eye-catching, and can easily make men's hearts sway. Gu Qingyi is probably not suitable for this aspect.

She should be suitable for this kind of elegant and beautiful style that interprets the prosperity of the age.However, Jia Lian felt that if there was an opportunity, Shen Pan'er could teach her specially, and perhaps some interesting contrasts might not necessarily be beautiful.

Although Sister Feng also likes to enjoy dancing, she is not a man after all, so her attention is still focused on Jia Lian.

Seeing Jia Lian looking at the beauty below with a smile from the beginning to the end, she did not hide her appreciation, so she took a glass of wine and handed it to Jia Lian's mouth, helped him drink it, and whispered in his ear: "Look at the marquis." Master likes it so much, why don't you let them stay tonight to serve Master Hou to sleep?"

Jia Lian smiled without saying a word, but secretly wrapped her arms around Sister Feng's slender waist.

Sister Feng hesitated a little, and was afraid that her actions would make people laugh too much, so she glared at Jia Lian, and could only quietly lean the stool to Jia Lian's side, leaning half shyly in Jia Lian's arms.

When the shame dissipated and I faced the various glances around me, I felt sweet in my heart.

Gu Qingyi and the others danced to two songs, Jia Lian took pity on the cold weather and asked them to leave early, leaving Gu Qingyi behind to play the qin and flute.

"Where's Qiao girl?" Jia Lian suddenly thought of her own daughter.

"Hehe, don't mention her. At first, she was clamoring to wait for you to come home, and even said that she would read poetry to you. Later, when she was tired from playing, she went to bed before you came back."

Jia Lian smiled.My daughter is still too young, so naturally it is impossible for her to go to school to read poetry, but since there are many aunts in the family, and all of them are talented women, and they all look down on her, it is normal to teach her a few lines of poetry in a leisurely manner.

But it also belongs to the level of looking up at the sky and reading poems, but not knowing the words.

Sister Feng knows the atmosphere best. After drinking with Jia Lian for a few rounds, she felt a little less interesting, so she swept away the people sitting with her in the hall and said with a smile: "Girl Ping, your Lord Hou is leaving home tomorrow. Don’t know how to come up and toast him?”

Following Sister Feng's words, the maids immediately became enthusiastic, especially Qingwen and the others, who hurriedly filled their glasses with wine, got up and followed Ping'er happily.

Even Feng's (Xiang Lingmu) and other servants who were quite prestigious in the courtyard and got a seat were very moved.After all, to be able to offer Jia Lian a glass of wine in person, that represents the supreme honor.

Fortunately, they all knew Jia Lian's preferences, so they didn't dare to presume, but met behind the maids, and went up to toast together.

"It's no fun just toasting, you have to say something auspicious."

Faced with Sister Feng's temporary request, Ping'er, who was leading the battle, did not show any timidity. He bowed and held the wine glass with a smile: "My servant toasts to the second master. I wish the second master everything goes well when he is away. Second, take care of yourself. Don't let grandma stay in the house." The family is too worried..."

Sister Feng scolded with a smile: "Hey, little hoof, you toast your wine, what are you doing with me?"

Jia Lian took Ping'er's wine, but was not in a hurry to drink it. Instead, he smiled and looked at the maidservants lined up on the front steps of the hall.

He has long discovered that today not only Sister Feng is dressed gorgeously, but also the maids, and even the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are dressed brighter than usual.

Especially the maids, not only are all of their clothes brand new, but they also look like the same color and style. When they see them suddenly, they not only give him the beauty of a uniform uniform, but in such an atmosphere, even the clothes that he usually doesn't care about The colors of some little maids also became vivid.

So I couldn't help but tilt my head and asked: "You girls dress like this, is that what you mean?"

Except for Sister Feng, Jia Lian couldn't think of any reason why the maids could act in such a consistent manner.After all, the Jia Mansion does not require the maids to dress uniformly, so the low-level maids who have just bought into the mansion will be given two sets of rough clothes.

"Before I dug through the warehouse at the back and found a lot of overstocked materials, all of which were excellent. I thought that it was almost the end of the year, and I should have made a decent set of clothes for Ping'er and the others. Then I thought, the maids at home They are also sensible and obedient, didn't you tell me to treat them more generously when you are free? Simply dig out all the materials that are temporarily unused, and put them on all the girls in the family.

It was only sent to them yesterday, just as you are leaving Beijing tomorrow, so asking them to wear it can be regarded as a practice for you. "

Sister Feng looked at Jia Lian with a smile, not without complacency in her eyes.

Hmph, Jia Lian and others always say that she is a money-saving and stingy woman, but she wants to show them how generous she is.

Indeed, the clothes made for the maids this time are not comparable to those issued in the Chang Mansion. Every piece is made of excellent materials and is of great value.I didn't see the joyful looks of the maids yesterday when they got it, and the envious eyes and words of the maids elsewhere after they put on and walked out today.

Of course, the main reason why she was so generous once in a while was that there was too much material backlog at home.

Not to mention anything else, among the batch of things that the Queen Mother rewarded Jia Lian not long ago, there were quite a few palace brocades and satins.In addition to the previous ones, it can be said that in the past two years, their yard has basically never bought extra satin!
Not only do you not need to buy it, but you can never use it up. Instead of keeping it for the old, why not use it as a favor?

As for asking the maids to put them on today, apart from what she said, there was also a little bit of Xiao Jiujiu in her heart.

Jia Lian's reputation is too great now, the woman staring at him doesn't know how many, and this time he is going out again, if he doesn't let him think about his family, he doesn't know how much he will bring her when he comes back The woman is back.

Let the girls dress up more beautifully for him to show him, not only will it make Jia Lian less likely to be seduced by other women when he is out, but it will also make him miss home more when he is out, and return early after finishing his work.This is actually the same reason as she dressed so carefully tonight.

She wasn't afraid that Jia Lian would see through her plot, it was a conspiracy.

Jia Lian didn't pay too much attention to Sister Feng's thoughts. He just felt that it was a bit rare. The vinegar jar could also contain soy sauce one day, and he was naturally happy to see it happen.

"I wish the second master will show his might, finish the errands assigned by the emperor as soon as possible, and be promoted to a noble position!"

Qingwen was the second one to toast Jia Lian. She was always courageous, and when the atmosphere was getting stronger, she passed Jia Lian's extended hand and directly fed the wine into Jia Lian's mouth after she finished saying the auspicious words without literary talent. .

"I... hope that the second master will be safe and sound, and go home early..."

Xiangling was a little nervous.

After the three girls passed, the other maids were in groups of three or five. Jia Lian also unabashedly admired the appearance and posture of each of the maids who came up to toast him.

Not to mention, even with Sister Feng's restraint, the quality of the maids in their courtyard is getting better and better.

Under the fresh clothes and lights, the little girls are either cute or coquettish. Listening to their sweet voices and banter is really an indescribable enjoyment. It makes people want to forget foreign affairs and feel at ease for a moment. Stay at home and enjoy the tenderness.

In short, Sister Feng's preparations for tonight were done with care, and Jia Lian also accepted her kindness.So after the seven rounds of drinking, seeing that Sister Feng was also drunk with a slightly tipsy expression, and she was full of affection, Jia Lian kicked the stool back. Regardless of Sister Feng's objection, she picked her up by the waist and went straight to the main courtyard, leaving her alone. The next group of maids and servants stayed where they were, and then each showed a knowing smile.

Sister Feng was taken away, and she was respected as a commoner.Ping'er knew the general knowledge and knew that Jia Lian and Sister Feng had drank a lot, so they were afraid of bumping into each other, so he hurriedly ordered Qingwen and Xiang Ling to follow them and serve them, while she stayed to deal with the aftermath.

After arranging many matters, she returned to the main courtyard, hesitated for a moment when passing the main room, but did not go in, but arranged two more proper maids to wait for orders outside, while she went back to the room to rest.

After a while, the door was knocked, and when I opened it, it was the new maid Liu Xinqing.The girl lowered her head slightly, her cheeks were red, and she whispered: "Sister Ping'er, the second master told you to go over..."

When Ping'er heard this, a torrent flashed in his belly, echoing in his heart.Nodding calmly in response, Ping'er went back to the room, and after looking at the makeup mirror for a while, he got up and went into the main room. (end of this chapter)

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