The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 697 Lin Daiyu is not good at words

Chapter 697 Lin Daiyu is not good at words

In order to rush back to see the second lady, Jia Lian dressed lightly and did not inform anyone in advance.

Therefore, after his fast horse drove to Ningrong Street and entered the East Crossing Courtyard, the servants of Rongguo Mansion finally realized that Jia Lian had returned to his home.

Jia Lian Courtyard.

When Jia Lian walked in, he saw no one, only his daughter's clear and clear laughter came from the west wing.

Jia Lian followed the sound and saw her daughter in a red skirt standing by the short kang, being teased with laughter by a little girl of eight or nine years old.

A closer look revealed that the little girl was not the maid in the courtyard, but Jia Yuchai, the daughter of Jia Yucun and Jiao Xing.

When Jia Yucun was in decline in the past, he once wrote a poem to clarify his ambition:

"The jade is in the coffin for a good price, and the hairpin is in the box waiting to fly."

I think this poem has important meaning to him.

Jiayu Village, also known as Shifei, also known as Yucun. I don’t know whether he wrote this poem after he had the words first, or whether he had the poem first and then made his intention clear when he picked up the words.

But it is obvious that the "Jade Hairpin" in her daughter's name must have come from this poem.

Coincidentally, the word Yuchai coincides with the name of Daiyu Baochai. Therefore, even if Jia Lian had bad intentions towards Jia Yucun, every time he saw this little girl, he still couldn't help but feel a lot of love in his heart.

"Hey, it's daddy!"

Jia Qiao, who was playing a candy-guessing game with Jia Yuchai, noticed that the person walking in was Jia Lian, and immediately swooped towards Jia Lian.

When Jia Yuchai, who was originally sitting, saw Jia Lian, she immediately stood up, walked to Jia Lian, and called out obediently: "Second Uncle Lian..."

Jia Lian smiled, picked up her daughter, and kissed her sweet-smelling little face. Then Jia Lian looked at Jia Yuchai, who was standing on the ground, looking up at him with her head raised. He bent down slightly and hugged her with one hand.

He walked to the Kang and sat down, looked at the big girl in his arms, and asked with a smile: "Why are you here, following your mother?"

Jia Yuchai was not too embarrassed to be held by Jia Lian and sat there. Regardless of the fact that she also liked Jia Lian, when she returned to Beijing from the south, Jia Lian often hugged her.

Especially when she went shopping with Senior Sister Lin and Uncle Lian, when she was tired from running, Jia Lian would hold her with one hand and hold Senior Sister Lin with the other.

My mother saw it and said nothing. She could tell that both her father and mother were happy to see her getting close to Uncle Lian and Senior Sister Lin.

"Well, we came here in the morning. Mother is behind, talking to my great aunt."

The "aunt" in Jia Yuchai's mouth refers to Xiangling's mother, Fengshi.

Perhaps Jiao Xing was grateful for Feng's kindness as her mistress. Even though their identities had been completely reversed, Jiao Xing was still willing to bend over backwards and respect Feng as her master and mother.

He also asked his daughter, the direct daughter of a dignified third-rank official, to call Mrs. Feng her great-aunt.

This not only frightened the Feng family, but also made everyone who saw and heard praise the Jia Yucun couple for their kindness, righteousness, and repayment of kindness.

But in Jia Lian's eyes, it was just like that.

Not to mention Jia Yucun, a born white-eyed wolf, if Jiao Xing really cared so much about the kindness of the Zhen family and the kindness given to her by the Feng family, why didn't she repay the kindness in the past years?

It's not like she didn't know that Feng was having a hard time in the old Feng family.

Of course, Jia Lian can also understand that women in this era have many inconveniences when they marry and follow their husbands.

It's just that it's hard for them. The Feng family is now a servant of the Jia family in name, but Jia Yucun is actually willing to let his wife and daughter recognize a servant of the Jia family as their elder.

It can be seen from this that Jia Yucun, who has experienced the ups and downs of his official career, has completely lost his pride as a scholar and has become unscrupulous in his actions.

The evaluation of the Jia Yucun couple did not involve children. Jia Lian had a little laugh with the two little girls in the west wing. After receiving countless sweet kisses from his precious daughter and a shy kiss from Jia Yuchai's little girl who was so angry that she couldn't help herself, Jia Lian put them down and prepared to take a shower. After bathing and changing into normal clothes, I went to the garden to play with Daiyu and others.

While waiting in the room for the maids and servants to prepare the hot water, a subtle and slightly charming young woman's voice sounded.

"I have met the Marquis."

Jia Lian looked up and saw that Jiao Xing, dressed as an official wife, was walking over.

Jia Lian sat upright, nodded and said, "Hello, madam, please sit down. Qing'er, watch the tea."

Liu Xinqing, who was sitting sideways on the footrest and squeezing Jia Lian's legs, got up and served tea after hearing this.

"Don't bother me. I came here just to visit my wife, and to see Lin Yatou and Xiangling Yatou.

I was planning to go back, but I happened to hear that the Marquis had returned to his residence, so I came to pay my respects. "

Jiao Xing said, but her eyes were fixed on "Qing'er" who got up from the ground. She secretly sighed that Jia Lian was surrounded by so many beautiful wives and concubines.

Qingwen Xiangling was familiar to her, but she had never thought that a leg-beating maid she had never seen before, who was obviously of low status, could be born in such a small family, with shy features, which made people lovable.

He has so many beauties to enjoy, no wonder he lacks interest in himself!

Jiao Xing thought to herself, looking at Jia Lian with a hint of sadness.

While the maid went to the cubicle, Jiao Xing took two steps to come to Jia Lian and said with a smile: "Just now I saw an extra hairpin on the head of the girl Yu Chai. After asking, I found out that it was another reward from the Marquis. of.

The Marquis doted on her too much. How could she, a little girl, give her such expensive things casually? "

Looking at the slender figure, beautiful face, and real-looking Jiao Xing in front of him, Jia Lian smiled slightly.

Although the foundation of Jiayu Village was shallow, at one time it was not even possible to get the money needed for recovery.

But as the saying goes, if you clear the prefecture in three years, you will get one hundred thousand snowflakes and silver.

Jia Yucun has been the prefect of a prosperous place like Jinling City for several years, and now he has become the prefect of Shuntian, which can be said to be a high and powerful position. How could a hairpin worth just a few taels of silver be seen in the eyes of a dignified third-grade lady?

Because there are many sisters and beauties in the family, Jia Lian has already developed the habit of carrying some valuable gadgets with him at all times in case of rewards.

The little girl Jade Chai just now learned to kiss him on the face under the repeated inducement of Sister Qiao. Jia Lian was so happy that he naturally gave him a small hairpin as a reward. This was a trivial matter.

Jia Lian knew exactly what the noble young lady was thinking when she used such a trivial thing to get close to her.

He casually slapped her on the buttocks covered by her long skirt. Facing the noble lady's shy and reluctant gaze, Jia Lian said lightly: "It's just a little gadget, it's not worth anything.

However, my sister-in-law is so beautiful and has been away from home for so long. I'm afraid Brother Yucun has long been worried about her.

If Mrs. Sister-in-law is not worried about Brother Yucun, why not just stay for lunch. It just so happens that I still have some government matters that I want to discuss with Brother Yucun. Now that I have my wife to pass the news on my behalf, it must be the same. "

Jiao Xing was slapped and her heart skipped a beat, thinking that Jia Lian was going to do something to her again.

After hearing Jia Lian's words, she realized that she had been teased by Jia Lian again. On the boat, I was so excited that I was seduced by Jia Lian, and I wanted to do something exciting. I was about to succeed, but I didn't expect that I would be ruined by my ignorant daughter.

Although there were similar opportunities later, both Jia Lian and she seemed to have a little more restraint. At most, they were ambiguous and never touched the situation.

Although she knew rationally that this was correct, the scratching feeling in her heart became even stronger.

But after all, she is Jia Yucun's wife, she has risen from a humble beginning, and Jia Yucun treats her well. Therefore, even though he was charmed by Jia Lian, he was far from the crazy point of trying to get out of the wall regardless of the situation.

From the beginning to the end, she was limited to this temptation of refusing to welcome. Anything that can make Jia Lian unable to resist taking action, even just touching her or touching her, will make her heart tremble and she will feel comfortable for several days...

Therefore, even though she really wanted to have so many secret meetings with Jia Lian, in order not to be exposed, even under the premise that Jia Yucun told her to have a good relationship with the Jia family, when Jia Lian was at home, she rarely visited Jia Lian. From the government.

Unexpectedly, after learning that Jia Lian had gone to Tianjin Wei, he went to Jia's house to deepen his relationship with Daiyu and others, but he happened to meet Jia Lian returning home.

Under such circumstances, she had no choice but to come over and try to see if there were any tricks.

So he asked his daughter to go find Xiang Ling, while she came alone to meet Jia Lian.

Sure enough, under such circumstances, Jia Lian attacked her again, but not completely.

Listening to his joke asking him to stay for lunch, the real meaning of "lunch" is probably the thing that he has been thinking about but dare not take action...

It seems that in an instant, the choice is completely in your own hands.

Also, Jia Lian is a man, he can't suffer any loss no matter what, and he doesn't need to take risks. Even if Jia Yucun knew about it, he probably wouldn't dare to fall out with Jia Lian.

Just when Jiao Xing's expression changed and she was about to say something, she suddenly heard the voices of the maids coming from outside: "Miss Lin is here."

Jiao Xing's heart was shaken, and she looked at Jia Lian with a joking look on her face, her mind suddenly clearing up.

After straightening her figure, Jiao Xing said, "Thank you so much, Lord Marquis, for your kindness. It's just that I've been out of the house for a long time, so it's inconvenient to spend too much time outside."

Besides, our master will definitely be very happy if he finds out that the Marquis has returned to Beijing, and I must go back first to tell him the good news. "

After saying that, he glanced at Jia Lian with incomprehensible eyes, bowed tenderly, and turned around to leave.

Looking at Jiao Xing's hurried back, Jia Lian shook his head slightly.

Fortunately, not too stupid.

To be honest, Jiao Xing was definitely a beauty, otherwise she would not have received such preferential treatment from Jia Yucun.

However, she is not that outstanding in beauty. At least, in Jia Lian's eyes, it belongs to the kind of people who won't worry about it if they can't get it, and it's not a bad idea if they can try it.

It was just because she was the first beautiful maid to appear in the Red Mansion, and she was the second son of Jia Yucun, a young man, that she gave Jia Lian a different feeling.

If Jiao Xing really dared to stay for lunch just now, Jia Lian would definitely not mind playing with her in depth.

But, in that case, Jiao Xing would be a bit stupid.

In the past, it was okay when Sister Feng was at home, but now that Sister Feng is away from home, only Jia Lian, the male master of the entire Jia Mansion, is at home. Jiao Xing still dares to stay in the manor to eat with him. I'm sure it won't be long before rumors start to spread.

Even if Jia Yucun believes in her again, he will no longer allow her to travel to Jia's house.

Mrs. Gaoming, who has lost her diplomatic qualifications, is not much different from a bird in a cage.

Without thinking much about Jiao Xing's problem, Jia Lian, who heard Dai Yu's visit, quickly stuffed his shoes and walked out of the room.

Sure enough, in the main courtyard, Daiyu, who was wearing a small green skirt and Pinpin Tingting, was surrounded by Jiao Xing and Jia Yuchai.

Jiao Xing still held her hand and explained something with a loving look on her face. Daiyu, who already had some social phobia, could only smile shyly but politely. She actually didn't know how to deal with the person in front of her. The concern of my master’s wife who I am all too familiar with.

Especially when she saw Jia Lian coming out from the corner of her eye, she realized that her embarrassment might have been seen by Jia Lian, and her expression became more and more embarrassed, and even her face turned a little red.

Seeing her appearance, Jiao Xing quickly remembered what Jia Yucun said:

"Although Daiyu is precociously intelligent, she is melancholic by nature and is not good at words. She is accustomed to hiding her thoughts in her heart and does not like to talk to others.

When she was my student, she would not ask me for advice unless I took the initiative to teach. I thought that I was also a student who was tired of studying, but I didn't expect that I didn't need to push the homework assigned to me. I would definitely understand it clearly when I took the exam the next day, which made me secretly admire it.

Her intelligence is far beyond what a child of her age should have.

Mr. Lin is worthy of being called Tan Hua Lang, and his daughter must have inherited his literary wisdom. "

So Jiao Xing stopped talking, patted the back of her hand, bowed to Jia Lian on the corridor, and then took her daughter away.

Daiyu watched Jiao and Xing leave. She looked back and found that Jia Lian had walked down the steps and came to her, looking down at her with a smile.

"why are you laughing!"

Daiyu seemed a little embarrassed.

"Hahaha, I'm laughing. Our sharp-tongued Xiaoxiangzi looks like a gourd with a sawed mouth in front of her mistress. She is completely different from the way she shows her teeth and claws in front of us."

Upon hearing this, Daiyu blushed, glared at Jia Lian, and turned around to leave.

Jia Lian quickly took her hand and said with a smile: "Why do you have to leave after finally coming to my place? If others see it, they will think that I have bullied you again."

"Bah, who are you arguing with? I'm here to see Qiao girl, please let go of me."

Daiyu couldn't leave and was afraid of being seen being "close" to Jia Lian, so she quickly glanced around the courtyard, shook off Jia Lian's hand, and hurried to the east chamber.

Seeing how everything in her heart was written on her face, Jia Lian couldn't help but laugh. When Lin Meiren in front heard it, she stepped even faster and disappeared behind the curtain in the blink of an eye.

This cute gesture made Jia Lian really like it to the core.

That is to say, Jia Lian doesn't know Jia Yucun's evaluation of Daiyu. If he knew, he would definitely laugh at Jia Yucun.

Fortunately, he is still a second-class Jinshi. He can't even understand the thoughts of a little girl, and he still says that Daiyu is not good at speaking?

He didn't see that when Daiyu opened her mouth, the other friends were speechless and gnashing their teeth as she often said!

On the contrary, it is estimated that when Daiyu was a disciple of Jia Yucun, she had already regarded Jia Yucun as an old scholar with high airs. In front of such an old scholar, Daiyu naturally behaved "not good at words".

In fact, it's not that he's unkind, it's that he doesn't want to talk at all.

I once saw a saying that based on "the hairpin was waiting in the bed to fly away", it was inferred that Baochai ended up with Jia Yucun...

I was furious at that time. According to this logic, according to "Jade in a coffin asking for a good price", wouldn't it be necessary to find a guy called "a good price" to match our lonely forest in the fairyland?

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