different warring states of japan

Chapter 1101 Hideyoshi and Lee Family

Chapter 1101 Hideyoshi and Lee Family
Hashiba Hideyoshi gasped.

In an agricultural society, farming is the most important thing.If you don't plant the land, there will be no food, people will go crazy with hunger, and all order will collapse.

If the Oda family's reserve team can get rid of the restrictions of the farming season, even if only part of them are out of the farming season, they can fight against the season.

There is no need to win, as long as the enemy can't farm with peace of mind and the grain harvest plummets, they will soon be undefeated.

This advantage, other warriors can also see clearly, but they can't do it.The prosperity of the Nobi Plain is the prerequisite for Oda Nobunaga to engage in large-scale off-production.

To put it simply, the prerequisite for the separation of peasants and soldiers is that there is enough food.This anti-seasonal strategy is to use one's own food to smash the enemy's food, to see who has more food and can afford it.

Seeing that she understood, Takenaka Shigeharu continued.

"Secondly, there are sixty-six countries in the world, Shigao has [-] million people, and the population is [-] million, but the Wu family has only [-] to one million people.

Excluding husbands and children who cannot fight, there are only three to four hundred thousand warriors in the world who can fight.

If the Oda family can effectively use the ashigaru, they can mobilize a large number of soldiers to go into battle and consume the enemy, and it is worthwhile to exchange three to five for one.

A Ji warrior has to be raised for at least ten years from birth until he is able to fight. They are the backbone of the traditional reserve team and the core force of the Wu family's rule.

But the ashigaru of the Oda family are weeds in the field, one crop after another.It is a fact that Ashgaru can't beat Ji Wushi, but Ji Wushi died, and the family business dissipated.

Who in the world can stop the footsteps of the Oda family?Which family is not afraid of extinction? "

After listening to Takenaka Shigeharu's words, Hashiba Hideyoshi fell into deep thought.After a while, she said.

"What does Zhuzhong Ji mean, the military reform of the hall is aimed at conquering the world?"

A smile flashed in Takenaka Shigeharu's eyes, and by analogy, a child can be taught.

she nodded.

"That's right, the biggest problem of traditional martial arts is that the little rich are safe.

It is not difficult for a capable daimyo to occupy several territories, as long as there is a group of loyal Ji warriors as his team, it is enough to suppress hundreds of thousands of stone territories.

But as the territory expands, the core Wu family group will enjoy the fruits of their victory with peace of mind.Surrendering outlying warriors whose interests are damaged will not be reconciled and will wait for an opportunity to resist.

In the century of wars, heroes everywhere are nothing more than repeating the process of rising, expanding, suppressing, shrinking, and falling.

Because the traditional samurai group has a fatal weakness, it cannot withstand large-scale casualties.Once the core group of retainers suffers heavy casualties, the peripheral warriors will immediately have a different heart.

The faster the pace of expansion, the more battles are fought, the worse the family business will fall. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi pondered.

"Therefore, the main hall uses the separation of peasants and soldiers to improve the fighting spirit of the ashigaru, in order to get rid of the constraints of the traditional samurai group."

Takenaka Shigeharu said with awe in his eyes.

"The hall is indeed a ruthless person, he is ruthless to others, and even more ruthless to himself.

By doing this, she got rid of the shackles of the Wu family group, but it also reduced the importance of the Wu family group.

The retainers may not fail to see the benefits of doing so, but for them, they are even more afraid of losing their privileges and status.

If samurai cannot monopolize military power, how can they be distinguished from civilians, and why should they maintain their privileges and status?
If one day, the pawns can shoulder the burden of war independently.What is the meaning of existence of the privileged class of Wu family?
After the iron cannon appeared, the peasant army finally had the ability to compete with the warriors on the battlefield.Maybe one day, the samurai world will be ended by those peasants with firearms. "

Takenaka Shigeharu's sigh did not resonate with Hashiba Hideyoshi.

Hashiba Hideyoshi came from a humble background, and never had the sense of belonging as a samurai or the honor of Ji samurai.There is only one thought in her mind, and that is to do everything possible to climb up.

Dreaming back at midnight, she would always think of that night, when she huddled in a corner and heard Li Bo Yiyin moaning in the room.

At this time, her fingers would subconsciously touch down, letting herself fly into the sky.

She told herself, I want to climb up, I must climb up.I should be in the room, not out of the room.

Hashiba Hideyoshi doesn't care what the future of the samurai world will be.There was only one thing she cared about, how to climb up, to climb high, to climb onto Shiba Yiyin's bed.

she asked.

"I understand the truth, but why did Takenaka Hime say that my chance has come?"

Takenaka Shigeharu laughed.

"Master Hashiba, the samurai group's problems are the same as those of the Owari Mino and Ryogoku samurai families, and they are quite serious.

Shibata Katsuie-sama took down Dongmino, and they, the heroes of the next Owari, had a good life this year.The Ximei Nong people are very powerful in Northern Yi, and they have also benefited a lot.

The samurai families of Owari Mino and Ryogoku may not be interested in the recent political turmoil.What they care most about is the land, the fertile land around the Noongwei Plain that is easy to attack and occupy.

You said, how far can the main hall take these warriors to fight?She needs visionary, ambitious and like-minded subordinates.

At this time, background is not important, status is not important, ability and ambition are the most important. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi's blood boiled when he heard it, isn't this a tailor-made opportunity for her?She doesn't lack the desire to make progress, but her background is too poor, so she has to bow her head and be a small child, begging for perfection.

Takenaka Shigeharu looked at her and said seriously.

"Master Yu Chai, whether it is a blockbuster or a joke, it depends on this time.

The Owari Mino Samurai look down on you, and you can't really win them over.But these days are different, especially in Omi.

Omi Country is the east gateway of Jinji, and it is the territory that the Oda family must take when entering Jinji.

The samurai here look down on the country bumpkins of the Nobi Plains, and the samurai of Owari Mino and Ryogoku are not polite to them either.

Your future should be in Jinjiang, go there to develop, and win over the down-and-out warriors in Jinjiang.Their arrogance will be tempered by defeat, and they are the retainers who are willing to truly submit to you.

You have to give full play to your strengths, win over people's hearts, and interweave their interests to form your own foundation. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi nodded solemnly.

"Takenaka Hime, I listen to you.

But what should I do to stay in Omi?There are many important ministers under the command of the main hall, and I, with a thousand stones, cannot snatch them. "

Takenaka Shigeharu smiled confidently and said.

"Please rest assured, Master Yu Chai, I will show my worth, let the hall recognize us, and give us a chance."

With tears in his eyes, Hashiba Hideyoshi bowed deeply to Takenaka Shigeharu.

"Then I'll leave everything to you, thank you very much, Takenaka Hime."

Takenaka looked at her, laughed, and bowed deeply in return.

"This is what I should do, and I am also very grateful to you. Thank you for making me feel that I am valuable, and I have the courage to start again.

Thank you very much, Hashiba-sama. "

The two straightened their backs, looked at each other and smiled, everything was said in silence.


Hashiba Hideyoshi was in an embarrassing situation in Owari country, and his life was not rich. This time the group did not ride a horse when they came out.

In order to catch up with the day to participate in the Council, they traveled day and night, and finally arrived at Gifu City two days earlier.

Entering the city just now, Hashiba Hideyoshi immediately took all the girls to meet Oda Nobunaga.

Looking at the castle tower from a distance, I saw two high-ranking samurai talking together outside the vestibule gate, it was Shibata Katsuie and Maeda Toshiie.

Maeda Toshie said with a smile.

"A few days ago, Higeno Hiroshi came to see me."

Shibata Katsuie hummed.

"What? You want to speak for her again?"

Maeda Toshiie shook his head.

"I'm not speaking for her, I'm just stopping her, don't make a fuss in front of the hall because of such a trivial matter.

The main hall is planning for Shangluo these days, so tired that he didn't sleep well for a few days.

If this matter gets involved, she will be tired and upset, and she doesn't know how much she will lose her temper, which will not be good for all of us. "

Shibata Katsuie glanced at Maeda Toshiie and said.

"Are you still saying you won't help her? These defeated generals don't have a sense of consciousness, and the battle has been defeated, so what if you take her more?
Got it, for your sake, this matter is over.I will ask Shengzheng Sakuma to take a look and tell the people below to restrain themselves. "

Maeda Toshiie smiled and bowed slightly, thanking Shibata Katsuie.

Last year, the Oda family took over the Mino country. As the land of East Mino, which is the foundation of Isshiki Yoshiro, was feared by Oda Nobunaga, and handed over to Shibata Katsuya for strategy, and they were all taken down soon.

Hineno Hiroshi, as the representative of the East Mino samurai subduing the Oda family, had a very unhappy life.How could Shibata Katsuya, the heroes from Owari, put the defeated in their eyes?
Grabbing water, seizing fields, requisitioning food, bullying Dongmino's old party to death for no reason, Hineno Hiroshi could only hold down the old party and swallow his anger.

However, Maeda Toshiie was changed by Oda Nobunaga, except for the [-] koku of Owari Shiba's ancestral land, which was exchanged for [-] koku in Kami-gun, Mino Prefecture.

She has always been a kind person, and it is inconvenient for Hineno Hiroshi to go to Oda Nobunaga's seat to complain about everything, so he often finds Maeda Toshiie as an intermediary to communicate with Shibata Katsuie.

Shibata Katsuie is proud, but he is nostalgic and takes great care of the elderly in Owari.Sometimes the Owari Samurai went too far in Dongminong, and she turned a blind eye.

But Maeda Toshiie has an irreversible relationship with her, and the relationship is different.

Maeda Toshiie used to play for Shibata Katsuie's reserve team and was her old subordinate.At the beginning, Shibata Katsuie participated in Oda Nobuyuki's rebellion, and after the defeat, Maeda Toshiie also came forward to intercede for her.

What's more, Maeda Toshiie's identity is Shiba Yoshigin's deputy official in Owari. His status is not low, and he holds more than [-] stones of territory.

Whether in public or private, Shibata Katsuie will give Maeda Toshiie a face.

Whenever the Owari Takeya did too much in Tomino, Hineno Hiroshi would complain to Maeda Toshiie, and Shibata Katsuie would also handle it as appropriate.

Over time, the three parties reached a tacit agreement.Don't make trivial matters in front of Oda Nobunaga, the lord is moody, who knows who will be unlucky if he is dealt with, it is better for everyone to take it easy in private.

The two were talking, when Hashiba Hideyoshi's vigorous surprise sound came from a distance.

"Maeda-sama, Shibata-sama, I am so lucky to meet you two today."

Hashiba Hideyoshi trotted all the way in front of the two of them, bowed and saluted, seemingly happy from the bottom of his heart.

Facing Hashiba Hideyoshi, who was full of smiles, Shibata Katsuie snorted coldly, with a cold and stiff expression.

At the military council that attacked Mino back then, Hashiba Hideyoshi, an unknown soldier, jumped out to fight her, embarrassing her.

What's more, in the end, this little bastard really built a Sumata city, allowing the Oda family to occupy a corner in Nishi Mino, and made great contributions.

Oda Nobunaga's military reforms violated the interests of Shibata Katsuya and other old samurai families.

Hashiba Hideyoshi, a young bird, should have been crushed to death a long time ago, but because of the face of the hall, no one has done it yet.

This little girl is lucky, although the Muxia family of Muxia Village who joined her is just a humble servant, but she is indeed an old man from the village of the four counties of Xiaou Zhang.

In addition, Masakatsu Hachisuka from Hachisuka Township helped to speak, and for the sake of the old samurai family of Shimoowari, Shibata Katsuie no longer cares.

No one can stop Oda Nobunaga from doing what he wants to do.Hashiba Hideyoshi is just a scapegoat, and everyone knows it well.

This little girl can still be a human being. Although Shibata Katsuie felt offended by using firewood characters to make Miao characters, her attitude was indeed low and humble, which made it difficult to find fault.

Shibata Katsuie didn't bother with her. Anyway, there are many samurai who want her life, so why dirty their hands.

Ignoring the enthusiastic Hashiba Hideyoshi, Shibata Katsuya glanced at her with deadly eyes, and left on his own.

Hashiba Hideyoshi is very good at adding drama to himself, he watched her leave with a smile, and said.

"Master Shibata is always so serious, he is really not angry and arrogant, which makes me admire him."

Maeda Toshiie looked at Hashiba Hideyoshi angrily and amusedly, admiring her thick skin.It is exhausting to live so cautiously.

Hashiba Hideyoshi watched Shibata Katsuie leave respectfully, then turned his head and looked at Maeda Toshiie with a bright smile.

Maeda Toshiie hurriedly waved his hand and cursed with a smile.

"Put down your scalp-numbing compliments, I know it's not easy for you, but it doesn't have to be for me."

Hashiba Hideyoshi's eyes showed gratitude.

It's not that she likes to bow her head like this, it's just that the situation forces her to do so.

Most of the high-ranking samurai of the Oda family did not like her, but only Niwa Changhide and Maeda Toshiie took good care of her and showed a little kindness.

While they were talking, Shigeharu Takenaka and others in the distance had already approached and saluted Maeda Toshiya.Maeda Toshiie greeted them with a smile, without the arrogance of a high-ranking samurai.

Takenaka Shigeharu admired this lord very much, but also had a little doubt.

Maeda Toshiya is a special existence in the Oda family.

The Owari Shiba collar is a problem left over from history. Before Shiba Yoshihiro developed in Luoluo, he fought with Oda Nobunaga to help her fight, and preserved this ancestral land and favored territory.

Maeda Toshiie is Shiba's retainer, and Owari Shiba is the deputy official, and his status is not low.

The Owari Shiba collar belonged to the Oda Clan's Gaiyang clan, and Oda Nobunaga mobilized to fight, and Maeda Toshiie followed suit.

Politically, this is a deadlock that is difficult to untangle.The territory of the Shiba family in the Oda family, and the Shibagai clan to which the Oda family belongs, make people confused about the priority of the monarch and his subjects.

But Maeda Toshiie, she insisted on finding a way.

Shiba Yoshigin was considerate of her difficulties and allowed her to act cheaply.

Oda Nobunaga, who can't tolerate sand in his eyes, even tolerates this country within a country, and appreciates Maeda Toshiie.

(End of this chapter)

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