The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 643 Xiaoman marries

It was completely dark when Jia Lian was sent home. Baochai asked Jia Lian to come inside to drink tea for a while, but he refused and did not insist.

After bidding farewell to Jia Lian, he turned around and entered the house, where he found several servants. Baochai asked the housekeeper who came up to him, "Is your wife back?"

"Girl, yes, my wife returned home at dusk and is resting in the main hall now."


When Baochai heard this, she thought to herself that since her brother's accident, her mother's spirit has been tense.

She must have known that she had followed Brother Lian to meet her brother. When Brother Lian sent her back, there was the sound of horse hooves making a lot of noise. It was impossible for her not to know.According to the mother's temperament, she should chase her out and have a look. Could it be that she was tired from the journey and fell asleep?
Therefore, Baochai was not in a hurry to go back to the house to change clothes. She went straight to Aunt Xue's bedroom, only to find that Aunt Xue had not rested at all.She sat alone at the tea table, clasping her chin with one hand and contemplating.

He caught a glimpse of her entering the room, and then he said, "You're back? Your second brother Lian sent you back. Have you seen your brother?"

Baochai nodded, came to her mother's side, and squeezed Aunt Xue's shoulders. Aunt Xue closed her eyes comfortably.

"Don't worry, mother. My brother is in the prison of the Ministry of Punishment. There is nothing serious for the time being. I think brother Lian has already dealt with it with the officials of the Ministry of Punishment. I think there should be no problems on my brother's side before the later trial."

Although Baochai didn't see it with her own eyes, Jia Lian initially asked her to prepare several hundred taels of gold, presumably just to use it for the officials of the Ministry of Justice.

Aunt Xue sighed: "Sure enough, your second brother Lian has the solution. It's hard for us two to even see him, alas..."

After Aunt Xue sighed, she immediately asked: "I heard from my servant that you followed Brother Lian out after noon. After such a long time, you think you didn't just meet your brother, right?"

Baochai knew Aunt Xue's intention, so she gently sat down next to Aunt Xue and told Aunt Xue everything about today's trip with Jia Lian.

The main purpose is to express in front of Aunt Xue that Jia Lian acted carefully and appropriately. According to her opinion, she is very sure that she can save her brother, so that Aunt Xue does not have to worry too much.

Aunt Xue breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but feel glad that her decision to go to Tianjin Guards overnight to invite Jia Lian was indeed the right thing to do.Who would have thought that Jia Lian had only been back in Beijing for half a day, and not only had he persuaded his enemies, but he had also found and sent all those who blamed his son to the Ministry of Punishment.

Sure enough, the eldest son of the Feng family was right. Brother Lian could save Pan'er, and only Brother Lian could save Pan'er.

Therefore, I asked Baochai more and more carefully, and the more I asked, the more peaceful I felt.

Baochai said: "Today, the second brother Lian worked hard for my brother's affairs. Not to mention, in order to persuade his enemy not to pursue my brother's case, he also promised him the position of an officer in the Imperial Guard.

Mom had seen the wives of those mansions begging for favors from their old ladies in their mansion before, so she knew how precious this place was.

Although Brother Lian does not ask for anything in return, we cannot blindly let Brother Lian suffer. We should also think of an appropriate way to make up for Brother Lian's losses. "

Aunt Xue was stunned, looked at Baochai, and then shook her head.

How can there be such a good person in the world who doesn't ask for anything in return?But what your second brother Lian wants is exactly...

Aunt Xue looked at Baochai again with a deep look on her face, which made Baochai feel uneasy.

Baochai was so smart that she actually wondered why her mother invited Jia Lian back to Beijing as soon as she arrived at Tianjin Wei.Not only is she invited to return to Beijing, but today it turns out that Jia Lian is very dedicated to her brother's affairs, and there is no reluctance at all out of affection.

It was hard for her to ask Jia Lian, so she naturally no longer hesitated when facing Aunt Xue, and said bluntly: "I haven't asked my mother yet if the trip went smoothly, if anything important happened, and how did my mother persuade Lian Er?" Brother returned to Beijing?"

Aunt Xue smiled and said nothing, looked at her daughter and said, "You have been running outside all day. Go down and take a shower and change clothes. I will come to your room later and have something important to tell you."

Baochai frowned, but still obeyed her mother's order and said goodbye for now.


After Jia Lian sent Baochai home, he went straight into Xiaoxiang Pavilion from the back gate of Grand View Garden.

Accompanied by the joyful announcement of the little maid, Jia Lian walked into Daiyu's boudoir from the bamboo corridor and saw Daiyu standing gracefully under the west window.

Wearing a light cyan dress and exquisite makeup, her steps seemed to be motionless, like an elf girl trying her best to restrain herself from flying toward her.

A smile suddenly bloomed on Jia Lian's face.Sure enough, if seeing Baochai is the inner peace of mind hidden in his mind, then seeing Daiyu is the uncontrollable turbulent undercurrent under the flat lake, and it is the mood that makes him excited.

He walked forward with a smile, opened his arms, and finally stood half a step in front of Daiyu Xiaonizi.

Daiyu took half a step back, her jade face glowing with clouds, looking cute and bewildered.

Zijuan next to her shook her head and smiled, bowed and turned to leave, taking away the little maid who stayed in the room to watch the show after reporting the news.

There was no one else around, so Daiyu was a little shy, glanced at Jia Lian, who was still looking at him with a smile, spat lightly, turned around and wanted to leave.

As expected, it was all in vain. She immediately noticed that the figure moved slightly, and then he wrapped her completely in that generous chest.

"Relax, you haven't seen anyone for so long, and when you meet someone, you will be frivolous..."

Daiyu was a person born of love, but when she spoke like this, she actually felt a bit resentful. In addition, she couldn't break free from Jia Lian's restraints, so she raised her little foot in desperation and stomped behind him.

After stepping on Jia Lian's boots accurately, I secretly regretted whether I stepped too hard...

Then he discovered that this was not the case at all, because Jia Lian didn't react at all.Raising her head slightly, all she could see was the intoxicated look on Jia Lian's face resting on her shoulder.

Daiyu was even more ashamed.

After a long separation, she couldn't bear to lose Jia Lian's face too much, so she gradually let go of her resistance and allowed Jia Lian to hold her soft body in his arms from behind, enjoying the purest intimacy between men and women.Daiyu was also a little obsessed with this beautiful feeling, and thought to herself that it would be better if Jia Lian didn't have any more unwanted thoughts about her.

She struggled to break away from Jia Lian's arms, and pushed Jia Lian to sit on her desk, staring at him angrily.

Jia Lian didn't care at all. He held the desk with one hand and covered the middle of his robe with a leaf. He smiled and said, "Sister Lin smells so good, I can't get enough of it."

"Bah, you're a libertine."

Daiyu spat again, hurriedly walked to sit on her bed, and looked away from Jia Lian angrily.

I thought to myself: Where did the second brother Lian, who was gentle and polite, like a gentleman, go?
Thinking about it, the little face that Jia Lian couldn't see became even redder.

Jia Lian liked the shy look of a girl like Daiyu very much, which was very precious.He got up and walked over and sat on the bed next to Daiyu, but Daiyu was afraid that someone would see him molesting her again, so she not only kept a wary distance from Jia Lian, but she sat down on her bed when Jia Lian When he came, he stood up quickly, moved to the desk again, and looked at Jia Lian warily.

It seemed that if Jia Lian chased her again, she would run away through the door.

Jia Lian smiled, "Why are sisters Lin so afraid of me? I won't eat you."

Daiyu's mouth bulged, as if she had something to say but she swallowed it.His expression changed, and he saw Daiyu leaning on the desk, asking softly: "Are you coming back this time to deal with Sister Bao and her brother?"

"That's it."

"Then are you sure you can save people? I heard from people that this case of the Xue family is very big, and it is difficult to save people. Sister Bao has not been back to the garden for many days, and Xiangyun and Tan Yatou have both I'm very worried about her." Daiyu said minding her own business.

Jia Lian asked with a smile: "What about you? Are you worried about your sister Bao?"

Daiyu was silent.As sisters who live in the same garden and get along day and night, she and Xiangyun Tanchun should be no different, and she herself doesn't think there should be any difference, but Jia Lian asks this question and obviously puts her in a different position.

She didn't quite understand. Si Zhi could only think that Jia Lian must have believed those people's words and felt that Baochai had a better temperament than her, and she was secretly jealous.

Although Daiyu admitted that when Baochai first came to Beijing, she was not very fond of him.Because Baochai's appearance was indeed extraordinary, people in Jia's family often compared Baochai with her.

However, Baochai was tactful and cautious when speaking to others, so she felt that the other person might be hiding some traitor in his heart.

Because in her opinion, this kind of person who can make everyone around him agree should not exist at all!This is contrary to nature.

She felt that one day the other person's fox tail would be exposed.Therefore, whenever she was faced with other people's respectful remarks towards Baochai, she was always very indifferent and even couldn't help but make sarcastic remarks.

Even today, she understands that Baochai is just a person with strong self-control ability.And she had to admit that getting along with people like Baochai was more pleasant than others.

She understands, but Daiyu is still displeased with Jia Lian's words that hint at her small tolerance, so she pulls her face.She just wanted to let Jia Lian know that she was unhappy.

Jia Lian never thought that his casual words could make so many twists and turns flash through Daiyu's heart.You can also see the reason for Daiyu's displeasure. After all, he did mean to make fun of Daiyu.

So he changed the subject: "Have you read all the letters I wrote to you?"

As soon as these words came out, Daiyu couldn't hold back any longer. She couldn't help but think of the witty words Jia Lian wrote to her in the letter. She secretly cursed Jia Lian in her heart for being so shameless, but at the same time she was very grateful that she had a collection of books. The method is clever.

She knew that Xiangyun had been in her room more than once in the past few days, trying to find the whereabouts of this letter.Humph, if she sees it, she will laugh to death from now on.

Seeing that Daiyu didn't speak, Jia Lian smiled and said: "You just complained that I didn't come back to see you for so long. Look, I took time out of my busy schedule to write you such a long letter, but you didn't even bother to reply. Reply! You know, even that bastard like you, Sister Feng, replied to me on the same day. You don’t care about me at all.”

Daiyu naturally didn't understand that Jia Lian was using magic, and she seemed a little embarrassed.

In fact, she thought about replying to the letter but failed to write it several times.Mainly because of her current relationship with Jia Lian, she could accept Jia Lian's family letters with peace of mind, but she always felt embarrassed when asked to send letters to Jia Lian.

So he said very shamelessly: "If you have something you can't say in person, you have to write it in a letter. I'm so tired of it..."

"Really? In that case, I'm sitting here now. If you have anything to say, please tell me."

Jia Lian joked.Daiyu's words are obviously irresponsible. If he really doesn't write to Daiyu for a long time when he is away from home in the future, he will definitely be blamed to death by her!

Daiyu's little face, which had just returned to normal, turned red again. She felt that she was really afraid of seeing Jia Lian now.

She had never been like this before and wished she could see each other every day.Mainly, who would have known that after the engagement, second brother Lian would change more and more day by day, which made her feel at a loss as to what to do.

"You just came back. Have you had dinner? Sister Feng will definitely be waiting for you at home. You should go back quickly. I have to prepare to rest..."

Facing Daiyu's expulsion order, Jia Lian nodded, stood up and walked out, but when he passed by Daiyu, he caught her off guard.

He lowered his head and kissed her cold thin lips. After her body became limp, he moved away with great perseverance. He whispered in an evil voice: "I will be full of filial piety in the next spring. I will marry you right away. I will wait until then." How could you refuse me!"

Daiyu leaned softly on her desk, her eyes blurred, until she noticed Jia Lian leaving and returned to Qingming.After confirming that Jia Lian would not come back, she stood up and walked slowly towards the bed where Jia Lian had been sitting, but her last words echoed repeatedly in her heart.

Yes, brother Chunlian's three-year filial piety period will be up next year!Time flies so fast. What I thought was a long process has only one year left in the blink of an eye.

He said he was serious about marrying him as soon as his filial piety period was over, or was he just trying to scare him?
He should be fooling himself, because even if he is full of filial piety, he still has filial piety on his body.However, women are different from men, and the world does not value women's filial piety. Therefore, if he is impatient and really marries himself next spring, no one will say anything.

What should I do? If so, what if he...

Xiao Nizi, who was shy and frightened and had no idea what to do, threw herself down on the couch and covered her head with the quilt to prevent Zijuan and others from noticing her embarrassment. (End of chapter)

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