The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 700: A girl’s love for spring is always a poem

Chapter 700: A girl’s love for spring is always a poem

It's dusk in Xiaoxiang Pavilion.

Under the west window, a pair of "twins" played chess.

End of game.

"Sister, aren't you sleepy?"

"I'm not sleepy. If you are tired, just go to bed."

"Oh, if sister is not sleepy, then I am not sleepy either."


"Next round?"


The sound of chess pieces falling into bed.

"What are you looking at, sister?"


"Hehe, I know even if my sister doesn't tell me, she is checking to see if her brother-in-law is here! At noon, my brother-in-law sent someone to tell me that he would come to see my sister in the evening. I heard it all."


half an hour...

"You damn girl, if you want to play chess, you can play chess with peace of mind. Who wants you to talk too much and be annoying..."

Obviously, someone was anxious.

Seeing this, Zhen Yuhuan shrank her neck and weakly placed a small chess piece on the chessboard.

But it was too late for her to give in. The sister opposite was really annoyed. She stood up directly, picked up a book and leaned on the couch to read, without any intention of paying any more attention to her.

"elder sister?"

My sister turned sideways and didn't respond.

When Zhen Yuhuan saw this, a smile appeared on her face.

Having been with Daiyu for so long, she has figured out Daiyu's personality, and she really likes this unrelated "twin sister".

Others, including many elders, were in awe and envy of her status as the crown prince's concubine. Only Daiyu seemed not to care about this at all and only regarded her as a little sister.

If you are happy, play a little longer; if you are annoyed, you can scold and get angry.

Be authentic and pure, disdainful of pretense, and won't show off.

No wonder the sworn brother likes her so much and is willing to pamper and protect her.

Just as he was about to find a way to coax him back, he heard the maid's voice coming from outside the courtyard: "Second Master Lian is here."

Zhen Yuhuan was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Daiyu on the couch. Seeing that she was obviously moved but unwilling to move her body, she couldn't help but shook her head, stood up and said with a smile: "I just had dinner not long ago, and I was thinking of going out for a walk." Xiaoxiaoshi. Don’t worry about me, sister, I’ll be back in a moment.”

With that said, Zhen Yuhuan lifted her legs and walked out. When he walked to the door, he happened to pass by Jia Lian who entered the room.

She stopped and bowed to the other party, then went out directly, leaving Jia Lian, who also stopped and wanted to say something, no time to speak.


Jia Lian put one leg on the wooden railing at the end of the couch and rested his head on a soft leg. He squinted his eyes slightly and smelled the refreshing fragrance, looking lazy.

Right above his face, a rare and handsome little face stared at him angrily.

After all, seeing him so comfortable, so relaxed in his presence, the dissatisfaction and shyness in my heart receded, leaving only the feeling of cherishing the closeness.

Thinking about it, he just returned to Beijing today, so he must be busy with a lot of things. It's hard for him to remember to come and see her promise after working so hard. In that case, let this place become his haven of rest.

Thinking like this, Daiyu gently placed one hand on Jia Lian's chest and the other on Jia Lian's head, gently stroking his thick forehead and smooth forehead with her five fingers, hoping to make Jia Lian's mind more relaxed.

Daiyu had not seen Jia Lian for many days, and there was no one else in the room at this time, so she dared to make such an intimate move. Her original intention was just to let Jia Lian feel a little bit of her tenderness.

But she didn't think about how much her every move would touch Jia Lian.

Jia Lian only felt that Daiyu's little hand was smooth and slightly cool. When it touched his forehead, it gave him an unparalleled touch and made his lazy mind suddenly come alive.

The big hand that was placed casually on the stomach was raised, and the small hand on the chest was grasped. After rubbing it for a while, it was not enough, so it was wrapped and pressed to the side of his cheek, so as to feel the most sensitive skin of the cheek and the corner of the mouth, and truly enjoy it. Daiyu's little hands were soft and boneless, as cold and smooth as silk.

Suddenly, he tilted his head and kissed her with his lips... It was indeed a different kind of fragrance.

Not only did he notice that the little fairy's hands trembled, but even the thin thighs that were resting on his pillow trembled. Jia Lian didn't need to open his eyes to know that the little fairy must be full of shyness and resentment. Her tolerance for his behavior was reaching its limit, and she might become angry in the next second.

Jia Lian put his mouth down at the right time, found a comfortable angle to rest his head on, and asked casually: "You came to my place at noon, why didn't you just sit for a while and leave?"

Just as Jia Lian expected, the thin-skinned Daiyu had her small hands held lightly by Jia Lian for a long time, and was kissed by Jia Lian's warm mouth. This feeling was almost more unbearable than being hugged and forcefully kissed by Jia Lian.

He couldn't help but use his strength to throw Jia Lian away. When he saw that he finally calmed down, his heart calmed down.

When Wen Ting inquired about her, she had a light look on her face and replied casually: "I went over to see Qiao girl, and then I left naturally."

"Oh, is it really just to see Qiao girl?"

"Of course, who else would we look at?" Daiyu's voice suddenly became tense, with a hint of threat. In fact, she was bored and went out for a stroll before noon, and unknowingly came out of the garden gate.

Originally, she had no specific purpose, let alone looking for Jia Lian. After all, she didn't know about Jia Lian's return home in advance. But when I walked to Jialian Courtyard, I saw a lot of people coming and going, and the movement inside was louder than usual...

Look at the scene, could it be that second brother Lian is back?

So I couldn't help but walk in and take a look. I didn't expect that Jia Lian had actually gone home.

In fact, she didn't realize it, or she didn't want to admit it. She was counting that tomorrow would be Tanchun's birthday, and if Jia Lian kept his promise, he would probably come back.

If it's not tomorrow, it's today. It will be a little late tomorrow, but today’s noon is a little early.

It's just that deep down in her heart, she always wanted to be the first to see Jia Lian when he came back, so she was bored enough to go out and wander around, which was actually to find out the news.

No matter how considerate Jia Lian is, he can't completely see through the little thoughts of the girl Huaichun.

However, he heard the threatening meaning in Daiyu's words, and had no intention of offending him. He just smiled, stopped worrying about the problem, and asked about the situation in the garden during the past few days when he was not at home, focusing on Lin Daiyu's current situation. .

My health is fine, has my cough happened again, and if so, have I listened to Zicuckoo's advice and taken medicine on time?

He looked caring, yet took it for granted.

Although Daiyu is sensitive, she doesn't take too much notice of other people's greetings. But for some reason, whenever Jia Lian treated her like this, she didn't feel impatient at all. She just responded quietly and obediently.

However, Daiyu, who was immersed in the sweet talk with her sweetheart, did not notice anymore. At some point, not only the original little hand was captured again, but also the one placed on the forehead of her sweetheart was also captured. Go away, let it be frivolous...

The moon is rising.

Although Jia Lian made a lifelong commitment to Daiyu, he was no longer as observant of etiquette as he once was, let alone worried about the gossips of his servants.

But Daiyu didn't care. Even if she wanted to be alone with Jia Lian, she would hint, remind or even drive him away early in the morning.

And Jia Lian always just tried to stay a little longer without getting too entangled.

After all, before he couldn't bear to put Daiyu to death, there was no point in lingering. He might as well be at Tianxiang Tower, holding the peerless beauty Gu Qingyi in his arms.

Xinxinran walked out of Daiyu's apartment, and as soon as she stepped off the corridor, she saw a graceful figure, Yuran, standing quietly in the darkness.

The moment the other person raised his head, he vaguely felt that Daiyu had used some magic to fly in front of him.

Jia Lian walked over and asked strangely: "What are you doing standing here in the dark?"

Zhen Yuhuan stared at Jia Lian's face, looking a little ashamed: "I'm waiting for my sworn brother here... I have a few words to say to my sworn brother..."

Jia Lian's expression changed, as if he understood something. He sighed softly and said softly, "Just say what you have to say. Don't worry too much in front of me."

Jia Lian's soft voice made Zhen Yuhuan's tense heart relax. After a moment of hesitation, she gritted her teeth and said, "Brother, I'm sorry..."

Seeing Jia Lian's surprised look, she hurriedly explained in a low voice: "I was sleepy that day, so I fell asleep and talked a lot of nonsense in front of my sworn brother. I asked my sworn brother not to take it to heart..."

When Jia Lian heard this, he shook his head and smiled, "Did you say anything nonsense? Why can't I remember it?"

Seeing that Jia Lian looked calm and seemed to have forgotten what happened that afternoon, Zhen Yuhuan finally let go of her inner worries. She blushed and said shyly: "It's nothing. I'm just worried that my step-brother will look down on my little sister because of what happened that day." , I don’t want to deal with others anymore…”

Jia Lian understood after hearing what Zhen Yuhuan said.

I'm afraid it was just the girl's girlish thoughts. Since that day, she hadn't been to the Xiaoxiang Pavilion because she was busy, and then she was busy going to Tianjin Wei, so she hadn't seen her again, which made her have a lot of uneasy emotions in her heart.

So he smiled and said: "What are you talking about, silly girl? How can I ignore you as a brother? In my heart, you are just like your sister Lin, the sister I care about and love the most. As long as you still call me Yiyi Brother, I can't ignore you."

Although Jia Lian's words made Zhen Yuhuan feel at ease, she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed inside.

Do you just think of me as your sister...

But I heard Jia Lian say again: "Besides, for what happened that day, I should blame my brother for being reckless and you for being rude. It's fine if you don't argue with my brother. Why did you come to apologize to me instead? I don't know what I'm saying." How to deal with it."

"No, that's not the case. I know that my step-brother regarded me as Sister Lin that day, so I don't blame him at all. Really..."

Zhen Yuhuan explained hurriedly, her face getting rosier.

When Jia Lian saw it, he felt that the shy little girl looked like Daiyu, like a delicate flower shining in the water, so beautiful.

He couldn't help but step forward, reaching out and caressing her head to show affection and comfort.

Just looking at it, the scene of that day suddenly appeared in my mind. Thinking of this beautiful little face, she confessed to him full of affection and without hesitation that she liked him.

Thinking about how she had peeled off all her clothes, leaving only her close-fitting clothes, she would be white and flawless in the cool breeze.

My heart suddenly trembled, and when I came back to my senses, I was surprised to realize that my hand had touched the little girl's smooth and delicate face.

Quickly taking it back, Jia Lian said with a smile: "Okay, the night wind is very cold, go back and rest early. Remember to get up early tomorrow, and go to the garden with your sister Lin early to meet the sisters. Don't be lazy."

"Yeah, I understand, sworn brother~"

Seeing her sworn brother running away in a hurry, Zhen Yuhuan stood on the path inside the Xiaoxiang Pavilion. The worries that had been lingering in her heart for many days disappeared, leaving only lingering shyness.

After confirming that Jia Lian's back had disappeared, she raised her hand and touched the skin that Jia Lian had touched just now.

On her face that was slightly cooled by the night wind, she could clearly feel the residual heat, which made her feel happy.

Judging from Brother Yi's last behavior, he probably wasn't as ruthless to him as he said. Thinking about it, the reason why they rejected themselves last time was really because they were concerned about each other's identities.

Thinking about it, Zhen Yuhuan sighed quietly. At a young age, I already have a lot of worries and worries.

(End of this chapter)

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