The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 696 2 Mrs. Zhang Nan

Because in the two months before the beginning of the year, the design and arrangements for the new military port and shipyard were basically completed, Jia Lian's arrival this time was mostly just for review and omissions.

Therefore, in addition to guiding inspections in these two places every day, Jia Lian also communicated with the superiors and subordinates of the Tianjin Guards Navy and easily wrote detailed memorials about the situation, ready to be read by the emperor after he returned to Beijing.

Of course, the emperor may not have time to look at these trivial matters, but regardless of whether the emperor looks at it or not, he always does the work that needs to be done very seriously, and strives not to leave too many things worthy of criticism.

The days are quickly approaching the birthday of Tanchun girl.

It's March in spring, the wind is calm and the sun is beautiful, and there are no clouds in the sky.

The huge water area outside the Capital Pier.

A small awning boat floated casually on the river.

The warm sunlight shone down, and although most of it was blocked by the bamboo canopy, some still shone through the small gaps and shone into the cabin, reflecting a breathtaking picture.

On top of the gorgeous soft body, an enviable man with a tall figure and handsome appearance folded his hands in front of his face, lying on his stomach comfortably.

He was naked, revealing his strong back and slightly knitted muscles.

Behind him, a slender beauty wearing a thin veil was sitting between his waist and hips. He gently raised his jade arms, and the flower oil on his hands was evenly smeared on his back, shoulders and arms. Under the rays of sunlight, his skin glowed with a beautiful brilliance.

The beauty was like a master who was proficient in medicine, massaging and massaging all the joints and acupuncture points on the man's shoulders and back.

Seeing that the man beneath her seemed to have fallen asleep under her massage, a smile appeared on her face.

She silently reduced the strength in her hands by three points, and then like a tireless puppet, she concentrated on serving the man beneath her, striving to bring the ultimate relaxation and enjoyment to his body.

I don't know how long it took, until she realized that the man under her was still the same as before. With the strength of her hand, she let out a slight moan in her mouth and nose, and then she chuckled and said: "Why is Mr. Hou so tired? Can you sleep?"

The person being served tenderly by the beauty was the Marquis Jia Lian who rushed back to the capital from Tianjin Wei.

But the beauty is the second wife and second wife of the Xue family. She has been staying in the capital for more than a month and is preparing to leave the capital and return to Jinling.

Originally, she was leaving two days ago. But when Jia Lian learned the news, he ordered her to postpone it for two days.

So, in this busy traffic terminal, on this wide Grand Canal, in a small boat, the two of them started a unique and unique farewell.

Of course, Jia Lian was not tired, but the beauty's service was too gentle and enjoyable, so he couldn't help but take a nap.

"I set off from Tianjin Wei very early in the morning and kept going non-stop. I was afraid that I would be late and miss saying goodbye to my wife."

After hearing Jia Lian's explanation, the second lady's beautiful big eyes suddenly smiled like two crescent moons.

In fact, she didn't expect that Jia Lian would rush back to the capital just for her.

In her opinion, she was just an unlucky young widowed person who had a casual relationship with Jia Lian just by chance. To Jia Lian, who has countless beauties around him, he is just a game, a dispensable existence.

Before I decided to leave Beijing and return to my hometown, I just accidentally decided to let someone tell Jia Lian. Who would have thought that she would receive an "order" from Jia Lian that night, telling her to leave on the second day of the Lunar New Year, and that he would come to see her off.

What made her even more happy was that today, Jia Lian arrived at the dock from Tianjin Wei just an hour before the passenger ship set off.

Judging by the time, Jia Lian probably set off at midnight yesterday.

This kind of kindness made her heart move secretly. She couldn't help but leaned over to Jia Lian's ear and said with a smile: "Well, Lord Marquis, can you rest now?"

Jia Lian didn't know how serious he was, so he casually replied: "Of course. With the help of the second lady, I not only have a good rest, but I feel a hundred times more energetic now."

"Oh, is it so."

The second lady straightened up calmly, smeared more of the high-quality peach blossom oil she had prepared in advance on Jia Lian's back, then gently raised her hands to take off the gauze on her body.

In an instant, a white and graceful body, so beautiful that even the light could not help but retreat, was exposed to the air.

Seeing that Jia Lian didn't notice that he was turning around, the second lady was not discouraged. She smiled and leaned down again, using her best body to give Jia Lian the most unique enjoyment.


Although the second lady's superb skills shocked Jia Lian, it was not surprising.

After all, the second lady used massage to subdue Mr. Zhuang. But after all, she didn't have a teacher, so how could she know such a clever method.

Jia Lian had mentioned these to her, but who would have thought that she would learn them so easily.

And Jia Lian had to admit that the second wife, who was born in the Western Regions and had a longer and more graceful figure than most women from the Central Plains, was more comfortable doing similar charming things, which made people's blood flow uncontrollably.

Finally, when the second lady patted his butt and asked him to turn over, Jia Lian couldn't bear it any longer. Instead, he pressed the second lady on the couch, lowered his head and kissed the second lady's face and neck.

"Keke, don't worry, Mr. Hou, there's still no oil on the front..."

The second lady looked up and smiled sweetly.

"There is no rush ahead. Courtesy is reciprocated. Madam has served me so hard. Now it is my turn to repay Madam."

After Jia Lian finished speaking, he directly restrained the second lady's weak hands and feet, and then used the most primitive means to enjoy the prey.

After Wushan Yunyu, the second lady, covered in sweat and flushed, sat on Jia Lian's waist again, looking at Jia Lian with joy, her head resting on her hands, looking at her appreciatively.

Due to the loss of strength caused by Jia Lian's torment, the second lady was not as diligent as before. He massaged Jia Lian's chest, waist and abdomen hastily, then put down his tools and snuggled into Jia Lian's arms.

"I'm leaving."


"After I leave, will the Marquis miss me?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the second lady noticed that her chin was lifted, and then she saw Jia Lian's jade-like face looking at her, and said with a smile: "The second lady is so naturally beautiful and charming, no man would do it. You don’t care about it, do you?”

The second lady's face turned pale, and she couldn't help but think of the scene where she seduced Jia Lian that day in Jinling City.

To this day, she still has no idea how she had the courage to seduce Jia Lian when they first met.

Perhaps it was her sister Zhuang's instigation, or perhaps Jia Lian's charm was too great, but in short, she did it.

Now it seems that this may be the most important decision in my life. It will bring me the most precious memories and memories, and it is one of the most important things in my life.

Thinking of this, she suddenly looked at Jia Lian pleadingly: "After I leave, I also hope that for the sake of my concubine's identity, Lord Marquis will help me take care of Girl Qin, so that she will not be wronged."

Jia Lian's expression changed when he heard this: "Since you are worried, why don't you stay and take care of her?"

The second lady shook her head: "This time I came to Beijing, the most important thing is to tell you the news about Linger girl on behalf of my sister.

I have been delayed in the capital for too long.

The Marquis is also aware of the situation in our family. My sister has just given birth to a son and is in frail health. She has to have considerate people around her to take care of her. "

The Ling'er mentioned by the second lady is the daughter that the eldest lady Zhuang gave birth to for Jia Lian.

After Mrs. Zhuang successfully gave birth to her daughter and made arrangements for her life and other follow-up arrangements, she took her as an adopted daughter and named her "Zhuang Ling."

Jia Lian heard the worries about the eldest lady in the second lady's voice, and she admired the friendship between them.

After hugging the second lady's delicate body, Jia Lian sighed: "Don't worry. With your wife in Beijing, Girl Qin will not be wronged."

"Of course I know what our wife is like, so I'm not worried about entrusting Girl Qin to her care. What I'm worried about is Girl Qin's marriage.

Alas, originally I came to Beijing this time to meet the eldest son of the Mei family.

I just didn’t expect that the Mei family would despise my Xue family so much. After I came to Beijing, our wife wrote to the Mei family, hoping that the Mei family's wife would come over with her son, and the two parties would see each other.

Unexpectedly, the Mei family either claimed that it was inconvenient to attend the national mourning, or that their old lady was ill, and they tried every possible means to evade it.

I think my sister's guess was right, and the Mei family really regretted the marriage.

I was so angry that I originally wanted to take Qin'er girl back to Nanjing. It's just that the little girl was very reluctant to let go of the little sisters she met here, and our wife also said that if the Mei family saw Qin'er's appearance and character, they would definitely change their minds, so I agreed to keep her here.

Hum, if the Mei family really changes their minds, just treat them with courtesy. If not, I would like to ask Mr. Hou to look at Qin girl more and not let her be wronged. "

The second lady's words made Jia Lian's heart move slightly.

Of course, Jia Lian already knew that the Mei family wanted to regret their marriage. He also paid special attention to it and probably understood what the Mei family was thinking.

The Mei family and the Xue family got engaged when the Xue family was still prosperous. At that time, the eldest and second masters of the Xue family were still there, and there were no major problems in the Xue family's business.

Who would have thought that time has changed and the two pillars of the Xue family have been broken. The family's legacy suddenly became in jeopardy.

As for the Mei family, there are two Hanlins in three generations, so they are naturally a very noble family.

Originally, the marriage with the Xue family was a matter of each getting what he needed.

But after the Xue family declined rapidly and their future was bleak, the Mei family must have felt at a disadvantage.

What's more, in the past few years, the eldest son of the Mei family has risen to prominence and obtained the title of scholar!

This is obviously a seed player of their Mei family. In the future, the Mei family may be able to rely on him to gain a reputation as a fourth generation and three Hanlin.

Under such circumstances, how could they be willing to let their own seeded player marry the daughter of a declining imperial businessman? Not to mention, this declining imperial merchant has a figure like Xue Pan...

Jia Lian also knew that after the eldest son of the Mei family established his own business, he served His Highness the Crown Prince.

You know, most of the children of the noble families in the court followed the third prince, who was known for his virtuous and talented people.

His Royal Highness has few noble children around him, so the eldest son of the Mei family naturally seems more precious. The eldest son of the Renmei family is naturally arrogant.

After considering many reasons, even Jia Lian felt that it was understandable that the Mei family wanted to regret their marriage.

They didn't dare to break the contract directly, so they chose to delay it like this. They must have wanted to wait until the patience of both families was exhausted, and then they could do something easy.

Jia Lian suddenly touched the second lady's face and asked seriously: "If the Mei family insists on regretting the marriage, what will you do?"

"They dare! This is a marriage decided by the elders of the two parents. There is a document to prove it. How can we go back on it?"

"Of course I know. If you insist on marrying Qin'er into the Mei family, I'm sure they won't dare to go back on it.

I just want to say that the strong melon is not sweet. Can you bear to see Qin girl being wronged and looked down upon when she marries into their family? "

The second lady's expression suddenly became complicated.

Jia Lian is right. Thinking back when she entered the Xue family, she was not welcomed by the Xue family.

To be able to live peacefully to this day, who knows how much effort she has put in and how many grievances she has secretly endured?

With her own personal experience, she naturally doesn't want her daughter to be like her.

But after all, this was a marriage arranged by her father himself, and it was not easy for them to tamper with it.

So the second lady also looked at Jia Lian: "What do you want?"

Jia Lian said: "What I mean is, if the Mei family can change their minds, let it go. If they don't know what is good or what is good, then they can cancel the marriage according to their wishes. Then find a new one for Qin Yatou to know the gift. Isn’t it good for a lover who knows both coldness and hotness to match each other?”

The second lady pondered for a moment, then sharply looked at her: "Okay, just follow what the Marquis wants! Humph, I have long disliked the Mei family. With the character of my girl Qin, what kind of good man can I find in the world?" If you don't come, you must curry favor with the Mei family?

When I get back, my sister and I will reconsider the plan. "

Seeing that the second lady listened, Jia Lian felt much better.

In Jia Lian's investigation, the eldest son of the Mei family was really ordinary. Apart from being a scholar by luck, there was nothing worthy of praise in terms of character or appearance. Totally unworthy of Bao Qin.

They still want to regret their marriage, they simply don't know what to say.

That is to say, they have not seen Bao Qin with their own eyes. Otherwise, among other things, the eldest son of the Mei family will definitely change his attitude.

"Actually, if it weren't for the fact that there are so many beautiful and intelligent women around the Marquis, Girl Qin would have no obvious advantage in competing with them. I would like to commit her whole life to the Marquis..."

Suddenly, Jia Lian coughed when he saw the second lady standing up and facing him and saying these words.

The second lady quickly patted his chest to calm him down, and then said jokingly: "Really, if this is the case, I wonder what the Marquis wants?"

Regardless of what Jia Lian was thinking, he knew just by looking at the second lady's cunning eyes that she was not sincere.

So he pretended to smile unintentionally and said: "Okay, if that's the case, then it will be justifiable for me to see Madam again, and there is no need to be as sneaky as now."

The second lady couldn't see Jia Lian's thoughts, so she could only shake her head and smile, and said: "I am nothing more than yesterday's flower. I will be satisfied if I can receive Lord Marquis' tenderness for a moment. How can I expect anything in the future."

Even so, she began to weigh it seriously in her heart.

Doesn't the Mei family dislike Qin girl? It just so happens that she actually doesn't think much of such a poor official in the capital.

In her eyes, being a concubine to Jia Lian was more noble than being the first wife of the Mei family, who looked down upon others.

It's just a pity that there are so many outstanding people like Jia Lian who are eyeing the position of the concubine next to him.

Even if her daughter is cute and well-behaved enough to defeat those concubine candidates, how can she stand up to the main wife, Sister Feng, and the other Lin family Daiyu, who holds the title of Xiangjun?

Not to mention, the legendary eldest princess of the dynasty (who had been demoted by the Supreme Emperor, but no one publicized it) also had some unclear relationship with Jia Lian.

These powers are enough to be daunting.

The second lady did not know that even their noble wife had reserved her only precious daughter for Jia Lian. Otherwise, I don’t know how she would feel.

The second lady suddenly stood up, found a handkerchief and wiped it on Jia Lian's body, and then began to dress herself.

Seeing Jia Lian looking over, she smiled sweetly and said: "The ship is probably about to leave, I have to leave."

Jia Lian nodded, turned over, found a jade pendant from his clothes, and handed it to the second lady.

The second lady took it and took a look. She saw that this jade pendant was small and small, with a young phoenix engraved on the front and a single word "ling" on the back.

"This is."

"This is a full-moon gift for my daughter. Let her take it with her."

The second lady laughed when she heard this and said: "I understand. Is this just like in the drama, when the spirit girl grows up, she will use it as a token to travel thousands of miles to Beijing to find her biological father?"

Jia Lian frowned. Don't tell me, listening to her talk, it really sounds like that.

But when Jia Lian used to watch TV, the most despised thing was this kind of irresponsible father. Therefore, he will definitely not wait until his daughter grows up before traveling all the way to Beijing to find relatives.

When he is free in the future, he will go to Jiangnan and take his daughter to his side to train him.

But for the sake of Mr. Zhuang's reputation, he probably has no choice but to follow her example and adopt the method of adopting a daughter or an adopted daughter.

He suddenly thought of another question.

My daughter's name is Zhuang Ling now. If I take my daughter back in the future, will I change her surname back to... Jia Ling?

The second lady put away the jade pendant politely, walked to the cabin door, and said to the boat girl outside: "Madam, please push the boat back to the dock."

After saying that, she didn't dare to look at the way the lady on the boat looked at her, so she closed the curtain and stepped back.

After serving Jia Lian and getting dressed, she took out a bamboo hat with a gauze curtain from the corner and put it on herself.

There are many people at the pier, so although the probability is low, she still wants to prevent being recognized.

It's a pity that this small cabin with a black awning cannot allow the tall second lady to stand up straight. Otherwise, her appearance would be like those chivalrous ladies in Jianghu who come and go without a trace in Jia Lian's impression.

"What are you looking at..."

The second lady gave Jia Lian a coquettish look, then she took Jia Lian's arm with a smile and walked out of the cabin with him.


On the pier, watching the second lady walking towards the huge passenger ship alone, Jia Lian turned around and called Zhao'er beside him.

"What are your orders, Second Master?"

Zhaoer smiled mischievously.

Jia Lian glanced at him and said, "Take a few people on this ship and escort the second lady to Jinling and then back."


When Zhaoer heard that it was a hard job, she subconsciously wanted to complain.

But looking at Jia Lian's eyes, he suddenly reacted. This matter is considered one of Second Master’s absolute secrets. If he sent someone else, Second Master would not be at ease, so he changed his expression, nodded and stood at attention: “Promise to complete the task assigned by Second Master!”

Jia Lian's expression softened and he said softly: "Go and arrange the manpower."

When the second lady returned to Nanjing, the Xue family naturally arranged for an entourage, but Jia Lian was not reassured.

The beauty of the second lady is enough to cause some young people to take risks. Come to think of it, the second master of the Xue family did not dare to take her away as a businessman, so he had to hide her at home.

Now that such a beauty falls into his hands, he should protect her. (End of chapter)

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