Start with detective Li Yuanfang

Chapter 1211 The celestial master dare not go to the body, choose Xiaoge to become a demon

Chapter 1211 The celestial master dare not go to the body, choose Xiaoge to become a demon

Inside the Tianshi Mansion.

Li Yan meditated silently, and deep and bottomless cracks appeared all over his body.

Its interior is surrounded by four elements, water, fire and wind, and various energies come and go, slowly pouring into a wonderful world, as if birth and death are all in it.

This abnormality was extremely beautiful, but it lasted for a very short time. It seemed that after a snap of the fingers, a series of shattering sounds of colored glass shattered inside, and the earth, water, fire, and storm surged and merged into a roar, the horror of the sky collapsing and the earth collapsing. Feeling, finally dissipated.

Li Yan opened his eyes and let out a sigh of relief.

This is the golden elixir that he derived from his comprehension of the divine prohibition "Spirit Ring", the return of the [True Martial Holy Physique], combined with the tempering of the [Four Great Violations].

Practitioners in this world all know the golden elixir avenue, and what they pursue is the realm of roundness and flawlessness, which will last forever, but such a statement is obviously too big and too empty. After Li Yan made it concrete, it became a hedging and agitation of yin and yang. , if the clear and turbid qi are separated or combined, the five elements are restrained, the dispersal and gathering of the earth, water, fire and wind are uncertain, and the use of various original forces...

Of course, in a world where the turbidity is balanced and the structure is stable, with his current state, he can only progress step by step, slowly, and cannot achieve the level just now.

But precisely in this chaotic world, the limitations are much smaller, so you can boldly try.

For example, the out-of-phase just now is like a universe that is about to end chaos, gain new life in the big bang, and because of weak power, unable to successfully open the sky, come to the end of destruction in an instant, and then return to the chaotic universe.

A grain of sand is a world, a flower is a heaven, infinity is in the palm of your hand, and a moment becomes eternity.

"The birth and death of the microscopic world is both brilliant and cold..."

"From the perspective of Buddhism, every practitioner has become a failed creator!"

Li Yan comprehended silently, with an aura of wisdom in his brows, after thinking about it, he took out the Tripitaka and read it carefully.

Jin Yiwei is collecting these scriptures from various places in Ming Dynasty. Up to now, there are more than ten volumes such as "Treasure Scripture", "Buddhist Scripture", "Weizhi Lunjing" and "Mojiejing". Unfortunately, they are not complete, only a few incomplete pages are missing. There are only half a copy left.

Li Yan has accumulated insights into Buddhist classics for a long time, and he will not completely base on what he learned above, but still use it as a reference.

Combined with the four major experiences, he has a little more understanding of the Buddhist practice, and at the same time deeply feels that the choice of evil talent is correct.

The greatest benefit of the [Four Great Violations] tests is that there is a way to systematically understand the world.

His growth was initially the power of the Tang Dynasty. When Baisheng Jin and Weishi Jin were integrated into one, his mind, body, energy, spirit, and skills reached the level of invincibility in the world.

The advantage of self-enlightenment is that it is most suitable for oneself, has references and analogies from different worlds, and can quickly understand the current world system and is inclusive.

The disadvantage is that it is relatively piecemeal. Every time you understand a part, new knowledge is quickly incorporated. Although you are not greedy, there is still a long way to go if you want to describe the great way of heaven and earth.

Now standing on the shoulders of the predecessors again and building a worldview based on earth, water, fire and wind is undoubtedly a magnificent way, and Li Yan must remember to maintain himself.

Gradually, a breath of completeness and immobility pervaded.

The Tianshi mansion was quiet, and Jiuye went to monitor Yan Shifan. After the doctor who compiled the book went back at night, there was no one else, but a strange wave came over, it was the ginseng tree in the backyard.

The sapling trembled slightly, and the gentle breath spread, echoing it from a distance.

If you look down from a high altitude, you can find two invisible ripples, one in front and one in the back, just centered on Li Yan and the precious ginseng tree, covering the entire Tianshi Mansion, and the night in this range has become a little clearer .

Clear away the filth, fill the heavens and the earth!
However, it is also about cleaning up, but the emphasis of both sides is different.

The treasure tree of ginseng focuses on purification, while Li Yan focuses on suppression.

Set the universe, curb the filth, suppress the Quartet!

"Finally, I don't have to endure that filthy breath anymore..."

Li Yan took a deep breath, and the fresh air lingered in his nasal cavity, which made him feel comfortable physically and mentally, and he was very satisfied: "We can enter the next step."

After combining the four major experiences of Zhenwu Saint Physique, the Jindan Dao has been further manifested, which also allows him to face the next difficulty.

There are two options.

The first is to continue to try another orange talent [Sacrifice, my...], this talent is similar to [Outsider Visitors], you can sacrifice the basic attributes that cost less to upgrade, and turn them into free attribute points, and get extremely big payoff.

However, its success has a chance, and if it fails, it may attract unknown prying eyes.

This kind of spying is very likely to be the devil born in the filth of the world.

Speaking of which, ever since he came to this world, Li Yan actually wanted to see if there was any existence similar to the Heavenly Demon, but he hadn't met one yet.

I heard Bajie mention a few words not long ago, but it's a pity that the envoy of the altar kept secret and didn't want to talk about it. While he treated it cautiously, he couldn't help looking forward to it.

The second is the breakthrough of the upper limit of ordinary attributes.

The current physique and wisdom are both 30 points, and they are also the mortal peak in this world. If you go one step further, you will be at the level of immortals and gods.

And that will also attract unpredictable dangers, even the higher the attribute, the greater the danger, so that the benefits of continuing to improve will decrease...


Li Yan made a decision.

Every round of tests of the evil talent can help him lay a solid foundation and face the risks brought about by the improvement of attributes more calmly.

The breakthrough of the same attribute has also increased his strength, giving him the confidence to face a more difficult test of evil talents.

This forms a virtuous circle.

He adjusted his state to the best, and used 2 free attribute points to increase his physique and intelligence by 1 point respectively.

[Physique: 30 (Peak of mortals, able to break through obstacles, can be promoted to immortal god)] → [Physique: 31 (Physical path, path of immortality, blessing or misfortune?)]

[Wisdom: 30 (Peak of mortals, able to break through obstacles, can be promoted to immortal gods)] → [Wisdom: 31 (The way of immortality, blessing or misfortune?)]

The spirit crane spread its wings and flew up. Li Yan took a step forward and landed on its back. He rose from the Heavenly Master's Mansion, left the capital, and landed on the more deployable treasure ship.

His body was straight, and he stood on the bow of the boat with his hands behind his back. Looking up at the bright moon in the sky, a column of air rose suddenly, spinning rapidly into a tornado, and the force of heaven and earth was pulled, throwing it like a swallow returning to the forest.

This scene is just like the scene of Datang World's ascension.

It's just that it was done on purpose at that time, but now it's a matter of course and a matter of course.

"What is a god?"

"Looking at the vicissitudes of life and penetrating the world, their strength does not lie in their magical powers or fighting skills, but their understanding and insight into the rules of heaven and earth."

"This is also the reason why the golden elixir avenue is successful. After avoiding the three disasters, you can live forever and live with the world..."

Li Yan's feeling at this moment is like a fish in the water, jumping out of the accustomed water for the first time, and began to understand the uncomfortable but vaster world.

The previous speculations have been confirmed.

The biggest difference between immortals and ordinary creatures is not in the strength of combat power, but in the level of cognition.

Even the weak land of mountain gods has knowledge far beyond that of monsters. It is not only the accumulation of years, but also the understanding of rules given by the priesthood.

However, after the changes in the sky and the earth, the rules changed accordingly. When the gods found that the familiar world became unfamiliar and difficult to understand in a short period of time, they naturally couldn't continue to live the same life as the sky and the earth, and the sun and the moon shine together.

Thinking of this, Li Yan adjusted his state to the best and began to wait for the arrival of the devil.

The gods shouldn't just sit and wait to die, but now they are lingering in the Pantao Garden. Many unknown conflicts may have erupted during this period, and the confrontation with the devil is the most likely thing among them.

Li Yan has also fought against filth for such a long time, healed, purged, purified, and suppressed in various ways, but he has never confronted a filthy living creature, so he is ready to fight.

There is pressure in my heart, but more is expectation.

However, a quarter of an hour passed, the tornado was spinning, and the energy was gathering.

Two quarters of an hour passed, the tornado was spinning, and the energy became thinner.

Half an hour passed, the tornado dissipated, and the Yuanli was no longer drawn.

There is no doom...

no devil...

I am waiting for you here, where are you, Omen!
Li Yan stood at the bow of the boat, his clothes fluttered with the evening wind, his slender fingers in his sleeves began to count, his brows suddenly moved: "Yan Shifan?"

Almost indiscriminately, Jiuye's voice came through the spell: "Master, Yan Shifan is possessed by the devil, the spell has been released, and he can't be suppressed!"


"Who are you?"

Just when Li Yan was looking forward to the devil, Yan Shifan's heart turned to the sky, his head suddenly became dizzy, and a white light appeared in front of him.

The radiance was blurred at first, then gradually became clear, and finally took the shape of a human being. It was an old man with a fairy spirit, who looked over with kindness and kindness.

Suddenly there was another person in his mind, Yan Shifan asked naturally, and the old man stroked his beard and smiled: "I am Taibai Changgeng star, you can call me Taibai Jinxing!"

Yan Shifan shook his head: "I've never heard of it."

The old man sighed softly: "Since the heaven and the earth were robbed, our immortal family has not appeared in the world for a long time. I don't know it, so it's no wonder..."

Yan Shifan stared at him: "Your Excellency is a fairy, why did you come to see me, a mere mortal?"

The old man said: "The fate of the previous life is repaid in this life. Your name is Yan Shifan. You held a high position in the Middle Earth Dynasty. You have been rich and prosperous all your life, and you can enjoy it endlessly. Now you are in trouble, and you are very prosperous and then decline. Is that right?"

Yan Shifan said: "Indeed..."

The old man's tone was suggestive: "These are all falsehoods. Now that I have suffered setbacks, I still don't realize it? Wouldn't it be beautiful to be promoted to the position of high-ranking celestial being and be listed in the treasure book of the cloud class?"

Yan Shifan's eyes flickered, and he suddenly asked: "Taibai Jinxing means that I can become a fairy... Does Li Shizhen know?"

The old man said: "This is your fairy fate, and it has nothing to do with others."

Yan Shifan said: "Li Shizhen is the Great Ming Master, who is in charge of Taoism. Longhu Mountain is under his management, and he can heal the land and mountain gods, and even the dragon god. Is such a person also a reincarnation of the fairy family?"

The old man gently refused to answer: "The secret of the immortal family must not be revealed! Yan Shifan, would you like to practice with me?"

Yan Shifan was silent.

Immortals have not appeared for hundreds of years, and the ones that appeared recently were all related to Li Shizhen, and now a Taibaijinxing appeared inexplicably, specially to welcome me?

Although he felt that he was different and extraordinary, he did not lose his mind and always felt that something was wrong.

This aspect is much calmer than Jiajing. If Jiajing meets Taibai Jinxing, he will be ecstatic and ready to become a fairy in the upper realm.

After thinking about it again and again, Yan Shifan returned to the previous strategy: "Meet Li Shizhen first, ask for details, and then answer the old god, I believe the old god can wait for me!"

If the visitor really wants to cross the immortal home where he became an immortal, then there will be no hindrance to seeing the celestial master. If the other party is plotting against the law, he will fight with the celestial master to the death, and it is best to die together!
The old man persuaded a few more words, and his expression faded.

At the same time, there are still twists and turns outside.

Jiuye saw that the situation was not good, and the three talismans of earth, water and fire came out together to wrap Yan Shifan, and he must force the devil out.


Feeling the target of external force, the old man's complexion sank, and the cold and evil spirit for a moment washed away the bones of the fairy wind, and said solemnly: "Mortal! Look straight at me!"

These words contained incomparable magical power. Yan Shifan was on strong guard in his heart, but he still subconsciously followed the prestige, and suddenly felt that the other party's eyes were extremely mysterious, turning into two whirlpools of nightmares, sucking his mind into it.

"If you want to report the humiliation of retiring the engagement, don't resist!"

Accompanied by that cold tone, since the divorce, the pain and resentment that had been suppressed in my heart these days, all kinds of evil thoughts erupted in an instant, converging into a force like a landslide and tsunami, sweeping the whole body...

"It is indeed the devil, is he bullying the weak and afraid of the strong?"

During this process, Jiuye kept controlling the spell, but was blocked by an invisible barrier until Li Yan appeared.

He gave the Nine Leaf Talisman before because he calculated that after Yan Shifan returned to the mansion, some kind of huge change would happen, and it was related to the practitioner, but he didn't expect it to be above the devil.

Jiuye said: "Master, I heard that when Lingshan was closed, the Buddha once said that the four demons invaded and polluted the golden body. Could it be that the demon Yan Shifan faced was one of them?"

Li Yan also heard Longnu say that the four demons are invading: "The demon of affliction creates greed, anger, and ignorance; the demon of five aggregates creates form, perception, and awareness; the demon of death creates killing and calamity; the demon of heaven destroys merit and virtue, and lures you to fall..."

Jiuye condensed her voice: "Which type does Yan Shifan belong to?"

Li Yandao: "It's not clear yet."

Compared with other people who will encounter specific demons, Yan Shifan has all five poisons and can touch everything. Theoretically, every kind of demon may be on his body. It is really troublesome to get rid of the demon...

"This is the feeling of practicing, it's really wonderful!"

But Yan Shifan no longer had that idea.

His breath first became scorching hot, and the blood all over his body seemed to be boiling with it, and then cooled down rapidly at a certain speed.

So back and forth, after the nine turns of yin and yang, the old Xiaoge who had lost his position not only felt the return of his long-lost brother, but his eyebrows swelled, and a mana was born, located in the Niwan Palace.

Yan Shifan laughed loudly: "What is Xu Jie, Zhu Houcong is just an ordinary person, and anyone who offends me will regret it too much!"

(End of this chapter)

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