Chapter 699 Leisure time

After the new song was completed, the talented beauties made some adjustments and then displayed it in front of Jia Lian.

The same is the piano and flute ensemble. Gu Qingyi and three others accompanied the music, while Shen Paner danced solo.

When the familiar melody in my memory sounded, I danced along with Shen Paner's impromptu dance. Modern music is performed in an authentic ancient style, giving Jia Lian, who is slightly in a trance, perfect auditory and visual enjoyment.

And because the beauties were performing their respective duties, he sat alone and had no one to rely on, so he waved to the maids on his left and right.

At this time, in addition to Jia Lian's own Xiang Ling, there were four maids from each of Gu Qingyi's four beauties in the palace.

Of course, these four people are not the only ones serving Gu Qingyi and other four beauties. It's just that these four are the little sisters they brought to the capital from the south of the Yangtze River. They may not be as talented and beautiful as themselves, but they are far from comparable to the ordinary maids of the Jia family.

Therefore, when Jufan Jia Lian came over, Shen Pan'er and others almost only arranged for a few of them to enter and serve.

They were also used to serving Jia Lian. When they saw Jia Lian's gesture, they all stepped forward.

Without anyone's instructions, the two of them committed themselves to the ground, one on the left and the other on the right, beating Jia Lian's legs. The other two people knelt on the bench and spread their shoulders.

Jia Lian glanced at these gentle and pretty people. They looked about the same age as their respective ladies, between fourteen and fifteen to seventeen or eighteen, and they looked like young girls.

In the past, Jia Lian's eyes were all on Gu Qingyi and others, but he didn't pay much attention to these maids. At this time, if you look closely, you can see that these little girls are all light and slim, with handsome appearance and quite agile appearance.

If placed in other mansions, there would probably be a few goblins that would make their respective masters itchy.

Except for Jia Lian, who was slightly familiar with Gu Qingyi's maid Xiao Zi, he couldn't even distinguish the names of the other three.

At this time, I felt that the little maid on the left had red lips, white skin, and clear and handsome eyebrows, which was better than others. As soon as I thought about it, I couldn't help but raise her little face and asked: "What's your name?"

"If I return to the Marquis, my name is Xiaolan."


Jia Lian was surprised. Although he was not familiar with these girls, he had met them many times. He probably knew who they were, and he had vaguely heard their respective ladies order them around.

There doesn't seem to be such a name in my mind.

Seemingly sensing Jia Lian's surprise, the girl named Xiao Lan said shyly: "I didn't have this name originally. Miss Pan'er and a few other girls told me that our names are in a mess. If the Marquis asks, , I couldn’t remember it for a while, so I might as well change it to something easier to remember.

Therefore, except for Xiao Zi, the three of us all changed our names to simple names. According to the order of 'blue, purple, green', they are called little blue, little purple, little green, little green..."

When Xiao Lan read these names, her voice became lower and lower. Obviously, I think it is too simple and not very appealing.

Jia Lian laughed, knowing that this was Shen Pan'er's new idea.

No wonder this girl named Xiao Lan is not only wearing a sky blue gauze dress, but also a brand new blue silk dress, even the small tube top exposed at the opening of the breast.

Looking at the other three little girls, they are indeed wearing clothes with purple, green and green as the main colors.

I have to say, it’s really easy to tell the difference this way.

And the so-called blue, purple and green are probably arranged in the order of the teeth of their respective ladies.

Jia Lian naturally knew that among the four beauties he brought back, in terms of tooth order, the Jinling singer Wan Qiyun with a beautiful singing voice was the eldest, Gu Qingyi was the second, Shen Pan'er was the second, and "Little Yang Yuhuan" Wei Shishi was the youngest, and was only ten years old this year. Five years old.

Obviously, this Xiaolan is Wan Qiyun's maid.

After taking a look at Shen Pan'er who was dancing in the field, and facing Shen Meiren's beautiful smile, Jia Lian couldn't help but smile a little brighter.

When she was excited, she stretched out her left hand to take the little blue girl next to her into her arms, enjoying her fresh and tender jade-like soft body, and her soft breathing and sweet voice after being moved.

Gu Qingyi and others who were playing the music attentively may not have paid much attention to the movements of his hands while putting on the clothes, but to the other three maids who surrounded him and focused most of their attention on him, they did. Every penny is in your eyes.

Their little faces were all red, and their eyes showed a look of shame and envy.

After the dance ended, Shen Paner walked over in a clever way.

Seeing this, the little maids all retreated voluntarily, watching helplessly as Shen Pan'er threw herself into Jia Lian's arms without any scruples, occupying Xiao Lan's position just now.

"Master Hou, how is your dancing?"


"It's just good..."

Shen Pan'er acted coquettishly, but did not pursue Buyi. As a good dancer, how could she not know that truly wonderful dances need to be well designed and choreographed according to music?

The impromptu dance like this was actually more about letting Jia Lian appreciate her graceful figure.

Therefore, while laughing, a plain hand kept stroking Jia Lian's chest, causing Jia Lian's hand to grab one side of her softly and fragrantly in response, and then she let out a squeak.

He glanced back at Jia Lian with charming eyes, then suddenly leaned into Jia Lian's ear and said with a smile: "Just now I saw how much the Marquis loves Sister Qiyun's little blue girl. It's rare that the spring is good today. Why don't the Marquis take her in?" used……"

Her voice was not low, and most of the people present heard it.

Not to mention how Wan Qiyun and others reacted, the little blue girl beside her who had just stood firm immediately started to jump up and down.

Jia Lian did not reply to Shen Pan'er's words, but picked up the tea cup on the low table in front of him, took a sip, and then handed it to the beauty's lips.

Shen Pan'er felt a little thirsty after dancing, and when she saw this, she felt ashamed, warm, and happy.

What makes her warm is that Jia Lian is so considerate, and shameful because this is the tea cup that Jia Lian uses. One of the joys is that she can share the same cup with Jia Lian, and the other is that Jia Lian inadvertently showed her attitude of not treating her as inferior.

So she lowered her head coquettishly and shyly, and took two sips of the tea in the cup with Jia Lian's hand.

I just felt that the tea in Jia Lian's hand was more fragrant and sweeter than the tea he usually drank.

Now that his thirst had been quenched, Shen Pan'er didn't ask any more questions. Originally it was just a test joke.

It should be noted that even Xiaolan's master, Miss Wan Qiyun and Miss Jia Lian, have not yet enjoyed her, so how could she put the cart before the horse and accept her maid first?

In fact, including her, the three of them had more or less invited Jia Lian to favor him when he came over for leisure. Unexpectedly, Jia Lian had no intention of accepting it, so what could he do?

They didn't quite understand why Jia Lian delayed moving them. If he said it was to protect them when he took them to Beijing, then why did he hire Gu Qingyi?

Although I don’t quite understand it, I generally understand that this is not necessarily a bad thing. It's just a pain for them. Every time they are teased by Jia Lian, their hearts tremble and they are moved with emotion. In the blink of an eye, Jia Lian has drifted away, leaving them alone to endure the restless body and mind, and the lonely night.

Just at this moment, she couldn't stand Jia Lian's caressing, and when she saw that Gu Qingyi and the three girls seemed to be studying the tune, she turned away.

Finding out that Jia Lian was indeed already strong and strong, she smiled brightly at Jia Lian and was about to use her own methods to turn the steel into softness around her fingers. Suddenly remembering something, she stopped and took back her hand, calling out softly: "Sister Qingyi, the Marquis asked you to come over."

Gu Qingyi, who was strumming the strings and adjusting a new song, heard this and came over without doubting that he was there.

When he was about to ask what was going on, he saw that Jia Lian looked calm, but Shen Pan'er next to him had a malicious look on his face.

Gu Qingyi frowned, probably knowing that the flirtatious Shen Pan'er was going to stir up trouble again, so he stood still.

"Hehe, sister Qingyi, do you have any time to turn back when you want to try out the music? It's rare that the Marquis is here, and we all want to see your Xiao skills." Shen Pan'er said.

Gu Qingyi is known as one of the "two masters of piano and flute" in Jiangnan. But at this moment, she, who knew Shen Pan'er's character, certainly understood the true meaning of Shen Pan'er's words.

If it were before, she might just ignore Shen Pan'er.

But now, she has long understood that what Shen Pan'er did was just to give Jia Lian excitement and freshness.

Initially, they were worried that Shen Pan'er would exclude them by asking for favors, but after this year, they understood. Although Shen Pan'er likes to act coquettishly and dote on her, he has no intention of ostracizing them. Instead, he has the intention of uniting them and advancing and retreating together in this deep palace.

She had to admit that if it weren't for Shen Pan'er, the four of them wouldn't be as harmonious as they are now.

Even so, she was still annoyed that Shen Pan'er was so humiliating to her, so she replied calmly: "Sister Pan'er is also good at playing the flute. How about sister Pan'er play a song for us first?"

“It’s not impossible for me to go first.

It's just that the three of us are used to playing for Mr. Hou, so he must be a little tired of it.

But Sister Qingyi, among the four of us, you are the only one whose Xiao Ji is not well known to everyone. "

As soon as Shen Pan'er said this, Wan Qiyun and Wei Shishi turned red in the face and did not dare to look at anyone.

Gu Qingyi also had a beautiful face. Shen Pan'er's words reminded her of the scenes she had seen before, and also reminded her of the day she dedicated herself to Jia Lian...

All the beautiful things about that day still make her feel ashamed, but also inexplicably fond of it, and have an unforgettable restlessness when she recalls it.

Seeing Gu Qingyi like this, Shen Pan'er continued to smile and said, "Speaking of which, when we served the Marquis in the past, Sister Qingyi often saw us.

But so far, we have not seen Sister Qingyi serving the Marquis. Sister Tsing Yi is better than our sisters in talent and appearance, and she has always been respected by the Marquis. In the past, we did not dare to force Sister Tsing Yi to discuss fairness with us.

It's just that now that my sister has received the Marquis's favor before us, aren't she still willing to show us some means so that we sisters can learn a thing or two? "

Shen Pan'er looked straight at Gu Qingyi with amusement in her eyes.

She is a famous prostitute in the south of the Yangtze River, the number one dancer in Yangzhou Prefecture, and has countless fans.

But since her debut, she has been outshined by Gu Qingyi. Like all the famous prostitutes in Jiangnan, Gu Qingyi is an obstacle they cannot avoid as long as they leave their respective state capitals.

It can be said that she has "long-standing grudge" against Gu Qingyi.

After finally finding the perfect home in Jia Lian, I didn’t expect Gu Qingyi to follow!

Don't tell me. She worked hard and tried her best to please Jia Lian, and then she got three points and treated him differently. However, this woman, Gu Qingyi, gained Jia Lian's respect without doing anything.

It couldn't help but make her jealous.

Of course, she wouldn't hate and frame Gu Qingyi for this.

After all, she knew very well that with their status, it would be difficult to survive in this Duke's Mansion, where superiority and inferiority were clearly defined. Above their heads, big bosses like Sister Feng and Lin Xiangjun were suppressing them. If they didn't unite, they would be crushed into scum in minutes.

But it is true that she is a little unhappy with Gu Qingyi.

Moreover, she is good at reading people's hearts and knows that men probably like to watch them engage in jealous behaviors, so she would find fault with Gu Qingyi from time to time in front of Jia Lian.

Just like it is now. Of course, she also really wanted to watch over Gu Qingyi, her "sister" who still seemed a bit aloof and untainted, to take off her clothes in front of them and become equals without worries.

Not only her, but Wan Qiyun and Wei Shishi also thought in their hearts after listening to Shen Pan'er's words: Yes, they are all of the same origin, and they are both committed to the Marquis, why can we do anything that you can't do? Can't do it?

Moreover, you are the first woman among us to be favored by the Marquis!

Gu Qingyi could naturally tell that Shen Paner was deliberately provoking. Is he respected by Jia Lian? These words were clearly meant to put her eyes on her. How could they be worthy of Jia Lian's respect?

To say that she was the first to receive Jia Lian's favor but was still unwilling to serve Jia Lian is to say that she knew how to repay kindness and did not know how to advance or retreat.

Coupled with the unkind looks in the eyes of the two sisters Wan and Wei who were surrounding her, she also understood that since she came from behind and became Jia Lian's woman first, the sisters were vaguely dissatisfied.

If today, if they continue to misunderstand that he is ashamed to do such shameful things with them, he will really be separated from his sisters.

While hesitating, he saw Shen Pan'er looking like she was succeeding in her evil scheme, and said with a smile: "Sister Qingyi, if you feel that your younger sister is deliberately making things difficult, then you can show me an example first..."

He looked like he wouldn't give up until he dragged her into the water.

Jia Lianjing watched Shen Paner embarrass Gu Qingyi.

Just as Shen Pan'er thought, Jia Lian really didn't mind some intrigues among his women, as long as it was within his control.

Not to mention, what Shen Pan'er did was obviously to benefit him, so he naturally had no reason to object.

However, seeing that Gu Qingyi was pushed into a corner by her and unable to move forward or retreat, Jia Lian still felt pity for her.

After tapping Shen Pan'er's forehead, Jia Lian smiled and said, "Okay, since you are so positive, just do it yourself, why bother her."

"Oh, okay..."

Sure enough, Shen Pan'er didn't really embarrass Gu Qingyi. After a sweet cry, she happily got up from Jia Lian's arms and knelt on the fur-trimmed carpet, ready to serve Jia Lian.

Naturally, she is not as worried as Gu Qingyi. In fact, she let go after serving Jia Lian for the first time on Little Qinhuai's flower boat, but was spied on by other oiran ladies.

Originally, this kind of thing only made me shy the first time, so I just got used to it. Not to mention, the sisters around me are all the same, so no one can laugh at anyone.

Just Gu Qingyi, Jia Lian treated her with special eyes and couldn't bear to force her.

Shen Pan'er didn't know that her natural gesture made Gu Qingyi next to her uneasy.

When Jia Lian spoke out, she was worried that Jia Lian would be angry because of her "ignorance of praise." After all, she had known that Jia Lian did not like disobedient women.

Fortunately, Jia Lian still looked kind and cheerful, which made her feel more at ease. But he couldn't help but feel a little guilty in his heart.

The Marquis treated her very kindly and considerately.

In fact, she was not willing to do these charming things for Jia Lian. She had also done it when she tempted Jia Lian to take her body.

All she cared about was being in front of others.

I was already ashamed, but compared to Shen Paner's magnanimity, I felt self-blame and regret inexplicably.

From where she stood, it only took three steps to return to her guqin "Wan Yue". She only needs to take these three steps back, and she can retreat from this incident, and then just like before, pretend not to know the wind and moon in front of her, and only occasionally look up quietly when she feels moved...

But for some reason, these three short steps felt like a thousand pounds of weight on her legs, making her unable to move forward.

Suddenly, she took a step forward and said to Jia Lian: "Since sister Pan'er wants to see Xiao Ji from the Nu family, it's a good time, why not let the Nu family and sister Pan'er play a song for Mr. Hou..."

Gu Qingyi didn't know how she said these words. She only felt that her ears were burning and her voice became lower and lower.

Her sudden bravery not only shocked Jia Lian, but also Shen Pan'er, who was taking off Jia Lian's clothes, suddenly turned around, dumbfounded.

Not to mention Wan Qiyun and others. They kept muttering in their hearts. In the past, Pan'er tried every means to force her to do something she didn't want to do, but who knew that now she would be with Pan'er as soon as she opened her mouth...

The scene was a bit strange for a moment, no one said anything. Jia Lian reacted quickly and knew that this was the best opportunity to completely break through Gu Qingyi's psychological defense, so he responded first: "That's fine. It just so happens that the two of you, Technician Xiao, are the best, and it couldn't be better to learn from each other. Ahem..."

Shen Pan'er also reacted and rolled her eyes at Jia Lian angrily, then silently made room for Gu Qingyi beside her...

Behind Jia Lian, on the side of the bench, Xiang Ling, who had been watching the show for a long time, suddenly smiled. For a moment, even the air around her seemed to become charming.

The second uncle is indeed the second uncle. His ability to find every opportunity to deal with women is admirable.


Jiang Yun was transferred out of Lixiangyuan by Jia Lian ever since his beauty caused a stir and displeased Jia Mu.

Now she is responsible for taking care of Gu Qingyi and other four beauties.

Seeing that it was getting late and Jia Lian was still enjoying life with the beauties in the palace, she came up and asked Ah Qin who was guarding outside the palace: "It's getting late. Do you want to have dinner here today?"

Thanks to the good relationship between Jia Lian and Youshi, Gu Qingyi and Simei borrowed money to live in Tianxiang House for more than half a year. Youshi not only did not dislike it, but also contributed money, effort and people.

Pay money to repair it, put in the effort to decorate it, and provide people to take care of it.

If Jia Lian didn't want people to say that he was taking advantage of Dongfu, You would still be responsible for the food, clothing, housing and transportation of Simei and others.

There are now more than ten masters and servants in Tianxiang Tower. They have formed a temporary team and set up a small kitchen. Jia Lian will provide funding and Jiang Yun will make overall arrangements for logistical matters.

In fact, Jia Lian originally moved Simei out of Lixiangyuan and placed her in Tianxiang Tower for temporary reasons.

He has already arranged a place for her to live outside, which is the "Girls' Playhouse" that he once told Gu Qingyi. It was supposed to be completed, but it was delayed because of the national mourning.

Later, Jia Lian thought again that even if there was a Lefang, it would be inconvenient for Gu Qingyi and others to live there all the time. It was more convenient to have a "home" in Jia Mansion.

After thinking about it, Tianxiang Tower is actually the best place.

It just so happened that the population of Ningguo Mansion was withering, and these places were not usually used, so they discussed it with You.

Naturally, Youshi didn't say anything. Not only did he boast that he could borrow Tianxiang Tower for as long as he wanted, he even wanted to go out in person and help Jia Lian discipline Simei...

"I don't know if the Marquis is dining here. You can ask the Marquis yourself." Ah Qin replied meticulously.

Jiang Yun nodded, originally it was just a symbolic inquiry. Seeing that Ah Qin had no intention of going in to help with inquiries, he walked in by himself.

She has relatively few people here, and Jia Lian rarely eats here. If she wants to eat, she naturally has to prepare in advance.

After a while, Jiang Yun walked out of the hall with a blushing face.

Seeing her fast pace, Aqin was thoughtful and couldn't help but turn around and glance inside the half-open door.

But he couldn't see anything clearly.

She stood up straight. Although she was a clinging little fairy in front of Jia Lian in private, she now understood that if she wanted to keep her convenient status as Jia Lian's female bodyguard, she had to learn from her sister.

At least, to outsiders, she had to look like a guard.

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