Chapter 107 Proud
Yang Nai also had no choice.It's useless to keep it by yourself, and the younger sister who caused trouble must also be taken away.

Their sisters are fake Hime samurai, except Shiba Yoshigin, the samurai family considers the Maeda sisters to be reliable.What else can I do if Li's family is not allowed to help?
What's more, Yiyin said before that Maeda Toshiie is trustworthy, and he can fully support him if he needs help.Thinking about it the other way around, if you have something to do at home, you can naturally entrust it all to Maeda Toshiie-sama, right?

Riku doesn't think like Yang Nao.Yang Nai is a fake Ji warrior, and the affairs of the Wu family are not as simple as she thinks.What happened to this generation of officials, she still had to go to Qingzhou City to ask what the Li family meant.

In addition, how will His Highness Oda look at this matter?Will the Maeda family be involved more deeply, which is not tolerated by His Highness Oda.

Sooner or later, his mother would break his leg, Li Jiu thought about it so much that his head hurt, and he smiled wryly.

"I took it."

In the hut of Maeda Toshiya in Kiyosu City, Toshika calmly replied to Riku who came to inquire.

Because of her previous crimes, her career, which had been soaring, had a twists and turns, and now she lives in the same small house that knocked Yiyin down.

In fact, this matter is far more serious than Li Jiu thought.The Li family has just returned to Mu Yizhong, the closest subordinate of Oda Nobunaga, and the secrets he knows are not limited to the bits and pieces that outsiders know.

As long as she agrees today, she will have to leave her mother tomorrow, and Nobunaga's trust will not be given twice.Even if she had followed Maeda Toshiie from childhood to adulthood, this kind of friendship is worthless in the face of power.

But she doesn't care anymore.

Riku looked at his younger sister who didn't hesitate, feeling emotional for a moment.

"Thinking back when you were young, you were so energetic that you wanted to go out to follow His Royal Highness Oda, and my mother thought that you were the most decisive at home. Now for a man, you even gave up your future.

When I think about going home in the future, my mother will break the legs of me, a lobbyist, or you, an idiot. "

Lee said with a smile.

"Reading at Atsuta Shrine these days, I have indeed thought through a lot.

It is said that I killed and suffered for Yiyin-jun, but in fact I caused Yiyin-jun a lot of trouble.

How could such a shameless villain get into his eyelids, and how could he harm him.It's just that I was self-righteous and ended up like this, and it also caused him to leave the capital, and now he is in a dilemma.

I, Maeda Toshiie, feel sorry for Shiba Yoshiyin.Before he comes back safely, I will look after the family property for him.Not to mention the future, even if you risk your life, you should. "

Li Jia looked at the peaceful younger sister, only to feel that she was more impulsive than before going to Atsuta Shrine, so he couldn't help shaking his head.

"I don't know how much money my Maeda family owed the Lord in the previous life, and all of these Ji warriors only know about him, not about their mother or family.

Lijia, you will not be with the Lord. . "

Lijiu made circles with the index finger of his left hand, and nodded with his right index finger, raising his eyebrows with a slightly wretched expression.

Li Jia gave her a blank look.

"I'm now the deputy officer of Siboling, and I'm also your boss. Are you not afraid of being stabbed for slandering the lord and your boss like this? You still think that I am a fool like Yili, so I can play around casually.

By the way, have you used this trick against interests? "

Li's family is not that little idiot of Li Yi, who was thrown into chaos with one move by Li Jiu.Backhanded around Li Jiu's adopted daughter, leaving her pursed and speechless.

Just keeping his expression still, he touched the tatami mat by his hand, remembering in his heart how he could let Riku know.

Summer is here, and the weather is starting to get hotter.Fortunately, Yiyin's wound has almost healed, and he feels at ease in the atrium watching the flowers and blowing the wind.

Enjoying the rare leisure, he thought in his mind that it was time to return to the shogunate, and then go back to Owari.

The recent situation is very good, and the ministers of the shogunate are indeed good at taking advantage of the fire.

They had long forgotten the previous rhetoric to persuade the general to be calm, and put on the posture that Liujiao Yixian is the enemy of the Wu family, and everyone can punish him, and issued warnings to the Liujiao family continuously.They even cooperated with the general's mobilization order, and the soldiers on the front line of Shancheng and Nanjinjiang rose again.

There is Goto Kentoyo forcing the palace inside the Liujiao Yoshiken, and the shogun outside, and Asai Nagamasa is watching over him.The vassals of Shinto Kenmori and Gamo Kenhide who wanted to unite felt bad for her because of the heavy losses in the joint war, and blurred their attitudes.

Under internal and external troubles, he couldn't hold on any longer, and passed the position of family governor to his daughter Liujiao Yizhi, abdicated and hid behind the scenes.

This time, the two famous governors of the north and south of the Omi Kingdom were tossed and abdicated by Yoshihiko Shiba, which made him more powerful and attracted everyone's attention.

Under the coercion of the shogunate, the Liujia family reluctantly agreed to the shogunate's request to build Sakamoto Castle at the intersection of Lake Biwa and the Setagawa River and Lake, allowing the shogunate to further invade and control the trade route from Minami Omi to Kyoto.

How much tax benefit can be earned in building a city and setting up a card to pay taxes.The shogunate smiled and agreed to mediate the war between the Liujiao family and the Asai family.

In fact, the Asai family could not be moved at this time, and the shogunate was just bluffing because of Miyoshi's invasion.

But the Liujiao family couldn't support themselves, so they had to compromise with the outside world. In addition to losing the three counties of Beijinjiang and being severely cut on the commercial road, the loss was even greater.

When the pie of interests grows bigger and bigger, everyone is good for you and me.The benefits of waiting until the hands are gone, and how many sisters will turn against each other in order to fight for the remaining few, everyone is waiting to see the jokes of the Liujiao family.

If it weren't for the threat of the Miyoshi family, the shogunate would never let the Liujiao family go so easily.Is it a problem for the shogun to fight Liujiao's family?Which generation of generals has never fought!

Ashikaga Yoshiki finally got a taste of the general's glory these days.The courtiers in the shogunate were flattering like a tide, and outside the shogunate, Asai Liujiao scrambled to kneel and lick. Such awe-inspiring prestige is called a general.

As the biggest hero in this battle, Yiyin was already triumphant, and now he can be regarded as a fool.The Wu family of Jinjiang country all call it "Yuqian". Although the Fujitang people are exempted from money and food, they can put their identities there.

Since ancient times, Lord Wanshi can be called a daimyo, even the smallest daimyo is still a daimyo.There is always a seat for the general to hold a meeting, and squatting in the corner by the door is also inside the house!How many martial arts families can't ask for a corner for several lifetimes.

No, news came from Asai's family that the shogunate wanted to return to Beijing to report on its duties.

"Akechiji, why didn't the shogunate send someone to Sawa Yamashiro to contact me directly, and convey it through Asai's house?"

Although this is not a big deal, it always makes people a little puzzled, and Yiyin had to ask his own think tank.

"Maybe it's because I don't know the location of the Lord, and I'm afraid it will delay the time. It's the same if I ask the Asai family to convey it."

Akechi Mitsuhide's answer sounded like that, and Yoshigin nodded again and again.

"That's the reason. It's been a long time since I left Owari. I can go back after finishing my business this time. I don't know how the situation at home is."

Yiyin happily talked about chores in the courtyard.

Accompanied by Mitsusu Akechi, who was smiling, nodded and said a few joking words from time to time.

Yiyin let go of his worries these days and felt much more relaxed.Just looking at Akechi Mitsuhide's face with a smile from the heart, I always feel a little hairy in my heart.

It's an illusion, I'm already famous.Earning a lot of chips from this battle is enough to scare people, what else can they do.

 The second reader joined the group, adding a chapter.Welcome, the last soy sauce party.

(End of this chapter)

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