different warring states of japan

Chapter 1102 Networks and Circles

Chapter 1102 Networks and Circles

Maeda Toshiie got along very well in Oda's family and was very popular.Everyone who mentioned her was full of praise.

She is a member of Oda Nobunaga's confidant's wild child group. She grew up with Niwa Nagahide, Ikeda Hengxing and other close officials, and has a close relationship.

He was also born in the Maeda family in Huangzi City, and got along well with the old samurai families of the four counties of Shimoo Zhang.He is also an old subordinate of Shibata Katsuya, the old leader of the samurai family, with full affection.

After the Oda family conquered the Mino country, the Maeda Toshiie made great achievements in the war, and changed to the county of the Mino country, holding a territory of [-] shi.

Unlike those Oda vassals who took credit for their pride, she treated the Mino Samurai family in a friendly and reasonable manner.

Her territory is in the Gujo-gun area, in the Ryohaku Mountains where the Mino Country, Echizen Country, and Hida Country meet, the Hida Mountains, and the village conflicts in the Nobi Plains where they compete for land and water.

Higeno Hiroshi, headed by Higeno Hiroshi, thanked her for upholding justice and was willing to associate with her.

The Ximino Samurai family headed by the three members of the West Mino and the Fupo Mitsuji four have a good relationship with her, and they communicate with each other.

Takenaka Shigeharu really admires this person, who is good at dancing with long sleeves, and manages the relationship inside and outside in a harmonious and harmonious way, but he can't figure it out a little.

What is she trying to do?

What's the point of Shiba's vassals being popular in the Oda family and the Owari Mino samurai family?
Either leave the Shiba family, join Oda Nobunaga's command, and become Oda's retainer to make contributions.

Either work for the Shiba family with peace of mind, find opportunities to return to the center next to Yoshihiko Shiba, get close to the lord, and perform more to improve steadily.

Staying in the marginalized Owari Shiba collar, being a marginal person between the two blurred boundaries, is wasting time and wasting one's own talent.

Maeda Toshiie is such a smart person, he can't fail to see the disadvantages of being in two boats, neither of which can integrate into the core power circle.

Takenaka Shigeharu saluted while thinking about his thoughts.Such a wise and brave martial artist, can he be willing to remain silent for a lifetime?Is there a conspiracy in her heart that no one else has noticed?

Maeda Toshiie took a look at Shigeharu Takenaka, and he had long admired this wise man who was famous in Mino.Her feat of outwitting Inabayama Castle back then is still passed down among the Mino samurai family.

Hashiba Hideyoshi is indeed a capable person, and her greatest ability is to win people's hearts.Even a genius strategist like Takenaka Shigeharu is willing to give advice under her command.

Maeda Toshiie pointed to the castle tower and said to Hashiba Hideyoshi.

"It's getting late, hurry up and go in to pay a visit to the main hall. Shibata-sama and I came out just now, and Niwa-sama is still inside."

Hashiba Hideyoshi was overjoyed and said.

"Miss Niwa is also there. I haven't seen her for some time, and I miss her very much."

Maeda Toshiie smiled and said.

"You just came to Gifu City, haven't you found a place to live yet? You don't need to look for it after you come out of the castle tower, just go to my place and I'll make room for you."

Oda Nobunaga has long promulgated the Samurai Concentration System, hoping that high-ranking Samurai will spend as much time as possible living in the residence city, so as to facilitate control.For this reason, it was rare for her to be generous and give these important ministers a house.

Hashiba Hideyoshi is just a land of thousands of stones, not qualified to receive a favored house in Gifu City.Originally, I planned to go to the castle town to find a house to borrow after meeting Oda Nobunaga.

At this time, she was a little embarrassed when she received an invitation from Maeda Toshiya, and said.

"It's really troublesome for you."

Maeda Toshiie shook his head and said.

"Go in quickly, come out and go to my side earlier. I haven't seen you for a long time, and I want to have a few drinks with you and chat."

After speaking, Maeda Toshiie bid farewell and left.Looking at her back, Hashiba Hideyoshi's eyes showed unfeigned sincerity and emotion.

Takenaka Shigeharu on the side was secretly speechless.

She has always admired Hashiba Hideyoshi for being a man, but she never thought that Master Maeda Toshiie would be even more so.No wonder she was able to get along like a fish in water among the various forces of the Oda family as a foreign minister.

Takenaka Shigeharu thought about it, and felt that he should mention Hashiba Hideyoshi, and stepped forward and said.

"Maeda-sama treats people with sincerity, pays attention to every detail, and his open-mindedness is really rare."

Hashiba Hideyoshi failed to taste the meaningfulness in Takenaka Shigeharu's words, but just nodded and said.

"Maeda-sama is indeed a noble character.

When we followed the main hall, she was Banner, and I was just a servant.But she never repelled and despised me, and always treated me well. "

Takenaka Shigeharu nodded with a smile and said nothing more.Hashiba Hideyoshi has true feelings for Maeda Toshiie, why should he be a villain in vain, speculate on malice, and be careful in the future.

Hashiba Hideyoshi didn't pay attention to Takenaka Shigeharu's worry at all, and said to her with a smile.

"Let's go in quickly, we have to find Maeda-sama's residence later.

I don't know how she will entertain us tonight, whether there are delicious salted fish and pickled radishes, I really look forward to it. "

After finishing speaking, she turned her head and told her younger sister, Hashiba Hidecho, to wait outside with a few relatives, Hashimoto.Their status is too low to enter the castle tower.

Then, Hashiba Hideyoshi took two Yuri, Hachisuka Masakatsu and Takenaka Shigeharu, to meet Oda Nobunaga.


Maeda Toshiie, who walked away, turned his head and glanced at Hashiba Hideyoshi who entered the castle tower.

There is no hate for no reason in the world, let alone love for no reason.She and Niwa Changhide's tolerance for Hashiba Hideyoshi is also out of their own considerations.

In samurai politics, the most important point is not how strong or outstanding your ability is.It's about what connections you have, which circle you belong to, how to maintain contacts, and what you need.

The group culture of the samurai family, the big traps the middle circle, the middle traps the small circles, everyone has their own group, and they must resolutely safeguard the interests of their own group.

There is a saying in the Middle East, I fight with my brother, I fight with my brother with my cousin, and I fight with my brother and cousin with outsiders.

The truth in these words is similar to the martial arts politics.

Hashiba Hideyoshi is indeed humble, but she, Niwa Chohide and Maeda Toshiie share a common circle of overlapping connections.

Although she is not a member of the wild children who grew up with Oda Nobunaga, she was born as a servant of Oda Nobunaga, and she is counted as a close friend.

She was set up as a typical example of common people's counterattack, but she entered Suki Kinoshita's family to obtain the real samurai status, and did things with the Oda Shrine led by Niwa Nagahide, so she was regarded as a member of the Shoutout.

The most important thing is that Hashiba Hideyoshi's predicament today is the need for Oda Nobunaga's military reform, and he single-handedly pushed her to the front of the stage as a target.

Niwa Nagahide and Maeda Toshiie, who have been following Oda Nobunaga's footsteps, of course they have to show kindness to Hashiba Hideyoshi.

In fact, it is to show Oda Nobunaga that when there is a conflict between Oda Nobunaga and the Oda Retainers, he will firmly stand on Oda Nobunaga's side with absolute loyalty.

Therefore, Niwa Chohide and Maeda Toshiie's concern for Hashiba Hideyoshi is not simply to appreciate her, but out of comprehensive consideration.

Consider the thoughts of the members of the wild children, consider the senses of the Oda Magi, and consider the reaction of Oda Nobunaga.

Hashiba Hideyoshi and the two of them have too many overlapping contacts and circles, even for the stability and development of their own group, their attitude must be friendly.

Of course, Hashiba Hideyoshi's own abilities are also affirmed by the two, but the complexity of the samurai politics does not change with personal emotions.

Knowing how to judge the situation is the politically mature martial arts leader.


Hashiba Hideyoshi walked into the castle tower, took a deep breath, and adjusted his state.

Every time she meets Oda Nobunaga, she will use her fullest energy to face this terrifying lord and win her favor.

Yes, terrible lord.

A word from Oda Nobunaga can lift her up to the clouds, but it can also push her into the abyss.She is Hashiba Hideyoshi's god, an omnipotent deity.

Did Hashiba Hideyoshi really not understand Takenaka Shigeharu's warning?Hashiba Hideyoshi really can't figure out the deep meaning behind the kindness of Niwa Chohide and Maeda Toshiie?

She knows everything, so what can she change?It's better not to understand, and concentrate on being a vigorous and striving Hashiba Hideyoshi.

Her background is humble, and she cannot make a single mistake, miss an opportunity, or suffer a failure. She must have a 100% winning rate.

All kinds of tests, ninety-nine successes, as long as she fails once, she will lose all her chips.

With a warm smile on his face, Hashiba Hideyoshi walked into the meeting room where Oda Nobunaga was.

Don't hesitate anymore, don't retreat even if there is trauma.She will always win, win, never, never lose.


In the chamber, Oda Nobunaga walked back and forth excitedly.A pair of jade rabbits on her chest fluctuated up and down, almost jumping out, almost unable to contain the majestic ambition in her heart.

She was so excited that she didn't expect it to go so smoothly.Originally, he just sent Niwa Changhide to try his luck a few times, but he got a big trump card.

Oda Nobunaga didn't care what Ashikaga Yoshiaki was.Even if she is a pig, she has the confidence to help her to the throne of General Ashikaga.

Wada Yoshitaka represents Ashikaga Yoshiki's old party, and Hosokawa Fujitaka represents Hosokawa Mibuchi's two local powerful factions of the shogunate. Their attitudes are the most important.

With their invitation, the Oda family's road to Luo was completely opened.With the support of several local forces, Oda Nobunaga is not afraid of encountering the dilemma of Miyoshi's family in Kyoto at this time.

She turned back and forth on the main seat, releasing the unbearable excitement in her heart, and couldn't help praising Niwa Chohide who was sitting there.

"Good job, Mi Wuniang! It's really great! I want to reward you greatly!"

Seeing Oda Nobunaga jumping up and down happily like a child, Niwa Changhide has long been used to her unrestrained behavior after following the lord for many years.

she said calmly.

"Main hall, it's not time to be happy yet.

The two parties have reached an agreement, Mr. Yoshiaki Wada has already gone back, and asked His Royal Highness Ashikaga Yoshiaki to move to Kita Omi Asai's house for a temporary stay, waiting for our army to go to Luo.

But the route to Luoluo has not been determined yet, and the time to go to Luoluo must be carefully weighed and calculated before Shiba Kenshin returns.

And when we go to Luo, do martial artists from the surrounding countries need to take precautions?You had to guard against the story of Yoshimoto Imakawa back then. "

Oda Nobunaga stopped, sat back in the main seat, opened the kimono, revealing a large white chest, and fanned the wind with a paper fan.

Because of the flushed chest from the excitement, the heat caused by her hurried back and forth, and a lot of sweat dripped down the curve, making her feel so uncomfortable that she wanted to take off her clothes.

While opening his kimono to cool his chest, Oda Nobunaga said while thinking.

"Before coming to Gifu Castle, Wada Yuomasa had already contacted Asai Nagamasa, right?
My younger siblings, I wish the Liujiao family would disappear from this world completely.I went to Luojingdu to help her shovel Nanjinjiang, and of course she was willing to send troops together.

Time, of course, the sooner the better.Yoshihiro Shiba, ha, I won't give him a chance, I'll definitely get ahead of him!
After you have worked hard, go to Kita Omi and talk about the life of Shangluo with Nagamasa Asai.The sooner the time is set, the better, don't wait for the slack after spring plowing.

If she has problems with logistics and supplies, I will solve them.As long as she is willing to cooperate, all the money and food will be handed over to me. My mother has plenty of food!
As long as Beijinjiang can mobilize farmers and soldiers to support the logistics line, I will make up for all the food gaps caused. "

If Oda Nobunaga wants to finish Shangluo before Shiba Yoshiyin returns, he must catch Minami Omi Rokkaku's family by surprise.

After the spring plowing, the troops were dispatched during the slack season, and the Liujiao family could mobilize a large number of farmers and soldiers to defend to the death, so the war would inevitably be protracted.

But Oda Nobunaga's reform of the military is to fight against the season.Sending out troops before spring plowing directly disrupts the rhythm of traditional martial arts combat.

The Oda family sits on the Noo Plain of Owari Mino Ryogoku, with a stone height of [-] million shi.Oda Nobunaga beat down the Kita Ise samurai just now, asking them to surrender and offer sacrifices, and they had plenty of money and food.

Fighting a war is nothing more than fighting logistics, fighting for money and food.In the troubled times for a hundred years, it has been the core area of ​​war in recent years, and its power has withered.

The territory here is exhausted, and the warriors are scattered.With the cooperation of the local leading party, the Oda family can completely crush them with strength.

Niwa Chohide followed the master's train of thought and asked.

"Then we never break through and attack?"

Oda Nobunaga nodded.

"The army left Sekigahara, entered North Omi, and joined forces with Asai's family to march into South Omi.

I will write a letter to Liujiao's family, asking her family to cooperate with the volunteer soldiers to go to Luo, open the city to clear the warehouse, and make way for the road, and there must be no violation.

If not, Shangluo Yibing will regard the Liujiao family as the accomplice of the Sanhao family, and let Liujiao Yizhi carefully weigh it so that he can do it for himself. "

Niwa Nagahide shook his head and was speechless, Oda Nobunaga was murdering, and it was obvious that he wanted to force Rokkaku Yoshiharu to jump over the wall.

Kaicheng cleared the warehouse, gave way to the road, and then the Oda family and the Asai family came to occupy the magpie's nest. After Nanjinjiang, there is still a place for the Liujiao family?
Oda Nobunaga continued.

"The south side can't be idle either, I'll let the Nishimeno people supervise the Kita Ise samurai family, and send troops to pass through the Suzuka pass.

Didn't Kobe Gusheng and Guan Xinsheng say that the eight counties of Kita Ise really surrendered to me and were loyal to me?
OK, I'll give them a chance to prove themselves.Let them turn their guns and beat their old master, the Liujiao family.

Let the West Mino people watch them, and prevent the intervention of the Iga country Sibo leader at Suzuka Pass.To harass the Koga County of Nan Omi to the north, thinking that it is a partial division, echoing our army, and attacking the Liujiao family of Nan Omi. "

(End of this chapter)

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