Start with detective Li Yuanfang

Chapter 1259 For the great plan of the world, destroy that island country...

"Is it depreciating the value of issuing ghost tickets indiscriminately?"

Li Yan was not surprised to hear Xiaoqian's opinion.

He also considered this method.

After all, the banknotes of the feudal dynasty could not escape the word inflation in the end, and the collapse was very fast, such as Jiaozi in the Northern Song Dynasty, Huizi in the Southern Song Dynasty, banknotes in the Kingdom of Jin, banknotes in the Yuan Dynasty, and Daming in the Ming Dynasty. The treasure banknotes and the silver bills of the Qing Dynasty quickly became worthless waste paper under the greed of the rulers, and finally declared shattered.

This has been the case in all dynasties, and they have never learned from the past, and indeed they cannot learn from it.

And Xiaoqian also thought of this when she followed Jiajing in the Great Ming Dynasty to attack the Buddhist banknotes issued by the Buddhist sect in the Great Ming Dynasty.

Since the ghost ticket is so important, let it work and then use it up.

But the problem is that a plan is a plan, and it is not so easy to actually implement it.

How many new ghost tickets must be poured in to depreciate the value of the ghost ticket?
Although Xiaoqian can refine it, but it is completely a drop in the bucket. Even if it is refined day and night for 100 years, it is not enough to impact the market that has already formed a scale in the underworld.

Not to mention that ghost tickets are not obtained out of thin air, but are converted from the transaction currency of creatures in the world. After all, monsters in this world buy things and pay money, so they really pay attention...

Xiaoqian was obviously not impulsive, and actually came up with two countermeasures: "I have just confirmed that the souls released in the Hundred Ghosts at Night have flooded into the underworld and have not yet been reincarnated. They can help me refine them together. As for the silver needed for the ghost ticket, the young master has something to say, is there a silver mine on the island of the Wa Kingdom? For the sake of the great plan of the world, destroy that insane island country!"

Li Yan laughed: "Indeed."

On the way he came to Japan, the pirate Wang Zhi had already set off, and Hu Zongxian from the Ming army had also begun to gain momentum, obviously preparing to do both.

But Xiaoqian also knows the situation of the Ming Dynasty, the treasury is empty, and the soldiers are incompetent. Although the Japanese country is just a small island country, the Japanese pirates have harassed the coast of the Ming Dynasty for many years, but it seems unrealistic to attack across the sea. It doesn't do any good to come down.

At that time, Li Yan said by the way, there are gold and silver mines in Japan, and the golden Buddha cast once shocked the people of the Song Dynasty, and the empty treasury of the Ming Dynasty needs to be replenished. I don't want Xiaoqian to pay attention and use it here.

It’s interesting to think about it. When the Great Tang Dynasty destroyed Silla, Japan also took care of the island’s silver mines, but the conditions in ancient times were very poor. It’s definitely not worth sending troops to the island. Yes, so at that time it was carried out with the idea of ​​compradors.

However, at this time and at that time, the Wa Kingdom in the Tang Dynasty had just named its country Japan, and it was so poor and backward that even Silla was not as good as it was. Japan in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, although it was still called the Wa Kingdom, experienced After the fights and competitions of the big names from all walks of life, the military power should not be underestimated.

If you want to land on the island and destroy the country, then it is not a question of development costs. Whether the Ming army can beat it is really a question...

Fortunately, Wang Zhi's pirate fleet opened the way, followed by Yu Dayou and Qi Jiguang's military training. After Hu Zongxian reported to the capital, he got the order to attack the pirates, so this trip was possible.

But destroying the country and mining?After all, it is easy to say, but extremely difficult to implement!

Seeing Li Yan's silence, Xiaoqian knew that this method was not very feasible, but she didn't give up: "I think I can give it a try, anyway, I can't let Ming Piao continue to be so popular!"

Li Yan admired her enthusiasm, nodded and said: "This is indeed a solution. Although it is difficult, it is better than having no idea. Go prepare."

Xiaoqian was very excited and full of energy: "Okay!"

She floated away with Du Jiuniang and Tao Shien, Li Yan stared at Naiheqiao and Meng Po again, and returned to the ten halls.

The situation here is even more chaotic.

Immediately after the Nie Jingtai, the [-]th floor of hell has also begun to go on strike.

The evil mirror can't be used, it will squeeze the ghosts, and it can't be reincarnated, or it can't distinguish between good and evil, and it can't be punished and eliminated correctly. , The gods and Buddhas are dispatched, and the scalp is numb!
Faced with such a situation, Yama of the Ten Temples panicked a little, and they were already discussing using a ghost ticket to bring the underworld back on track. Even if they knew that this thing was driven by the enemy and it was dangerous, they had to stabilize the overall situation first.

Witnessing this scene, Li Yan also knew that time was running out, and he couldn't allow him to come up with a perfect plan, called Taibai Jinxing and Xiao Bailong aside, and said the way of inflation.

When the two heard this, they really had similar worries: "Is this method feasible?"

Li Yandao: "The ghost ticket is very involved, and it is naturally extremely difficult to turn it into a piece of waste paper, but if the occupation of the underworld is really the key arrangement of the opponent, we can convert a large number of ghost tickets, and we can force it to show up!"

Taibai Jinxing understood: "It's wonderful!"

Xiao Bailong also nodded and said: "It's better to come out and do a game than to hide like this."

Originally, all the gods and Buddhas and Yama, who had been separated from the ten temples, returned to the underworld to support them. Once the Nether leader made a move, he just had a fight with him and swept away the chaos in the underworld. In the air, it is very uncomfortable.

The yin qi death zone of the underworld is repelled by the celestial spirits of the immortals. It is impossible for them to stay in the underworld forever, but if they really want to leave, in case Yama of the Tenth Hall is killed again, it is a little advantage that they have finally obtained Will pay for it again.

So if a large number of ghost tickets are converted, it can stimulate the demons to come out for a decisive battle, which is of course a wish.

After having a plan, Taibai Jinxing and Xiao Bailong acted quickly, the former combined the matter with conquering Gao Tianyuan, and the latter brought his younger sister over: "Escort the Ming ship, let my younger sister contribute too! "

Li Yan nodded: "That's exactly what I mean."

It is precisely because of the existence of the Dragon Girl that he dared to let the Ming army go on an expedition to the Wa Kingdom. Otherwise, if the weather is not beautiful and the waves hit the fleet, it will repeat the mistakes of the former Yuan Dynasty.

What's more, although the practice world of the Japanese country was in disarray under the backlash of the Hundred Ghosts of the Night, there were still monsters such as Yamata no Orochi, so we should not take it lightly.

Xiaobailong wants to keep an eye on the underworld, and he can't get away for the time being. Let the dragon girl go out and hope that this girl can get some merit, so that she can have more capital to survive in the fierce confrontation that follows.

The influence of fear and robbery in Longnu's body has dissipated, and she was stimulated by the Great Wish Realm, but she is gearing up to follow behind eagerly.

Li Yan was a little worried, and called Jiuye: "Go and see Jiutou, why haven't you come back..."

The nine-headed worm is originally a different bird, and the word "worm" is also a scornful name. This man was scared to death by the catastrophe of heaven and earth, and lived on Fusang Island for hundreds of years. Well, Li Yan also avoided the word worm when addressing him, which moved Nine-Headed Insect very much.

Comparing it with Jiuye, the strange herb that was stolen by Princess Wansheng in the past, Jiuye Jiutou is quite a match...

Under Jiuye's search, Nine-Headed Insect returned quickly, but his expression was very heavy. It was clear at a glance that Princess Wansheng and Long Po were not found.

This is indeed a bit unexpected, Li Yan narrowed his eyes slightly: "Your wife is not punished in hell, is she reincarnated?"

The Nine-Headed Insect's face turned pale, and he said cautiously: "I'm afraid they will be used by monsters, and I hope the Elder Master will rescue them..."

Li Yan's eyes revealed deep thought.

He will never be exonerated from the crimes of Princess Wansheng and Longmao. No matter how great the nine-headed worm is, it will not do. In the rewards and punishments of good and evil in the underworld, after a person commits a serious crime, it may not be useful to do good deeds. How could someone else replace him?
But now Princess Wansheng and Luang Po were not punished in the [-]th floor of hell, but reincarnated. Could it be that they were among the ghosts who did not drink Meng Po soup and directly crossed the Naihe Bridge?

Why such a hurry?

However, this situation is considered a good end, and the whereabouts of Princess Wansheng and Longmao can't be found in the nether world. In fact, there is another possibility...

While Li Yan was thinking, Nine-Headed Insect secretly looked at the expression of the elder.

In fact, he deliberately pretended to be sad.

Princess Wansheng didn't drink Mengpo soup before, and after reincarnation, she occupied the body of later generations. Luangpo has been using dragon energy to live for thousands of years. Now she has died not long ago, and can be reincarnated without being punished in the [-]th hell. , naturally is a good thing...

After all, they still carry the memories of their previous lives. Once the memories are restored, the husband and wife will be able to see each other again. When the time comes to choose a suitable body, he will be able to reunite with his wife.

No need to observe, Li Yan's seventh sense sensed the other party's state of mind, but he sighed secretly.

Regardless of whether Nine-Headed Insect likes or dislikes, he really misses his wife, and may not be able to fulfill his wish!
Leaving aside this matter for the time being, the most urgent task is to take care of conquering the Wa Kingdom.

"Please don't worry, my lord, the little one will definitely destroy the small country of Fusang!"

Nine-headed worm was overjoyed to hear that he was able to go to Japan to conquer Japan. He had been suppressed by Yamata no Orochi and Japanese practitioners for hundreds of years. Show off your might and sink that island country.

Jiuye was equally excited, but it was because of her personality. She wanted to go out to be majestic, and said with a smile, "I will definitely fulfill my mission!"

Li Yan looked at these two people. Although they are the lowest among these gods and Buddhas, if they really want to be released, they are indeed existences that are beyond the reach of many practitioners. In terms of fighting, don't get involved too much."

Jiuye and Nine-Headed Insect were slightly startled, and hurriedly replied: "Yes!"

Li Yan has always had a feeling of resistance to the extraordinary power interfering in the mortal struggle. After all, if he really interferes too much, he will become a god-fighting method like Fengshen Yanyi, and ordinary soldiers will suffer...

Not to mention immortals, once the means of practice get too involved in the struggles of the world, the kind of life and death will be out of control. The lion and camel country that was eaten up by the golden-winged roc is a living example.

Although the Nine Tribulations is the product of the Great Wish Realm's own dirty desires, it is indeed a tight band on the head of the practitioner, so that the secular world still maintains normal rules and regulations, even if the Ming Dynasty is declining day by day after the founding of the country. This kind of law is also stronger than practitioners' chaos.

After arranging the conquest of the Wa Kingdom, Li Yan walked towards the Tenth Hall.

King Qin Guang is the head of the Ten Kings and the Lord of the First Hall, while King Zhuanlun is the Lord of the Tenth Hall and the youngest Hades.

The duty of the tenth hall is to deal with the ghosts found in each hall, distinguish between good and evil, approve the ranks, and send the four continents to reincarnate.

All ghosts who commit crimes and evils will change their eggs and wombs to become wet, and they will live and die at night. After their crimes are complete, they will return to life, but after they become humans, they must first be reincarnated in a barbaric land.

In normal times, this final finishing touch is still very important, and now the first nine halls are all battered, and the tenth hall has simply been reduced to a idle job.

Seeing Li Yan's arrival, the gloomy Lunhuan Wang changed his expression, and welcomed the benefactor into the hall: "Tianshi Li, please!"

Li Yan got straight to the point: "I'm here to ask Pluto about something. Will the soul be worn out during reincarnation?"

The King of Reincarnation was a little puzzled, but he still replied: "Of course, reincarnation is not a child's play. Without the protection of Meng Potang, ordinary souls will not be able to survive at all."

Li Yan was slightly startled: "Protection?"

The King of Reincarnation explained: "Send it to the reincarnated person, escort it to Meng Po God, drink the soup, make you forget the things of the previous life, and protect the soul and body from reincarnation."

Only then did Li Yan realize that drinking Mengpo soup not only clears the memory of the previous life, but also protects the soul, allowing it to survive the impact of reincarnation. How about reincarnation without drinking Mengpo soup?"

The King of Reincarnation snorted: "Even if there are evil spells, the risk is huge. Not only can you not inherit the memory of the previous life, but you may be born stupid!"

Li Yan thought that Princess Wansheng was beaten to death by Bajie on the westbound road, and she was reincarnated until Tao Zhongwen, and there was a gap of hundreds of years. Du Jiuniang and Tao Shien had monitored Naihe Bridge before and found those souls who did not drink Mengpo soup. It takes quite a long period of time before a batch is put into the human world, so it can be seen that reincarnation is really not just to take advantage of loopholes.

That being the case, after explaining the situation of the Halloween princess carefully, he asked: "In this situation, can I still be reincarnated?"

The King of Reincarnation said firmly: "No matter what method she uses, she has already escaped reincarnation once. There are already hidden dangers in her soul and body. After death, she enters the netherworld and will be exposed. If she cultivates in the underworld for hundreds of years, she may still re-enter reincarnation. Possibly, if you don’t drink Meng Po Soup and then cross the Naihe Bridge, you will be looking for your own death!”

Li Yan was silent.

Princess Wan Sheng and Luang Po have a strong desire to survive, and finally they are willing to cooperate and confess. They also hope to make a comeback after death, and of course they will not commit suicide.

But they haven't been reincarnated, but they can't find them in the underworld, then nine out of ten it will be another ending...


This is not easy to do in Journey to the West, and it completely exceeds the jurisdiction of the underworld.

Thinking of this, when the mind moves, there is a kind of induction in the dark, locking in a direction.

At the end there is Cuiyun Palace.

Li Yan's eyes turned cold.

Princess Wan Sheng and Long Po are extremely distorted, committing all kinds of evil things for their own selfish desires, not to mention instigating Princess Chang An and Prince Zhuang Jing to kill them.

But when they had no use value, they immediately killed them all. The behind-the-scenes master who stole the dojo and hid behind the scenes was obviously an out-and-out demon act, and he also carried the name of the leader of the nether world.

The hell is not empty, and he vowed not to become a Buddha. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, who made such an ambitious wish, should not be subject to such stigma and humiliation!
He has a predestined relationship with the Buddha, so he should justify the name of the Buddha!

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