Start with detective Li Yuanfang

Chapter 1258 The ghost ticket standard system, money can make ghosts

Chapter 1258 The ghost ticket standard system, money can make ghosts

When Hades comes, the underworld will be saved!
Although these words sound strange, they are indeed the voices of many judges in the Yin Division. Now that the king returns, Yama of the Ten Temples is no longer a deformed monster, but has restored the majesty of the old "Hell Emperor, Ten Generations of Pluto", and How many twists and turns can there be if a few immortals beat the judges who called on the ghost soldiers to rebel?
The sound of fighting in the civil strife lasted for a short period of time before subsiding quickly.

Although the process of seizing the ten halls was smooth, it did not mean that it was over. After discussing with the nine hall masters, the leader, King Qin Guang, came before the gods and Buddhas: "The demon pretending to be the master of the nether world did not intervene. If you retreat in the face of difficulties, I'm afraid there will be another way!"

Li Yandao: "The first is to stabilize the situation in the Ten Palaces, and the second is to encircle the Cuiyun Palace. First try to test it, and we must not take it lightly."

Shidian Yan Luo nodded, looking at a secret place deep in the underworld, his eyes were sharp.

The real battlefield is still there.

Cuiyun Palace is the dojo of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in the underworld. I think that after the ten kings were bullied by monkeys, they went to Cuiyun Palace to "worship Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva together, discuss the opening of the table, and hear about it to heaven".

Once upon a time, secularism, Taoism, Buddhism, the relationship between the gods of the three parties has always been very close. I am among you, and you are among me. The division of labor between the two sides is clear and the relationship is harmonious. Unexpectedly, they have become tit-for-tat and attack the dojo now.

Of course, the chief culprit who disturbed the underworld was not the real Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, but since he dared to steal the honorable position, it was hard to guess what kind of divine power he possessed.

Li Yan led the ten halls of Yan Luo into the underworld angrily, and he didn't want to fight blindly, causing the sky to shatter and the earth shattered, and he got a piece of ruins. The first priority was to stabilize the ten halls, and then go to outflank the location of the leader of the nether world.

Not only did Yama of the Ten Palaces begin to re-elect judges and organize government affairs, Taibai Jinxing, Xiaobailong, and Longnv assisted, and Li Yan also helped.

Flipping through the book of life and death, Xiaoqian came to the side and said in a low voice: "My lord, there are acquaintances outside...acquainted ghosts!"

Li Yan frowned slightly, knowing who it was, and just about to move, he thought of something again, and looked at Nine-Headed Insect: "After the death of Princess Wansheng and Dragon Po, the souls of the dead also return to the underworld, you go and find them."

The Nine-Headed Insect had intended this for a long time, but a group of gods and Buddhas were doing important things, but they were too embarrassed to take the initiative to find their wives and mother-in-law. Hearing this, he immediately said happily: "Thank you, my lord!"

Reuniting the Nine-Headed Insect's family was a reciprocal return. Li Yan walked out, and as expected, he saw Du Jiuniang and Tao Shien floating not far away, looking excitedly at this side, but did not dare to approach.

Xiaoqian naturally recognized these two. During Du Jiuniang's head replacement surgery, Xiaoqian beat her up, and Tao Shien also cooperated in rescuing the prince.

Apparently these two were going to carry the credit to the end, and after saluting, they hurriedly reported important matters: "Master Li, there is a situation at the Naihe bridge, there are a large number of ghosts who don't drink Mengpo soup, and directly reincarnate..."

After listening to Du Jiuniang's succinct narration, Li Yan frowned: "Did you stop it?"

Du Jiuniang said: "There was chaos just now, but they were blocked by evil forces, I'm afraid they can't be stopped..."

Li Yan asked again: "How long have these things lasted?"

Du Jiuniang came early, and she was still the one who answered: "According to the time in the underworld, it has been on and off for a hundred years, and it has become more and more frequent..."

Tao Shien finally found a chance to show his presence, and hurriedly said: "It used to take a year or so for a group of such special souls to walk across the Naihe Bridge, but today they are connected with yesterday, look at the haste, It is very likely that he realized that the King of Hades will return, so he stepped up his actions!"

Li Yan felt that this speculation was not unreasonable, but still felt strange: "As for..."

If it is said that she was reincarnated without drinking Mengpo soup, Princess Wansheng is undoubtedly one of them, but according to her later honest confession, after being reincarnated as Tao Zhongwen, there is still a mystery in the fetus. Unawakened past life memory.

Although Princess Wansheng is not considered a powerful fairy on Xitian Road, she is the daughter of a dragon king after all. Even she can't help it. past life memory.

To put it bluntly, after drinking Mengpo soup, the memories of the previous life must be completely wiped out. If you don’t drink Mengpo soup, you will only have a chance to awaken under the scouring of reincarnation, and it is not as simple as being directly reborn.

Of course, there will definitely be chaos in the world like this, it's just the underworld's handwriting, it shouldn't be so small...

Li Yan thought for a while, then looked at Du Jiuniang: "In your opinion, what's so strange about this matter?"

He asked sincerely. In her previous life, this female ghost was the concubine of the Bull Demon King and the reincarnation of Princess Yumian, so she was born with the ability to charm people. It's a local snake, and the views are of great reference value.

Du Jiuniang cheered up, and hurriedly said: "I think that those souls are so dark that they hide their faces, and they must have bigger plans!"

Li Yandao: "Yin Qi covers the body? What is this saying?"

During the conversation, everyone was already flying in the direction of Naihe Bridge. The road was cloudy and black, and every soul I saw was full of Yin and death, because the underworld is composed of Yin and death. The place.

Du Jiuniang said: "This is the weirdest thing, general yin energy can't hide the appearance of the soul body, it has to be done by the judge..."

Tao Shi'en added another sentence: "Pindao thinks that even judges may not be able to do it seamlessly!"

Li Yan looked at the little celestial master who showed a strong desire: "Who does Daoist Tao think makes the move?"

Tao Shien became a little nervous again when he was really asked.

Once upon a time, the two were still enemies, and I wished I could kill each other with the curse of the ghost, paving the way for the next celestial master, but now it is the underworld, and this genius doctor still cured the great hero of the ten temples of Yama, if the ten temples of Yama Once back in power, I am afraid that the underworld will be unimpeded...

He shook his head lightly, put aside distracting thoughts, and said in a deep voice: "The poor Taoist thought it was the Nether Sect Master who did it himself!"

As soon as this remark came out, even Du Jiuniang's expression changed.

If the leader of the Netherworld really did it himself, the nature would be completely different. Could it be sending the dead to reincarnate, or some great conspiracy?

While talking, he had already come to the bridge of Naihe, and from a distance, he saw an old woman with her back bent, stirring the soup in front of the huge pot.

For this famous Meng Po, Li Yan couldn't help taking a few more glances, but unexpectedly, at this moment, Meng Po turned her head and looked over fixedly.

The old and muddy eyes fell on the gold wire on Li Yan's wrist, and seemed to fluctuate, then quickly calmed down, looked into the pot again, and stirred slowly.


Li Yan's heart moved. He first looked at the Naihe Bridge in the distance, and found that there were indeed no dead souls on it. After all, he didn't stop them. Those souls who didn't drink Mengpo soup had already entered reincarnation.

Since he couldn't stop it in time, he came behind Meng Po, looked at the Meng Po soup in the pot, and found that it was very clear, but it didn't have the muddy and unpleasant smell as imagined, so he suddenly asked, "Can I have a bowl?"

Granny Meng slowed down the cooking of the soup, picked up the wooden spoon in her old palm, and handed it over.

Li Yan took it, picked up the bowl next to it, filled a full bowl in the huge pot, stretched it out in front of him, and watched it carefully.

Not to mention Xiaoqian who followed all the way, both Du Jiuniang and Tao Shien became nervous, for fear that this one would drink up the Mengpo soup in the bowl in order to find out the truth.

"A small bowl of soup is a key step in the reincarnation of the Three Realms!"

How could Li Yan drink Mengpo soup, just by observing her breath and thinking about the authority of the underworld.

Not to mention that Wukong directly changed the lifespan of the monkeys in the book of life and death with a swipe of a pen. Judge Cui later modified Li Shimin's lifespan, which is outrageous, which means that there are actually no rules at all in the underworld...

This is very bad.

There is a folk saying that the king of Hades wants people to die at the third watch, and will not keep their lives until the fifth watch. Life and death are such a big deal, how can they be so arbitrary?
The Nether Realm was originally one of the three realms, occupying a pivotal position, but in the end it completely lost its balance. It is not unrelated to these things. The majesty does not disappear overnight, but the water drips through the rocks, accumulates, and eventually gets out of control.

However, when he just looked through the book of life and death, Li Yan felt a faint majesty. Looking at the records of the longevity of all living beings in the human world, there is a sense of order in chaos. Immediate life extension behavior is very different...

The current Mengpo soup also gave him the same feeling.

After observing the soup for a while, Li Yan looked at Granny Meng and asked, "Grandma, how did those ghosts who didn't drink the soup take advantage of the loophole?"

Du Jiuniang and Tao Shien were taken aback when they heard that, what else could they do to hide the truth...

However, Granny Meng took out a stack of Ming tickets from her old pocket and shook them lightly.

Li Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, and Du Jiuniang realized that it was actually a ghost ticket to buy Meng Po, and felt incredible: "Grandma, why do you need a ghost ticket?"

Granny Meng pointed at Tao Shien with her hand.

Tao Shien came to his senses, and said in a trembling voice, "Mother-in-law is for me to return my yang?"

His ghost ticket was cheated so much that he couldn't go back, so he could only stay in the underworld. Unexpectedly, this taciturn mother-in-law would silently help him...

Po Meng ignored it and continued to cook the soup.

Li Yan speculated that if the Nether Cult really wanted to reincarnate those dead souls with their memories, Po Meng would still be unable to stop them, but now, in order to let her go, they are using ghost tickets to attack.

This shows that he was right at the time. The meaning of the ghost ticket is really extraordinary. Using this currency to regulate the regulations of the underworld, even those outrageous behaviors can be resolved...

And the so-called outrageousness is measured from the perspective of the past. If in the future world, buying and selling longevity, retaining memory, and even trading power, as long as there are ghost tickets, everything can be solved, and money can make ghosts. A brand new rule centered on Ming Piao?

Li Yan's heart sank slightly.

One can see the whole leopard at a glance, no matter who the Nether leader is, the enemy's means are obviously not simply killing and seizing the throne, but reshaping the rules. Yama of the Ten Palaces wants to regain power and rectify the chaos. so easy……

This worry soon became a reality. When Li Yan returned to the first hall, the atmosphere became solemn.

Jiuye stepped forward and said in a low voice, "Yan Jun is in trouble!"

Judging from King Qin Guang's gloomy face, Li Yan could see the trouble, but the trouble was still unexpected.

The evil mirror table is useless, and Qin Guangwang himself is useless...

The ten emperors of the underworld guard the ten palaces respectively, and the ten palaces also have different divisions of labor.

The first hall is in charge of the good and bad of the underworld, and the good people die, and they are led to exaltation.

Among them, those who have both merits and demerits will be directly sent to the tenth hall for distribution, and they will still be thrown into the world. Males will be transformed into females, and females will be transformed into males.

Those who are more evil than good are taken to the high platform on the right side of the hall, which is called the Niejing Platform. If one is ordered to look at it, he can see whether his heart in the world is good or bad.

Therefore, the "mirror of evil" is also called the "mirror of karma", which reflects the karma in the world. Only when the karma is checked clearly can it be handed over to the second hall to the ninth hall, so that all karma will have retribution.

Such a vital symbol of authority cannot go wrong. Without the evil mirror, even if King Qin Guang returns to the first hall to sit in charge, he will become an empty shell...

Taibai Jinxing knew the pros and cons, and after thinking about many ways but still couldn't work, he could only shake his head and came to Li Yan to discuss a solution: "This must be the work of the monster pretending to be the leader of the Nether. It seems that this beast has long been prepared. What should I do?"

Li Yandao: "How is the situation in Cuiyun Palace?"

Taibai Jinxing said: "Close the gate of the palace, it will be difficult to conquer in a short time..."

Li Yandao: "This is advancing with retreat."

The success before was just an illusion. Once the Ten Palaces of Yama return and cannot hold the power of the underworld, these emperors of the underworld will completely lose their power. By then, everyone in the underworld will probably know who is the real ruler who promises everything.

Of course Taibai Jinxing knows this, so he is so anxious. The Great Wish Realm is temporarily unable to attack, and the heavens are silent. If the underworld cannot be taken while the demons are shrinking, then the gods and Buddhas who are still active today, How to talk about creating a better future?

Li Yan calmed down and tried his best to think.

He has a way. With the help of the ghost ticket to control the evil mirror stage, the current problem can be easily solved, but invisibly, he is drinking poison to quench his thirst, which further enhances the effect of the ghost ticket and gets into the regular trap set by the enemy.

But if Yama of the Ten Palaces is not allowed to take power quickly now, I am afraid that he will not even have to think about the future...

"It's really difficult to really start to solve the chaos of the world, but it's a good thing for the enemy to make moves. If I just stay in the world of ambition, I have no way to deal with it."

Just when Li Yan felt a sense of challenge and surged with fighting spirit, Xiaoqian's voice rang in his ears: "My lord, I have a way to draw the bottom line, I wonder if it will work..."

(End of this chapter)

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