Start with detective Li Yuanfang

Chapter 1233 Yan Luo: Finally ranked as an expert!

Chapter 1233 Yama of the Ten Temples: Finally ranked as an expert!

When the clouds dissipated and there was no one in the picture in the Yata Mirror, and after returning to the land of the gods, the Nine-Headed Insect did not return for a long time, Shenzi Yuanming knew that foreign aid could not be counted on.

With Yamata no Orochi around, even if the big monster turns around and attacks the land of the gods, there is a solution. Shen Ziyuan's life is troubled, how to resist those middle-earth gods.

In terms of practice circles, the power accumulated by the Wa Kingdom over the years is not inferior to that of the Middle Earth, and it is far superior in terms of unity and dispatch. When Tao Zhongwen was a celestial master in the past, Taoist sects would not conflict with the Wa Kingdom at all, and would give in if there was friction. Second, this undoubtedly fueled the arrogance. Taking advantage of the era when the gods and Buddhas are disappearing, a hegemony is brewing in the Wa country.

Fusang culture admires the strong, and it is the kind of tyrannical hegemony that tends to be ruthless and relentless. Therefore, the former Ming Dynasty was difficult to shake. Now the people at the bottom of the Warring States Period suffered heavy casualties. From the perspective of the high-level, it is a necessary sacrifice. After a hundred years of hard work, the entire island country can become a true soldier of all people and develop a powerful military strength.

Even though they are far inferior to Daming in terms of population, through the harassment and temptation of the Japanese pirates to Daming, it is not impossible to discover that the behemoth is strong in the outside world and capable of swallowing elephants with snakes.

After the survival of the fittest, the big names from all over the world select a strong man who can unify, integrate the power of the world, and invade the middle land, and the practitioners will come forward to support them, occupying the vast land of Nanzhan Buzhou, and will no longer live in a corner!
But now, let alone going out, my own territory is not safe...

Gao Tianyuan has lost contact for a long time, and the most reliable thing is the Netherworld behind the three artifacts. Shenzi Yuanming looked at the Yata mirror, worshiped again devoutly, and prayed silently.

"My lord, please help us!"

After this prayer, the news came like a bolt from the blue.

When the Shinto disciples came to report in a hurry, Shenzi Yuanming's expression changed immediately: "Takeda Shingen and Uesugi Kenshin died... Four daimyos were assassinated in just a few dozen days?"

During the Warring States Period in Japan, although it was claimed that there were 66 countries, there were 66 daimyos in theory, but in reality it was not that exaggerated, and there were only a few dozen daimyos who could stand on the stage.

And Takeda Shingen and Uesugi Kenshin are undoubtedly the best among them, and many practitioners are also paying attention to them, expecting that this pair of dragons and tigers will win or lose, and they will go to Luo with invincible momentum and strive for the position of overlord.

As a result, he died inexplicably, and the country under his command was in chaos...

The Shintoists were also fanatically looking forward to the day when Fusang's brilliance would shine all over the east, and when they were hit by this, they immediately hated: "Daimyo died in a miserable state. He was definitely not an assassin. I'm afraid it was something like that... despicable!"

Out of reverence for the gods, he dared not utter nonsense, but the resentment between his brows was clear at a glance.

Reminiscing that the other party just took the picture of the night walk of the ghosts, and did not kill the killer, Shenzi Yuanming did not rule out the possibility that someone else was fishing in troubled waters. Instead of rushing to determine the murderer, she settled down and ordered first: "All the shrines will call onmyojis to personally Protect the daimyos from all over the world, and never let them be in danger again, let Koyasan come forward to curb the struggles of all parties!"

It is also a war, the competition and alliance between the daimyos, the strife, is a display of force and wisdom, and the pure chaos of all parties is chaos, it brings serious harm, and at the same time it does not benefit the slightest, it must be stopped.


Such an arrangement can be described as safe, but the Shinto disciple took the order and was about to carry it out when his body shook and he looked up at the sky: "Master Yuanming, the monster bird is back!"

Shenzi Yuanming held the Yata mirror, and found out earlier that a black spot was approaching like lightning in the distance, and her expression became solemn: "Enemy attack! Let's fight!"

"My Buddha is merciful!"

Under the chanting of the Koyasan monks, accompanied by the rising of the strong Buddha light, a large array to protect Mount Fuji appeared.

This time, it is no longer Fudo Myoko Dharmakaya, but a sky curtain composed of countless Sanskrit characters, extending the void, blending with the brilliance of the Yata Mirror, covering and protecting the entire Mount Fuji.

The strongest God Forbidden, Ten Fang Vajra Embryo Tibetan Realm!
"It does have some ability..."

Li Yan was on the back of the Nine-Headed Insect, overlooking the bottom, and after making an evaluation, he didn't have any intention of breaking the formation, and said calmly: "It's time to start."

The focus this time is Xiaoqian.

Whether it is the Nine-Headed Insect underneath, or Wusheng Old Mother, Little White Dragon, Bajie and Dragon Girl, they all protect Xiaoqian in the center and protect her Dharma.

After becoming a dead soul, the princess who got rid of the shackles of the past took a deep breath and raised her palm. First, the wish-fulfilling orb and the Buddhist relic rose up, and then the scrolls of night travel pictures of a hundred ghosts circled the two things, slowly rotating.


With a soft shout, starting from the volume of the night tour of the ghosts that Xiaoqian has been in charge of for the longest time, hundreds of scrolls bloomed with golden light one after another, and the incomplete pages of Buddhist scriptures echoed each other, breaking the evil treasure and breaking free from it.

Bajie and Xiaobailong were the most touched.

Their master, the holy monk Xuanzang, traveled far and wide, consulted various countries, and obtained the Tripitaka of the Mahayana scriptures, in order to overcome suffering and ascend to heaven.

In the past, after all the hardships and hardships, after going through ninety-nine and eighty-one hardships, he just arrived at the Great Leiyin Temple in Xitian and obtained the scriptures, but now he has become a helper to help the tyrant...

Fortunately, this error has now been corrected.

After nearly a thousand years, the Tripitaka will play its due role again.

When hundreds of book pages are gathered together to form a whole "Nirvana Sutra", the sound of Sanskrit singing is heard in the void, just like a wonderful place in a spiritual mountain, with strange fragrances falling from the sky and golden lotuses gushing from the ground.

In comparison, the ten-direction vajra body Tibetan realm arranged by the monks in Koya Mountain below seems so vain.

The key point is that when the souls of the dead are released from the cage-like picture of the night walk of ghosts, bathed in the golden light, and bow down to Xiaoqian devoutly, the evil spirits no longer appear, replaced by sincere gratitude.

These dead souls are not all resentful ghosts, but in the environment of the Hundred Ghosts at Night, they were forced to become monsters. Xiaoqian improved the model before and channeled the resentment. Now that they are released, they are naturally grateful.

Not only the gratitude of thousands of ghosts, but also an indescribable aura that fell from the sky and fell into Xiaoqian's body. In addition, every participant present was also assigned.

"Good deeds come from heaven!"

Li Yan heaved a sigh of relief.

In the Water Margin world, after he rescued the dead souls imprisoned by the Shaodong family with a secret method, he also received rewards from heaven and earth similar to merit, but that is a normal world, and the gods have their own positions. In this world, will there be any accidents? It's hard to say.

Fortunately, this has not changed. Although I don't know how much it will increase, whether it can help them pass through layers of fog, at least heaven and earth approve of such behavior.

And the real merit depends on whether the situation in the underworld can be changed.

"Yan Luo is on top!"

Such a movement not only made the whole land of the gods shocked and inexplicable, but also stunned the dead people floating out.

The land of Yingzhou has always been deserted and deserted, with very little business.

In a secular world where nations are fighting and fighting endlessly, such a number of dead souls is obviously abnormal, and some dead people have responded to this problem.

The problem was quickly resolved, and the dead man disappeared.

From then on, those who were assigned to the boundary of Yingzhou were those who did not understand the world and were excluded.

There are very few dead souls, and you still want to watch it?Go dreaming!
But at this moment, the surging souls of the dead made the dead people who were used to seeing the dead tremble.

For hundreds of years, there are more than 800 million ghosts and ghosts imprisoned here, more than 8000 million!

Facing this magnitude, Gou Siren knew that it was impossible to catch the dead soul with the chain around him as usual, but he also made a fatal mistake.

They immediately opened the passage and returned to the underworld.

This kind of channel is not stable, far inferior to the tunnel connecting the two worlds in the East China Sea at that time, all for the envoys of the Nine Nethers to enter and exit.

But when the passage was opened, only a trace of the breath of the nether world leaked out, and all the dead souls went crazy.

And the ones rushing to the front are undoubtedly those powerful ghosts, ghosts, ghosts and shadows, all kinds of strange shapes screaming, crying, jumping up and down, or roaring violently, swarming towards there.


The dead people were submerged in an instant, and then the passage was densely packed, and it couldn't be closed for a while, and it was still expanding.

The Nine-Headed Insect only felt shocking, and the more obedient it was, the immortals were also shocked and deeply shocked.

In the past, the underworld opened up a passage between the two worlds, hoping to let the souls of the dead invade the world, paving the way for subsequent expansion.

Now it's the other way around, those souls that should have entered the underworld poured in one after another.

However, although the ghosts' charge was turbulent, due to the large number, most of them were blocked in the end.

Ever since, this place was the first to bear the brunt of it, and fell into a ghostly ghost, full of grievances and evil spirits, and even the sun was covered by it.

"Restrain quickly, don't harm the world."

Li Yan spoke, and Xiaoqian obeyed.

It is not blindly benevolent. In fact, if these resentful souls imprisoned by the Japanese are released, they will attack the secular world, and the Japanese kingdom will probably perish. However, such behavior may also lead to a complete imbalance between heaven, earth, people, gods and ghosts, and eventually affect China. .

Therefore, Li Yan would rather arrange Wang Zhi's pirates and Hu Zongxian's Ming army to attack the secular power of the Japanese country, and would not indulge the souls of the dead for the sake of convenience, and get into a situation that is out of control.

Of course, while avoiding secular robbery, some people's blood debts should also be repaid.

Xiaoqian was also unable to guide all the souls of the dead, and adopted the strategy of encircling the three and missing one, and the direction of letting go was precisely the land of the gods.

Everything happened so fast that even Shenzi Yuanming didn't have time to react. Outside the realm of Shifang Vajra Womb, there was already a biting wind, dead air billowing, dense ghost shadows flashed, countless, and the shrill howling made all Japanese practitioners Trembling for it.

The key is that the venomous eyes stabbed at them through the gods.

Faintly, good and evil grievances condense into invisible blood-colored chains, which are locked to onmyojis, mana monks, priests...

These practitioners were supposed to save the souls of the dead, purify the ghosts, and keep the world peaceful, but in the end they did the opposite, raising ghosts and cultivating ghosts, refusing to release them into reincarnation, and inflicting endless torture.

Knowing the law and breaking the law, the crime is one more class!
"no no!!"

The Shinto disciple wailed suddenly and knelt down on the ground. A dark underworld appeared in front of his eyes, a huge prison.

The ferocious jailer, holding a steel fork and chain, with a bloody mouth, surrounded by torture instruments, in the cold wind of hell, bursts of screams echoed in all directions, he was torn apart, crushed, stirred, and reborn without any surprise. resurrection……

The task of the ghost soldiers is to lift up the resurrected sinners and return them to the cruel hell, repeating themselves again and again.

All this is not an illusion, where there is a reward, there must be a punishment. To save the souls, to gain merit, to raise the ghosts, there will be retribution and exposure.

The Shifang Vajra Womb Tibetan Realm has not yet been broken, and the breath of death has spread mightily. I don’t know how many Japanese practitioners have collapsed, unable to survive or die...

"My lord, save us!"

Faced with such a sudden and desperate situation, all Shenzi Yuanming could do was to crawl on the ground and beg to Yatakagami.

She felt extremely aggrieved, and had already realized that the originally seemingly prosperous practice world relied on the three artifacts to such an extent that people became puppets of artifacts...

But the point is, at this juncture of life and death, as the artifact of the country and the protector of thousands of people, there is still no response.

Shenzi Yuanming's complexion changed several times, and she finally straightened up, boldly stretched out her palm, and stretched it towards the mirror.

It was empty.

This quaint mirror engraved with sunlight and flowing clouds on the surface, and painted on the back with pine, bamboo, tortoise and crane, slowly disappears in front of the eyes, just like flowers in a mirror and moon in water, which seems beautiful, but in reality it is out of reach.

"Do not!!"

Shenzi Yuanming fell to the ground trembling all over, and suddenly looked down at the sealed land, her eyes were blood red.

At the same time, the first batch of ghosts had successfully entered the realm.

The defense line of the ghost police was instantly overwhelmed, and they rushed in almost destructively. Fortunately, after the hostility of the "Nirvana Sutra" was resolved, they did not make a scene in the underworld. Ask: "Enter reincarnation! Enter reincarnation!"

"There are tens of thousands of soul bodies pouring into my nether world?"

In Senluo Hall, a huge and deformed ten-headed monster stopped the internal noise, his eyes flickered, suddenly realized something, stood up quickly, and was about to go out.

The judge beside him quickly exchanged glances and hurriedly dissuaded him: "Are you going to report to the leader?"

Turning their heads together, they reprimanded in unison: "The ten halls are shaking, if you are not careful, the underworld will be in chaos again, there is no time to ask for instructions, we will make the decisions ourselves!"

As soon as the words fell, Yama, the ten-temple Yama who had turned all into one, simply jumped out of the palace and flew towards the world.

They obviously didn't fight with the ghosts, but followed the agreement and came to the junction of the two realms, and saw a group of figures waiting quietly, the leader of the person had a celestial aura, with a golden thread wrapped around his wrist: "Yan Wang is polite, I will fulfill the promise." !"

Yama of the Ten Palaces looked at this Taoist doctor whose aura had undergone earth-shaking changes with surprised and joyful eyes.

at last!

Wait until this day!

(End of this chapter)

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