Start with detective Li Yuanfang

Chapter 1205 Is this the supernatural power of Master Da Ming?

Chapter 1205 Is this the supernatural power of Master Da Ming?

"Longjing before the rain is already a treasure, and it is even rarer before the Ming Dynasty. Captain Mao, I am reluctant to take it out to entertain guests on weekdays."

Zhao Wenhua picked up the teacup, gently lifted the lid of the cup, sniffed the fragrance overflowing, and showed intoxicated color: "The first taste is fresh and soft, sip it carefully, it is as fragrant as orchid, take a sip, it will be delicious. Mouth full of saliva!"

Sitting opposite him was Wang Zhi's adopted son, Mao Haifeng.

Seeing that the other party was so intoxicated, Mao Haifeng drank a few sips, thinking that it was the case, and simply said: "Zhao Zhongcheng is an elegant person, and I am a rough person. I can't afford such hospitality, let's talk about it!"

Zhao Wenhua thought about it for a while before putting down his teacup. He felt a little regretful that he shouldn't have invited a cow to chew peonies, and said seriously, "Please come down, Your Excellency, it's nothing more than the situation in the southeast!"

"The owner of the Wufeng ship wants to abandon the dark and turn to the bright, and return to the imperial court. Zhang Jing, the former governor of the six provinces, and Li Tianchong, the governor of Zhejiang, both opposed it. Hu Zongxian, the current governor of Zhejiang, advocates surrender."

"But what Hu Zongxian has to do is to use you to exterminate the remaining pirates at sea. If the thieves kill each other, the strength of his subordinates will be damaged. In the end, there will be no promises of official positions, and there will be no trouble."

"That's why your Excellency came to the capital, hoping to hear from God, but it's a pity that I have been busy for so long, but I still haven't succeeded..."

Mao Haifeng didn't say that he had visited Li Tianshi, but just snorted: "Zhao Zhongcheng is quite right."

Zhao Wenhua continued: "But what about Shang Da Tian Ting? Your Majesty hates Japanese pirates, and all the ministers hate Japanese pirates. Whether it is a thief or a merchant, the court will not tolerate it!"

Mao Haifeng said coldly: "According to this, we are dead?"

"The mountains and rivers are full of doubts and there is no way out, and the willows are dark and the flowers are bright, and there is another village. There is vitality, and it has always been there!"

Zhao Wenhua smiled: "It's a pity that you have taken the wrong path. Submission is not just a show of loyalty. You have to find a backer in the court!"

Mao Haifeng's eyes widened: "Is Zhao Zhongcheng going to be my father and son's backer?"

Zhao Wenhua nodded slightly: "That's exactly what I mean!"

Mao Haifeng stood up and clasped his fists: "Zhao Zhongcheng is willing to help, I am grateful, but our father and son are businessmen, and we pay attention to the value of money and goods. Zhao Zhongcheng is willing to help us, what do we want?"

Zhao Wenhua smiled: "Well said, you and I both get what we need, so that's reassuring, isn't it? Sit down!"

Mao Haifeng sat back in his chair and looked at him steadily.

Zhao Wenhua's smile disappeared, his body leaned forward slightly, and he said with a serious expression: "Do you have Japanese pirates in your hands? If you want to convict officials of colluding with Japanese pirates, can you do it?"

Mao Haifeng was a little surprised, thought for a while and said: "Of course there are Japanese pirates. If you want to convict them... Who colluded with them?"

Even though there were no servants around, Zhao Wenhua's voice subconsciously lowered: "Yan Maoqing, Luo Longwen!"

Mao Haifeng's eyes suddenly widened.

He has been running around in the capital during this time, so he naturally knows that Yan Maoqing is Yan Song's godson, a core figure in the Yan Party, second only to Yan Shifan in status, and Luo Longwen is Yan Shifan's aide, and has been on the rise in recent years.

Are these two people connected?
If the charges are really decided, it will be a major event that will hurt the entire strict party!

The problem is that Zhao Wenhua in front of him is also Yan Song's godson, the backbone of the Yan Party?

Mao Haifeng really couldn't understand, and asked directly: "Why did Zhao Zhongcheng do this?"

Zhao Wenhua waved his hand: "You don't need to know about that."

Mao Haifeng said stubbornly: "This statement is too shocking. I have to suspect that Zhao Zhongcheng intends to play tricks. If there is no reason, please forgive me for not agreeing!"

Zhao Wenhua's eyes darkened.

If it were an official, he would never say it, but facing this vulgar pirate, he didn't have much worries: "It's okay to tell you, these two are vicious, despicable, and have stolen my position , to convict the Japanese is a good thing to eliminate harm for the people and accumulate virtue..."

"It turns out that I took your position, but it shouldn't be such an infighting, right?"

Mao Haifeng extracted the key words, still staring wide-eyed, not quite believing it.

Zhao Wenhua coughed lightly, his eyes fluttered left and right, and then said: "Your Majesty already has a heart of disgust for the Yan family and his son, and the only thing to worry about is that the Yan family has many followers. The so-called prosperity and decline, if these officials want to continue to exist, they should also go to one. Go to 'yan'!"

Mao Haifeng wondered: "There is no 'strictness', how can we talk about a strict party? Could it be that the tree falls and the monkeys scatter?"

Zhao Wenhua thought that it was really tiring to talk to such a rough person, so he puffed up his chest slightly: "I will come forward!"

Mao Haifeng looked at him stupidly: "Yan Dang is down, Zhao Dangli?"

Zhao Wenhua made it clear: "As far as seniority in the faction is concerned, this official is still a little thin-skinned, and he is trusted by His Majesty, so he can stabilize the court."

Mao Haifeng finally understood, and felt contemptuous in his heart, isn't this just a white-eyed wolf who wants to take advantage of the opportunity?

But he is not a gentleman of morality, so he has nothing to do with the filth within the strict party, but this matter is really big, he hesitated and said: "I can't be the master, I still have to ask my foster father!"

Zhao Wenhua said in a deep voice: "There is not much time for you, and the situation is changing rapidly. If you hesitate, you will miss the opportunity!"

Mao Haifeng said: "I will report back as quickly as possible, but it will take time to prepare for the conviction of the pirates..."

Zhao Wenhua was a little impatient: "Get ready quickly, and besides... this matter must not be leaked!"

Mao Haifeng said frankly: "Zhao Zhongcheng, please rest assured, even if this matter is exposed, apart from harming you, there will be no other benefits. We will not do such things that harm others and ourselves!"

Zhao Wenhua had exactly this thought, hummed in satisfaction, and waved his hands: "Go!"

Watching Mao Haifeng's thick back disappear, Zhao Wenhua's eyes showed excitement, he paced for a while, and came to the outside of the room to call the servants who stood far away: "Bring the two guests Zheng He."

Not long after, two officials appeared in front of them.

One is Zheng Michang and the other is He Maocai.

He Maocai met Zhao Wenhua in Suzhou when Lu Bing suddenly disappeared. In order to shirk responsibility, the Suzhou prefect threw He Maocai out and they went into Wujue Cave to search for him.

However, He Maocai made a contribution because of this, and made friends with Zhao Wenhua, and was brought back to the capital. This official who was born as a Jinshi and had no background finally became a capital official of the Ministry of Punishment.

Compared with He Maocai's rough face, which looks like a military general, Zheng Michang is quiet and fair, with a literati air.

These two were cited by Zhao Wenhua as confidantes, and what is even more rare is the confidant who is only loyal to himself and has no deep connection with the strict party.

He Maocai is careless. He holds a post in the Ministry of Punishment and has a brighter future than the local government. Once he wins the opportunity to be released in the future, he will be in charge of a party's punishment. He is very grateful to Zhao Wenhua. Brothers will help you do it!"

Zheng Michang faintly felt the turmoil in the court, and he didn't finish his sentence: "Zhao Zhongcheng invited us here, why?"

Zhao Wenhua sighed softly: "I received the report document, which is about two important officials of the strict party colluding with Japanese pirates..."

He Maocai changed color slightly, Zheng Michang was expressionless, and then he heard this person continue: "This matter may be a false accusation, but if there is evidence, I hope you will deal with it fairly and not be selfish!"

He Maocai was stunned, but this time it was Zheng Michang's expression that changed: "Zhao Zhongcheng..."

Zhao Wenhua couldn't be as straightforward as he said to the pirates about the court officials, but he couldn't be ambiguous, because he needed the cooperation of these two officials, although they were not high-ranking officials, they had important positions: "Nowadays, there are undercurrents in the court. Don't think about the overall situation, how about the two enforce the law impartially and help me?"

He Maocai responded first: "Okay!"

Zheng Michang thought about having received the favor from the other party, and nodded in agreement: "Yes!"

Zhao Wenhua cupped his hands and saluted: "Please!"

After discussing some specific details of the regulations, the two wanted to leave nervously, but Zhao Wenhua suddenly looked at He Maocai again: "You have an old relationship with Li Tianshi, have you been in touch recently?"

He Maocai said: "It's not about friendship, it's just a few acquaintances. I also want to visit, but the heavenly master doesn't see any outsiders, and my invitation to visit has disappeared, so I have to give up..."

Zhao Wenhua felt relieved.

He once wanted to use that person as a foreign aid, but since the other party pulled Tao Zhongwen down in less than a year and became the leader of the Taoist sect and in charge of religious affairs, he immediately gave up the idea.

Such a character is definitely not something that I can handle, it is better to keep a respectful distance.

However, the turmoil this time seems to have really started when Yan Shifan entered the Tianshi Mansion...

Thinking of this, Zhao Wenhua subconsciously looked at the mansion.

What are the celestial masters and elder Xiaoge inside doing?


at the same time.

Mao Haifeng left from the back door of the Zhao Mansion, looked at the gloomy sky, and clicked his lips: "These officials fight really hard!"

He entered alone just now, and his confidantes and brothers were waiting outside. At this time, they surrounded him and asked expectantly: "Captain, is this high official going to help us?"

"Help? Heh... go back and talk!"

Mao Haifeng was rough on the outside and thin on the inside, he didn't talk about important things outside, and went towards the courtyard where he lived.

When he arrived at the courtyard, he dismounted from his horse and was about to step in quickly. He first wrote a letter to explain the situation to his adoptive father, and saw that there was a group of people in the courtyard, all of whom were elite Wufeng boats, and their complexions suddenly changed.

He wrote down the conversation he had with the Great Ming Master, and sent it to the southeast quickly. Counting the time, it was time to reply, but he didn't receive it for a long time. At first, he thought that there was an accident on the way, maybe it was...

Mao Haifeng rushed into the room quickly, and saw a figure standing tall although not tall, but whose prestige was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, he suddenly exclaimed: "My lord!"

The waiting person turned around, and it was Wang Zhi, the man who hoped to become the One Piece King: "Haifeng, I have worked hard for you these days."

Hearing the familiar voice, Mao Haifeng dared to believe it completely, and immediately knelt down: "How can you come here in person? It's too dangerous! Please leave Beijing quickly!"

Wang Zhi smiled: "Don't worry, I have already made arrangements for Shuangyu Port, so I can't go back this time, and the imperial court will never want to seize my foundation."

Mao Haifeng knew that this man had always acted carefully, but he still couldn't accept it: "With us in Beijing, why should your lord take such a risk?"

"You step back!"

Wang Zhi waved his hands, stepped back from the left and right, and helped Mao Haifeng up with his own hands: "Sit!"

After the two parties sat down, Wang Zhi whispered: "The situation at sea is getting more and more difficult..."

Mao Haifeng's expression changed immediately: "Yu Dayou is here again?"

The naval division led by this man is the most effective one in the Ming army. Even though the firearms have been suppressed by Wang Zhibu, they can still create quite brilliant records. Now the Ming army's drills are becoming more and more strict. The threat has also risen linearly.

Wang Zhi sighed softly: "First there was Yu Dayou, and then another named Qi Jiguang recruited troops in Yiwu, and Ye Zongman's subordinates... were scattered by him in the first battle."

Mao Haifeng was shocked: "Ye Zongman has [-] soldiers, who can attack the city, how can he be defeated by this Qi? How many people does he have?"

"There are various theories, 2, 1, or even [-], anyway, it's definitely not as good as Ye Zongman's series..."

Speaking of this, Wang Zhi showed a rare trace of fear between his brows, and shook his head, as if he wanted to dispel the shadow: "After all, the imperial court is full of talents!"

Mao Haifeng was silent.

He understood why Wang Zhi came to Beijing at his own risk.

Because there is not much time left for the fleet.

Once the Ming army was able to defeat Wang Zhi's subordinates on the frontal battlefield, it would not take long for them to go straight to Shuangyu Port, and they would no longer be eligible to negotiate.

Wang said directly: "In your letter to me, you mentioned the connection between the cultivator and the country of Wa. Based on this investigation, I did find many traces. In recent years, no practitioner has been willing to come to our fleet. It is precisely that What a group of Japanese people did!"

Mao Haifeng was furious: "Damn Japanese slaves, we must make them look good!"

Can't beat Daming, and can't beat those little Japanese?

Wang Zhi's expression was very dignified: "This matter needs to be discussed in the long run, and the practitioners of the Japanese country have changed again, and they are rushing to Zhongtu in large numbers."

Mao Haifeng's anger froze. Of course they didn't care about the secular people of the Japanese country. Those famous names in the Warring States period were not worth mentioning, but the practitioners were different. They could only comfort themselves: "They are afraid of doom, so they dare not attack the secular people?"

Wang Zhi doesn't think so: "I always feel that since the Ming army went to sea, the situation has become more and more complicated. I'm afraid there will be a big change. It's not safe to stay on the island. Why don't you come to the capital to have a look. Can you gain something recently? "

"Yes! I just came back from Zhao Mansion!"

Mao Haifeng hurriedly revealed the conspiracy with Zhao Wenhua: "If this happens, we will have a solid backer if we want to be in the court!"

Wang Zhimu thought: "Zhao Wenhua... Can this person do great things?"

Mao Haifeng said: "He is Yan Song's adopted son, he should be capable to be favored by that Chief Assistant."

Wang Zhi shook his head slightly: "Using the son to betray the father is unfilial and unrighteous. Even if he succeeds, it will be difficult to take power. If we are tied to him, we will end up working in vain!"

Being strict is a political gamble;

In other words, it is also a political gamble.

For officials, it is to suppress the future.

For Wang Zhi, it is about his wealth and life, and he should be more cautious.

After weighing the pros and cons, the Wufeng captain made a decision: "For the accusation of being a Japanese, we will help him to fight dissidents according to Zhao Wenhua's words, but don't get too close to this person. If he really rises to the top, he has this handle. , we won't be able to get rid of us for a while, if not, don't splash blood on us!"

Mao Haifeng was in a hurry: "But in this way, don't we lose our backing again?"

Wang Zhi had thought about it a long time ago, and when he came to the window, he looked at the location of the Heavenly Master's Mansion: "Once the practitioners of the Japanese country invade China, that Celestial Master may really attack the Japanese country. We have a chance, if we can get his promise, we will be more reliable than Zhao Wenhua!"


"The Great Water has passed, let me see how the Great Fire will go..."

Compared with the turbulent situation in the outside world and the calculations of all parties, Li Yan sat in the mansion with a peaceful mind.

Light water vapor lingers around his body, as if a musical composition is composed, slowly surrounding, turning calamity into gain.

At this point, Shui Da has been completely understood, and he can enter the next part of the test.

[Four major violations] The fire and wind in it are undoubtedly the most important.

Not only because they are in the last order, but also because there are three disasters in the world of Journey to the West, the sky thunder, the Yin fire and the bì wind.

Li Yanxiu has the method of thunder, and he knows it from the slightest. He is very clear that the thunder of the three disasters shows the real order of the sky and is supremely majestic. Qi, he couldn't escape, so he died.

Of course, the Yinhuo and Bifeng after Tianlei are not easy.

The former burned from the bottom of the Yongquan point and went straight to the mud wall palace, that is, from the bottom of the foot to the top of the head. The internal organs were turned into ashes, and the limbs were all rotten.

The latter is blown into the six internal organs from the fontanel, passes through the pubic region, penetrates the nine orifices, the bones and flesh are thinned out, and the body dissolves itself. The fontanel originally refers to the bone gap formed by the incomplete joint of the skull of infants. Here it refers to the weak part of the human body. That is, it is pervasive.

The catastrophe that the evil talent needs to go through now happens to be fire and wind, so Li Yan naturally hopes to take the opportunity to experience it in advance and make preparations.

With just one thought, the water vapor dissipated, and the internal organs immediately revealed scorching heat, but it did not rise from the Yongquan point on the soles of the feet, but directly spread from the atrium, kidneys and below the navel.

"Samadhi really fires?"

Li Yan's eyes moved.

The heart is the monarch fire, its name is Shangmei, the kidney is the minister fire, its name is Zhongmei, the navel is the sea of ​​Qi, and its name is Xiamei, which is the true fire of Samadhi.

In the world of Journey to the West, the most famous one is of course Honghaier, but when he activates the true fire of Samadhi, he doesn't spray it out chicly directly from his mouth, but he squeezes his fists and punches his nose twice before he sprays fire. Come.

So Bajie first made fun of him, saying that Honghaier was a potter, and he "punched his nose, bleed some blood, and blushed, where should he sue us?", and finally waited until the true fire of Samadhi really burned over. , the smoke and fire were overwhelming, and the sky was so hot that Bajie panicked, thinking that he was going to become a roast pig, "Make the old pig cooked, add spices, and use it to the best of his ability"...

Of course, this scene of bleeding from the nose and squirting samadhi fire is indeed a bit weird. In the Romance of the Gods, when Jiang Ziya burns the essence of the pipa, it is "sprayed from the eyes, nose, and mouth, which is the refinement of essence, qi, and spirit." To achieve samadhi, to cultivate is to leave the essence, and to be in one place with the fire, how can this goblin stand it!"

At this time, the Great Trial of Fire has a bit of the meaning of the latter. It not only grows from three places in the body, but also mobilizes the energy and spirit, and burns together.

This is undoubtedly a more dangerous test than Earth and Water, but it is only the first level, and it does not pose a threat to Li Yan.

The sixth consciousness is the main one, supplemented by the body consciousness. In a short while, he calmed down and even started to learn it.

Just trying to figure out the trick of Samadhi True Fire, a layer of invisible flame rose up again.

Not only did Li Yan feel it himself, he even saw two people who practiced the same not far away, with similar flames permeating their bodies.

Those were Jiuye and Yan Shifan.

A circle of flames appeared around Jiuye, presenting an erratic illusion.

The flames that appeared around Yan Shifan were slightly weaker, but extremely solid.


Li Yan realized silently, and quickly determined the nature of this flame.

Before Jiuye entered the body with filth, he once wanted to destroy the Grand Canal and cut it off at the waist. If it really succeeded, it would have a certain impact and damage to the entire Ming Dynasty's national fortune. It is a terrible karma.

Fortunately, he didn't really do it, so the karmic fire is illusory, and it is gradually receding until it disappears completely.

Yan Shifan's karmic fire was not on such a terrifying scale, but it was real.

Not only did he rely on Yan Song's power, he did all kinds of evil things with his own hands, but also after the formation of the strict party, a group of corrupt officials caused the destruction of many people's families. A considerable part of the karma must be counted to Yan Song and Yan Shifan, the father and son.

If such a person steps into the door of practice, calamity will surely come and karmic fire will burn. If such a person is an ordinary person all his life, there will be eighteen levels of hell waiting after death.

Of course, if the underworld is operating normally and good and evil are rewarded.

"It's a pity that I can't directly see my karma..."

Li Yan observed Jiuye and Yan Shifan's karma, but he couldn't see himself intuitively, even in a mirror, which couldn't be reflected by any object.

He was groping for this flame that seemed to be nothing but actually existed. With a flash of light from the corner of his eye, he found that there was another karmic fire emerging, wrapped in a layer of human-shaped outline, and slowly moving towards here.

"There are thieves sneaking in?"

Li Yan was a little surprised, and felt a sense of urgency to work hard.

No matter what method the other party used, since breaking through the sixth sense, this is the first time someone can escape detection, and is about to touch the front without being discovered...

It can be seen that in the world of immortals and gods, the sixth consciousness does have limitations. It is indeed a wise move to choose the [Four Great Violations] and find a way to improve the seventh and even the eighth consciousness.

"Meditating all day, boring, is it the practice of a celestial master?"

Jiuye was unaware of these thoughts, but Yan Shifan secretly observed them after a round of mini-weeks.

In the past few days, he watched the other party from time to time, and found that apart from painting symbols, he was meditating, and he did not practice Taoism and supernatural powers, which was extremely boring.

Just as he was wondering if the other party was deliberately guarding against him, he saw the great master blowing a sigh of relief.

A low figure suddenly appeared, flames shot out from the eyes, nose, and mouth, and quickly wrapped his entire body, rolling wildly on the ground, screaming incomparably shrill.

(End of this chapter)

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