Chapter 1257
"Junior Brother Sha, it's me, the old pig!"

"Third senior brother, we are here, you wake up..."

In the mist, on the ferry, Bajie and Xiaobailong came to the punters and called softly.

Drifting didn't notice anything, and continued to hold the oars, following a regular route, back and forth.

Looking at the dangling skeleton chain on the chest, Bajie and Xiaobailong felt very uncomfortable, stayed for a while, and then flew back to Shenao's back.

"We might as well take Junior Brother Sha away, but it won't work here!"

Compared to Bajie's murmurs, Xiaobailong came directly to Li Yan: "Master Tian, ​​Third Senior Brother is in very bad condition. If things go on like this, I'm afraid I will completely fall into the past..."

Li Yan looked solemnly.

Drifting asked Yan Shifan for nine skulls, which is a distortion of his mind. If this continues, will he become a monster in the Liushahe period, and start to eat people exclusively?
This is by no means unfounded worry. If the gods and Buddhas of the past wanted to maintain their sanity, they had to hide in the body of the past. Those like Taibai Jinxing who could escape secretly with the incarnation of magic thoughts are already exceptions. Those like Drifting Monk are still in the mist Those who go through the inner punting naturally need more strength to support.

The three life-saving hairs given by Wukong are indeed sharp weapons, but the spiritual power in them is not endless. If there is no matching state of Li Yan's seventh consciousness, it can't be used. Drifting may have survived here for hundreds of years. It is obviously unrealistic to expect to be safe and sound by relying on a single vellus hair.

But Li Yan didn't rescue him immediately: "The golden arhat was sacrificed for the next day's conquest of demons, we can't waste his efforts in vain."

Xiao Bailong also reacted: "Exploring the fog, I need the third senior brother to lead the way. I think he and the senior senior brother have a tacit understanding..."

Wukong's arrangement for the three juniors is indeed just right.

Ba Jie has a lazy personality and a weak heart. He is sheltered by ginseng and fruit trees, builds Gao Laozhuang, eats and steals offerings on weekdays, and at the same time can protect a pure land, which may be the last pure land.

Xiaobailong is patient and persevering, and he is also a dragon from all over the world. Guarding the sea eye gap, he can not only prevent the turmoil of the underworld from harming the world, but also gain great merit for himself.

And if it comes to enduring hardships and standing hard work, the one who persists silently must belong to Drifting Monk. Now it is this golden arhat who is punting in the mist. Opened up the route to enter.

This is equivalent to the two armies fighting, occupying a shortcut to attack the other side's base camp, which is of great significance and is naturally self-evident.

After explaining the stakes to Bajie, this heartless old pig, who just felt sorry for Drifting, immediately grinned and said: "So, in the future, Brother Sha will take the lead in sweeping away the demons! "

The gods laughed, and saluted the punters solemnly, before leaving.

After the huge figure of Shen'ao disappeared into the sky, Drifting Monk's gaze fluctuated undetectably, but he didn't say a word after all, paddling a small boat and disappearing into the vast mist.


"Finally home!"

When the fog dissipated, the sea and the sky appeared in front of him, and the familiar feeling of the world's filth reappeared, and a sigh sounded.

Even the gods have a feeling of a world away.

In a sense, this is indeed a world away.

The end of the mist seems to be Dongsheng Shenzhou and Beiju Luzhou, but under the transformation of the other shore, it has become the world of ambition.

The four continents have since been divided into two major parts.

One side is the reality that the world is filthy, and the power is filthy;

One side is the afterlife where the world is clear and the origin power is pure.

From the perspective of the heaven and earth environment alone, the group of demons think that they represent the future, and it seems that there is no mistake, but in fact it cannot be counted that way.

After Wan Jiasheng Buddha, the desires and evil thoughts of all living beings still do not disappear, but are transformed into nine kalpas and discharged into reality, which is equivalent to transferring disasters.

This is also the reason why none of Hongyuan can meet the requirements and create a better future. If the future is shaped according to that model, once Nanzhanbuzhou and Xiniuhezhou are covered, where can the filth go?

If this difficult problem is not solved, the great wish will always be a beautiful but vain wish, a dream that will be broken with a single prick!
When they returned to reality, enlightenment appeared in the hearts of the gods, their spirits were uplifted, and their confidence soared.

Li Yan was a bystander, and he had figured this out a long time ago. He was never discouraged in the face of difficulties, but he was not blindly optimistic either. After taking a breath of the dirty but familiar real breath, he looked down.

The Shenao, which carried them all the way out, was rapidly shrinking.

The Tianzhu Shenao, which is so huge that its four legs can support the sky, has turned into a small turtle the size of a palm in just a few breaths. voila.

Li Yan touched it with a smile, and started the next step: "Since we have returned to clean up the Gaotianyuan and clean up the chaos in the underworld, these two things must be done without delay."

Needless to say, clearing up the chaos in the underworld, Gao Tianyuan stunned the gods and Buddhas: "Where is that?"

Li Yandao: "It's the god domain of the Japanese kingdom, and it has the intention of coveting the middle land..."

After the ninja Kato Duanzang appeared in the Tianshi Mansion, and then went all the way, he was introduced into the mist and roughly described the situation. The Ten Temple Yama and Taibai Jinxing knew that there was such a existence.

When the former exchanged glances, he faintly thought of something, and said, "The Japanese God of Gaotianyuan is still in collusion with the devil of the underworld, especially the weapon spirit, which has also entered and exited the Netherland, so it must be removed!"

Taibai Jinxing deserves to be a know-it-all in heaven, and began to explain where it is: "The god domain of Fusang Land was originally transformed by Emperor Donghua, but now it has been reduced to an outpost of demons, what a pity!"

Emperor Fusang is Emperor Donghua. With his status, it is indeed petty to set up the Taoist temple on Penglai Island. If it is to open up a divine domain, even if it is not as good as the 33 heavens of Taoism and the spiritual mountain resort of Buddhism, it is also the most top-notch paradise.

It's a pity that this emperor is sleeping in the Great Wish Realm, and the God's Domain he opened is even used by demons...

Just as Drifting is a nail firmly stuck in the mist, opening up a passage for the gods to come and go, those monsters who claim to be righteous are not just waiting around, they also have outposts, and Gao Tianyuan obviously undertakes such a task.

All the gods and Buddhas reached a consensus: "Gaotianyuan must be wiped out!"

Yan Luo of the Ten Palaces suggested: "You can go to the underworld first, except for the other party's support, so as to avoid long nights and dreams!"

He hated Gao Tianyuan, but he was eager to return to the underworld.

After being in chaos for hundreds of years, they finally separated, and were involved in the Great Wish Realm by the mist, and almost fell into it completely. It is impossible for any god to deal with such an experience safely. After all, gods also have emotions. That monkey has a terrible headache...

Now that he has finally come out, it is natural to return to the underworld as soon as possible, regain control of the Ten Palaces, and bring them back on the right track.

Of course, there is another point. After this experience, Yama of the Ten Temples has also confirmed that the main messenger who is now controlling the underworld and causing chaos is definitely not the real Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, but other demons in disguise.

They have headaches and fears for the Monkey King, but they are sincerely in awe of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. Even if they become a ten-in-one monster, they still hate and fear, and dare not make mistakes. Immortals, go make trouble in the underworld!
Li Yan could understand the mood of Yan Luo in the ten palaces, weighed the pros and cons, and made a final decision: "Okay! Let's go to the underworld first, and clean up the source!"


Nether Yin Division.

In front of Naihe Bridge.

Tao Shien was sitting next to the cauldron, with dark circles around his eyes, turning the wooden spoon numbly, making Mengpo soup.

In folklore, Meng Po is Meng Jiangnv, and there is a beautiful story.

After the former Meng Jiangnu cried down the Great Wall, she saw countless corpses under the Great Wall, and she could no longer find her husband's bones. In order to forget these painful memories, she made Mengpo soup that can make people forget their memories.

Later, God thought of her love for her husband so earth-shatteringly, and saved her from the pain of reincarnation, let her cook Mengpo soup by the Naihe Bridge, so that the ghosts who participated in the reincarnation could forget everything in the previous life, that is, the so-called "the past life is gone. , the good and evil in this life are only what the heart thinks."

Of course, according to the real history, the character of Meng Jiangnu was originally fabricated and processed, so it is impossible to become Meng Po, but Meng Po is also a fictional myth and legend. Seen in the notes of literati, it is also the most widely circulated version in later generations.

No matter how Po Meng got here, as a practitioner who pursues longevity, what he fears the most is this Po Meng Soup.

Although people die like clouds, at least there are still dead souls surviving. If there is a chance, it is not impossible to exist in the world with a Yin body, but once Meng Po Tang is entered, it will completely forget everything in this life, and the soul will be washed into a piece of white. Paper, put back into reincarnation.

How can a practitioner not be afraid of starting all over again?
It's just that Tao Shi'en, the little celestial master in the past, has now become a small worker in the underworld, making Mengpo soup at twelve hours a day.

Tao Shi'en entered the underworld because of Tao Zhongwen's detention of the dead soul of the prince, and for the survival of Tao, he came here to take risks.

Of course, he didn't blindly die, he brought a large amount of ghost tickets, and after entering the underworld, there was another response.

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao would be there, and soon a gust of wind blew by, Du Jiuniang appeared beside her, also picked up a long wooden spoon, and stirred it in the giant pot.

Looking at the ghost's gloomy face, Tao Shi'en knew that things were still not going well, but he still couldn't help being curious: "What happened to the Ten Palace?"

Du Jiuniang said softly: "The judge took over the power of the palaces, and the transition was very smooth. It seems that Yan Luo's disappearance is a long-planned conspiracy!"

Tao Shien sighed after hearing the words: "It seems that we are finished..."

Du Jiuniang said: "That's all for me. You are a dead person and have no chance of reincarnation, but you are alive. Is the ghost ticket enough?"

Tao Shien's face darkened: "It's not enough!"

His vitality was completely covered up by ghost tickets, which made such a living person stay in the underworld for such a long time.

Therefore, Tao Shien regretted that he had wasted too much before. When he actually arrived in the Nether Yin Division, he discovered that the ghost ticket is almost omnipotent. As long as you use the ghost ticket, everything can be done properly, even if it is a vicious errand. , dare not directly snatch it.

Of course, it is completely possible to trick him into squandering in different ways. Tao Shien's ghost ticket was squandered like this, and now he wants to buy the judge and send him back to the mortal world, but he can't do it...

Du Jiuniang was no exception, her eyes flickered constantly, thinking about a way to break the situation.

Not long ago, the underworld launched an anti-corruption storm, a large-scale war was launched, and many messengers and judges with high status fell from the horse.

In Du Jiuniang's view, anti-corruption is nothing more than a high-level internal struggle. The real confrontation is the leader of the underworld, the leader of the underworld, the ten temples of Yama, the judge and the envoy, but they are just pawns.

Under normal circumstances, although the leader of the Nether world is the nominally supreme leader of the underworld, but he does not participate in affairs, he is just a name, and he is no match for Yama of the Ten Palaces. Unfortunately, Yama of the Ten Palaces is in chaos, with ten heads and one body, and often changes from day to night. It also made the judge under his command uneasy.

But Du Jiuniang is looking forward to, the moment the genius doctor heals Yan Luo from the Ten Palaces, he will also bet on this future treasure.

Finally, not long ago, Yan Luo of the Ten Palaces left the underworld, this time it was not the crazy impact of the gap between the two worlds, but left quietly, and the judge who was biased towards the leader of the Nether world soon took the ghost pawns to the "King Qin" ...

Du Jiuniang knew that when the opportunity came, Dr. Li began to treat her, and she was quite sure, otherwise the hell would not have to be so nervous.

However, the subsequent development took a sharp turn for the worse, and it was not clear whether the cure was cured or not. The ten Yin Division emperors had completely disappeared.

Now the underworld was completely turned upside down, and the judges of the Nether Sect leader took over the power logically. Du Jiuniang's original power disappeared in an instant. If it weren't for the protection of Meng Po, she would not even have the chance to cook soup now...

Thinking of the past obsessions, in order to exchange an innocent body with the countess, and worship the god whose real name is still unknown, at the cost of the entire future, Du Jiuniang sighed.

What can I do if I regret it at the beginning, I can only fight with those ghosts and snakes!

At this moment, Tao Shien's voice came over: "Look, it's coming again!"

Du Jiuniang raised her head slightly, and looked not far away, and saw a group of ghosts being escorted by the ghosts, all of them covered in black air, and they couldn't see their faces clearly.

But even if the characteristics are concealed, judging from the appearance and demeanor, it is by no means an ordinary creature, and I am afraid that it was a remarkable existence in life.

The key point is that these ghosts, passing by the big pot of Mengpo soup, stopped without stopping, and walked directly to Naihe Bridge, ready to reincarnate.

Tao Shien murmured: "Another group, so many reincarnations with memories of previous lives, if this continues, the world may be in chaos!"

Du Jiuniang frowned: "It's not quite right. These creatures are released every once in a while. They were just let go yesterday. Why are there again today? The number is much higher than before?"

Soon she understood why.

Before the group of ghosts officially entered the reincarnation, the ghosts in the distance floated wildly over and shouted: "It's not good! It's not good! It's coming in!"

The ghosts looked at each other in blank dismay, some of them were experienced, and even thought of the scene where a monkey with a golden cudgel broke into the underworld a long time ago.

Those with less seniority were furious: "Who dares to boldly attack my underworld?"

The ghost, who was out of breath, said intermittently: "It's the ten Lords of the Underworld, and they brought a group of immortals with them!"

The ghosts were completely dumbfounded.

In the past, the Monkey King made a big fuss in the underworld, and the Nine Nether and Ten Classes were all eliminated;
Today, all the gods and Buddhas broke into the underworld angrily, and Yama of the ten halls is in place!

(End of this chapter)

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