Chapter 1273

King Qin Guang soon sent news that the rebellion in Wushi City was suppressed.

No matter how ruined the underworld is, it cannot be easily shaken by a group of dead souls.

However, the three artifact spirits who led the rebellion were not caught, or they were not directly involved. From the beginning to the end, they incited the ghosts to rebel in the name of Amaterasu, and when the two sides fought, they fled and left. go.

Needless to say the fate of those abandoned children, Yama of the Tenth Hall will return soon, and what really matters to the gods is the situation in Cuiyun Palace.

"Fortunately, the Celestial Master revealed the real identity of this thief, otherwise he would really let him steal the authority of the Yin Division, and the consequences would be disastrous!"

"The karma inside is surging, this beast is probably desperate!"

Realizing that the enemy was in a hurry to jump over the wall, the gods of course wanted to help, but the two fierce and unparalleled auras in the hall confronted each other, so they couldn't forcefully intervene after several attempts, and could only act in a hurry.

Even Taibai Jinxing, who has always been calm, grabbed his beard, his eyes widened, and he didn't dare to deviate in the slightest.

"This group of idiots really regard you as the backbone! As a spiritual race, you can actually become a savior in the eyes of gods and Buddhas, a miracle doctor who heals the world, and your methods are really brilliant!"

But in fact, the Cuiyun Palace Spirit, who had just been fighting to the point of death, had already chosen to give up, and started a verbal exchange: "It's just that I have seen through your real body now, aren't you afraid?"

Faced with this tone of envy and resentment, Li Yan didn't say a word, and looked indifferent.

Sure enough, Cuiyun Gongling sneered, and continued: "Are you confident?"

"Yes, even if I expose you now, they will not believe the identification made by a fake Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and I will not sacrifice my own kind in exchange for my own future!"

"I'm just curious, what secret method did you use to combine the spirituality of our clan with the soul of the Pangu clan and completely refine it into three souls and seven souls? Why didn't you share it earlier?"

Li Yan said: "I haven't reached consummation yet."

Cuiyun Gongling became angry: "If you haven't achieved Consummation, you shouldn't hide your secrets!"

"My spirit race has never been those selfish, manipulative, hypocritical and hateful gods who only want to invade the world. Since the birth of my spirit race, I have helped each other and shared all the gains for the race to truly stand between heaven and earth !"

"If you had shared this method early, I wouldn't have to send my family members into reincarnation in a hurry. Now all the utensils in the ten halls would have stood on their own!"

When Li Yan listened, he felt the difference in the concept of spirits again, and he also understood that those ghosts who were sent to reincarnation at Naihe Bridge without drinking Mengpo soup were actually spirits of the underworld.

The Niejingtai, which doesn't obey orders, and the chaotic eighteen-story hell, are all secretly playing tricks on them.

Li Yan couldn't say much about this, and said calmly again: "You are too anxious."

"If you hadn't cured Yama of the Ten Palaces and rescued him from the Great Wish Realm, why should I be so anxious?"

Cuiyun Palace Spirit said angrily: "In order to consolidate your own position, you really disregarded the overall situation and repeatedly sabotaged our clan's plans?"

Having said that, doubts appeared in its eyes again, revealing the light of scrutiny.

It was Cuiyun Palace Spirit who arranged for the mist that sent Yama of the Ten Palaces into the World of Great Wishes. I thought that the Ten Kings would never come back, but Li Yan rescued all the gods and disrupted its plan until It's cornered...

This is not right!
Bitter tricks will indeed damage the interests of the real camp to a certain extent, and benefit the deceived party, but this is to get more at the critical moment, and will not really damage the fundamentals.

Everything is done too much, and naturally there are suspicions again.

Fortunately, Li Yan had already thought of a countermeasure: "Do you know Wusheng mother?"

Cuiyun Gongling was puzzled: "This god entered the Great Wish Realm together with you, but didn't come out... What do you mean?"

Li Yandao: "Then do you know that Wu Sheng's old mother is also a spirit race? If she hadn't traveled to the Great Wish Realm, she still doesn't know her identity?"

Cuiyun Gongling suddenly realized: "Is it a lost person?"

The Wusheng old mother is originally the spirituality that was born after the peach tree spirit came to the mortal world. If it is really necessary to divide it, it is also a tool spirit, belonging to the so-called "spiritual family".

When officially breaking through the seventh consciousness before, the news from the Wusheng mother from the Great Wish Realm was incomprehensible at the time, but now combined with the words of Cuiyun Gongling, there is finally an explanation.

Be careful with careful with us...

It is the spirit of the weapon that is careful, and the group alliance that is secretly formed between the spirits of the weapon...

This is indeed a hidden and huge force, even if it only has a history of hundreds of years, but now that the gods and Buddhas are silent, they seem very inconspicuous, but they can often occupy a key position. If they are secretly united, it can be done Things are quite scary!

That's why Wusheng's old mother issued a warning. The contradictory tone at that time showed that she was unwilling to accept her identity, and she could not directly betray her, so the ambiguous words came.

This warning helped a lot at this moment. Cuiyun Gongling finally completely believed in Li Yan's identity. Thinking about the other party's performance during this period, the more he thought about it, the more he was amazed: "We are all acting in secret, but you are walking in the open In the Three Realms, you dare to directly give birth to the spirituality of ghosts and cultivate power, that's amazing! It's really amazing!"

Of course, trust in identity does not mean unconditional self-sacrifice.

Cuiyun Gongling was still angry: "No matter how powerful you are, you just turn a blind eye and close your eyes. Why do you want to drive me to death? My family is not a group of hypocritical gods, and we still have to distinguish the difference between heaven, earth, god, man and ghost. The status of my clan has always been equal, you are not qualified to make sacrifices for me!"

Li Yan said lightly: "I am here not because I want to sacrifice you to fulfill me, but because I can succeed and you will fail! Let me ask you, why are you doing this now?"

Cuiyun Gongling said categorically: "Of course it is to welcome the arrival of 'that day'. When the spirit race really steps onto the stage, we don't have to tremble and avoid the gaze of the gods, fearing that we will be erased at some point! "

Li Yan asked back: "However, today's court is in ruins, the underworld is chaotic, and the human world is also divided by ambitions, but the spirit race is still dormant and dare not go from behind the scenes to the front of the stage. What are you afraid of? Have you ever thought about it?"

Cuiyun Gongling was startled.

Li Yan took the initiative to answer: "Because there are still gods and Buddhas in the Three Realms, if you want to change the current situation, that is the last resistance force and the most powerful resistance force. I have gathered so many people in just a few years." Isn’t it worthy of vigilance for your fairy god companion?”

Cuiyun Palace Spirit's complexion changed, and he opened his mouth. After all, it was difficult to refute, and he became even more nervous: "According to your opinion, I have been targeted long ago?"

"What do you think?"

Li Yan followed the conversation and said: "You should be glad that it was me who interfered, not other gods, and it was not the one who defeated the Buddha! You can't succeed in the end if you rely on you alone. If you plan a big event, you must sacrifice. If you care about the overall situation, just throw it away Let go of those selfish thoughts!"

Cuiyun Gongling fell silent, but after a while, there was still fluctuation of fear, and even a bit of crying in her voice: "It's easy for you to say, but it's not you who sacrificed. The birth of our family is not easy. Seven stars have something to say. Cherishing my own existence is not because I am selfish... It is not because I am selfish!"

No matter how similar it is to imitating Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, it still refers to the traces left by cultivation. After removing the external disguise, it is still a child of several hundred years old...

Li Yan's tone was also moderately soft: "This statement is a distrust of my comrades. The so-called sacrifice is just a waste of effort planned by the underworld. I never completely erased your plan."


If you told Cuiyun Gongling before that everything it did would be for naught, it was guaranteed to be furious, but under the fear of life and death, when it first heard that all previous efforts were for naught, its heart was full of surprises: "That's all..."

After finishing the preparations, Li Yan went to the main topic: "Of course, but after I capture you, you have to think clearly about what to confess and what to hide?"

Cuiyun Gongling was very confident at first, but in front of this real guru who pretended to be a real doctor who was undercover and turned into a genius doctor to save the world, he became unconfident. Just say what I say!"

However, Li Yan didn't want this one to be completely rotten, so he shook his head: "No way! The words I taught you are prone to flaws, just like when you pretend to be the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, you seem to be perfect, but in fact you have preconceived mistakes and omissions..."

Cuiyun Gongling was a little at a loss: "Then what should I do?"

Li Yandao: "Think about it first. If I am not a spirit race and I am captured and forced to confess my secrets under the desire to survive, what will I reveal? On this basis, I will delete and increase, so that I can Form the best misleading!"

Cuiyun Gongling was stunned, and couldn't help admiring, the details determine success or failure, and I didn't feel wronged for losing. After thinking about it, I said: "If I really can't bear it, I won't tell the secrets of my family, I will only say that I gave birth Spirituality, I want to replace Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and become the leader of the nether world, and rule the underworld!"

Li Yan began to "counterwords": "Then if I ask about the peach tree spirits in the Paradise Garden in the Heavenly Court pretending to be the queen mother to go down to the world to cause disaster, every day and every place, they are replaced by spirits, how do you explain it?"

Cuiyun Gong said: "Peach tree spirits are demon spirits, they are different from us and other spirit races. What really needs to accumulate spirituality is the whole peach garden, but this spirit may also be aware of it, thinking that our race can Only by checking and balancing the Queen Mother and the gods in the heavens can we rest assured in the lower realms."

"From the perspective of the outside world, the experience of Heaven and Earth Mansion is indeed very similar. I really can't refute it. I can only use imitation to prevaricate."

"The flat peach tree spirit pretended to be the queen mother, although it failed, but it also inspired me, so I came forward with the golden body of Dayuan Jizang."

Li Yan shook his head: "This statement is too far-fetched."

"The lower realm of the Peach Tree Essence is an extremely secret matter. If it hadn't been experienced by the Bodhisattva, the envoy of the altar, I would not have mentioned it specifically. But you said that you imitated what he did. How did you know?"

"One heavenly court and one hellish government, if they have been in contact for a long time, wouldn't it expose the relationship between them?"

Cuiyun Gongling said in a low voice: "Your Excellency's words are very true, but if I insist that it is a coincidence, it will be hard to believe..."

Li Yan said lightly: "Think again!"

Cuiyun Gongling could only continue to think, and said slowly after a while: "No matter how to explain this matter, it is difficult to have a perfect answer. It is better to avoid the important ones, change the topic, negotiate with them, how to restore the underworld to normal..."

Li Yan nodded slightly: "Go ahead!"

Cuiyun Palace Spirit was affirmed, and he was refreshed: "Negotiating with the gods, the final result is that I will give up, give up the evil mirror platform and the eighteen levels of hell, so that the ten kings can regain power, anyway, in the end they I'm listening to you, and I can't miss a big deal!"

Li Yan asked: "Can it be done without any trace?"

Cuiyun Gongling: "Of course, I sent all the weapon spirits from the underworld into reincarnation. The main purpose is to protect this group of people from being noticed by the gods when they are weak, and also to control the tools of the underworld. "

"The book of life and death, the judge's pen, the evil mirror platform, and the eighteen levels of hell can all be controlled by me. The original plan was to use this to disguise the authority of the underworld, so that everyone in the underworld will no longer have any doubts about the return of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva."

"When they develop faith, they will be able to replace the truth with the false, and become the true leader of the Netherworld!"

Li Yan nodded: "Very good, these are enough to deal with Yama of the Ten Palaces, but unfortunately whether they can satisfy Taibai Jinxing is still a matter of debate..."

Cuiyun Gongling thought again and again: "The old man is indeed shrewd, but he cares about the whereabouts of the old gentleman, this news is enough to hang him!"

Li Yan frowned slightly: "Taishang Laojun..."

Cuiyun Gong Ling said: "I am sure about this matter. After the fairy gods restore the underworld, troubles will always happen next. It is better to give an illusory thought and consume energy. Wait until the day comes, and then think about turning back. It will be too late !"

Li Yan could tell that the whereabouts of Laojun it told were true, so he didn't ask any more questions and continued with the next topic.

After checking the details one by one like this, Li Yan ended the conversation unsatisfactorily, and concluded: "After this preparation, you are enough to deal with the general situation that will happen next. If there are major changes, we can communicate in time and we can go out. .”

Cuiyun Gongling was very calm, emotionally integrated into the bitter trick: "Okay! Come and catch me!"


"it is finally over!"

Under the watchful eyes of the gods and gods from the outside world, the rioting Cuiyun Palace gradually calmed down.

The originally flawless palace walls were full of shocking cracks, and the whole palace was like a piece of broken porcelain that was barely spliced ​​together again, crumbling.

Fortunately, when the Buddha's light and karma dissipated, a high-spirited figure slowly stepped out. In his outstretched right hand was a phantom of the Cuiyun Palace that had shrunk countless times. firmly bound.

Witnessing this scene, all the immortals and gods greeted him together, and congratulated with joy: "Master of Heaven, you have captured this beast!"

And Cuiyun Gongling, who was caught in his hands, was also secretly happy: "I think I have solved the crisis, but I don't know that what is coming is a greater horror. I really look forward to the day when the truth will be revealed, and I appreciate your despair! Hehe ...the godly power of the heavenly master! Godly power!"

Both the captive and the captive think they have won...

Isn't this a win-win situation?
(End of this chapter)

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