Start with detective Li Yuanfang

Chapter 1210 Don't Call Your Job Anymore...

Chapter 1210 Don't Call Your Job Anymore...

The inner house of Yan Mansion.

The divorce papers fell to the ground.

In a slow tone, Yan Song narrated everything that happened outside after Yan Shifan entered the Tianshi Mansion.

Including Yan Maoqing and Luo Longwen's near-conviction, including his entering the palace to put on a righteous gesture of killing relatives, and proposing to exile his only son Zhang Zhang, including Xu's refusal of the marriage contract on the grounds of arrogance.

From beginning to end, Yan Shifan knelt on the ground and listened silently.

At the end, the head that had been raised all the time finally lowered, and said slowly: "This time, the strict party almost fell apart, and it was indeed because of me. The child is convicted!"

Seeing that he didn't make a scene, Ouyang breathed a sigh of relief, but the worry in Yan Song's eyes was even worse: "How are you doing?"

Yan Shifan only pondered for a moment, and then he had a specific goal: "First figure out, who is behind the scenes to deal with our strict party? This deep hatred has formed, and there is no room for relaxation. Either he dies, or we die!"

Hearing that the father and son were talking about serious business, Ouyang was about to avoid it, but Yan Song held his wife's hand and refused to let her go: "Go on..."

Yan Shifan said: "When I first heard about this, I thought it was Qingliu Shangzuo's impeachment, but it's wrong to slander Yan Maoqing and Luo Longwen Tongwo!"

"Qingliu is trying to gain fame, looking forward and backward, not daring to use such methods lightly, nor does he have such ability. In just a few days, he opened up the joints, and even found the real Japanese pirates..."

"It's not Qingliu, it must be done by unscrupulous people!"

Yan Song said: "Who do you doubt?"

Yan Shifan analyzed: "There are not many people who can accomplish this. I suspect that there are two groups of people. One is planned by Li Shizhen, and Hu Zongxian executes it!"

"If Li Shizhen did it on purpose for my sudden illness, then he must know that for such an illness, it is useless to search for famous doctors in Beijing. In the end, he can only seek help from the Heavenly Master's Mansion."

"Everything before that was playing hard to get, including the Japanese ninja I saw in his mansion. It was also a play, in order to cover up the Japanese witnesses Hu Zongxian called from the front line and subvert my strict party..."

Yan Song shook his head slowly: "It's not like this person did it."

Yan Shifan said: "I don't think it looks like this either. This is just to keep Hu Zongxian's position in the southeast. It is too risky. Since entering Beijing, this person has been appreciated by His Majesty and won the hearts of Taoists. This is not such a small trick."

Yan Song asked: "Then who do you doubt?"

Yan Shifan's eyes turned cold: "Zhao Wenhua!"

Yan Song was stunned: "Yuanzhi? Why him?"

Yan Shifan asked: "After the accident between Yan Maoqing and Luo Longwen, what is Zhao Wenhua doing?"

Yan Song said: "Recently, he lives in seclusion and keeps himself safe..."

"Save yourself wisely? How can he be safe and stay out of it?"

Yan Shifan sneered and looked around: "Zhao Wenhua is father's adopted son, the core of my strict party, who can pay New Year's greetings to father here every year, has been to the southeast, and has the most contact with Japanese pirates. Both Yan Maoqing and Luo Longwen are familiar with Japanese. He Isn't it strange to be innocent?"

Don't underestimate this room. Since the year when Yan Song took charge of the cabinet and served as the first assistant, since Jiajing did not hold a court meeting, the ministers did not need to go to the Hall of Supreme Harmony to worship. A batch of core ministers came here to pay New Year's greetings to Yan Song.

Most of those who won this honor were released to Fengjiang, and a few went to serve in the Six Departments and Nine Ministers of Nanjing, and some were excluded from the core because of the decline of their families. Say hello every year, let me come on stage after you say goodbye.

And Zhao Wenhua was one of them. Even though he began to lose power and gradually became marginalized within the strict party, he was still a high-ranking court minister externally, making countless officials gnash their teeth and fear.

Because compared to Yan Maoqing's insidiousness and Luo Longwen's cautiousness, Zhao Wenhua also likes to rob other people's credit. He also went to the southeast before, just to rob Zhang Jing and Li Tianchong's great achievements in fighting the Japanese.

If one were to be convicted of having liaison with Japanese pirates, Zhao Wenhua would undoubtedly be the more suitable candidate, followed by the other members of the strict party.

Now it's past him...

Without any evidence, Yan Shifan became suspicious of Zhao Wenhua as soon as he thought about it.

Yan Song didn't think about that at first, but after listening to this sharp analysis, he knew that the filial adopted son really had a huge suspicion, and a rare sadness finally appeared in his old eyes: "It's really unexpected... ...It is said that the human heart is like water, but the water flows downward, and the human heart always wants to be high when it is high!"

Ouyang said in a low voice: "I don't know the government affairs of the court, but Yuanzhi often enters the mansion, which is related to the peace of the family. At this juncture, if you just doubt, don't wrong people."

Yan Song had already sentenced Zhao Wenhua to death in his heart, whether it was him or not, from the moment Yan Shifan said his doubts, this adopted son could not be kept, but since Ouyang said so, he still said: "Let's look for evidence !"

Yan Shifan said without hesitation: "It is not difficult to find evidence, just look inside the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and you will know the fate of the Japanese pirate witness."

"If it was Li Shizhen and Hu Zongxian who did it, it would be done after planning. It has been planned long ago. The Japanese pirates will definitely not be able to ask anything, so there is no need to worry."

"If it's Zhao Wenhua, it's done in haste. That Japanese pirate witness must have clues. I'm afraid he won't survive, and he will kill him to silence him!"

Yan Song nodded silently. When dealing with specific matters, this son is always reassuring.

But precisely because these aspects are so reassuring, other aspects make him worry, especially when it involves specific duties.

Yan Song didn't want to say it at this time, but he had to say: "You entered the official career without the imperial examination, and the position of minister of the Ministry of Industry is somewhat inappropriate..."

The corners of Yan Shifan's eyes twitched a few times, and he said slowly: "I will hand in the resignation letter, but I can resign as Minister of the Ministry of Industry, but the Yan Party cannot suffer from this!"

Yan Song frowned: "Who do you think can move?"

Yan Shifan obviously had already prepared a draft, and said more than a dozen names in one breath: "Let Yan Maoqing be the servant of the Ministry of Punishment, Luo Longwen be the envoy of the general administration, Wan Cai be the secretary of the Dali Temple, and Lu Kai be the imperial censor..."

Yan Song listened silently, weighing the stakes, and nodded after a while: "Okay! Very good!"

Game and compromise have always been two sides of politics, they complement each other, ups and downs, since Yan Shifan has been suppressed, then other officials of the Yan Party will be promoted with Jiajing's tacit approval. After all, the treasury is empty, and the Yan Party needs to be pulled silver.

Yan Shifan’s choice was also considered. Those who were promoted had no way out, such as Yan Maoqing and Luo Longwen who would definitely give up if they were replaced by other parties, but the Yan Party just used these two vicious dogs to promise to bite wherever they pointed...

Therefore, there is no need to change any of the final list. Yan Song is gratified and did not hesitate to praise himself: "This family still depends on you!"

He is old and weak, and he is only an only son. The third generation of the Yan family has no special accomplishments. In terms of specific implementation, Yan Shifan will still be at the helm of the big ship of the Yan Party.

Of course, many things have been very different.

The former Xiaoge Lao was majestic and magnificent in front of the stage;

From then on, Yan Shifan could only hide behind the scenes and keep a low profile.

So Yan Shifan was not half happy, and said very coldly: "I have caused the disaster myself, and I have to solve it...Father, mother, the child is leaving!"

Seeing this one bowed before getting up and leaving the house, Ouyang was a little worried: "The threshold in this child's heart has not passed!"

Yan Song also sighed: "He has been in a high position for a long time, and he has a perverse temper. The fire in his heart is not so easy to vent..."

Knowing his son is nothing like his parents, the calmer Yan Shifan is on the surface, the more he reacts after being furious to the extreme. With his usual arrogance and domineering, he doesn't know what he will do next...

Yan Song now hopes that if Zhao Wenhua is really a traitor, after being caught, he can vent his anger and stop causing other big troubles.


"Thanks to Mr. Xiaoge's insight, he washed away our grievances, and caught Zhao Wenhua, an ungrateful villain!"

When Yan Maoqing and Luo Longwen came to Yan Shifan again, they were like servants. Their gratitude came from the bottom of their hearts, and they also gritted their teeth and hated Zhao Wenhua.

"I'm no longer Xiaoge Lao, don't call me a title anymore..."

In comparison, Yan Shifan's expression was flat, and when he said this, it was like a family chat: "As for Zhao Wenhua, you go and deal with it, and don't let him die too happily."

Yan Maoqing and Luo Longwen nodded quickly: "Yes! Yes!"

Yan Shifan obviously looked down on Zhao Wenhua, and naturally he didn't have much sense of accomplishment except for the insider who wanted to speculate in politics. What he really cared about was the divorce letter in his hand:

"Xu Jie's resignation, as you all know, is a brilliant move. It is not only to draw a line with my father and son, but also to fight against the strict party..."

"This old man took advantage of the situation and obviously did nothing, but he got the biggest benefit from this political turmoil. He will soon be able to confirm his position as the leader of the Qingliu faction, and he will no longer be a 'licorice old man' who does nothing. .”

"In public and private, I, Yan Dang and Xu Jie, can only survive one!"

Yan Maoqing and Luo Longwen shuddered when they heard this.

Yan Song's nickname is "Tao Tong Shou Fu", Xu Jie's nickname is "Licorice Country Elder", and they are also called "Qingci Prime Minister" at the same time. Jie does not take the initiative to do evil, but just agrees.

But it's different now. By retiring Xu Jie, he not only complied with Jiajing's intention, but also formally opposed Yan Song. Qingliu officials are bound to unite with him.

Qingliu at this time is not comparable to the later Donglin Party. There are many talented people among them. Uniting together is definitely a force not to be underestimated. It can check and balance the strict party and form a situation that Jiajing would like to see...

Yan Maoqing and Luo Longwen took a deep breath: "How to deal with this old man, please tell Brother Donglou!"

Even if the other party was the old man, they were not afraid, and they guaranteed that Yan Shifan would jump on him and bite him as soon as he gave an order.

However, Yan Shifan's words stunned the two mad dogs: "Xu Jie is from Songjiang Huating, how much land does the Xu family have in the area?"

Yan Maoqing asked: "Brother Donglou means..."

Yan Shifan said: "I'm going to check how much land Xu Jie's family owns first, and then clear the acres of land."

Yan Maoqing's face changed: "Brother Donglou, this Qingzhang farmland is no small matter!"

Luo Longwen is from Jiangnan. Thinking of the situation there, his voice trembled slightly: "This matter is untouchable..."

Out of imagination, Yan Shifan roared and swept away the stationery on the table.

The actual vent, to check the fields of the gentry?Even want to clear Zhang Tianmu?

That is a topic that cannot be touched!
Yan Shifan ignored it, and continued: "Second thing, didn't Zhao Wenhua slander you for being a Japanese? This accusation has given me some inspiration."

"Of course your knowledge of the Japanese is fake, but there are indeed many profit-seeking big clans in southeast Fujian and Zhejiang. In order to make huge profits, they will not hesitate to collude with the Japanese pirates, inform them, scout for information, and even directly participate in the robbery."

"Your Majesty hates Japanese pirates the most. Once such crimes are exposed, the whole family will be exiled. If you still hide some armor and weapons privately and have the intention of rebellion, then the three clans should be wiped out."

"Xu Jie's family, in my opinion, is in collusion with Japanese pirates, and they have rebellious intentions!"

Yan Maoqing's and Luo Longwen's eyes glanced at the divorce letter in Yan Shifan's hand, and then turned to his seemingly expressionless face, which was actually full of resentment, and finally understood this person's plan.

If you cancel my engagement, I will flatten your three clans.

If this is the case, Yan Shifan will certainly go down, and the Yan Party will be even more unprovoked!
It's just not realistic...

That is the Jiangnan gentry who pulled out the radish and brought out the mud...

Yan Shifan was more aware of the difficulty than they were, and took out two letters: "The waters in the south of the Yangtze River are deep, and the gentry are deeply intertwined. If you want to move the Xu family, without the cooperation of the local executors, it will definitely not be possible."

"The local officials are either corrupted by them, intimidated and coerced, or they are framed by criticism, suppressed and isolated, and have no basis for standing..."

"Fortunately, there are Hu Zongxian and Wang Zhi there. Take advantage of these two letters."

Yan Maoqing and Luo Longwen bowed their heads to receive it, and said in awe: "Understood!"

Yan Shifan took a few more words of care and waved his hands: "Go!"

When the two good dogs left, he stayed in the house alone. After sitting quietly for a while, he subconsciously assumed a meditation posture with five hearts facing the sky.

Jiuye watched silently outside the house.

Being able to enter the state of practice shows that the habits of Tianshifu have not been completely forgotten.

But originally he was doing nothing but meditating in pursuit of peace of mind and body, but Yan Shifan's raised face had bulging veins and distorted face, like a ghost, extremely ferocious.

It can be seen how much resentment has accumulated in this person's heart...

"This is the first time I have seen such a practice!"

Jiuye shook her head secretly, but found that there was a movement in her chest, and three charms turned into light spots and flew out automatically, surrounding them gently, and immediately realized that something was wrong, so she took a closer look.

I saw an indescribable breath slowly seeping into Yan Shifan's body.


"Or... the devil is coming?"

(End of this chapter)

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