Chapter 108
Yoshiki Ashikaga is competing with swordsman Nobuzuna Fanamiizumi in the Kyoto Imperial Palace.The two women were talking excitedly, and suddenly the general sighed.

"Teacher, tell me. Is life always this difficult, or is it just me?"

Kamizumi Nobutsuna thumped in his heart, and was speechless for a moment.She is just a teacher who got lucky with swordsmanship, and her family background is not high.If it wasn't for the general's passion for swordsmanship, there would be no place for her in this shogunate.

Therefore, she has always only talked about swordsmanship, regardless of other things.Where is the depth in the shogunate that she dared to touch.

Politics in ancient and modern China and abroad is all about killing people without seeing blood, let your swordsmanship be unparalleled in the world, if you dare to get involved, you will die without a whole body.

"Why did the general say this?"

Since the general asked, she couldn't help but ask.

"I followed my mother since I was a child, and was kicked out of Kyoto several times. General Ashikaga looked majestic, but how many people knew the pain.

When I succeed to the throne, I want to reform the shogunate, and I will definitely make a career, but in the end, I still have to rely on the black hat's pro-Liujiao Dinglai to support the situation.After she passed away, who would take my Ashikaga general seriously. "

"Why did you say that, General? In this battle at Norada, the shogunate united with the Asai family to win a big victory, Liujiao surrendered, and the outside world is praising the general's wisdom."

Ashikaga Yoshiki sneered.Kamizumi Nobutsuna is not playing politics after all, she only heard rumors from the outside world, so how can she know how aggrieved she feels.

Before, she had been thinking of mobilizing Ma Huizhong to ask the Liujiao family for an explanation, but the courtiers were obsessive and obedient, so she had no choice but to compromise.

At this moment, Shiba Yoshigin took advantage of the afterglow of the imperial family system to mobilize the people of Omi to fight in Norada and deal a fatal blow to Rokkaku Yoshiken.It made her suddenly see an opportunity to revive the Ashikaga family.

However, when she tried to propose the royal family system in the shogunate meeting, she encountered serious obstacles.Not only the vassals objected, but even the local powerful factions who had always stood behind her, the Izumi Hosokawa family and the Kawachi Hatakeyama family also euphemistically expressed their disapproval.

What made her even more angry was that the vassals took advantage of the civil strife in the Rokkaku family to force the successor Rokkaku Yoshiharu to hand over the ruling power from Seta River to Lake Biwa Omi, which allowed the construction of Sakamoto Castle, which had been rejected by the Rokkaku family.

This is a good thing, but when is it now!The Miyoshi family is waiting for an opportunity, which is the key to uniting the Liujiao family and the Asai family to fight against the Miyoshi family.

Such behavior caused Liujia Yizhi, who had just taken office, to be seriously questioned by Liujia's retainers, which triggered a new round of internal friction.

These vassals previously wanted to have sex with Liujiao regardless of the general's face, and now they further weakened the Liujiao family for the Seta River's taxes, which affected the overall situation against the Miyoshi family.

The mouth is full of the shogunate, and the heart is full of interests.

Ashikaga Yoshiki thought bitterly, don't think I don't understand the thoughts of these ministers.

Miyoshi Changqing succeeded in Shangluo this time, emptied the shogunate, became the deputy of the management leader, the management leader, and even usurped the throne to become a general.That is also to appease the samurai in the shogunate, it is impossible to push everyone to the opposite side.

But if the royal family system is revived, how can the people of the country under the high-ranking samurai be appeased?What if the retainers are also thinking about it?They are all dogs, and it is better to be a general Ashikaga than to be a dog to the master!

The samurai's direct income is less than [-]%, and if the subordinates compete to send land to the general to be the imperial family, every family in the shogunate will be seriously injured.

Not to mention that future generations have to compete with the new royal family. To be honest, it would be better to let Miyoshi Changqing be the general!
Therefore, Ashikaga Yoshiki can only back down, the Ashikaga shogunate is already dying, what can she do except resentment.

Either stay alive and close your eyes and follow them to toss and wait for death, or open your eyes and do something, which is the same as destruction.

How difficult it is to be the master.

At the same time, a nun at Tofukuji Temple in Kyoto, not far from the Imperial Palace, was also sighing this sentence.

Her face is dignified but gorgeous, and her early twenties are already in full bloom.

Originally, she wanted to pray to the Buddha with a green lantern to save her remaining life, but who knew that someone would drag her into the dirty things in the world.

"My lord! Please don't lose your fighting spirit, my lord. I still have a breath of life in Xingsheng in the mountains. I will definitely restore Nizi's family after all kinds of hardships."

The woman sighed, put down the wooden fish she was knocking on, and looked back.

She was a beautiful woman with a beautiful and delicate face. Although she was only fifteen or sixteen years old, her youthful years were so eye-catching. In the future, I don't know how many men in the boudoir will suffer from lovesickness.

"Nizi's family has declined, and I have already let go of me as a descendant. Why should you never forget Xingsheng?"

This woman is called Nizi Shengjiu, the only surviving daughter of the Nizi family.Ever since Izumo Kingdom Tsukiyama Tomita Castle was captured by Mori Moto, the Nizi family has been wiped out.Shengjiu was disheartened and lived in Tofuku Temple in Kyoto, and didn't want to make any more troubles.

A few days ago, after the important minister of the Nizi family, Xingsheng, the daughter of Miyuki in the mountains, came to visit.Originally, she was a little happy. When she met the old courtiers in a foreign country, she warmly entertained her.

Who knew that Xingsheng Yamanaka was like a dog skin plaster, once it stuck to his hands, he couldn't take it off.Begging her to revive the family business every day, this time even Shiba Yuqian's famous oath was stolen, which is really helpless.

Mao Liyuan is known as a wise general. In recent years, he has completely defeated the two famous families of the Western Kingdom, the Da Nei Family and the Nizi Family, and his power has shaken the Western Kingdom.

Her Nizi's family has been in decline, even if she gathers three or two kittens, what can she do? Could it be that she can deliver food to Mao Li's family?

It is also Mao Liyuan who is good at resourcefulness, and he is good at using vertical and horizontal techniques throughout his life to achieve success through strategy.The Nizi family's defeat was so great that these simple-minded and well-developed Ji warriors couldn't understand, so they wanted to fight again.

If a samurai family like Yiyin who hacked and hacked people won Xiguo, they would probably be safe and sound, and the massacres would be more memorable.

No matter how much Xingsheng in the mountains persuaded him, he would not listen, causing Nizi Shengjiu a headache.I can't be driven away, and I can't listen to what I say. I only hate myself for being too nostalgic. At that time, I should say that I admitted the wrong person.

At this time, Yoshihiro bid farewell to Asai Nagamasa and other Asai family samurai who came to see him off, and took a boat from Lake Biwa to Kyoto on the Seta River.

Although the Liujiao family no longer dared to attack him, he would not go to Nanjinjiang to cross the border of the Liujiao family to return to Beijing.In the event that a strong idiot comes out to make trouble again, the Omi Kingdom will inevitably see another bloodbath.

On the boat, Todo Takatora, who was on the boat for the first time, was as excited as a monkey, jumping up and down without stopping for a moment, making Yoshihiro's head hurt from the fuss.

Some regretted accepting the monkey.Before Fujido left, Fujido Toraka was grateful for Shiba Yoshihiko's kindness, and his daughter was making a fuss, so he simply threw the monkey to Yoshihiro to settle the matter.

Anyway, Fujido couldn't get away with the name of Sibo Ling, and it was hard to accept a daughter as a sidekick to Ma Huiyiyin.

The territory of the Twelve Households of Fujido now bears the name of the royal family, and no one dares to mess with the territory of Shiba Yuqian, Hu Gao is so pleased that he is ready to go home and have a baby.

Not only is she going to have a baby, but her daughter and her subordinates have to go back and work hard to have babies.The anti-justice bank needs to donate a penny a year, and the young and old women don’t have children and keep the food moldy.

(End of this chapter)

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