After meeting Jia Mu, Jia Lian returned home.

As soon as I stepped into the courtyard gate, I heard the maid in the east chamber shouting to the door: "Second Grandma, Second Master is back!"

When Jia Lian heard the sound, he turned around and walked towards the east wing, and saw Sister Feng walking out with Sister Qiao in her arms, rocking her at the same time.

Jia Lian saw tears on the little girl's face and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Hey, it's nothing. I just accidentally touched the doorpost. I've already applied medicine."

While talking, she handed Sister Qiao to Jia Lian, and then Sister Feng said with a smile: "Master Hou, are you tired today? I have asked people to fill the bath with water. Master Hou can take a bath first and then eat." dinner."

"Qingwen, why don't you help your second master to take a bath?"

At this time, Jia Lian had already confirmed that Sister Qiao was fine, wiped her tears with his thumb, and then looked at Sister Feng.

Since Jia Mu already knew what was going on in the palace and had just called him to "teach him", there was no reason that Sister Feng didn't know about it.

Since she was so calm, Jia Lian was not in a hurry to talk to her, it was not a matter of honor anyway. So he nodded, handed Sister Qiao to the wet nurse, and walked towards the west bathroom.

In the steaming bathroom, everything is ready.

After Qingwen took off Jia Lian's clothes, she pointed at a small bruise on Jia Lian's shoulder and neck and shouted, "Why are there bruises here?"

Jia Lian lowered his head and glanced at it, and said nonchalantly: "It vibrated when I was practicing the gun. It's not a problem."

"Practice with guns? How could you get hurt here while practicing guns?" Qingwen's face was full of doubts and she couldn't understand.

Jia Lian didn't blame her. This girl probably didn't even know whether he was talking about the red tassel gun or the gunpowder gun, and he didn't bother to explain too much to her.

"Does it hurt, second master?"

"a little."

"Then I'll give Second Master a good rub later, and it'll be fine if the bruises are gone."

After stripping Jia Lian naked and sending him into the water, Qingwen walked to the door and took a look outside. She closed the bathroom door, then walked to the shelf nearby and started to undress herself.

Seeing Jia Lian looking back at her, she also explained: "It's inconvenient to squat outside and rub it for me, so it's better to come down and exert more force..."

The fact is that even if Jia Lian and Sister Feng are at home, they don't take a bath in the bath every day. Now that spring is getting colder, it would be so comfortable and luxurious to have a pool of hot water to take a bath. Qingwen also wanted to be part of Jia Lian's glory.

And what she said was right. Squatting on the edge of the pool was not very convenient whether it was to scrub Jia Lian's body or massage her shoulders and neck.

There is nothing overstepping the mark. In the past, the second master used to take a bath in a big wooden barrel and often caught her and Xiangling in it to play, let alone this big pool.

Out of ten times, seven or eight times he would take the initiative to let them bathe with him, which would save them the trouble of bathing alone.

As expected, Jia Lian had no intention of blaming her at all, but instead asked: "Where is Xiangling?"

At this time, Qingwen had stripped herself down to only a jade-white bellyband to cover her body. Holding a pair of extremely small and delicate jade feet, she stepped onto the steps from the edge of the pool and entered the water.

Hearing this, he said: "I know her. She feels weird today."

"How to say?"

"I don't know. Even after I went to Dongfu with my second grandma, I felt weird when I came back and didn't talk much. When I asked her if she was being scolded by my second grandma, she didn't say anything. She just looked at me and smiled. It’s creepy.”

Seeing that Qingwen couldn't explain it, Jia Lian didn't care. Instead, he turned his head and stared at the little girl's underwater figure, and said with a smile: "Since you want to come down and bathe with her, what's the point of wearing one?
I've already been exposed by you, and you're still hiding it. Is that ridiculous? "

Qingwen was immediately ashamed. Facing Jia Lian's scrutiny, she hesitated for three seconds, then shyly reached behind her back and unzipped the thread of her bellyband.

The jade-white bellyband that had lost its restraints rushed out of the water like a lively little rabbit, swaying along with the water waves in the pool, which was very attractive.

Jia Lian smiled slightly and hooked his hands at the little girl. The beautiful, slim and slim girl snuggled up to him obediently.


Knowing that Sister Feng was waiting, Jia Lian didn't make much fuss with Qingwen in the bathroom.

After getting dressed, he returned to the main room. As expected, Sister Feng had already arranged the food and served him to sit down and eat.

"I know you don't like sweet food, so I specially ordered the kitchen to use less sugar in these dishes. Try it, do you think it tastes good?"

The dishes on the table were all his usual favorites. And Sister Feng has obviously become extremely virtuous today. Not only does she stand and serve him dishes, but her words are also extremely gentle.

Jia Lian got used to it for a while, but found that he was still not used to it, so he said: "You should change back to your original appearance. I am not used to you being so virtuous."


Jia Lian's words not only made Sister Feng's bright smile freeze, but even Ping'er, who was standing beside him, couldn't help but smile.

But the squeaking sound was not made by Ping'er, but came from outside the curtain. Jia Lian couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. Apart from Qingwen, he didn't know any other girl in the room who was so bold and dared to laugh at Sister Feng.

But Jia Lian couldn't tell who it was just from the sound.

After being "ridiculed" by Jia Lian, Sister Feng couldn't help but rolled her eyes at Jia Lian angrily, and finally sat down.

Ping'er then came forward and took over Sister Feng's work, serving the dishes for the two masters.

Although in order to match her status, Sister Feng had already separated an area in Dongci and set up tables and chairs for the dining room.

But the couple was still accustomed to eating on the Kang table in the west room as before.

This kang table is suitable for two people to sit across from each other, so if Jia Lian is not at home, Ping'er can get Sister Feng's grace and sit together to eat with her.

Once he came back, he couldn't.

However, Jia Lian was always considerate of the people in the house, and was afraid that Ping'er would be greedy for the food on the table, so he picked up a small piece of fish meat, made sure it was bone-free, and then raised his hand and put it to Ping'er's lips.

Although Ping'er was embarrassed, it was not the first time Jia Lian had done this, so he glanced at Sister Feng's expression and opened his mouth obediently.

Chewing the fish meat fed by the second master himself, the meat is fragrant, and my heart feels even better.

Sister Feng, who watched the whole process, secretly rolled her eyes, thinking that Ping'er had a tendency to fall in love with Jia Lian. If this continues, this girl's heart will be completely won over. By then, even herself I can’t even recognize it!
After dinner in peace and harmony, after Ping'er and the maids put away the tableware, Sister Feng said: "I heard that the old lady is looking for you..."

Seeing that the ladies finally lost their composure, Jia Lian stopped pretending to be confused.

He nodded and said, "It's for palace matters."

Sister Feng's expression also became serious, "The old lady also asked me to come over before... The imperial concubine wrote a letter and sent it, saying..."

Sister Feng tried her best to use a calm tone and asked: "Is what the imperial concubine said true? Did the Supreme Emperor really veto the marriage between you and the princess?"

Jia Lian nodded again: "That's right."

Sister Feng's expression wrinkled up and her eyes rolled. Deliberately suppressing the joy in his heart and showing sadness, in order to achieve the purpose of empathizing with Jia Lian.

But I also felt that if this would appear too hypocritical, Jia Lian would definitely be able to tell with his IQ!

So I was extremely confused inside. Jia Lian glanced at her, how could he not see through her little tricks.

Not intending to argue with her, Jia Lian said: "So, let's leave it like this for the time being regarding the princess. You don't have to hold it in. If you are happy, just laugh out loud. It will be bad if you hold it back."

Hearing what Jia Lian said, Sister Feng knew that her thoughts had indeed been seen through.

In this way, she completely put away her inner joy and sighed: "You have always regarded me as an ignorant woman, so you naturally thought that I would only be happy when you knew the news.

But in fact, when I heard the old lady say this, I felt unspeakably uncomfortable.

Not for myself, but for the princess.

Although I have only met her once, just from the words you and she have said to me, I know how much the eldest princess likes you and cares about you!

Although she is a princess, her experience has been rough. As a princess, in order to be with you, she is willing to follow you for so long without any reputation or status, and does not care at all about her own reputation or what others think of her.

To be honest, if it were me, I wouldn't be able to do it.

It was so easy to have your child and have a legitimate chance to be with you, but my hope was shattered just as it began.

I don’t know how the princess could bear such a blow. When I think about this, I just feel uncomfortable. How can I feel happy?

Besides, don’t I know that if the princess really marries you, having her help will be of great benefit to your career? If I didn't even have this vision, I would have wasted my time as the head of the family for so many years. "

As Sister Feng spoke, not only did her voice become more and more emotional, but her eyes became moist, and it was obvious that she was about to shed tears at the next moment.

Jia Lian saw it in his eyes, and although he didn't know whether Sister Feng's statement was true or false, she could say this at this time, and Jia Lian agreed with her.

So he stretched out his hand to wipe the corners of her eyes and comforted her: "You don't have to worry too much, she is far stronger than you think."

"I know that she is a very good person, and I cannot compare to her in this regard."

Sister Feng nodded and suddenly asked: "Then, the child in the princess's belly?"

The child... Since the Supreme Emperor vetoed their marriage on the grounds that it would bring harm to the Tian family's face, it was naturally impossible to keep the child.

The Queen Mother had clearly told him this.

Although Jia Lian didn't answer, Sister Feng already knew the answer. She hurriedly took Jia Lian's hand and said: "You don't have to be too sad. There are still days to come. Even if you and the princess's child is gone, there will still be opportunities in the future..."

Sister Feng was really scared. Jia Lian was so hot-headed that he went against the Tian family for the sake of his and Princess Zhaoyang's child.

Jia Lian could see that Sister Feng was worried, but in fact these people were overly worried. As a guest of later generations, although Jia Lian cares about his own bloodline, a life that has not yet been born, that is, an embryo, will not make Jia Lian lose his mind.

Now that Sister Feng knew everything she should know, Jia Lian didn't want to say anything more to her, so he stood up and prepared to walk out.

"It's so late, where are you going?"

"Look outside."

Jia Lian responded casually, because Sister Feng had stopped restricting his whereabouts a long time ago, so he thought that Sister Feng was just asking casually.

But he found that he seemed to have thought wrong. Sister Feng quickly stepped forward to grab his arm and said with a smile: "If the second master has nothing important to do, he should rest at home first. There is something interesting, please guess it?" "

"Interesting thing?" Jia Lian looked confused.

Sister Feng did not go around in circles. After pulling Jia Lian back to sit down, she clapped her hands and said to the door: "Xiang Ling, come in."

As Sister Feng finished speaking, Xiangling soon saw Xiangling walking in from the main hall.

She was wearing a goose-yellow long coat, a blue satin waistcoat, and a moon-white pleated skirt underneath. The whole thing looks beautiful and clean.

It's exactly how Xiang Ling always dresses.

Therefore, Jia Lian didn't notice anything wrong at first glance, but when he saw Sister Feng looking at him meaningfully from the corner of his eye, Jia Lian became suspicious.

This suspicion gave me some clues.

First of all, although the Xiang Ling's dress and expression in front of her are the same as before, but upon closer inspection, it is not difficult to find that this girl seems to have suddenly grown taller.

Secondly, according to Xiangling's temperament, although she is slower, she has not fallen behind on the rules she should know after being in the mansion for so many years. She is even more sensible and obedient than Qingwen and others.

Xiang Ling, who was in front of him, had only looked at him and Sister Feng with seemingly innocent eyes since she walked in. She stood blankly and didn't know how to salute or say hello.

Once you have doubts in your heart, you won't be easily fooled if you look at her other behaviors.

Jia Lian raised his eyebrows: "Are you... Rong's daughter-in-law?"

God knows what Jia Lian was thinking the moment he asked this question. He almost instinctively turned to look at Sister Feng, wanting to find the answer from Sister Feng.

After "Xiang Ling" heard Jia Lian's question, her honest but dull expression instantly became vivid.

She asked confusedly: "What did the second master say, Rong's daughter-in-law? Grandma Xiaorong is in Dongfu, and the servant is Xiangling!"

Yes, you can still confuse the truth without speaking. As soon as you speak, Jia Lian confirmed it.

Although this girl was still trying to imitate Xiang Ling's voice, the timbre was still somewhat different.

Others may not be able to tell the difference, but Jia Lian, who is used to hearing their babbling or umming sounds, would be confused.

So, Jia Lian looked at Sister Feng with a question on his face?
Danielle, do you want to have sex?
Sister Feng's face was full of pride, she glanced at Jia Lian quietly, and then said to Ping'er: "Look, I said that your second master is very clever. How can we hide this trick from him?" ?”

Ping'er smiled knowingly and made no comment.

Sister Feng called Xiang Ling forward, took her hand and looked her up and down, then turned to Jia Lian and said: "The makeup on her face is what Ping'er and Nizi spent a lot of time painting. What came out, in my opinion, is no different from the real thing. How on earth could you tell it at a glance?"

Jia Lian smiled and looked at "Xiang Ling" in front of him. To be honest, he didn't really see it at first glance.

After all, these two girls were very similar to each other originally. Now they have changed their makeup and clothes. If it weren't for the age difference between the two, which caused a slight difference in body size, even he wouldn't be able to do this. Confirm your identity quickly.

Without replying to Sister Feng's words, Jia Lian asked, "Why are you dressing her up like Xiangling? Where is the girl Xiangling?"

Sister Feng laughed. She didn't believe that Jia Lian couldn't guess their intentions. The stinky man was just pretending to be confused!

"You are so concerned about your Xiangling girl, go to Dongfu to find her. I have nothing to do, and I thought that Rong's daughter-in-law and Xiangling girl are so similar. If they dress up, I wonder if you can guess it?
I didn’t expect you to see through it at a glance, it’s boring. Weren't you going out just now? It just so happens that I haven't talked to her for a few days. You can go out. It's best not to come back tonight and let her sleep next to me! "

Listening to Sister Feng's words, Jia Lian admired in his heart: These ladies are really good at what they do.

They originally thought they were just asking Qin Keqing to dress up as Xiang Ling and play house, but they didn't expect that the real Xiang Ling had been sent to the East Mansion by them.

It is conceivable that Xiang Ling over there must have become another "Qin Keqing".

What a scene where Li Dai and Tao Zhi are stuck!
Looking at Qin Keqing, who was looking at him with pity because of his failure in acting, Jia Lian moved his legs, and finally picked up a cup of tea next to him and squinted his eyes to taste it.

Don't say that he is fine. Even if something happens, he can't leave at this time. If he does, he will be a fool. (End of chapter)

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