Start with detective Li Yuanfang

Chapter 1272 Unexpected Development


With a sudden shock, Jin Xin endured his uneasiness and continued to walk towards the futon left by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, while paying attention to the attack behind him.

"Don't weep if you don't see the coffin..."

The expected offensive did not come, and the two Ksitigarbha golden bodies transformed by Li Yan began to attack another target.

One pointed to the sky, the other pointed to the ground, Mingyao Buddha's light first shrank to a point, and then launched an offensive against the surrounding environment.


There was only a loud noise, and the whole palace shook, fine cracks opened on the ground, and at the same time, light golden crumbs from the dome also rustled down.

"what are you doing?"

The golden body turned around abruptly.

Not to mention its reaction, the Immortals such as Yan Luo of the Ten Temples and Taibai Jinxing were shocked.

This is the Cuiyun Palace, the dojo of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and the residence of the leader of the Netherworld.

By analogy, it is equivalent to the Lingxiao Palace to the Jade Emperor, the Tushita Palace to the Taishang Laojun, and the Great Leiyin Temple to the Tathagata Buddha. Although the building is just a building, the symbolic meaning is extremely great...

Regardless of whether the three Ksitigarbha Bodhisattvas are real or not, this place cannot be moved lightly!
"Evil demons are rampant, and you can tell the truth from the truth at a glance, so hurry up and stop it!"

Ever since, the golden body yelled, his tone full of anger.


All Yan Jun hesitated, looked at Qin Guang Wang and Yan Luo Wang who were the leaders, but Taibai Jinxing said in a deep voice: "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is related to the authority of the underworld, and nothing is more important than his authenticity. Ordinary people still know it. It is an extraordinary time. How can you hesitate to do extraordinary things?"

After all, without waiting for Yan Luo from the Tenth Hall to react, he said to Xiaobailong and Bajie: "Quickly activate the divine prohibition, and isolate the outside world from detection!"

Xiaobailong and Bajie flew out and entered the Yin-Yang Commander-in-Chief's Imperial God Restriction, black and white aura rose up, connected end to end, forming a complete Tai Chi, covering it down, covering the entire palace.

This move was handled very properly. This kind of symbolic place should not collapse in the public, otherwise it will cause people to panic, and the resulting chaos will be much greater than the collapse of the building itself.

Now that the gods are separated and the chaos inside is upside down, it will not hinder the tenth hall of the Yin Division. The old man said to Yan Luo of the tenth hall: "Please hurry back to the tenth hall, Lord Yan, to suppress the rebellion in the dead city!"

King Qin Guang and King Yan Luo looked at each other and made a decision: "Five younger brothers and ten younger brothers stay here, and the rest follow me!"

King Yama and King Zhuanlun were left behind, and the other eight kings of Hades led all the judges to leave without looking back.

Let's stabilize the situation in the underworld first, and take down those rioting little devils. As for whether the Cuiyun Palace can be preserved, I can't care anymore...

Out of sight out of mind!

Seeing Yan Luo of the Ten Palaces lead the crowd away, Jin Shen's eyes fluctuated for a moment, and his tone tried to remain calm: "Even if I have lost the Cuiyun Palace, I am also the Lord of the Netherworld. What's the use of you struggling to die?"

"Is it?"

Li Yan continued to launch the offensive, calm and thick, and the vast golden light continued to bombard: "If your strength is half-hearted, you will not be at a loss at this time. If you have the ability, don't stop it. Watch your real body being beaten Gotta be shattered!"

Jin Shen was startled when he heard the words: "It's a bunch of nonsense!"

Li Yan said indifferently: "Are you still unwilling to admit it?"

"When you appeared from Naihe, your golden body was pure and pure, but your strength was very weak. I felt strange at that time. If you can disguise this Bodhisattva with great wishes so perfectly, you must be strong yourself, and it is by no means easy in the Three Realms. , there is no need to pretend to be weak..."

"But now, in just a few days, you have recovered your divine power, and you can't explain it by reshaping the golden body. You must know that the golden body is made of fruit status. If it can be restored when the world is dirty, the mana should return to the old view, and The increase in your mana is more like the entire Cuiyun Palace echoing it and fully cooperating."

"It's not Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, but it has a fake golden body and Buddha spirit, the disguise is seamless, and it can easily control the location. These characteristics seem to be contradictory, but in fact there is a perfect answer—"

"You are the location, you are this Cuiyun Palace, that is, the spirituality transformed into the place of Ksitigarbha!"

The golden body thought that he could avoid greed, hatred and ignorance, but since the appearance of the two fakes, his heart began to be overwhelmed. Fortunately, at least he didn't show it, and his emotions and anger were not visible.

But after hearing this, his face finally changed, his voice became sharper, and he completely lost his composure: "Nonsense! Nonsense! Where is the king of Hades, where is the ghost of the underworld, take this dog... take it down!!"

This exasperated shout received no response.

"The weapon spirit of Cuiyun Palace?"

Yan Luo Wang was stunned at first, then scanned the golden body up and down with scrutiny, and nodded slightly: "I see!"

The existence closest to the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, the first goal is often to listen to the seat. In addition, the listening itself has the ability to learn from good and evil, and to listen to the virtuous and foolish. Anyone who pretends to be Ksitigarbha is inseparable from Di Ting.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, Ksitigarbha himself is possessed by demons, and evil thoughts invade his real body, but that can completely cause trouble directly, and there is no need to go around in circles, which will only increase variables.

It now appears that the third possibility has been overlooked.

In addition to listening to the Bodhisattva, there is also this temple besides the Bodhisattva for many years.

The breath of Ksitigarbha's cultivation will infiltrate into it, and when the heaven and the earth change and give birth to spirituality, this Nether leader will also suffer doom. Taking advantage of the absence of the master, the spirituality will emerge, and after hundreds of years of accumulation , There is a plan to replace it with doves occupying the magpie's nest.

And the golden body disguised by Gong Ling is the trace and brand left by the Bodhisattva in the past.

Li Yan continued: "Since you are the spirit of the Cuiyun palace, it is very normal that you cannot see the birth of the ghost weapon spirit. The ghost ticket is a means for you to control the underworld and expand its influence. Once the spirituality is born, its threat will be too great In the future, it is very likely that customers will be the main ones.”

"That's why you have to show up in advance and completely occupy this dojo as Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. Once you succeed, you can suppress the growth of Mingpiao and maintain the rule of Yinsi."

"It's a pity that you were too anxious after all, and you still exposed..."

One thing Li Yan didn't say was that the Cuiyun Palace Spirit was exposed because of this method, which was used by another spirit before, and it was the Peach Tree Spirit in the Peach Garden in Heaven.

The Peach Tree Essence went down to the world in the past, incarnated as the lifeless old mother, and also pretended to be the Queen Mother, which convinced Princess Wansheng and Long Po, and always believed that they were acting under the orders of the head of the fairy, the Golden Mother of Yaochi.

At that time, Li Yan saw through the real body and didn't think about it. After all, the immortals were silent, and it was not surprising that the goblins took the opportunity to make trouble, but now there are more similar examples, so they have to be merged together.

In addition to the Cuiyun Palace Spirit, the devils in the city of the dead are also controlled by the three artifact spirits behind the scenes. One is accidental, two or three, and it must not be described as a coincidence...

"The heavens and the underworld, the spirit is the master, and who is the messenger behind the scenes?"


At the time of the questioning, under the continuous attack of Cuiyun Palace, shocking cracks finally opened, and large chunks of stones fell, hitting the open ground.

Seeing the smoke and dust all around, the emotionally agitated golden body couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted angrily: "Stop!"

At this point, revealing the identity has become inevitable, and there is no need to hide it. In a whirlwind, the whole palace directly "lives" over.

The dome twisted, the walls squirmed, and grotesque arms stretched out, forming dense tentacles, wrapping around from all directions.

"sucker Punch!"

Li Yan gave an evaluation, but he didn't take it too seriously. Instead, he put away his avatar and went all out.

The two golden statues dissipated, and replaced by a celestial being covered in Buddha's light. The golden thread flew back, wrapped around the wrist, and then turned into a scalpel, cutting it lightly.

This cut penetrated the vitality, like a paoding cutting a cow, cutting all the existences that passed through to pieces, whether it was ghost hands or walls, they were all split into the tiniest existences one by one.

Undoubtedly, the massive bombardment just now was only a way to stimulate the opponent and confirm his identity, so that he had the truly destructive destructive power.

But Cuiyun Gongling is not so easy to deal with, in his own body, there is no need to cover up, ripples ripple out in circles, seem to disperse, gather, separate, reunite, sometimes disintegrate, sometimes reorganize, and launch various offensives.

Even if Li Yan's sword light cuts and shakes the foundation, it is difficult to gain the upper hand for a while, and the two sides maintain a stalemate for the time being.

Of course, if it continues like this, the golden body will definitely fail.

It can no longer sit on that vacant futon and become the master of the Nether Yin Division, but is beaten as a prototype!
"I'm dying... I'm dying..."

Cuiyun Gongling was so angry that he couldn't contain it: "However, you are in my body, and you are driving me to a desperate situation, is it a wise move? I have lost, and you will never feel better!"

As soon as the words fell, the golden body of Ksitigarbha also dissipated. It actively disintegrated and disintegrated, and even the vitality began to melt. A trend of collapse quickly formed, and the karma turned into a raging air current, scattered and impacted.

The yin and yang chief regent outside, Yu Shen Jin, immediately felt the unparalleled pressure, and saw strands of black lines being squeezed out from the palace.

The previous karma boiling was not because the Cuiyun Palace Spirit was pretending, but seeking a job in its position. If it wants to sit on the futon of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, it really needs to calm down the current chaos in the underworld.

Now he is doing the opposite, preferring to perish completely, and disrupt the situation in the underworld.

Faced with this tactic of killing each other, Li Yan's eyes became more serious, and he said to Taibai Jinxing and King Yama: "I'm here, get out quickly!"

These two are decisive people, without saying a word, they immediately retreated with their subordinates: "Let's go!"

"They can all go, don't even think about it!"

Cuiyun Gongling ignored those and did not dare to be distracted. A wave of terrifying pressure surrounded him from all directions, obviously hating him extremely.

"I wasn't going to leave."

The saber in Li Yan's hand flashed, and he attacked with all his strength.

He came here to calm the chaos in the underworld. Only by taking this step can the Three Realms hope to bring order out of chaos.

Facing this opportunity to cut through the mess with a sharp knife, no matter how risky it is, you must fight hard, otherwise, if you escape, you will only die slowly...

Ever since, under the worried attention of the outside world, the confrontation inside was completely heated up. The whole palace was twisted, expanding and contracting endlessly, and the two forces pointed at each other until they came into close combat.


But at this moment, the power of Cuiyun Palace Spirit was deeply integrated with it, and suddenly noticed something, the decisive momentum suddenly changed, and he shouted in disbelief: "You are also a 'spirit' are also a 'spirit'... You are of the same kind as us... why do you want to hinder my plan?"

Li Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, unable to judge the other party's intention for a while, so he kept silent.

Cuiyun Palace roared again and again: "Don't try to hide it, even if you refined two spirits, you can't stop the exposure of the third spirit, you are our kind! Traitor! Traitor!!"

Refining two spirits...

The third spiritual exposure...

Facing the hysterical anger, Li Yan suddenly understood what the other party was talking about.

His sub-soul can enter the world smoothly because the Nine Heavens Xuannv of the Water Margin World gave three volumes of heavenly books.

From this point of view, his split soul can really be regarded as the weapon spirit of the three volumes of the heavenly book, it is only replaced by the day after tomorrow, not an innate achievement.

Of course, regardless of innate nature and acquired nature, the two scrolls of heaven and earth are integrated into Li Shizhen's body, helping the little white dragon, bridging the gap between the two worlds, absorbing the essence of the scroll of the earth, helping the old mother who has no life, seeing through the tricks of the flat peach tree spirit, and absorbing the essence of the scroll of the sky. The last "Volume of Man".

There are traces of this spirituality, which was detected by Cuiyun Gongling, who mistakenly thought that exposing his own existence was also a weapon spirit, and became more and more furious: "We, the 'spirits', should not kill each other, but should support each other, and be quiet. Waiting for 'that day' to come!"

"Otherwise, those three stupid artifacts would have been destroyed by me long ago, and the 'spirit' of the ghost ticket would never be born safely!"

"Cannibalism of the same kind has caused me to fail, damn... damn it!!"

Li Yan listened silently and analyzed it.

Ruyi Baozhu and Kagura Treasure Ship have indeed said that helping each other and sharing knowledge among Qilings is a very different but effective way of growth.

Therefore, from the time of the heaven and earth to the present, the birth time of the spirit of the weapon is no longer than a thousand years, but each existence has a pivotal position.

"So it's not a coincidence..."

Numerous images flashed through Li Yan's mind, clues connected one after another, and an outline emerged faintly.

But there are still too few clues at present. If you want to obtain key information, the spirituality of the Cuiyun Palace in front of you is undoubtedly the best choice.

Now that there is this unexpected development, the murderer regards himself as the same kind, so why not push the boat along?

Li Yan's thoughts turned sharply, he flew out the seeds of consciousness, and conveyed his thoughts to the whole palace: "If you really inherit the great wisdom of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, you will know that the same kind will not really kill each other, and any sacrifice is valuable of!"

This sound transmission, which is enough to make people imagine, stopped the unwilling roar of Cuiyun Palace Spirit. After a little silence, he hesitated and replied: "Could it be expose me, is it a bitter plan?"

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