The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 701 Don’t close the windows tightly

Chapter 701 Don’t close the windows tightly

After coming out of Xiaoxiang Hall, Jia Lian planned to go back and go to the martial arts field to practice boxing for an hour while it was still early.

As an imperial general with the ambition to conquer the world, he fully understood the significance of a strong body to him. Therefore, I have been practicing at night for many years and am unwilling to interrupt or waste it.

Just then I thought, everyone probably knew that I was going back home today.

Forget about other people, if Baochai knew that he was returning to Beijing so early, he would come to see Daiyu at night...

Maybe Baochai wouldn't be jealous with him because of his magnanimity, but as a young girl, I'm afraid she still has some grudges in her heart. In other words, when I see her tomorrow, I will inevitably feel a sense of guilt in my heart.

So "Xiang Ling", who was holding a lantern, turned to the north of Dashu Mountain.

Jia Lian didn't think that if he went to see Baochai at night, he might let the worried Daiyu know that he was worried.

He wasn't worried about it.

Anyway, he never thought about hiding this matter from Daiyu. If he could let her guess a little bit in advance, when Xiao Nizi attacked him, he would take advantage of the opportunity to act "righteously" and "reasonable" to her, which would be better than him going all the way to explain the matter to her. Frankness comes naturally.

Hengwu Garden has the same fragrance of vegetation as always.

"Where are Bao Yatou and Yun Yatou?"

Jia Lian was naturally very familiar with Baochai's house.

Jia Lian smiled and took it without being polite. He moved his index finger and thumb and took out a piece of orange and put it into his mouth.

Seeing Jia Lian putting oranges to her lips more and more, Aunt Xue looked a little shy.

"Hehehe, in that case, I will ask Ying'er to pick some more and send them to you later."

Could it be that sisters Baochai and Xiangyun usually bathe together?

It seemed that if it weren't for being an elder, she would have stood up and personally served Jia Lian to enjoy the fruit.

Not only are there a few furnishings, but there are also some playthings everywhere in the house, presumably belonging to Baoqin.

"Aunt, you don't have to be polite."

Suddenly she saw Jia Lian picking up another orange segment. Just when she thought that Jia Lian would put it between his clear-cut, fresh and clean lips and teeth in the next second, she saw Jia Lian put his hand in front of her.

This was because there were no servants in the room at that moment, otherwise, she really would not have done something that would undermine the dignity of her elders.

"Hehehe, they have been wandering around for a day, and they are all taking a bath in the back."

Are you all taking a bath?

But he didn't dare to think deeply, and followed Aunt Xue into the house like a puppet.

Instinctively, he wanted to refuse, but facing Jia Lian's calm but naturally unquestionable face, he couldn't say the words of refusal for some reason.

After hesitating for a moment, he lowered his head slightly, opened his mouth, and took the orange in Jia Lian's hand into his mouth.

"Here, I...I just ate better. Brother, you can eat it by yourself."

It can be imagined that before he came, Aunt Xue might have been making tea in the house.

Jia Lian's arrival made the current owner of this place, Aunt Xue, very happy.

While Aunt Xue was speaking, she had already picked up an orange and handed it to Jia Lian herself. And in order to make it easier for Jia Lian to eat, he divided the orange into two parts with both hands and opened it from the middle.

However, the same thing as before is that the house is spotless and spotless. It is obvious that Aunt Xue is also a tidy person.

Aunt Xue, who had been looking at Jia Lian, smiled when she saw this and said: "This is sent by the people below. It is called 'Fragrant Orange'. It is rare to see it in this season. Brother, do you want to try it? If you like it, I will let you know." I'll send you some."

"It's better to enjoy it alone than to enjoy it together. I'm eating this one. It's sweeter than the previous one. Auntie, let's try it too."

However, no matter how rare something is, if it can enter Jia Lian's mouth and please Jia Lian, then it is considered to be doing its best.

A faint doubt arose in Jia Lian's mind, and he could not help but picture the scene of these three girls with their hair disheveled and their shoulders exposed, laughing and playing together in the bathtub.

Moreover, because of Jia Liansheng's handsomeness and slender fingers, she also looked at Jia Lian with the mentality of a mother-in-law looking at a son-in-law. At this time, Jia Lian was simply eating oranges, and in her eyes, he was also full of elegance, nobility and chic. Danfeng, who was the descendant of her Wang family, narrowed her eyes slightly.

This kind of out-of-season fruit is also a special offer. If it weren't for her Xue family's large business and many connections, they wouldn't have such a good reputation.

As expected, the juice is sweet and crunchy.

"Yes, it's really sweet."

This room, which was originally bare of furnishings and as clean as a snow cave, became a little more lively because of the arrival of Aunt Xue and Bao Qin.

In Jia Lian's opinion, wherever Xiangyun is, it must be lively. Not to mention that there is Baoqin, who is also very active, living here now, so Hengwuyuan should be noisy.

So he smiled back and led Jia Lian into the house.

"Come, brother, please have some tea."

Aunt Xue lived in Baochai's house. After Baoqin moved in, for convenience, she packed up a separate house outside for Baochai and Xiangyun, while Aunt Xue took Baoqin with her. The girl lives here.

At this time, seeing that Aunt Xue was the only one coming out to greet him, she couldn't help but ask.

Aunt Xue watched Jia Lian eating one piece after another, and asked with a smile: "How does it taste?"

If you take this kind of fruit outside, I don’t know how many noble ladies are willing to pay a high price to purchase it.

Aunt Xue had a smile on her face. He knew that Jia Lian had just returned home today, and he would come over as soon as he returned home. He would definitely come to see Bao Yatou!

Aunt Xue was entrusted by Mrs. Jia Muwang to go into the garden to take care of and restrain the younger generation during the funeral.

After thanking Aunt Xue for the tea she enthusiastically poured over, Jia Lian's eyes fell on the plate of oranges on the table.

On the table in the middle of the room, there is a set of exquisite tea sets, with fruit plates and teapots placed beside it. There is a stove burning next to the table.


In the backyard of the main house of Hengwuyuan, in a small bathroom, the scene was not as Jia Lian imagined.

In other words, there are some discrepancies.

In the fragrant house decorated with three or four simple screens, there are two large wooden barrels emitting steaming heat.

The wooden barrels on some of them are larger, and Baochai, whose skin is whiter than snow, is immersed in the water. Behind her, a little girl wrapped one hand in a towel, wiping Baochai's exposed shoulders and arms.

Her movements were very gentle, as if she was afraid of accidentally scratching her young lady's fair skin.

Two steps away below, there is a brand new and smaller bathtub, with two little fairies who still look immature inside.

They are much more noisy than above.

There was no need for a maid to serve. The two petite bodies were in the bathtub, coming and going, rubbing perfume on each other and washing each other.

The two small mouths made the big beauty above her frown from time to time, as if she couldn't figure out where they had so many topics. They hadn't stopped for a moment since they took a bath.

Suddenly Ying'er turned around from behind the screen. She held a stack of folded clothes and pants in her hands. After she came in, she smiled and said, "Girls, have you finished washing? After washing, hurry up and get dressed and go out. Second Master Lian has come over and is talking with you in the room." The wife is talking."

"Yeah, second brother Lian is here."

Xiangyun stood up from the bucket in an instant, and his body, which was obviously young but already showing a graceful posture, was completely exposed to the air.

Fortunately, there was no one else here except her sisters and her close maid sister, so she didn't feel shy at all.

Ying'er put down her clothes, found Xiangyun among them, and came forward to serve him. He also realized that it was too slow for one person to serve the three young ladies and dress them up, so he went out again and called in the two maids Xiangyun and Baoqin who were guarding outside.

In this way, under the service of their respective maids, the three sisters quickly finished dressing and rushed to the main room. When I arrived at the room, I saw Jia Lian sitting upright in a silver-gray brocade robe. Next to him, the elegant and amiable Aunt Xue sat with him.

After the ceremony, Baoqin and Xiangyun gathered around Jia Lian.

"Brother Lian, when did you return to Beijing?"

"We knew you were back in the afternoon, and we even went out to look for you. Who knew that Sister Ping'er said that you had gone out on something, which made our trip in vain."

"That's right. Tomorrow is Sister Tanchun's birthday, and we also agreed to open a poetry club. Brother Lian, don't forget it then. You must come."

"Hey, aunt, have you and brother Lian had a drink? Your face is so rosy."

The two little girls gathered around Jia Lian, talking to each other. Xiangyun, who was squeezed in between Jia Lian and Aunt Xue, turned around and suddenly noticed that Aunt Xue's face was extremely red, and she couldn't help but let out a light sigh.

Her voice also attracted a few eyes. Among them was sitting down opposite Jia Lian. Although he didn't say a word, he always paid attention to Jia Lian's treasure hairpin.

Facing the attention from her daughter and nieces, Aunt Xue's face became even more rosy, but she smiled very calmly and said: "There is no need to drink. Maybe I have been sitting by the stove for too long and I am a little hot."

Aunt Xue covered her face with her hands. Not to mention, the slightly cold hand placed on the face really lowered the temperature of the face, and the rosy skin became less obvious.

The others were relieved, and Baochai and Ying'er worked together to move the stove away.

From the beginning to the end, Jia Lian didn't pay much attention to Aunt Xue's reaction. In other words, after the Baochai sisters appeared, his eyes completely moved away from Aunt Xue and shifted to the three cute girls.

Unfortunately, it was already late spring, and the weather was no longer cold. Therefore, the clothes on Baochai and others were naturally not as heavy and complicated as before, and had become thin spring clothes.

They had just finished bathing, and the three little lolita or girls were still exuding a dense aura. When the three of them walked in in a row, three women's blouses, the skin on their necks and collar openings was slightly exposed...

The ethereal feeling almost made Jia Lian's eyes become pregnant.

Especially Baochai, who is at the bottom.

Sister Bao, who is sixteen years old, is perfect in both skin and appearance.

Thinking that such a treasure hairpin was already his, and that as long as he worked hard, he would be able to get what he wanted, and the pleasure in his heart was already overflowing from his mouth and nose. Naturally, he would not care about such trivial details as how Aunt Xue responded to the little girl's inquiry.

After all, there was no reasonable enough reason to stay in Hengwuyuan, so after achieving the purpose of visiting Baochai, Jia Lian went down the mountain.

When passing by Daoxiang Village, just because Daoxiang Village was dark, I wondered what Li Wan was doing. Unexpectedly, I bumped into Li Wan before I left the garden.

"Second uncle."

Li Wan led the maid to stand on the roadside, with his hands hanging on his waist, greeting Jia Lian calmly and demurely.

Jia Lian also returned the gift, and then asked: "It's so late, what is your sister-in-law doing here?"

"My wife and Feng Yatou are not at home, and there is no one to watch over the house. I have just visited various doors and am about to go back."

In fact, Jia Mu, Sister Feng and others are not at home. Li Wan wants to take care of the family business, so it is best for him to move out of the garden and station himself in Rongguo Mansion.

On the one hand, Jia Mu and others took away a large number of people in the mansion, and on the other hand, Sister Feng left a great god like Ping'er in the mansion.

Also, with Ping'er, the chief steward of Sister Feng, here, not to mention the fact that most of the people in the house are missing, there are too many things to do. Even if it is still the same as before, there will be no trouble.

Li Wan also thought that she might not be as good as Ping'er in terms of management ability, so he simply was lazy and entrusted Ping'er with all the big and small matters in the mansion. He just went to the mansion to inspect once or twice as usual every day.

"Thank you for your hard work, sister-in-law."


Facing Jia Lian's chat, Li Wan couldn't find anything to say.

After a long silence, she gave Jia Lian a slight blessing, then lowered her eyebrows and prepared to walk away with her heart beating.


But the voice was not from Li Wan, but from one of her maids, Su Yun.

Looking back, I saw Jia Lian holding Suyun's arm with one hand and smiling at her: "Sister-in-law, go first. I'll have a few words with her."

In this scene, Li Wan was fine, but Bi Yue's eyes were wide open and full of disbelief.

Suyun, this is...?

Could it be that he has climbed onto the high branch of Master Lian and is about to become famous?

But, she is Grandma’s personal maid, how could Second Master Lian do this...

Woo hoo, it would be great if Second Master Lian was interested in me.

Of course, Li Wan didn't know that so many thoughts were flashing through her other maid's head at once. Knowing that Jia Lian wouldn't act innocently, she naturally wouldn't have any objections to Jia Lian's entanglement with her maid.

Nodding, she led Biyue away.

But there were already ripples in his heart. He didn't know what Jia Lian's intention was in catching Su Yun, so he deliberately slowed down.

After a while, Suyun caught up with him as expected.

"What does Second Master Lian want you to do?"


Suyun seemed hesitant and glanced at Biyue.

Li Wan understood. In fact, she should pretend not to care at this time. When she entered Daoxiang Village and there was no one around, she could ask Suyun alone.

However, she was very concerned at this time. After all, Jia Lian caught Suyun, the only girl who knew their secret, and it was very likely that she was talking about things between them, so she actually said to Biyue: "Go back first and let the little girls burn it." Water, I need to take a shower tonight.”


Biyue drawled, and glanced at Suyun unwillingly.

It's over. Grandma and Suyun have a secret, and it's a secret that I can't know. Now, she will definitely get past me.

Biyue entered Daoxiang Village with suspicion and suspicion.

After all, Li Wan was not a mature strategist and did not have enough government and patience. Just a small immature move caused unnecessary risks of being noticed by others in a major matter that was related to her life and death.

But Li Wan obviously didn't expect this. After Biyue left, she couldn't wait to start questioning Suyun.

"Second Master didn't say anything to me. He just asked about grandma's current situation and told me to take good care of grandma and not... keep the secret and don't talk nonsense. It will benefit me in the future..."

"Is that all?"


Li Wan frowned. Seeing that Su Yun didn't seem to be lying, he couldn't continue to explore. Finally, he just said: "Good girl, as long as you can do this, not only him, I will treat you as my biological daughter." …”

"My slave doesn't dare. Please rest assured, grandma, this slave is not stupid and won't talk nonsense."

After receiving Su Yun's promise again, Li Wan was obviously more and more relieved. He helped her up personally, said a few words of greeting, and walked into Daoxiang Village with lotus steps.

But she didn't see the shameful look on Suyun's back when she turned around.

How could Suyun have the nerve to tell her that she had already sold her behind her back?

What Second Master Lian explained was: "The second window from the main house on the north wall of Daoxiang Village should not be closed tightly at night."

Alas, Bi Yue and I are usually responsible for the small matter of closing the window for Grandma, and there is no division of responsibilities.

But for the sake of the second master, from now on, this important mission belongs to me.

Suyun thought briskly.

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