Start with detective Li Yuanfang

Chapter 1252 Taibai Jinxing: Hurry up and ask for a fight against Buddha!

Chapter 1252 Taibai Jinxing: Hurry up and ask for a fight against Buddha!

"The power of a fairy! More... just more!"

Yan Shifan straddled the sky and the earth in his spiritual consciousness, who else could I but suppress the old man's brilliance more and more dimmed, and a strong fairy spirit escaped, making him absorb it crazily.

The old man was in a precarious situation, but he didn't care about the aggressive and vicious mortal in front of him. His eyes jumped over Yan Shifan, and the existence behind him with thousands of hands stretched out to support him showed his determination: "Purify sins, reward merits, and shed the past. Cause and effect... You demons, don't expect to get what you want!"

With the sound of the old man, the figure of the old man quickly became unreal, and he was actually preparing to destroy himself.

Yan Shifan was very vigilant, all he longed for was the power of this god, and it didn't matter whether the other party was killed by himself or committed suicide in despair.

But the other party is a god after all, if he uses a technique of killing both, or dissipates his own power, then he will not get any benefits, so he subconsciously summons his power.

"Devil, don't even think about dying!"

But the Hundred-Eyed Demon Monarch outside had been on guard for a long time, swinging his thousand hands and manipulating his vitality.

Suddenly, a vortex visible to the naked eye formed above the heads of the two, and the surrounding heaven and earth energy was like a tired bird returning to the forest, and hundreds of rivers entered the sea, rushing towards here.

"What happened to the outside world?"

Yan Shifan only felt that there was a divine help, but he was not completely happy. Instead, he frowned, but he had no choice but to attack, and he continued to attack, pressing towards the old man.

This worry is correct. The energy of heaven and earth in this world seems to be pure and unpolluted, but it actually bears a strong mark of self, because it is the great wish of gods and Buddhas. Once it absorbs too much, it will inevitably bind each other tightly. Bound together, never to leave again.

But I have to admit that the power is really strong. With the explosion at this moment, the old man was half emptied, and then recovered involuntarily. He couldn't even destroy himself. He could only be purified and transcended, becoming a devil to gain merits Tool of.

"The Dao eliminates the demon leader, the world will perish!"

The old man sighed weakly, and finally closed his eyes.

However, his ending has not yet come. Just when Yan Shifan was about to succeed, a sudden change occurred. A majestic thunder light ripped through the outer protection woven by thousands of hands like a bamboo, and three figures rushed towards him like lightning.

Li Yanyu sent Lei Fa to break in, pointing the scalpel at Yan Shifan, Xiaoqian and Nine-Headed Insect guarded him.

"Is it you?"

The Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord was caught off guard, but with enough hands, he didn't retreat half a step, and he was deflected, but his tone was full of shock: "You are also bewitched by helping the evil and helping this beast?"

The Nine-Headed Insect managed to become a positive person, and immediately shouted righteously: "The devil! Don't play tricks! Look at yourself, can you be an Arhat?"

The Hundred-Eyed Demon Monarch was stunned, and was furious: "This is the golden body of Dharma, evil and ignorant, how dare you insult me!"

After the words fell, Qianyan opened with anger at the same time, bursting out a circle of brilliant golden light.

This golden light is solemn and peaceful, without the slightest evil intention and hostility, and it also brings out bursts of clear and high-spirited Sanskrit sounds, resounding through the sky, as if in a spiritual mountain, all the Buddhas are chanting. In order to obtain the ultimate liberation.

"This devil is really weird!"

Both Xiaoqian and Nine-Headed Insect couldn't help being dazed for a moment, showing signs of struggle, especially the latter, who was even more shocked.

As a great demon who has had close contact with the Buddhist treasure relics, even if he has not personally visited the Daleiyin Temple in Lingshan, he has a deep feeling for the power of Buddhism.

Facing the golden light at this moment, the authentic aura made the Nine-Headed Insect suspect whether it was wrong to blame the other party. This devil with teeth and claws is really a Buddhist arhat.


But the fake will never succeed. Compared with the confusion of the Nine-Headed Insect, Xiaoqian uses the power of merit to drop ten times with one force, and spreads her hands to tear it apart.

After losing the Night Walking Map of the Hundred Ghosts, her fighting ability was greatly reduced, but at this moment, she was so clever that she directly tore apart the sacred and transcendent Buddha light.

"A mere ghost, dare to be arrogant!"

The Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord was shocked and angry, but this time he couldn't get back together.

Because Li Yan was relieved to entrust left and right, the scalpel hit Yan Shifan's eyebrows with lightning speed.

Turn reality into emptiness, break into the Niwan Palace, and reach the sea of ​​consciousness.

When the third figure reappeared in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, with Li Yan's long sleeves fluttering, Yan Shifan backed away in shock: " are everywhere!"

As proud as he is, he is unwilling to admit that he, who is not afraid of heaven and earth, is a little afraid of this great master after all. He wanted to gain the power of the gods and feel proud, but he did not expect that the other party would appear at this critical moment.

Is it really the nemesis?

Regarding this young elder who played a key role, Li Yan still said: "When you were in power for the strict party, you only cared about your own prestige and immediate interests, and never cared about the stability of the overall situation. Now you are still like this after practicing. , go out and have a look, and you will know the truth..."

After all, I ignored this person who thought he was smart but was actually used by many parties, looked at the old man who opened his eyes again, pointed out the brilliance with his fingers, and fell over.

The old man did not evade, but took it calmly, his pure white brow moved quickly, Jishou said: "Li Tianshi is very polite, I don't know who taught this method in the heavenly court?"

What Li Yan passed on was the spirit ring forbidden by God, and he replied: "It was passed down by the Queen Mother."

The old man was moved: "Your Majesty still reads the old minister well, the old minister is ashamed! I am ashamed!"

Li Yan said: "Your Excellency is Taibai Jinxing?"

The old man sighed for a long time: "Originally, this old man was transformed by Taibai's evil thoughts. He escaped from this realm. At first, he was confused and wanted to be a murderer. Only when the evil thoughts were absorbed by this person did he regain his sanity..."

This sentence contains a huge amount of information. If Li Yan did not have the experience of Drifting Great Wishes, he would have been confused when he heard it, but now he understands it very quickly.

Taibai Jinxing not only went to Huaguo Mountain to ask Wukong to go to heaven when he was recruiting security in the early days, but also showed up again and again to give advice to the Buddhist scriptures team during the later Western Paradise pilgrimage, such as defeating the yellow wind monster, sweeping the lion camel cave, and even giving those who were affected by the demons early. The oppressed people entrusted their dreams, telling them that the savior is coming, and after the cutscene, everyone will relax...

Therefore, in the process of learning Buddhist scriptures from the Western Paradise, Guanyin Bodhisattva is the busiest Buddhist sect, and the heavenly court is this kind old man who acts as a model worker.

Now that we are facing a crisis situation, among the gods and Buddhas, who can find a way to escape from the Three Thousand Wishes Realm, except for Xiaogui, who has already participated in the construction, Taibai Jinxing is really not easy to think of, but reasonable object.

Of course, even for this person, the whole escape process was not easy.

Taibai Jinxing first split off a wave of demonic thoughts, mixed with the troubled demons, and plunged into the present world...

At that time, Li Yan had just broken through the distinction between immortals and mortals, and his evil thoughts were attracted. He wanted to enter his body, but after all, he was not extremely vicious.

This old man with extreme personality and full of five poisons is very suitable for the devil. After the evil thoughts in it were smoothly absorbed by Yan Shifan, the devil's thoughts gradually returned to reason.

At this point, it is actually not the magic thought, but the incarnation of Taibaijinxing, a bit like the Water Margin world. Li Yan was in the state of "Zuo Ming" at first, not a complete clone, but he can move freely.

In comparison, Taibai Jinxing is even weaker, hiding in Yan Shifan's sea of ​​knowledge and practicing silently. Originally, after a period of strength accumulation, he can escape from the body and become an independent action. Unfortunately, it still falls short. , was sent back again.

Fortunately, there was no complete failure, because Li Yan arrived in time, and after sorting out the ins and outs, he continued to ask: "I don't know Taibai's real body, where is he now?"

Taibaijinxing was silent.

Although this Tianshi Li took out the Dingling ring as a token, but in this period when the gods and Buddhas are in danger, it still cannot be easily revealed when it involves the real body.

Li Yan had speculated a long time ago, and continued: "Excuse me, but Taibai's real body is hidden in the past?"

Taibai Jinxing's expression changed instantly, and he asked, "Why did Tianshi Li say that?"

Li Yandao: "I have seen two golden arhats."

"One is the image of a demon with red hair and fangs that once made trouble in the Liusha River, which is covered by the mist outside Dongsheng Shenzhou. He asks for nine skulls, and has a compassionate heart to ferry people across."

"The other one is in the world of great wishes of the golden body Arhat, where thousands of families give birth to Buddhas and save all sentient beings. They seem to be merciful, but they are actually doing nothing..."

Taibai Jinxing said: "Is it because Li Tianshi believes that the past body is real, and the future ambition is empty?"

Li Yan nodded: "There are infinite variables in the future. The present world is the key contention to determine the direction. Only the past is a foregone conclusion. If you want to protect your real body, it is safest to store in the past, but this is just my imagination, and I don't know how to do it. Do it."

These are indeed conjectures, and there is no real evidence, but since Taibai Jinxing can differentiate into evil thoughts, then the Drifting Monk is a golden-bodied Arhat Bodhisattva, and can do the same.

Therefore, what you see in the Great Wish Realm is probably just a demonic thought. It seems to be kind and kind, without any aggressiveness. don't know...

And the real golden Arhat is the past body of the punter who took them through the mist. The condition is obviously extremely bad, and it probably won't last long...

Now that it has come to this point, Taibai Jinxing no longer conceals it, and praises sincerely: "Your Majesty passed this method on to Tianshi Li, and she really has insight. The old man's real body did exist in the old days. I just want to live with it for a while. As for how to do it, Rather, it has something to do with the precautions we took when we made our great vows. We came here with the Buddhists and elders of the West to save the world from catastrophes, and we are not without vigilance..."

Li Yan asked: "Since the gods and Buddhas have been prepared for a long time, why did the Three Thousand Great Wishes come to such an end?"

Taibai Jinxing's mouth moved, this time it wasn't because he didn't want to reveal it, but because he didn't know how to explain it for a while, and finally smiled wryly: "I'm ashamed to say that I have lost memory, so it's hard to answer this question. I only know that many things have happened..."

Li Yan's eyes were fixed: "Could it be that there is also a period of fog shrouded in Taibai's memory?"

Taibai Jinxing nodded: "It is indeed covered by fog, and the past has become confusing."

Li Yan's expression became solemn.

So far, he has a considerable understanding of the truth about the so-called Dongsheng Shenzhou, but the fog in his memory is still shrouded, and it has not subsided in the slightest.

Is it a smoke grenade of a feint?
Or does it mean that he has not touched the core truth at all, and what he understands is only the appearance?
Li Yan thought of Taibai Jinxing's attitude towards the queen mother, so it can be seen that he was still thinking about the experience of the heavenly court in the past, and asked: "The Jade Emperor, what do you think about the great wish to save the world?"

Taibai Jinxing's face was heavy, and he said slowly: "Your Majesty is no longer here..."

Li Yan's complexion finally changed.

Journey to the West, among the high-level people in the Three Realms, the Tathagata Buddha is the most eye-catching. Although the Jade Emperor and the Taishang Laojun are not as embarrassing as shown in the TV series, they are still some disgraceful scenes after all. But in terms of status, the Jade Emperor Still a veritable boss.

Just as Wukong made a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace and the Tathagata said when he received the order to save him, the Jade Emperor has experienced 750 kalpas, and each kalpa should be 12 years before he was honored as God and the co-lord of the three realms. How could he be replaced?

Therefore, when he saw the Queen Mother leading the immortals to sleep in Pantao Garden, Li Yan thought about this question, where did the Jade Emperor go?

When he found out that the Buddha saved the world with three thousand ambitions, he also thought about it. The Buddha had such a plan, so what was the Jade Emperor doing?
Now according to what Taibai Jinxing said, the answer is finally revealed, the Jade Emperor is gone!
This absence can be explained in many ways. It is also absent after leaving, it is also absent after falling, and even reincarnated, it is absent...

And no matter what it is, this is a major event that shakes the Three Realms!
The Three Realms lost their co-lord!
Li Yan collected himself and continued to ask, "Was the sudden change that day happened before or after?"

Taibai Jinxing said bitterly: "I don't know."

This is undoubtedly very bad. So far, the gods have not been able to determine whether it was because of the sudden change of the heaven and the earth that the Jade Emperor disappeared, or whether the disappearance of the Jade Emperor directly or indirectly caused the change of the heaven and the earth...

Anyway, after this major event affecting the Three Realms happened, a group of gods and gods followed the queen mother, and a group of gods and Buddhas followed the Tathagata, and their lives were very bad.

The gods of the Peach Garden fell asleep, almost lingering on their last breaths, but the Peach Tree Spirit took advantage of the situation to grow, harmed the lower realms, and was ambitious. They wanted to build a vacuum hometown and a new home;

But the gods and Buddhas in the Three Thousand Great Wishes Realm are even more miserable. Not only can they not see the hope of reaching the other shore, but they are also entangled with the devil, and they will even be replaced by the devil, sitting on the lotus platform, becoming a Buddha and becoming a saint!
After asking a few more questions, Li Yan felt the fluctuations in the outside world, and concluded: "In any case, we can leave and stay away from all the demons, the sooner the better!"

Taibai Jinxing said: "The old man was able to stay here thanks to Li Tianshi's rescue. If he escapes again, there is nothing he can do, but just now Li Tianshi said that the Pure Altar Messenger Bodhisattva, the Golden Body Arhat Bodhisattva, and the Eight-part Heavenly Dragon Guangli Bodhisattva are all here. Here, the old man has a plan, if he finds that person to help, there may be a chance to turn around!"

Li Yan's eyes moved, and he asked knowingly, "Who?"

Taibai Jinxing's tone rose, showing a bit of excitement: "The former Great Sage Equaling Heaven, now fights to defeat Buddha, Sun Wukong!"

(End of this chapter)

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