Start with detective Li Yuanfang

Chapter 1204 Yan Shifan: Li Shizhen is a simple and pure person, how can I be smarter?

Chapter 1204 Yan Shifan: Li Shizhen is a simple and pure person, how can I be smarter?
"Five ancestors, Yan Zhongcheng's letter..."

After Yang Jinshui finished dealing with today's affairs, he walked out of the Prison Officer, and was about to return to his residence to rest, when his confidant came to his side and handed over the letter.

Yang Jinshui took it, with pondering in his eyes and a hint of joy.

But when he entered the room, waved back and forth, opened the letter, and read it carefully, the joy disappeared, and he snorted coldly: "The profit is five cents, since I felt that it was not good, but I only gave up so much. In the heart of this Yan Ge old man, is the inner court so easy to deal with?"

Yan Maoqing didn't dare not listen to Yan Song's words, and immediately made concessions.

In his view, with the huge interests of the Jiangnan Weaving Bureau, five cents of the profit are countless silver taels, which is already very distressing, and he feels that the other party should be content.

After all, the supervision of the Jiangnan Weaving Bureau was managed by the strict party of the foreign court, and the eunuchs in the palace were just picking up a ready-made bargain.

But the people in the world who are more greedy than corrupt officials are often eunuchs. In Yang Jinshui's view, the supervision of the Jiangnan Weaving Bureau was promoted by his superior eunuch. Let five cents profit?What about sending off beggars?

His tall and thin body stood up slowly, and after pacing for a while, he did not make a private decision, and headed towards Lu Fang's room.

It was rare for this great Ming minister not to be by Jiajing's side. He was playing with bonsai and enjoying his leisurely life in old age.

Hearing the familiar footsteps, Lu Fang turned around and smiled slightly: "Jin Shui, come and accompany me!"


Yang Jinshui waved his hand, and the servants around him withdrew one after another. He came to Lu Fang's side, took the scissors, and started trimming according to the instructions.

Not long after, a luxurious, rich, elegant and simple scene appeared.

The flowerpots are covered with green grass, the roots of the trees on the pots are forked, the trunks are vigorous and powerful, and the flowers are blooming on the branches. Every point complements each other and shows the basic skills.

Yang Jinshui hastily praised: "Foreign masters of good fortune, get the source of heart, master's wonderful hands!"

Lu Fang looked at it, but she seemed dissatisfied, and said meaningfully: "This man is happy to know his fate, and the same is true for trees. What do you think of their growth?"

Yang Jinshui's eyes flickered, he realized that he should not just look at the tree, he looked at it for a moment and said: "The branches and leaves of this tree are too luxuriant, and its momentum is strong, it seems a bit..."

Hearing this, Lu Fang nodded slightly, showing approval: "It's a bit overwhelming, isn't it? It's too exuberant to be liked, and I'm afraid it will be removed tomorrow."

Yang Jinshui understood. It seems that the momentum of the Yan Party is too strong, and the master, Long Live, really has a problem with the Yan family and his son.

And the various major cases in this dynasty show that once the attitude of the emperor changes, no matter how important the minister is, it will be very dangerous.

There are many complicated reasons for Yan Song's loss of power in history, but when analyzed by later generations, many people regard one thing as a turning point.

That was related to Lan Daoxing, who was the most favored Taoist priest around Jiajing after Tao Zhongwen's death, and was good at the technique of holding up spirits.

The so-called shaman support is to put a pen in a dustpan, so that two people can support it, and the shaman will keep writing on the sand table with the shaman pen, and say in his mouth that a certain god is attached to him.

The content written in this state is the instructions of the gods. After being organized into words, good or bad luck can be predicted, and the instructions of the gods can be followed.

That is to ask the gods to come up and speak through the mouth of the gods.

But one day, when Lan Daoxing was helping the spirit, he said, "Today there are traitors playing something", and Yan Song just came to ask for it, so Shizong felt disgusted with Yan Song.

It's a hilarious-sounding twist, but it's also believable.

Because Ming Shizong Zhu Houcong is such a person.

The three Chief Assistants of the Jiajing Dynasty, Zhang Cong, Xia Yan, and Yan Song, were all powerful and powerful when they liked them, and they supported them a lot, and they could be patient.

From a certain point of view, that Da Mingzi is actually another Yan Shifan, extremely intelligent, moody and impulsive.

Therefore, it is difficult for those who don't understand to guess the emperor's mind, but those who understand are enough to understand him.

Lu Fang is undoubtedly the latter, but he is loyal to Jiajing, he likes what the master likes, and hates what the master dislikes. Now Jiajing is very displeased with the actions of the Yan family and his son, so naturally he has changed his attitude.

If the strict party is sensible at this time, give up the huge profits of the Jiangnan Weaving Bureau, make the master Long Live happy, and the [-] servants in the palace will benefit, and the supervisor of ceremonies will also say a few words appropriately.

But now what Yan Maoqing did was to send a beggar, Yang Jinshui even prepared to add insult to injury: "When will your lord plan to remove this tree?"

Lu Fang said calmly: "It still needs to stand against the facade, and it will not be able to withdraw for a while."

The strict party is at the height of its power, and there are a large number of dependents in the ruling and opposition parties. It is unrealistic to collapse in one day.

Yang Jinshui asked again: "Should the child make preparations early and call some smart people to clean up more?"

Yan Dang is full of holes all over his body. If he really wants to pick a thorn, he will definitely find it. It depends on who lights the fire in this delicate situation.

Lu Fang said: "Things that are lenient can be rounded, and urgent ones can be effective. The maintenance of this courtyard is not a one-time effort, and the subordinates are not meticulous enough. I still need to wait a lot and carefully trim it."

Yang Jinshui said: "Yes, baby, let's go and stare at it."

Lu Fang picked up the scissors again, and finally said: "There is no need to hide, and you can't hide..."

Yang Jinshui lowered his head: "My child understands."

By the time he returned to his residence, his thoughts had become clear.

The situation in the court has changed, and the trend of the strict party is still unknown. The attitude of the inspector of ceremonies is to keep a distance and clear the relationship.

As for the news, let it go as soon as it should, and watch the wind and clouds surge in the outside world!



In the Xu residence, Xu Fan walked into the study.

Compared to Yan's Mansion, where weddings are arranged and bustling, this place is quite deserted.

On the one hand, the strict party was happy and congratulated, on the other hand, Qingliu was contemptuous and drew a clear line.

Xu Fan was very angry and unwilling about this.

Also as the son of Ge Lao, he served as Taichangqing, and his younger brothers Xu Kun and Xu Ying served as Shangbaoqing. The position is actually not low, which is in line with his status, but his power is completely marginalized, which is completely different from Yan Shifan who calls the wind and rain.

Because everyone in the government and the public knew that Mr. Xu Ge was serious about being an official and had no independent opinions. It was basically blind to expect to benefit from him, so his son would naturally have no one to curry favor with him.

Even because of Yan Shifan's inexplicable hostility towards Xu Jie, who hated the house and black people, he also targeted Xu Fan. Xu Fan had a very uncomfortable life, and wanted to betroth his beloved daughter to Yan Shifan's ignorant son. Didn't sleep well day and night.

Finally, the turning point came!
Xu Jie was reading a book. Facing his excited son, he took off Youtuo, that is, Ming Dynasty glasses, and said calmly, "What's wrong?"

Xu Fan took a deep breath, and handed over the post: "Father, Wu Shilai, the head of the criminal department, Zhang Chong (chōng), and Dong Chuance, want to impeach Yan Song!"

Wu Shilai and Zhang Chong were disciples of Xu Jie, and Dong Chuance was a fellow of Xu Jie's hometown, both of whom were strong supporters. Xu Jie's expression remained unchanged, he still held the scroll and asked, "What's the crime?"

Xu Fan said in a deep voice, "Take bribes and harm the country!"

Xu Jie was noncommittal: "Other than that, what else is there?"

Xu Fan saw that his father's attitude seemed to disapprove, but he gritted his teeth and said as usual: "Break the engagement and keep Xu's name clear!"

Only then did Xu Jie put down the book, and sighed softly: "There is news from Da Nei?"

Xu Fan nodded heavily: "There are many rumors in the palace that His Majesty is very displeased with the actions of the strict party recently!"

Xu Jie said, "So you think the Yan Party will fall?"

Xu Fan raised his brows: "The strict party is rampant in greed and ink, and does all kinds of evil, all because of favors... As long as His Majesty's holy hearing is not blocked, of course they can't continue to be rampant!"

Xu Jie shook his head: "What the palace says may not be true!"

Xu Fan was stunned: "Is there any reason for such a big event?"

Xu Jie handed over the book in his hand.

"Ship Department?"

Xu Fan took it, only to find that it contained the records of the Guangzhou Shipping Department.

During the Hongwu period, Zhu Yuanzhang imposed a sea ban. During the Yongle period, Zhu Di relaxed the ban a little, and then strictly prohibited it again. Until the Zhengde period, maritime smuggling was rampant. The officials saw that private voyages could not be prohibited, so they took advantage of the situation. Domestic maritime merchants are also fishing in troubled waters.

In the Jiajing Dynasty, strict regulations were imposed again, closing all ports outside of the Guangzhou Shipping Department, destroying prohibited large ships, prohibiting private trade at sea, and moving out Taizu's set again.

As a result, maritime merchants were dissatisfied and colluded with foreign thieves. Japanese pirates flooded and killed countless people.

It wasn't until the previous battle that suppressed the arrogance of the thieves that it stopped. Therefore, the reopening of the Shibo Department and the discussion of the Jiangnan Weaving Bureau have also become topics of discussion in the court recently.

As the son of the old man, Xu Fan knew clearly that this was a distribution of interests between the outer court and the inner court. The strict party promoted the weaving bureau for the purpose of corrupting and profiting from it. Local power.

Looking through some of the accounts recorded in this book again, Xu Fan's heart moved: "Father's intention is that the palace uses this matter to put pressure on the strict party in an attempt to gain greater benefits in the Jiangnan Weaving Bureau? But Mr. Lu ...would you agree?"

Xu Jie said: "Eunuch Lu is not the only one in the palace, this happened suddenly, we have to guard against it!"

He is very clear about Lu Fang's behavior, he is definitely not a greedy person, but there are [-] mouths waiting to be raised in the palace, as an inner minister, he is not expected to be upright and upright, he will definitely do certain things.

So from Xu Jie's standpoint, when he couldn't understand the specific situation in the palace and could only listen to the rumors, he didn't dare to act rashly.

Xu Fan couldn't accept this kind of cautiousness, and was suspicious: "Father, this is a god-given opportunity. Once you are passed by the strict party and regained His Majesty's favor, I don't know how long you will have to wait!"

Xu Jie knew that this son was upset, and was worried that he would act impulsively. He thought for a while and said, "You can send someone to Tianshi's Mansion. If Mr. Xiaoge returns to Yan's Mansion, let this matter go. If he doesn't come back within five days Come out, let's discuss."

Seeing that there were only two of them in the house, Xu Fan was greatly disappointed when his father still called Yan Shifan the elder of Xiaoge. He saluted and said, "Yes! Step down, my child!"

Seeing his son leave dejectedly, Xu Jie also had a bit of a sigh in his expression, and murmured: "Just wait for the two to separate...just wait for the two to separate..."

Yan Song is stable enough, and Yan Shifan is ruthless enough, the former can suppress the latter, and the latter can assist the former, forming an excellent cooperation, and the bottomless tolerance of Jiajing's demands has just formed a huge strict party.

It was precisely because Xu Jie saw this clearly that he chose to forbear, and decided that in order to eradicate the strict party, he must find an opportunity.

An opportunity to separate Yan's father and son!
This opportunity in history was Yan Song's wife, Ouyang, who died of illness. Yan Shifan had no choice but to keep his filial piety, and was seized by Xu Jie.

Now that Yan Shifan has entered the Tianshi Mansion, if he really can't practice with the Tianshi inside, then it is indeed an opportunity.

Otherwise, continue to be cautious, cater to the emperor's will, and stay in place for a long time.



In the Tianshi Mansion, Yan Shifan jumped up after finishing his meditation. After being refreshed, he found that his steps were a little lighter, and he thought to himself: "This Li Shizhen's cultivation is really superb. With a little help, it has such an effect. No wonder Tao Zhongwen couldn't fight at all, and he was killed before the year came... It's just that this person introduced me so happily, because he was moved by the "stubborn stone" and wanted to save me?"

With this thought in mind, Yan Shifan walked out, and found that the originally deserted mansion was bustling with doctors coming in and out.

With a strange expression on his face, he stopped a doctor and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Seeing this domineering manner, and it was not a secret, the doctor explained: "Under the order of the heavenly master, we will sort out the herbal medical books and pass them on for the benefit of future generations!"

Yan Shifan followed into the hall, looked carefully, and found that all kinds of medical books use "parts" as the outline and "category" as the category, and there are already human, grass, grain, vegetable, fruit, poultry, animal, insect, etc. There are dozens of scales, gold stones, server vessels, etc.

What made Yan Shifan even more curious was that these doctors strictly researched the differences between different dynasties, achieved detailed research, and repeatedly verified many conjectures of the predecessors, then classified them, and finally presented them.

The workload is so huge that the compilation of this work has just begun with the gathering of skilled hands from major medical centers in Beijing.

However, Li Yan admits that slow work leads to careful work, and while controlling the overall situation, he strives for perfection and never urges him.

There are many bibliographies of Materia Medica recorded in the past, and "Compendium of Materia Medica" is the most famous, but due to Li Shizhen's limited energy alone, coupled with the restrictions of the fashion of the times, there are many contents that are lax in scholarship, superstitious and speculative, which have attracted criticism from later generations. In the eyes of Chinese medicine, the first one is actually the earliest known "Shen Nong's Herbal Classic".

It was a work on traditional Chinese medicine in the Han Dynasty. After more than 1000 years, it has not been able to truly surpass it. It has to be said that it is a great regret for the medical community that a new work that completely inherits its status has come out.

Li Yanzheng is planning to use his status and authority to write a "Compendium of Materia Medica" as perfect as possible, which will lower the threshold of medicine, spread it more widely, and reduce the number of quack doctors in the world, so that the status of doctors can be truly improved.

"This Li Shizhen really doesn't forget his roots, and even compiles medical books..."

Yan Shifan observed carefully, and knew that this was definitely not a fake, but a real effort, so he couldn't help showing a strange look.

Let's say that this person is greedy for power. He is in the center, and he rarely even goes out to the Tianshi Mansion, and he hardly goes to the palace a few times.

Let's say that this person is indifferent to fame and fortune, and because he is Hu Zongxian's backstage, Xu Wei came to ask for help as soon as something happened in the southeast...

"Pure mind, do whatever you want?"

Yan Shifan sketched silently, and the image of a pure practitioner came to mind, which relieved a lot of doubts: "I think it is too complicated. Practitioners pay attention to fate. Maybe there is not much reason for him to help Hu Zongxian, just because the other party is suffering. Waiting for three hours to lead me into practice is also because I have to enter the mansion..."

"Such a simple person is not difficult to deal with!"

Yan Shifan has met many strange people, young and outstanding, often ignorant of the world, because of limited energy, unable to cover everything.

Thinking about it now, this Li Shizhen is not very old, she wants to study both medicine and Taoism, and with such achievements, how can she be a complicated person?

But being simple and pure doesn't mean it's easy to deal with.

Yan Shifan realized more and more why his father was so wary of this person at that time.

It is precisely because the strict party's best tactics cannot take effect on the celestial master, and the strict party knows nothing about the practice methods that the celestial master is good at.

When a conflict really arises, only the other side attacks, they can only passively parry, and it is impossible to win.

"Fortunately, this person is pure and simple-minded. If I can take this opportunity to learn some tricks, in the future, no matter whether it is secular or Daoism, it will be difficult for me to escape my control!"

After thinking about it like this, Yan Shifan settled down and walked towards the front yard.

He is going to communicate with the outside world to see how the situation is, whether there is any new situation at the Jiangnan Weaving Bureau, and then talk about other things.

However, when he arrived at the front yard, Jiuye quietly appeared in front of his eyes, and looked over quietly: "Shilang Yan is leaving?"

Yan Shifan raised his neck: "I'm the minister of the Ministry of Industry. I'm busy with business. I can't stay here for a long time. How dare you stop me?"

In fact, since he had a hidden illness, he had asked for leave. Of course, no one in the Ministry of Industry dared to question why the Xiaoge elder was absent at the time of appointment. What he said now was just a high-sounding excuse.

Jiuye didn't argue, and stepped aside: "Please!"

Yan Shifan narrowed his eyes: "According to Your Excellency, if I leave this door, I can't come back?"

Jiuye said: "Of course, this is Tianshi's mansion. If Shilang Yan wants to go back, it should be Yan's mansion."

"What's the air!"

Yan Shifan snorted, didn't take a step immediately, and began to calculate the gains and losses: "Those Taoist priests in Beijing can also teach me how to practice, but how can those ordinary people compare to heavenly masters? On the outside, Yan Maoqing and Luo Longwen are enough Deal with it, Xu Jie...huh, he doesn't dare to fight against our father and son now!"

Above the court, he was afraid of two people, one was Xu Jie, who was now abruptly turned into an in-law, and the other was the celestial master Li Shizhen, who was now in the other's home, learning his skills.

Yan Shifan made a decision and turned around: "Since that's the case, I won't leave and continue to practice!"

Jiuye looked at this figure with head held high and chest high, turning back to the mansion, and tilted his head: "People are really strange, there is a world of difference between him and the master, why does he still think he is very smart?"

(End of this chapter)

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