Start with detective Li Yuanfang

Chapter 1253 Yan Shifan: I am the professional to become a devil!

Chapter 1253 Yan Shifan: I am the professional to become a devil!

"Okay! Okay! she's plotting against me!"

When Li Yan communicated with Taibai Jinxing, Yan Shifan's originally empty eyes became flexible. He watched Qinfeng fall to the ground, and then looked at the Bai Bai that emerged from the corpse and was fighting fiercely with Xiaoqian and Nine-Headed Insect. Eye Demon Lord, couldn't help gnashing his teeth.

He is not stupid, how can he not know now that he has become the object of the gods' fighting skills, thinking that becoming a fairy and attaining the Tao is just a dream.

In addition to being furious, Yan Shifan had remaining rationality and knew that he had to escape.

When it comes to power struggles in the officialdom, he is full of tricks and is not afraid of any opponents. However, he is indeed still at the beginning of his practice. How can he compete with these immortals who have been refined for thousands of years?
The current self, falling into this vortex, is really like an ant, easily crushed to death...

It's only at this moment that I know how to retreat, it's too late.

The Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord erupted.

His ability to fight is obviously stronger than Xiaoqian and Nine-Headed Insect, but merit protection is indeed the only way to procrastinate. Seeing Li Yan treating the devil, I don't know what troubles will happen, his eyes reveal determination, Qianyan suddenly Gazing wide, a clear and mellow golden light diffused, forming a huge invisible ball of light in the blink of an eye.


Xiaoqian knew that the other party must be desperate, but for a while she couldn't tell the heel of this trick.

"It's not God's Forbidden, it's the golden body...not good, retreat quickly!"

On the other hand, the Nine-Headed Insect turned pale in shock, changed its original shape, flapped its wings, and was about to flee.

But under the light of the ball of light, everything has become transparent like glass, as if the Pure Land Buddha Kingdom has descended, and the only variegated color within the golden light envelope is the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord himself.

As a result, this person's body was completely disintegrated, and the thousands of hands and eyes seemed to melt away like snow in spring, quickly disintegrating and disintegrating, and replaced by a golden body with six heads and eight arms, respectively holding the umbrella cover and the flower. Treasures such as jars of fish intestines, blessing pestle, etc., are shining brightly on the top of the head, giving birth to golden clouds with fish scales, and the golden clouds support relics.

The golden body is the strongest supernatural power of Buddhist fighting methods. Even the Tathagata has cultivated a six-foot-long golden body, stepped on the Lingshan Mountain, and officially became the ancestor of ten thousand Buddhas.

The Nine-Headed Insect just felt the breath of the relic, and realized that the other party actually had golden body supernatural powers, and it was not too late to retreat with Xiaoqian. Powerless to escape.

Fortunately, at this time, Li Yan was alarmed.

Withdrew from his spiritual consciousness, he rolled up his long sleeves, pulled the figures of Xiaoqian and Nine-Headed Insect away, put them on the back of the little turtle, and then faced the light that was like pure glass.

Facing this celestial master who once cooperated to suppress the devil, the hundred-eyed devil had a slightly different attitude. The golden body opened his mouth, and his voice rumbled, shaking the four directions: "Put down the butcher knife, and turn around!"

Li Yan's scrutinizing eyes fell on the golden body: "According to what the Bodhisattva, the envoy of the altar, said, after the heaven and earth changed, many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in Lingshan had to abandon the filthy golden bodies. Is it?"

The Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord said without hesitation: "If the golden body is filthy, you will no longer be a Buddha and Bodhisattva. Those of us who have a firm heart towards the Buddha should build a golden body and broaden the Dharma!"

"In that case, please enlighten me!"

Li Yan's eyes moved slightly, and he vaguely understood the train of thought. He stopped talking, and a bright but not dazzling, brilliant and pure radiance rose around him.

The Hundred-Eyed Demon Monarch was stunned.

Compared with his own golden body majesty and the Buddha's treasure, there is a kind of compassionate and infinite vitality in the other party's brilliance, as if the outline of the golden body also emerges, and the Buddha's light is even more pure and incomparable.

It's totally unbelievable...

The other party obviously helped the devil, but he himself was fighting the devil and defending the way. Why did he have an even better Buddha's light?

At the moment when his heart was shaken, Li Yan's palms were first closed, and then pushed forward, a golden giant palm as big as a mountain was covered.

Immeasurable light, the palm of Buddha light!
"What you have done is blaspheming my Buddha, unforgivable, unforgivable!"

The Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord broke his defense.

The devil is more like Arhat Bodhisattva than I am!

How could it be so!

Under the extreme anger, the golden body raised its arms and roared to the sky. All the Buddhist vessels shot out dazzling, majestic and vast brilliance. strong.

The same fight is based on light, one side is gentle but not violent, with unlimited vitality, and the other side burns mountains and boils seas, extinction of vitality, who is the true meaning of orthodox Buddhism, the superior or inferior has been judged.

Xiaoqian and Nine-Headed Insect retreated again and again, both had confidence in Li Yan, but they inevitably became worried and nervous.

Because the result of the fighting method is not determined blindly by the superiority of the realm, the two radiances that go to extremes collide together, representing the ideas of life and destruction to make the most intense confrontation, as if they can tear the surroundings at will and affect everything.

Fortunately, such a situation did not happen. During the seemingly long but short confrontation, the sea of ​​brilliance flourished and declined, turning into light spots and scattering back to the heaven and earth.

After the rays of light dissipated, under the relieved gaze of the spectators, Li Yan stood floating in the air with a peaceful face, and below was the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord whose golden body had disappeared and his physical body had become riddled with holes.

This self-awareness, the devil who has already changed his camp, finally revealed enlightenment and unwillingness in his eyes: "I am not an Arhat... How can I not be an Arhat..."

After all, it turned into flying ash and scattered.

Li Yan looked at this scene with emotion.

Ever since he broke through the gap between immortals and mortals, comprehended the functions of the four elements, and found out the path of the seventh sense and the eighth sense, it was the first time he made a full-strength attack. The fight just now was quite smooth, but at the same time, he also found out the opponent's path .

In the mind of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord, he was determined to subdue the demons and defend the Tao, and at the same time, he also regarded himself as the guardian Arhat of Buddhism, and he did not waver in the slightest.

Therefore, the domineering demonic nature of swallowing the world and the compassionate and tolerant Buddhist supernatural powers merged into one, the power greatly increased, and the Buddhist golden body was born.

The previous conversation was not only heart attacking, but also emotional.

After the change of heaven and earth, many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in Lingshan had to abandon their filthy golden bodies, but now a devil can use the light of Buddha to give birth to a golden body of Buddhism, and perform the act of exorcising demons. the difference?
Feeling that it was only a moment, Xiaoqian and Nine-Headed Insect flew over and looked at him excitedly: "Young Master Shenwei, the crisis is over?"

Li Yandao: "On the contrary, there is a stronger threat coming... Taibai Jinxing, please show up!"

Yan Shifan, who wanted to run away, remained frozen in place, until at this moment when his brows swelled, he saw an illusory figure of an old man, and it was Taibai Jinxing who emerged from it.

The kind-faced old man appeared, and immediately began to absorb the energy, and the surrounding breath rolled in again, but this time it turned into a giant funnel, injected into the body, and quickly changed from virtual to real.

This place was originally his ambition world, and in order to escape, he took the initiative to give up his vitality, which made him look weak today.

Calling the power of the world now is also to have the power of action, please fight and defeat the Buddha.

Taibai Jinxing's sub-soul was replenished with vitality, without hesitation, he pinched his fingers and calculated, and said firmly after a while: "Sure enough, fighting and defeating Buddha still values ​​love and righteousness as in the past, and has made arrangements for the three Bodhisattvas. .”

Li Yan nodded: "The Eight Dragons and Guangli Bodhisattva suppressed the gap between the two worlds, just obeying the advice of Dou Victor Buddha."

"The Envoy of the Purification Altar can get the ginseng fruit tree, and Immortal Zhenyuan sees it in favor of his brothers."

"Looking at it now, the Great Sage may have anticipated the danger of Lingshan, so he let the younger brother get out and protect it..."

Taibai Jinxing said: "That's it, let's go to find Sha Wujing, we will definitely gain something!"

Since Wukong has his backs in both Bajie and Xiaobailong, then Drifting Monk, who has a calmer temperament, must also have arrangements.

That may be the key to communicating with the Great Sage and turning the situation around!
But just as he was about to leave, Taibai Jinxing's complexion changed slightly, and a dust whisk appeared in his hand, and he waved it lightly.

Everyone's body shook, as if their souls had left their bodies, and they rose infinitely until they had a panoramic view of the scene outside the world.

I saw one by one beings with grotesque shapes, but with pure Buddha light circulating around them, flying towards this direction, shouting similar slogans: "My Buddha is merciful! Subdue demons!"

The densely packed number is already astonishing enough, and the leader of the demon, like the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord, can actually condense the golden body of Buddhism.

Especially in the Dayuan Realm where Bajie, Xiaobailong, Shidian Yanluo, Longnu, and Jiuye are located, there are relatively more such monsters. It can be seen that these newly opened places are the key targets.

Facts have proved that the worry about throwing oneself into a trap is correct, but it seems useless not to go before. The fall of the Hundred-eyed Demon Lord seems to be a signal, attracting all the demons around him.

Taibai Jinxing's expression became ugly: "It's coming too fast!"

Li Yan looked at Xiao Gui: "Is there a way to cross the world?"

The little turtle nodded his head, put his feet on the ground, and absorbed it in circles from the outside to the inside.

In a trance, it seems that there are four pillars supporting the sky, rising from the ground, straddling the sky and the earth, and finally turning into thick and hard, standing majestically, even if the sky is broken, it can also support the pillars of the sky.

There is no doubt that it is restoring divine power.

Once this divine power is recovered, crossing the void will be a no-brainer.

Taibai Jinxing was overjoyed: "Tianzhu Divine Ao... Li Tianshi is actually helped by this divine beast!"

Li Yan checked Xiaogui's situation, but he didn't mean to leave all the pressure to the past: "Although he is the leader of Shenao today, he has spent too much divine power for the world of great ambitions. He must be in a hurry. If you can't completely suppress the burden, a confrontation cannot be avoided!"

"Then fight!"

The Nine-Headed Insect knew that it was inevitable, so he gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "After all the demons enter the realm, we will deal with them, first kill those troubled demons, accumulate merit, and then kill the big demons!"

Xiaoqian also had no intention of backing down, but she still remembered Yan Shifan and looked over: "This person can't stay, lest he become a disaster!"

Although Yan Shifan couldn't move, his eyes kept rolling. Hearing this, he immediately said loudly: "I'm also useful for dealing with these demons!"

Xiaoqian was very displeased with Yan's father and son, and she was not polite in her words: "You deserve it? You can only play tricks and tricks that can't be put on the table. The worldly Ming has been tossed like that by your father and son, just like today's catastrophe , still want to exorcise demons?"

"The decline of the Ming Dynasty should be blamed on me...not your father, Emperor Jiajing!"

Yan Shifan muttered in his heart, ignored the princess, and said to Li Yan: "Don't those demons think they are Buddhas? I can absorb demon thoughts and expose their true colors!"

Li Yan didn't look at Yan Shifan at all, this little old man is no longer worthless, he can indeed be full of evil, and send him on the road, but after hearing this, he raised his eyebrows: "As expected of a ghost, you actually want to take the initiative to become a demon? "

The most frightening thing today is that there is no distinction between good and evil, a mess, a devil who thinks he is a Buddha, and a Buddha with a filthy golden body. It is really unknown who will be the Buddha in the future.

This kind of unknown threat is more deadly than a clearly visible enemy.

If you can find a clear distinction between black and white, it will of course be of great help to clarify the situation.

To make Yan Shifan better is just a dream, but to make him worse and become a real monster, he is a professional!

"The demons of affliction cause all kinds of troubles, the demons of the five aggregates clothe all kinds of obstacles, the demons of death move and kill, and the demons of heaven lure everything to fall. These are the four major types of demons."

Although he knew that the other party was trying to survive, Li Yan still explained his interests: "Yan Shifan, you have to think clearly, there is still an afterlife to be expected after a normal death, once you voluntarily degenerate into these demons, when you are exterminated, it will be beyond redemption end."

Yan Shifan sneered, and said decisively: "Heh... the next life? I don't know what kind of beast I will become in the next life, I only care about this life!"

"What's more, I've already seen it. Now that I'm Daoxiao Demon Leader, maybe those demons will have the last laugh, not you immortals who are rushing to save the world!"

"Are you worried that I will take the opportunity to grow up and get out of hand, so you refuse to agree?"

Li Yandao: "There is no need to use aggressive methods. Dongsheng Shenzhou has become like this. If you can really become a demon and get the climate, you may disrupt the enemy's arrangement and become a turning point for the recovery of the world. It will not be good at all." Not much like you, a devil, of course I will not refuse."

Yan Shifan couldn't help snorting: "You're so grand!"

Li Yan didn't hesitate any longer, and quietly, a little seed of consciousness sank into the opponent's body: "Since you are willing to use your desires to fight for a chance of survival, then go for it!"

The devil's speed was incomparably fast, and during the short conversation, billowing golden light had already appeared above the sky, sweeping over from all directions.

It was really about to be carried out, Yan Shifan's throat twitched looking at the golden cloud, but he couldn't hide his fear after all.

"Hmph! What's so scary, I've been driven by desire all my life, and now I can go all the way to the end, it's a beginning and an end..."

"Even if you die, you will never die in a battle of gods!"

With firm belief, the Xiaoge elder took a deep breath, raised his head to face the golden light, and took a firm step: "If you don't become a fairy, then you will become a demon, and become a real demon!"

(End of this chapter)

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