Start with detective Li Yuanfang

Chapter 1234 Brother Sha Shows Up?

Chapter 1234 Brother Sha Shows Up?
"let's start!"

After a brief greeting, Li Yan turned the golden wire on his wrist, turned into a scalpel, and began to race against time.

Dinglinghuan Shenju was well prepared, and an operating room was set up. Xiaoqian and Longnv assisted in protecting the law, while Wusheng Laomu, Xiaobailong and Bajie took the initiative to attack, blocking the next attack from the underworld.

The treatment of Yan Luo in the Ten Palaces can be said to be a key step in reversing the situation in the world.

The position of Hades in the underworld is too important. The gods in heaven are hidden, at most the gods will no longer appear, and everything in the world will remain the same. If Hades becomes a monster and the underworld is chaotic, then the world will also be greatly affected.

The only good news now is that Yan Luo of the Ten Palaces is not completely insane, and hopes to separate and return to his former state.

This is an extremely difficult operation. If a strong patient is completely unwilling to cooperate, then there is no need to even try it, and it will undoubtedly fail.

But if it is said to cooperate completely, it is not necessarily true.

When Li Yan came in front of Yan Luo in the ten halls, what he saw were ten faces with complicated expressions, including anticipation and longing, but also doubts and uneasiness.

King Qinguang, King Chujiang, Emperor Song, King Wuguan, King Yama, King Pingping, King Taishan, King Metropolis, King Biancheng, and King Zhuanlun.

According to the dragon mother-in-law, one of the ten kings of Hades has completely turned to the mastermind behind the scenes, and he can be called a spy.

But according to Li Yan's analysis, there may be three real situations:

The first one is that the information obtained by Luang Po is true, and there is indeed a spy;
The second is the enemy's smoke bomb. This news will make the healer suspicious and more likely to fail;
The last one is the most frightening. There are indeed spies, but there is more than one. After finally finding one, when you think you are done, the second or even the third spies suddenly attack, that is too dangerous.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, no matter what the situation is, it will be even more difficult. Even if it is a smoke bomb, as long as Yama of the Ten Temples hears the news and doubts arise within, there will be fatal obstruction at critical moments.

This kind of uncertainty casts a shadow over the operation before the surgery is performed.

So Li Yan simply put aside all these doubts, leaving only the pure challenge, and started the operation without hesitation.

Scalpel cut down.

Ever since he was able to purify the celestial spirit, the sacrifice of the golden thread has enjoyed high-standard treatment. When he first entered the world, it was only used as a tool for hanging the silk to diagnose the pulse. exist.

Combined with the experience of using the talent of listening to the truth, the knife at this moment has a clear sense of insight. The moment it touched the limbs of Yama of the Ten Palaces, the body structure of this deformed monster, from point to surface, flashed in Li Yan's mind. It's been a while.


The state of Yama of the Ten Palaces, on the surface, is a conjoined creature, with its own independent limbs, and some organs are shared at the same time.

But in fact, they are not connected, more like a combination.

It's like ten independent porcelain falling on the ground, split into countless small pieces, and then reassembled together to knead into a larger individual, so that there is me in you, and you in me.

It is too difficult to restore it, and it is not something that can be solved by mortal medical skills.

Fortunately, Li Yan is not an ordinary person now.

The falling knife remained unchanged, and with a thought, the four talismans drawn before flew out and hung in all directions.

The first is appearance, hair and flesh belong to earth, blood flow belongs to water, body temperature fluctuation belongs to fire, and breathing cycle belongs to wind.

Going deeper gradually, hardness is associated with earth, moisture is associated with water, warmth is associated with fire, and flow is associated with wind.

In the end, they become one, and the four elements generate and complement each other, turning into four wonderful containers.

Next, he will disassemble the Ten Temples of Yama, put them in these containers, and then reshape them...

This sounds unbelievable, but it is already the most certain treatment plan at this stage.

Li Yan concentrated on it.

in surgery!

"Save Hades!!"

Not surprisingly, the confrontation began.

Yama of the Tenth Hall had just entered the operating room, and within a quarter of an hour, a vast number of guards from the underworld chased after him. The leader of the judge shouted angrily, and countless ghost jailers with ferocious faces, holding steel forks and chains, stared wide-eyed. , with a bloody mouth, and rushed over.

In view of the number of ghosts released by the Hundred Ghosts at Night, under normal circumstances, the ghosts in the underworld should be overwhelmed, and there are not enough numbers to stabilize the situation, let alone interfere with the freedom of the king of hell to see a doctor.

But the appearance of this group of ghost messengers has directly given up maintaining the stability of the underworld, and came here to interfere with the treatment. It can be said that they are filthy and depraved evil spirits.

Their threat should not be underestimated either. One hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals in the heavenly court are one hundred thousand gods with names and surnames, and the ghosts and ghosts in the underworld are no exception. They are not comparable to miscellaneous soldiers.

Once it erupts at this time, the hatred and resentment of the deceased are contained in the offensive, densely connected into one piece, piercing the air to search for souls and brains, tearing the heart and lungs.

Of course, this strength is impressive, but compared with Bajie Xiaobailong, who once fought wits and bravery with all kinds of monsters and monsters, it is still not enough.

The little white dragon's sharp gun sweeps away, the Bajie treasure tree sweeps away, and every attack can wipe out a ghost.

But the really scary thing is still below. Just like the dead people can be resurrected continuously, these ghost messengers will not really die in the environment of the underworld.

The place that had just been swept away by Xiaobailong and Bajie was quickly filled by the ghosts who entered the battle from behind, so fast that there was almost no gap.

It is a cycle all the time, just like the endless torment of the [-]th hell.

When Bajie saw it, he yelled: "Damn! They can't beat them to death!"

Xiao Bailong frowned, feeling troublesome: "We must focus on confinement..."

He used to guard the gap and stalemate with the underworld for hundreds of years. He had expected this, but the speed of resurrection like this is still too terrifying, almost endless.

"All living beings lost their way and entered my vacuum hometown!"

Fortunately, at this moment, a figure floated out.

The Wusheng old mother raises her hands, her eyebrows are holy, and the white lotus is in full bloom. One flower, one world, forming a vacuum hometown.

According to the vision of the Peach Tree Spirit, the Vacuum Hometown is the Peach Garden ruled by him. If necessary, he can replace the Queen Mother and become the ruler of the gods. The teachings preached by Luojiao create the last hometown of the lost who sink into the world.

As the vacuum hometown rises from the white lotus, the sky is full of light spots, and a sense of thought-provoking spreads, and the resentment on the face of the ghost soldier gradually calms down, and he spontaneously invests in the vacuum hometown.

This move tends to be defensive. It was very difficult to be effective against the Nine-Headed Insect, which was coming and going like the wind before, but now it has a miraculous effect.

"it is good!"

Seeing Xiao Bailong, he immediately changed his tactics, accumulated strength, and was ready to deal with more difficult challenges at any time.

They want to set things right and change the chaos in the underworld, while the enemy wants to stop Yama from the Ten Temples from recovering and restore the previous state. The counterattack will never be such a "small fight", and the big ones will be behind!

operating room.

Xiao Gui crawled out of Li Yan's sleeve, shook his head, and began to exhale the spirit of the fairy.

Its appearance means that the fairy energy accumulated during this period has been exhausted, and this reserve is used.

Facts have proved that even with a clear idea, Li Yan's mentality is extremely calm, and the wear and tear is beyond imagination.

The deformed and swollen body of Yama of the Ten Temples was filled with strong filthy power, and as the scalpel was cut, black mud gushed out.

This amount, if you use the earthy method of sun exposure in the past, it will definitely not work. Fortunately, the treatment methods have also been updated, and with the purification effect of the precious ginseng tree, it can last.

But in this way, the separation and cutting at the same time of purification, multi-tasking, the consumption of mana increased sharply.

Xiaogui exhaled fairy air to relieve some of the pressure. Xiaoqian and Longnv helped each other to share as much as possible.

But he could only look at the always calm Taoist doctor, his face gradually turned pale, and his breath gradually became unstable.

And the operation was not even halfway through.

"After all, it is reluctant."

When it was actually implemented, Li Yan really found that the time for him to break through the limit of ordinary people was too short, and his current state was not enough to sustain such a complicated operation.

However, it is not too hasty to act now, but time waits for no one.

Healing a disease is no different than anything else, especially in the special case of Shidian Yama, it may be impossible to recover at any time, and there is no way to wait for him to practice until he is 100% sure, so he must take the risk that should be taken.

Of course, he also has confidence.

The reserve of free attribute points is to cope with this moment.

Work hard when it's time to work hard!
【Wisdom: 31 (Immortal road, good fortune and misfortune?)】→【Wisdom: 35 (Immortal road, misfortune and blessing?)】

The so-called tall people hold up the sky when it falls. In this world where the sky is likely to fall, breaking through means becoming a tall person. It is indeed a blessing and a curse, and even the description contains warnings.

But again, the improvement is also extremely significant.

The little turtle raised his head first, and found that the fairy energy he exhaled was no longer simply being used, but was injected into the fixed spirit ring by the master, giving birth to more immortal energy.

Xiaoqian and Longnv also noticed that the Taoist doctor not only regained his composure, but with seemingly ordinary techniques, he molded independent bodies like a man made of clay.

Compared with these operations, Li Yan has a deeper insight into the mind of Yama of the Ten Palaces through the knife, and makes appropriate adjustments to the follow-up treatment plan: "Their mental state is extremely unstable, and there is no order of treatment. Infighting broke out."

Sure enough, almost just after the separation step, the head belonging to King Equality suddenly asked, "Which of our ten Hades will be healed first?"

As soon as these words came out, the other nine heads stared over from different directions, their eyes were bright and even vicious.

Li Yan said calmly: "My current treatment method is to separate the ten of you at the same time, in one go, without distinction."

Yan Luo of the halls was satisfied, and the King of Rotation asked again: "Your Excellency has excellent medical skills, and there is really a chance to cure us, but the leader is determined to stop it, how should we deal with it?"

The other Kings of Hades suddenly fell silent. They were full of resentment towards the being who turned him into a monster before, but they became terrified when they saw the hope of healing.

The leader of the Nether world, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva!

That person is the Nether Realm, the real manager of the Underworld Division. After the monkey made a big fuss in the underworld in the past, King Qin Guang went to the Heavenly Court to file a complaint.

Li Yan didn't rush, and relayed Xiao Bailong's evaluation of the four great Bodhisattvas when he parted from the East China Sea, and added a sentence at the end: "If the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva really fell into evil, I'm afraid you won't be able to resist. thought of..."

Yama of the Ten Palaces was in an extremely unstable mood. Hearing this, he was furious: "It must be the leader! It must be the leader! Besides Him, who else can change us into this appearance!"

In fact, Li Yan is still unable to deduce who is the culprit behind the change of the underworld, but it does not prevent him from giving a suitable answer: "Under the seat of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, there is a divine beast that can listen to the four continents. Mountains, rivers, communities, caves, heavens and blessed lands, you can learn from good and evil, and listen to the wise and foolish, where is this beast now?"

"It's long gone!" "Ask it for what?" "Wait a minute... Could it be that this truth is obstructing you?"

Yama of the Tenth Temple was vicious, but not stupid, and started to chatter: "Your Excellency, do you want to listen to the will of the false preacher and confuse us?"

Li Yandao: "It's not impossible."

Yama of the ten halls was furious. They were afraid of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, but they were not afraid of that truth listener. If it was true that truth listened to false teachings, they would be sent to the [-]th hell and suffer eternal torture!
During the communication, the operation proceeded rapidly, entering the second half without any risk.

Xiaoqian and Longnv didn't dare to talk at all, but their eyes were filled with joy.

But at this moment, there was a loud movement below, and the entire operating room shook slightly.

"Has the Nine-Headed Insect started flying?"

Xiaoqian and Longnu changed their colors together.

The operating room arranged by Ding Linghuan was built on the back of the big monster. The purpose is very clear. If the enemy's offensive is too fierce, then the maneuverability of the nine-headed worm's flight will become the key to gaining time.

Of course, during extremely fast flight, it will definitely affect the healing, which also means that this method is a last resort.

What happened outside to force the Hydra to move?
The answer will be revealed soon.

"It's the fog! The fog is coming!"

The fearful voice of the Nine-Headed Insect resounded, and the mist that shrouded Dongsheng Shenzhou spread in the underworld at some point.

"what happened?"

The Wusheng old mother put away the white lotus, and the three gods and Buddhas who had the upper hand immediately floated back, watching the judges turn around calmly and disappear into the mist together with the ghost messengers under their command.

The fierce battlefield just now suddenly became quiet, and there seemed to be countless pairs of eyes silently staring at it in the mist, and there was an unspeakable weirdness in the silence.

Until the sound of water broke the tranquility, a ferry boat slowly paddling its oars appeared.

Looking at the red-haired figure on the boat, Xiao Bailong's face was heavy, and Bajie cried out in surprise, "Junior Brother Sha?"

 The common cold is not getting better, and I have the flu again, everyone pay attention to take care of your body...

(End of this chapter)

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