The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 642 Zhaoyang is happy

In the imperial city, in front of Prince Zhongshun's palace.

Jia Lian rode up to the carriage and said to Baochai, who opened the curtain and looked at her, "Sister Baochai will wait for me here. I'll go and come back."

It was rumored that King Zhongshun was a lecher, and Jia Lian did not want to bring Baochai in front of him and cause trouble.

"Leave it to Brother Lian's arrangements."

Seeing Baochai nodding her head slightly, she responded very naturally. Jia Lian couldn't help but think to herself, this girl is really sensible and pleasing to the eye.

"Give me "Jiuyishan Ode"."


Baochai hurriedly took out the name card that Jia Lian had asked her to prepare from the carriage. At the same time, she understood in her heart that the second brother Lian wanted this thing in order to open up the connection between Prince Zhongshun and Prince Zhongshun.It can be seen that the thoughts and concerns of the second brother Lian are far-reaching and beyond ordinary people.

So Baochai sat in the carriage and watched Jia Lian enter Prince Zhongshun's palace with his name card, and came out less than a quarter of an hour later.

Baochai felt a little nervous.Although along the way, Jia Lian was seen to be very reliable, and powerful people from all walks of life would give Jia Lian some kindness, but at this time, the second brother Lian was facing King Zhongshun, after all, he was the prince of the dynasty and the emperor's younger brother.

It's hard to say whether King Zhongshun will give second brother Lian face.If it was because of her brother's affairs that the second brother Lian lost his dignity in front of the nobles of the Tian family, it would be her Xue family's fault.

Therefore, with Baochai's calmness, when he saw Jia Lian approaching slowly, he couldn't help lowering his voice and asked: "What's the matter? Is Brother Lian in trouble?"

Jia Lian was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "No, King Zhongshun is still very easy to talk to..."

Jia Lian was stunned because he was surprised that Baochai's focus at this time was not whether he had succeeded in lobbying, but whether Jia Lian had been made things difficult for him.

But in Baochai's view, it was Jia Lian's cover-up to prevent her from having a psychological burden.

Baochai was silent, intending to say thank you, but felt that any words of thanks at this time seemed shallow and not sincere enough.I can only remember this kindness in my heart on behalf of the Xue family.

Jia Lian looked at Baochai's face and knew that this girl was thinking too much.In fact, he really didn't face any difficulties from King Zhongshun just now. On the contrary, King Zhongshun was quite polite to him.

This is not surprising.Although King Zhongshun has a distinguished status, with Jia Lian's current momentum, he is not someone that even cats and dogs would dare to step on at will.

He was a military commander whom Emperor Ningkang relied on, and the reason why King Zhongshun had the power he had today was because of Emperor Ningkang's favor.In addition, he and King Zhongshun did not have much conflict of interest so far. The only unhappiness was probably that his second son was captured and imprisoned in the Ancestral Temple for a month last year.

Perhaps this was one of the reasons why King Zhongshun was willing to stand up for his enemies this time. He probably wanted to show some color to the four major families headed by the Jia family, or to him, Jia Lian.Now that Jia Lian has come to the door with gifts, the uneasiness in King Zhongshun's heart has disappeared.

Before leaving the house, King Zhongshun even patted Jia Lian on the shoulder and said that it would be a great pleasure in life to work with a cheerful person like Zhenyuan Marquis...

As for Xue Pan's life and death...he, a noble prince, doesn't care whether cats or dogs die.

Jia Lian had no intention of explaining the reason to Baochai in detail, and was happy to make her feel that she had paid a lot for the Xue family this time.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Jia Lian was ready to take Baochai back intact.As soon as I turned the corner, I saw many palace maids and eunuchs standing in an empty space on one side of the Royal Street, and a canopy-covered incense car was parked among them.

Seeing such a familiar scene, Jia Lian didn't know who it was.Therefore, without waiting for the palace maid to come forward to greet Baochai, she rode over directly.

"Jia Lian has met the princess."

"The Marquis of Zhenyuan also asked Shang Yu to speak." The curtain was not opened, only a clear and beautiful voice with a hint of joy sounded from the carriage.

Jia Lian glanced around and found that both the palace maid and the eunuch had their heads lowered and their hands lowered, and their eyes were not squinting. He knew that these people should be Princess Zhaoyang's confidants.

He smiled, jumped off the horse, and got into the fragrant carriage in front of him.

The familiar carriage was filled with a faint floral fragrance.Princess Zhaoyang was wearing a yellow palace dress and was sitting at the top. At her feet, there was a waiter making tea.

When they met in a private room, Jia Lian naturally didn't need to hold it. He just sat down on one side, took the tea from the maid's hand, and drank it in one gulp.

Seeing how casual he was, Princess Zhaoyang's smile became even brighter. She opened her lips and said with a smile: "I received a letter from Erlang this morning, asking me to pay attention to the Xue family's case. I thought Erlang had no time to return to Beijing. Why did he suddenly change his mind? ?”

"The elders are earnestly pleading, and it is difficult to refuse. It just so happens that the matters in hand are over, and it is time to return to the capital for a visit."

"Is it."

Princess Zhaoyang took a sip of fragrant tea and said with a smile: "Judging from the letter between Erlang and me, it seems that Erlang has no friendship with Xue Pan. But this time he was able to come back from Tianjin Wei to save his life. Only one of them I'm afraid it's for some reason.

Let me guess.I heard someone say that although Xue Pan was dull by nature, he had a biological sister who was an unsuccessful beauty.Her appearance and character are very good, and it is widely said that many ladies in Beijing are not as good as her, and I don't know whether it is true or not. "

Jia Lian's heart skipped a beat when he heard this. If he hadn't known Princess Zhaoyang's character and wisdom, he might not have been able to help but suspect that this girl had planted a spy beside him.

"Well, the rumors are not bad. That Xue Pan's sister is indeed far from his brother."

Seeing Jia Lian's generous admission, Princess Zhaoyang smiled but had no intention of delving further. She waved her hand to let the maid go down, and then stared at Jia Lian, making Jia Lian feel a little scared.

"What's wrong?" Jia Lian finally couldn't help but asked pretendingly.

"Haha, Erlang has no male heir, right?" Princess Zhaoyang asked wildly.

Jia Lian didn't understand why Princess Zhaoyang asked such a question, but he replied without blushing and heartbeat: "Well, I have a daughter who is only one or two and a half years old."

"How about Qingran giving Erlang a son?"

Jia Lian was stunned, looking at Princess Zhaoyang who was looking at him with a smile, his eyes involuntarily shifted to her belly, and said in disbelief: "You...?"

"Why, Erlang doesn't want to?" Princess Zhaoyang touched her belly with one hand and said quietly.

Jia Lian smiled brilliantly, raised his buttocks, and then held Princess Zhaoyang's body in his arms. He smiled and said: "What nonsense are you talking about? How could I not want to? I was just too excited. When did it happen?" "It was also before. I only discovered it a few days ago, and the doctor said it was probably nearly two months ago." Princess Zhaoyang leaned in Jia Lian's arms and said softly, her face filled with the glory of motherhood.

When Jia Lian heard Princess Zhaoyang's confirmation, she was both surprised and delighted.

The surprise was that after two years, Princess Zhaoyang would be the first to announce the good news to him.The good news is that he, Jia Lian, is not in trouble, but that mother-in-law Feng'er is not living up to expectations!

Yes, Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng have been married for many years, but they still only have one daughter.Although Jia Lian has always felt that the problem was with Wang Xifeng, he occasionally wondered if there was something wrong with him.

This is not unfounded.In today's generation, especially in aristocratic families, many men lose sperm at a young age or damage their foundation through excessive indulgence, which is very likely to cause difficulties for their heirs.

For example, Jia She, Jia Zhen, Jia Rong and others in the past.

In comparison, although his predecessor was slightly less indulgent, he was still ahead of the three in some unique ways.

Jia Lian had reason to wonder whether his predecessor had damaged his body. In fact, this was one of the reasons why he insisted on joining the army and kept exercising for many years.

Now that Princess You and Princess Zhaoyang had announced the good news to him one after another, Jia Lian was secretly relieved.As long as it doesn't give birth, it won't be a big problem.

To put it this way: Alas, poor Feng'er.

Jia Lian felt relieved all of a sudden.Calculating it carefully, even to this day, in fact, in his inner house, there are only three people in his inner house who have the opportunity to give him an heir, Feng Jie'er, Ping'er and Xiang Ling.

First of all, he and Wang Xifeng are both fertile, otherwise there would be no chance of a coincidence.

Secondly, Sister Feng prevented Ping'er from getting pregnant at first. Even though she later figured it out and no longer prohibited it, Ping'er was a loyal and thorough girl. She didn't want to give birth to Jia Lian's eldest son before Sister Feng!Therefore, every time Cheng Huan always had the intention of contraception, Jia Lian and Sister Feng knew about it and could only feel pity.

As for Xiang Ling, Jia Lian cherished her young age.

Others, such as Xi Ren and Qin Keqing, did not dare to get pregnant.

Princess Zhaoyang knew that Jia Lian was returning to Beijing today, and she guessed that he would definitely be busy with Xue Pan's affairs, so she waited here at the right time.The most important purpose is, of course, to announce the good news to Jia Lian.

But she felt very uneasy.As confident as she is, she will only feel unconfident in front of Jia Lian.

Good thing...

She raised her head and glanced at Jia Lian's face, and saw that although he didn't speak, his arms were holding her tightly with a cheerful face, and Princess Zhaoyang felt relieved.

After confirming that Jia Lian was not unhappy or burdened, Princess Zhaoyang combed her forehead hair, stood up from Jia Lian's arms, and said softly: "I don't want this child."

Jia Lian immediately lowered his head and looked at him strangely?This girl looked like she was announcing the good news just now, but she was still worried that he didn't like this child.

"I remember telling Erlang that I hated being born a girl in this life, so my wish is to ride on my horse and join the army to protect the vastness of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers for me, the Wei Dynasty.

I was also thinking that in the future Erlang would become a general and follow Erlang in the army to make great achievements. I didn’t want to be a woman who took care of her husband and raised her son.Besides, even if he was born, his name would be unfair, and he shouldn’t have come in the first place…”

The words "the name is not justified" came from Princess Zhaoyang's mouth, which touched Jia Lian's hidden worries.

What Jia Lian is most worried about is the change in Princess Zhaoyang's mentality.After all, a woman of this status must not be treated like an ordinary girl. Even he has always been careful to protect Princess Zhaoyang's state of mind.

He thought for a while and said: "Now I am more and more powerful in front of Your Majesty. If I ask Your Majesty to marry you to me at this time, even if Your Majesty is dissatisfied, he will not have the intention to kill me. Then you can talk to the Queen Mother again After discussion, we will definitely be able to give the child a legitimate identity before he is born."

Princess Zhaoyang suddenly smiled and said: "Is it just a legitimate identity? What if what I want is a legitimate identity?"

After saying that, seeing Jia Lian being a little silent, Princess Zhaoyang sighed and said hurriedly: "I know what Erlang is thinking. Don't worry, Erlang, I won't embarrass you."

Jia Lian touched her head and was grateful for her understanding.As a descendant, Jia Lian naturally didn't think much of his concubine. He just didn't want to be a treacherous person, especially now that Sister Feng was becoming more and more obedient to him, and he didn't want to betray her.

But Jia Lian also knows that letting the eldest princess grow younger is against the general trend, and he is also thinking about a compromise and appropriate method.

Putting this aside for the time being, Jia Lian continued to hug Princess Zhaoyang and said: "As for your wish to ride on the battlefield, it does not conflict with the birth of this child. On the contrary, if you give birth to a child earlier, your body will be better in the future." Recovering better will not affect Qingran’s ability to follow me on the expedition.”


"Do not lie to you."

Princess Zhaoyang laughed, stretched out her hand to caress Jia Lian's face and said with a smile: "Well, since Erlang said so, I will listen to Erlang and give birth to this little cutie."

Seeing the relaxed smile on her face, Jia Lian didn't know that this woman was just trying her words against her will.Without caring, he gently put his hand into Princess Zhaoyang's clothes and pressed it against her belly through a layer of clothing.

Sure enough, his stomach felt a little tighter than usual, and Jia Lian seemed to be able to feel that there was a little life in it that was connected to his blood and was getting intimate with him.

Although Princess Zhaoyang also wanted Jia Lian to spend more time with her, the sky was getting dark.

She quietly got out of Jia Lian's arms, looked at Jia Lian, and said with a bright smile: "Didn't you say last time that my sister wanted to see me? I said at the time that I didn't think about it. Now I have thought about it. You can arrange for her to meet me. Let’s meet.”

Jia Lian was stunned for a moment, then nodded.Seeing that she really didn't mean to say anything, he lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead, then opened the door curtain and jumped out.

Back in front of Baochai's carriage, Baochai opened the curtain. Although he looked a little hesitant, he didn't ask any more questions. He just said, "Has the matter with Brother Lian been settled?"

"Well, let's go back."

"it is good."

... (end of this chapter)

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