The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 669 Is it joy or worry?

Jia Lian practiced musketry for half a day in the Imperial City Firearms Camp.

As the commander of the firearms battalion, he, an old man, naturally needs to be proficient in using firearms.

When he returned to Ningrong Street, seeing that it was still early, Jia Lian did not rush back to his home, but instead stepped into the Ningguo Mansion.

After calling the housekeepers together, asking questions and arranging some affairs as usual, Jia Lian originally wanted to find the You sisters to relieve his boredom, but unexpectedly the You sisters went to the temple with You Lao Niang.

So Jia Lian thought about going into the garden to look for a wonderful jade or a precious hairpin to talk to.

When you step into the Tianxiang Tower, you can hear the sound of the piano. The melody carried by the sound of the piano seems familiar and yet strange. When listening to it, I just feel that the sound reaches my ears, like the sound of nature.

Jia Lian couldn't help but stop, stood for a moment and then walked into Tianxiang Tower.

Because of the presence of Gu Qingyi's four beauties and their respective maids, Tianxiang Tower changed its once quiet and deserted appearance and became lively and lively.

After stopping the two little girls who saw him and wanted to give him a gift, Jia Lian followed the sound and came to the west building.

Through the window, I saw that in the attic, a stunning beauty in gorgeous clothes was sitting behind the guqin. The melody was generated out of thin air when she was caressing it with her bare hands, and struck in all directions, capturing the hearts of the listeners.

Gu Qingyi's musical instrument Jia Lian had long known that, what really surprised him was that the tune he was playing at this time was actually a song he liked very much in his previous life.

Unexpectedly, a piece of music that he originally thought sounded good, after removing the lyrics and playing it with a pure guqin, turned out to be so novel and amazing.

What surprised Jia Lian even more was that if he remembered correctly, he had only shown this "Love Song of the West Sea" once in front of Shen Pan'er and his daughters. Unexpectedly, Gu Qingyi's talent was so high that he could not only memorize the melody but also play it out just once.

Jia Lian cannot compose music. Although he has an extremely large music library that is very fresh to this world, he also intends to enrich the entertainment color of this world.

However, considering that studying music intensively cannot be accomplished overnight, he does not have much time to spend on this matter for the time being.

However, in his spare time, there is no harm in training extremely talented women such as Shen Pan'er.

This is actually the reason why Jia Lian brought these four beauties back to the capital, not just because of their beauty.

The sound of the piano gradually stopped, but the beauty's brows in the attic were slightly condensed, as if she was thinking about something. Then I saw her getting up and walking to the desk by the window, picking up a pen and sketching in a notebook.

People say that men who focus on doing things are the most attractive. In fact, the same is true for women.

Not to mention, such a stunning beauty is focused on nothing else. When she is obsessed with things, her static beauty makes people forget the ordinary things.

Jia Lian couldn't help but wonder what she was doing so intently, so she quietly walked into the attic and came to the desk.

Only then did Gu Qingyi realize that someone was coming. He raised his head and was about to stand up and salute. Jia Lian waved her hand to say no, then pointed to the manuscript that the beauty had just sketched and revised, and asked: "Is this the score you wrote for this piece?"

Hearing this, Gu Qingyi raised his head and glanced at Jia Lian, nodded and said, "Hui Lord, that's right. This is the 'fingering notation' commonly used to record piano music, also known as subtraction notation, created by Master Cao Rou in the Tang Dynasty.

It is precisely because of the existence of this method that many qin music that appeared in the past few hundred years have been preserved, and will not be lost to inheritance with the passage of time like the famous music handed down before the Tang Dynasty. "

When Gu Qingyi spoke, he glanced at Jia Lian several times.

This musical score does not use words to record the pitch and length of the tune, but uses special symbols. It is impossible for ordinary people to recognize it, but Jia Lian was able to tell in one word that this is musical score.

As a young master from the Duke's palace, it was not too strange for Jia Lian to know piano music. What surprised her was that Jia Lian had clearly argued in the past that he had no musical attainments.

Even if he could sing some novel and beautiful melodies from his mouth, he would say they were hummed casually and not worth mentioning.

Now it seems that these are just excuses. He clearly has extremely profound attainments in music.

Jia Lian can't read minds, so he naturally doesn't know what the beauty in front of him is thinking.

The reason why he could recognize the music score at a glance was just because he had seen it at Daiyu's place. As a truly talented girl, Daiyu naturally knows how to play the piano.

Not only can she play the piano, she can also read music scores. According to Daiyu, it was her mother who taught her, and her mother was also a talented woman!

A talented woman paired with a handsome man was also a good story back then.

It was only after Daiyu arrived at Jia's house that she lived with Jia's mother, fearing to disturb Jia's mother's peace, so she never showed off her skills in front of others.

It wasn't until I moved into the Grand View Garden and the quiet Xiaoxiang Pavilion that I picked up this hobby again.

Looking at the deleted symbols on the notebook, Jia Lian knew that Gu Qingyi must have written the score of "Love Song of the West Sea" from memory. There must be some things that he could not remember clearly or felt were inappropriate. He was debugging the piano just now.

I once again lamented the high talent of this woman. In future generations, she will definitely be a superstar that will amaze an era.

Then he saw a beautifully decorated booklet on the table, and Jia Lian picked it up.

When I opened it, I saw that they were all recorded musical scores. Some have titles, some have no titles, and he is familiar with all the titles.

Seeing Jia Lian looking down at her, Gu Qingyi looked embarrassed and whispered: "Many of the tunes that Mr. Hou sang in the past were very novel and beautiful to the slave family, so they boldly compiled them into qin music according to the fingering method of playing the qin, and also I hope the Lord will forgive the sin of disrespect to the slave family."

"What a crime."

Jia Lian smiled slightly and closed the book. Anyway, he only recognized it, but could not understand the height and length of the syllables represented by each symbol.

I always feel that although this written notation is more scientific and accurate than the written notation of ancient times, it still has a long way to go in terms of the convenience of recording music compared to the five-line notation of later generations.

However, he had never systematically studied music notation in his previous life. Otherwise, if he taught this method to this girl, it would definitely help her reach a new level in music creation.

"The reason why I have brought you into my residence is not only to teach the twelve young opera singers music, but also to give you a place to stay and study piano, chess, calligraphy and painting intensively.

Therefore, if these piano music you composed can be accepted by the world, it will not only make you and me famous for future generations, but also promote our Chinese entertainment culture and enrich the core of our people's spiritual world, why not do it? "

Although Jia Lian's words sounded strange, Gu Qingyi finally heard that Jia Lian was not angry because she secretly recorded her works, but was supportive, and her heart couldn't help but become active.

"The realm of the Marquis is beyond the reach of the slave family. However, many slaves did not remember the tunes that the Marquis sang in front of the slave sisters very clearly. So when compiling the piano score, in many places the slave family only Can rely on one's own shallow attainments and do things mechanically.

If the Marquis has some free time, could he allow me to ask for advice in person..."

It has been almost a year since Gu Qingyi and other women entered the mansion, but in fact she has not been able to see Jia Lian very often. Most of the time, I was called to perform, and Sister Feng and other hostesses were present, so she naturally would not overstep.

This idea has been in her mind for a long time, but she has never found a suitable opportunity. Please ask Jia Lian to condescend to demonstrate it to her again, so that she will be able to make these songs unique to the current generation. She feels that they will be able to be passed down to future generations, all compiled and completed.

This matter was of great significance to her, so after she finished speaking, she looked at Jia Lian sincerely and expectantly.

Jia Lian looked down at the beauty in front of him, but did not answer her words. Instead, he glanced in the direction of the curtain behind her, then stepped forward to the wooden chair where she was sitting. Under the gaze of her beautiful eyes, he bent down and pulled her away. Hugged on the chair.

There is no doubt about the beauty of Gu Qingyi. If Daiyu is the beauty of being elegant and graceful, Baochai is the beauty of the country's regular beauty, Qin Keqing is the beauty of all kinds of amorous feelings that make men feel lustful when they see it, then Gu Qingyi is the kind of beauty that is so radiant that it makes people lust after her. People will feel ashamed of their beauty as soon as they see it.

She and Miaoyu are the same type of stunning beauties. Perhaps due to her background and experience, she understands and shows her own beauty better than Miaoyu.

If these four beauties were not so charming, Jia Lian would not risk leaving a lustful impression on Daiyu and other girls and bring them back to the capital.

And Gu Qingyi is undoubtedly the most beautiful and talented woman among these four beauties.

The reason why he left them alone before was not because he didn't dare, but because he was surrounded by beautiful women and he was not in a hurry to show his impatience.

Today, he originally came here for fun, but he was also moved by the beauty of this woman, so Jia Lian stopped pretending to be Liu Xiahui.

Because he picked up the beauty's delicate body, he walked inside. He had just seen that there happened to be a bed inside.

Gu Qingyi obviously did not expect Jia Lian's sudden move. After being startled, she realized that she had fallen firmly into Jia Lian's arms.

Feeling the strong and powerful arms holding her waist and legs, and the unique smell of men coming from the tip of her mouth and nose, Gu Qingyi suddenly panicked and couldn't help but struggle.

"Master Hou..."

Jia Lian stopped and looked down at her: "You don't want to?"

Gu Qingyi was stunned, and his struggling movements stopped immediately.

If she didn't want to, she wouldn't have stood on the small boat dressed in cold clothes and played a flute on the Qinhuai River that day, just to win the favor of the people in front of her.

If she didn't want to, she wouldn't be able to compete with all the beauties in Yangzhou and win the qualification to be taken away by the person in front of her.

If she didn't want to, she wouldn't spend her best years and be willing to be a geisha who could come and go whenever she was called upon in the Hou Mengong's mansion...

Even if you are willing, you will inevitably be unwilling to do so.

But she knew deeply that Jia Lian was by no means comparable to the previous high-ranking officials who were hypocritical and coy.

This can be seen from the fact that he has had him for so long, but he can ignore him and ignore him.

She has full self-confidence. If it were any other dignitary in the world, as long as she entered the mansion, she would lose her innocence within a few days.

Therefore, the methods used to deal with other people probably have no meaning in Jia Lian.

Because the opportunity given to her by the other party might be only this one.

With his own status, he is not qualified to bargain with the other party. It is better to mention everything after becoming the other person's woman.

Thousands of thoughts were running through my mind, but my body had softened.

Shaking his head, he met Jia Lian's gaze and said in a sweet voice: "Please, Lord Marquis, have mercy..."

The simple pleading voice sounded like a heartstring being plucked in Jia Lian's ears.

I weighed my arms and felt that the beauty in my arms was as light as a swallow, and I was holding her like a beautiful jade. Jia Lian's mind, which he thought he had long been trained to be calm in the presence of beauty, began to ripple again.

This was an uncontrollable reaction brought to him by the beauty's absolute beauty.

There were similar reactions before, when Qin Keqing and Miaoyu dedicated themselves to him.

As soon as his feet were in a hurry, he was about to walk towards the inner room at a faster pace, when a panting maid's voice echoed outside.

"Second Master, Second Master, the old lady is sending people everywhere to look for you. Grandma heard that you were here and ordered me to send a message..."

With the thump of embroidered shoes on the wooden floor, a silver butterfly appeared at the window.

When Yindie saw Jia Lian through the window, she was initially surprised, but then she stopped and showed hesitation.

After hesitating for a moment, she retracted her head, turned around and hid quietly where Jia Lian couldn't see her, and then hurriedly patted her bouncing breasts.

It's terrible, it's terrible, it seems to have ruined Er Ye's good deeds!

Alas, originally there was little hope, but now my aunt’s big plan, I don’t know how long it will take to wait...

If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have taken this job.

In the attic, Jia Lian paused and frowned, holding the stunning beauty in his arms.

Although he was in no rush to eat Gu Qingyi, it didn't mean that he was willing to be interrupted when he decided to take action.

I believe any man would not like it.

Ignoring Yindie deliberately, I believe that she would not dare to continue to say anything to disturb his interest.

But if Jia Mu summoned her, it would be fine if she didn't receive the order. Now that she knows it, she doesn't go and spreads the word...

It's not that Jia Mu will be unhappy. Today, he is no longer the grandson who feared Jia Mu like a tiger.

He just felt that if he ignored Jia Mu's summons in order to favor the beauty, and if it reached the ears of Daiyu and others, they would inevitably despise him.

After all, he has always been characterized as a very filial and good son and grandson, and he has great respect for his elders such as Jia Mu.

Perhaps seeing Jia Lian's hesitation, Gu Qingyi smiled and said, "The old lady is in a hurry to see the Marquis. There must be something important. The Marquis should go quickly. Don't delay important matters for the sake of the slave family."

Jia Lian glanced at her and couldn't tell whether she was happy or sorry, but he made a decision and let her go.

Gu Qingyi, a woman, changed roles very quickly. Not only did her face look normal, but she also stepped forward very considerately, gently adjusted Jia Lian's collar, and then signaled with her eyes that Jia Lian could leave.

Jia Lian felt in his heart that despite the fact that this lady was usually quiet, in terms of scheming, she was definitely the best among the four girls.

But just as he likes Xue Baochai, he is not worried about scheming women.

A simple woman has the cuteness of a simple woman, and a woman with a blue heart also has her own charm. As long as she doesn't harm anyone, she is a good woman.

So he raised his hand and touched his smooth face, and said softly: "Wait, I'll come find you again at night."

With one sentence, Gu Qingyi's heart, which had just relaxed, suddenly tightened.

But before she could react, the person in front of her had already walked out of the attic, leaving her alone standing there, not knowing whether she was happy or worried. (End of chapter)

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