different warring states of japan

Chapter 1100 The Dormant Hideyoshi

Chapter 1100 The Dormant Hideyoshi

Akechi Mitsuhide is a man with ideals.

But her ideal is to achieve order in the martial arts world.It's not that the Wu family is not counted as a person, and the family background of the descendants and concubines is an important criterion for maintaining the order of the Wu family.

Therefore, Akechi Mitsuhide can denounce Hosokawa Fujitaka and other conservatives who are self-styled and rotten.

On the other hand, she herself regards the middle- and lower-level Ji warriors as tools, let alone ordinary people, and treats them like pigs and dogs.

Order, not equality.Even if there is equality, it is only common among a few people.

In the final analysis, she is just a stubborn defender of the interests of the samurai family.The change she wants, her ideal new world, is to establish a more effective martial arts system.

And in the Noongwei Plain to the east, a new force that breaks through all the old traditions is slowly rising.

A bold and omnipotent warrior Ji is about to step onto the stage of the world.With her will to conquer the world, destroy all the stereotypes and customs that stand in her way.

Akechi Mitsuhide didn't know that the storm from the Oda family would not only destroy the decaying Ashikaga shogunate, but more likely to overthrow the entire samurai world.


Although the Nobi Plain in winter is also cold, it is much better than the bitter cold in the Kanto region.

After receiving the visiting Wada Yoomasa, Oda Nobunaga ordered a council to be held in Gifu City, and Oda's retainers obeyed the order.

Hashiba Hideyoshi, who was far away from the Owari country, received an order to quickly go north across the Kiso River and rush to Gifu City to attend the meeting.

Although she is only Qianshi, she is a representative of civilians established by Oda Nobunaga's internal military reforms.

The Oda family's ashigaru new law made the ashigaru gradually become a rising military force within the Oda family.The emergence of the pawns greatly increased the ashigaru's willingness to fight.

In the original military system of the samurai family, the Ji samurai in the family were the backbone of the grassroots, and the wild samurai villain was hired as a supplementary combat force, and the peasant women were mobilized as farmers and soldiers to transport supplies during wartime.

And ashigaru is a landless commoner who has more children and more children in the countryside.Conscripted by the samurai as a standing or semi-standing, it is usually given a bite to eat, and used as cannon fodder in wartime.

Oda Nobunaga started the separation of peasants and soldiers, raised the status of ashigaru to an unprecedented level, and registered them as pawns.Given a rising channel, one can take on the role of foot light with military exploits.

And the lowest rank of the grass-roots Ji warriors in the army is to serve as ashigaruto.This is a samurai position that can receive rewards and salary.

The proposal of the ashigaru method caused an uproar among the Oda retainers.Ji Wushi and Ashgaru are listed as colleagues, which is a blatant challenge to the privilege of the samurai.

Although only a small hole was poked in the ceiling, it did open up a channel for ascending the ranks, allowing Ashigaru to stand on the same level as the lowest-ranking warrior Hime.

The Oda vassal group dared not speak out, they had nothing to do with Oda Nobunaga.Through the past few years of operation, the strength of Oda Nobunaga has completely overwhelmed the Oda retainer group.

Hashiba Hideyoshi is the civilian representative who was supported by Oda Nobunaga.Although she entered the Kinoshita family and obtained the status of a samurai family, she is not a real commoner.

But this does not prevent Oda Nobunaga from making publicity, raising the expectations of the ashigaru people, and shaping the concept of the pawns in the Oda family.

And Hashiba Hideyoshi also took this opportunity to participate in the revolution in the army.Her influence is far greater than that of ordinary Qianshiditou.

There are pros and cons.

With the appearance of the pawns, the Owari Mino samurai's attitude towards Hashiba Hideyoshi became more and more repulsive, making her very passive.

Pointing to Sumata Castle in the distance, Hashiba Hideyoshi said to Hachisuka Masakatsu who was beside him.

"Beesuke Ji, look at the city we built overnight, but now it has been strengthened so strong."

Sumata Castle was not built overnight, but this did not prevent Hashiba Hideyoshi from boasting a few words.

Hachisuka Masakatsu was also happy to hear that this matter was her proudest work, and she helped her get Oda Nobunaga's reward and inherit the position of Hachisuka's family governor.

"Master Hashiba, you are very polite. It is because of your strategizing and taking the lead that you can achieve the feat of Sumata One Night Castle. I just did some things that were part of my job."

Hashiba Hideyoshi said sincerely.

"No no no, Hachisu Kaji is too modest. Without your help, I would not be able to succeed at all, and I would not be where I am today."

Fengsuhe Zhengsheng was humble on the face, but he was happy in his heart.

Although Hashiba Hideyoshi comes from a humble background, he has a very high emotional intelligence in life, and getting along with her is a very pleasant thing.

That is to say, she is elf enough, flexible enough to bend and stretch, and do whatever she wants.This is the reason why Owari Mino and the samurai families of the two countries are generally hostile to her, and she is still alive and kicking without being beaten to death.

A few words made Hachisuka Masakatsu smile, and Hashiba Hideyoshi looked at the distant Sumata Castle, feeling uneasy.

She was born as a servant of Oda Nobunaga. Back then, she thought of using her chest to help the lord warm her shoes and attracted the attention of Oda Nobunaga. It is extremely difficult to make it all the way to today.

Speaking of it, she can be regarded as Oda Nobunaga's confidant, but she is different from members of the Wild Boys like Niwa Changhide, and she is too low-level to be despised.

After finally entering Zhuomuxia's house and becoming a servant in the village, he has the status of Ji Wushi.It also caught up with Oda Nobunaga's military reforms, and was pulled out as a model, passively offending the entire samurai group.

Although she listened to Takenaka Shigeharu's suggestion, she changed her name to Hashiba.One word is taken from Niwa Chohide, and the other word is taken from Shibata Katsuie, expressing the kindness to these two Oda important ministers, which will never be forgotten.

But in reality, she is still struggling and her life is difficult.

Hachisuka Masakatsu is Yuri sent to her by Oda Nobunaga. She was born in Hachisuka Township, Kaito County. The Hachisuka family is a wealthy family born and raised in Owari.

As the boss, Hashiba Hideyoshi has to spend his time trying to make her happy.The difficulties and obstacles behind this can be seen.

Takenaka Shigeharu on the side looked at the two people in high spirits, pointed at Sumata Castle to recall and empathize with the days when they fought side by side, and a flash of approval for Hashiba Hideyoshi flashed in his eyes.

The Takenaka family is a big family in the Bupo County of Mino Country. Takenaka Shigeharu was once the lord of Bodhi Mountain City, and he is a famous name of Wanshi.

At the beginning, she and Mamoru Ando conspired to capture Inabayama Castle, but failed to resist Isshiki Yoshiryu, and were abandoned by Nishi Minong.

As a last resort, she defected to Oda Nobunaga, but was sent to work under Hashiba Hideyoshi's command.

She, who was a little bit aggrieved at first, was also moved by Hashiba Hideyoshi's sincerity, gradually got used to her situation, and sincerely offered advice to her.

This Lord Yuchai may be due to his bad background, his ability to observe people's feelings and empathy is almost instinctive.In the cold exchange of interests among the samurai families, it was simply a heart-warming stream.

No matter when and where, she can understand the difficulties of others and praise the strengths of others.Even Shibata Katsuie, who disliked her, rarely made it difficult for her, after all, he would not hit the smiling face.

As long as Oda Nobunaga can use Hashiba Hideyoshi, others will even want to kill her.Seeing her breezy way of dealing with the world, she will endure it for a while, and won't embarrass her too much.

But face is face after all, and conflict of interests is the root cause. This day of laughing will not bring future security after all.

The group continued to set off, heading towards Gifu City.On the way, Hashiba Hideyoshi finally couldn't bear the anxiety in his heart, and asked Takenaka Shigeharu respectfully.

"Takenaka Ji, you said that the hall called us to discuss this time, is there another big move going on?"

Hashiba Hideyoshi has always treated Takenaka Shigeharu with courtesy.

She knew very well in her heart that Hachisuka Masakatsu and Takenaka Shigeharu were double insurances assigned to her by Oda Nobunaga, lest she, a humble servant who did not understand the rules of the samurai family, be played to death.

But compared to Hachisuka Masakatsu, Takenaka Shigeharu holds more weight in Hashiba Hideyoshi's heart.

This is not only because Takenaka Shigeharu was born in a higher family and has served as the famous name of Wanshi.It is because of her extraordinary intelligence that she pointed out the future path for Hashiba Hideyoshi.

For more than a year, under Shigeharu Takenaka's suggestion, Hashiba Hideyoshi changed the Miao character to please the two big men Niwa Chohide and Shibata Katsuie, and they are doing well for the time being.

Especially Niwa Nagahide, Hashiba Hideyoshi is originally from the school under her command, and she is considered a branch of her faction, and she is also very tolerant.

Hashiba Hideyoshi followed Takenaka Shigeharu's advice and received her samurai education with a few of his little girls.

Although more than a year is not a long time, they have lived a fulfilling life.Martial art, military strategy and document arithmetic, Takenaka Shigeharu taught all these martial arts knowledge, and the relationship between the two parties was also a teacher and a friend.

But at this time, Hashiba Hideyoshi, who had been in the female for a long time, finally couldn't help it.

She always felt that with the stability of Owari Mino and the smooth advancement of military reforms, Oda Nobunaga had gradually lost her use.

In other words, Hashiba Hideyoshi is almost useless for Oda Nobunaga.

This realization made her terrified, because she knew very well what kind of person her lord, Oda Nobunaga, was.

Utilitarian, realistic.

To those who are useful, Oda Nobunaga can be generous beyond common sense.But for useless people, Oda Nobunaga can also be so cruel that he doesn't care about the world.

Hashiba Hideyoshi was very afraid, whether he would be thrown aside by Oda Nobunaga when he lost his use value.

It doesn't even take Oda Nobunaga to knock her into the dust, just stop paying attention to her, it is enough for those samurai who are full of malice towards her to find a chance to kill her.

Hashiba Hideyoshi's tentative question warmed Takenaka Shigeharu's heart.

For more than a year, because of Takenaka Shigeharu's advice, Hashiba Hideyoshi gave up almost all development opportunities to avoid conflicts with Owari Mino and the two samurai families.

Whether it was annexing the basic territory of the Saito family in Higashi Mino, or sending troops to Kita Ise to grab the territory, Hashiba Hideyoshi did not catch up with a hot bite.

All this is because she implemented Takenaka Shigeharu's strategy of keeping a low profile, which moved Takenaka Shigeharu very much.

Shigeharu Takenaka sometimes couldn't help thinking that if Mamoru Ando could have believed in himself so much, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law would not have collapsed without a fight.

It was because of Hashiba Hideyoshi's obedient trust that the homeless Shigeharu Takenaka made up his mind and was willing to fight for his future with this humble Sengoku.

Takenaka Shigeharu glanced at Hashiba Hideyoshi who was a little embarrassed, and smiled.

"Nature is a great thing.

In the Kyoto incident, Miyoshi went to Luo to rebel against the king and kill the king. The news has spread a lot.

I think that the main hall mobilizes teachers and mobilizes the public to hold a big review, so it must be sure that it will take action against the recent few. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi was puzzled.

“How come you see?”

Takenaka Shigeharu said.

"Think about it, with the temper of the hall, if it weren't for the god-given opportunities that have appeared recently, how could she easily let go of those samurai in Northern Ise, just subdued and attached, and perfunctory."

Hashiba Hideyoshi thought for a moment, then nodded.

"Hime Takenaka is right.

In the Battle of Northern Ise, we had the upper hand.With the character of the main hall, it is inevitable that the Wu family in those places will be eaten alive.

This time, Ken easily let them go and quickly returned to the army to rest, probably for the sake of getting close.

I just don't know if it will be of use to me. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi secretly glanced at Takenaka Shigeharu, and Takenaka Shigeharu wanted to laugh when he saw her expectant look.

"Master Yuchai, don't worry, our chance has come."

Hashiba Hideyoshi's eyes lit up, staring at Takenaka Shigeharu with great joy.

"Takenaka Hime, really?"

Shigeharu Takenaka nodded.

"It's true, your chance has come."

Seeing her being so sure, Hashiba Hideyoshi felt a little unconfident.

"Takenaka Ji, you told me to devote myself to studying before and not to compete with the powerful martial artists at home. How has it changed now?"

Takenaka Shigeharu smiled and explained.

"This time, that time.

If the hall is only called female around Owari Mino and Ryogoku, of course we have to bow ourselves down and introspect and be careful to prevent treacherous people from being framed.

But if it's just to use force in the surrounding area, why did the hall reform the ashigaru system and promote the ashigaru register to be a soldier?
With the size of the samurai families of Owari Mino and the two countries, it is enough to dominate one side, so why create another pawn clan to make the retainers feel uncomfortable. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi nodded thoughtfully, and Takenaka Shigeharu continued.

"The separation of peasants and soldiers of the Oda family, and the footlight law, are not prepared for the neighboring countries. This major military reform is the confidence of the hall to prepare for the world.

All countries keep ashigaru, and most of them use two-and-a-half-chamber spears. Only the Oda family requires the use of three-and-a-half-chamber spears.

Everyone understands the truth that an inch is long and an inch is strong.

But a spear that is too long is not easy to use, it takes a lot of effort and requires a lot of training.Can ashigaru have this patience practice?They just eat together.

Only the ashigaru of the Oda family can be promoted to the ashigaru head by killing the enemy, and have a job salary and a reward, which is analogous to the low-level Ji samurai.Only the ashigaru of the Oda family are willing to train hard and fight the enemy bravely.

Coupled with the iron cannon workshops built by Nichiren sect followers, cheap iron cannons were mass-produced, equipped with ashigaru, and mixed bow and arrow iron cannons.

With long spears and arrows and iron cannons, the Oda family's standing ashigaru is enough to cause a lot of trouble for traditional samurai tactics. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi shook his head and said.

"But the ashigaru is an ashigaru, and he still can't beat the warrior Ji who was trained since childhood."

Takenaka Shigeharu said solemnly.

"Master Hashiba, you are wrong.

First, with the separation of peasants and soldiers, the combat value of peasants and soldiers is completely discarded, leaving only the auxiliary function of transporting supplies.In this way, the Oda family can get rid of the restrictions of busy and slack seasons.

Just think about it, if the Oda family repeatedly sent troops to harass the enemy when they were busy farming.Winter plowing, spring plowing, summer harvest, autumn harvest, fighting against the seasons, how long can an ordinary samurai's territory last? "

(End of this chapter)

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