different warring states of japan

Chapter 1109 Accidentally exposed

Chapter 1109 Accidentally exposed

Yi Yin said.

"Hime Yamanaka, I agreed to send troops to Shangluo. But the situation in Kanto is unclear, and the leaders of the Yutai people group can't all leave, so we have to be on guard.

You go and tell Kadi Jinggang and Honjo Shigeru, and I will give them their rewards.However, they have to stay in the Kanto, and the Ji Warriors who sent troops to Shangluo will be handed over to you to command. "

Yamanaka Yukimori listened to Yoshinori's emphasis that Jiaji Jinggang and Honjo Shigetsu were not allowed to participate in Shangluo, and the Shangluoji warrior group composed of Xiayue people was all handed over to Yamanaka Yukimori himself.

Still a little unresponsive, she stared at Yiyin in a daze.Yiyin sighed and had to explain patiently.

"Yamanaka Hime, it is indeed not wrong for you to be kind to the two of them in exchange for their support.

But when you give benefits, you also have to find ways to limit them and divide them.You can't let them get so much that you lose your grip on them. "

Yoshigin is holding hands, teaching Yamanaka Yukimori to be a superior person.

Wu family is cunning, you are more cunning than them.Wu family bastards, you have to be more bastards than them, or you won't be able to restrain them.

Yukimori Yamanaka thought for a moment and said.

"I understand what Odaisho means.

When I untied them, I had to find a way to wrap a new chain around them, so that they would not be able to control them, or even get down and bite themselves back. "

Yiyin nodded.


Don't they want the territory of Xiayue, the business route of Xiayue?to them.

However, the Ji Warriors in Shangluo must be out of their control and controlled by you.

The root of the power of the samurai family is violence, and it is the warrior Ji.As long as you can grasp Jiadi, the Ji warriors of the two families of this village will form a force close to you in the two families.

Even if the two of them are the governor of the family, they will be constrained by the warrior Ji who is close to you at home, and they will also be restricted by you. "

Yamanaka Yukimori nodded, thinking.

"Benefits are given, and conditions are also put forward to divide their forces.

However, the samurai family focuses on family business.Even if I take their two Ji warriors to Luoyang and return to their homeland in the future, how can I guarantee that they will be obedient? "

Yi Yin smiled and said.

"Because Kanto is poor.

The mountain people in the Jiaxin mountain area are extremely poor, and the Ouyu permafrost is difficult to develop.

Guan Bazhou is known as a land of millions of stones, but in the past hundred years, there have been endless wars, water conservancy facilities have been seriously damaged, and the local people are unbearable to squeeze and flee famine and disperse.

Especially the middle and lower reaches of the Tone River, Ueno, Shimono, Musashi, and the core area of ​​Guan Yashu in Shikoku.

This time I went south, I checked carefully, and there was obviously fertile soil for thousands of miles, but because of the flooding of the Tone River, frequent floods, there was no land for farming.

Although the Echigo country is rich in products, it also suffers from snowstorms every year, and farming is hard work.In the name of being rich, it is actually bitter and cold.

Kanto is poor, far less prosperous than Kansai.How much food can Jiadi Jinggang and Honjo Shigetsu roll in the small quagmire of Xiayue? "

Yiyin glanced at Xingsheng Yamanaka, shook his head, and felt that this little girl was lucky.She has her own protection on the top, and recently there is a sister-in-law who saves the family property for her.

He continued.

"You are loyal and loyal, and the Ji warrior group will accompany me back to recent days. Will I let you suffer? And Nizi Shengjiu, she manages the internal affairs of the recent Siberia and manages financial logistics. Can I treat you badly?

Jia Di, the Ji warriors of the two villages, when they arrive, are you afraid that there will be no benefit to bribe them?
What kind of world have these poor low-level Ji warriors seen?If you loosen your hand, it is enough for them to be grateful for a lifetime.

Remember, you have to be the one who divides the meat.

You must firmly grasp the meat-distributing knife, and let the people below know that you have the ability to get the meat and have the power to decide who to distribute it to, so that they will follow your pace.

Jiadi, who will the Ji warriors of the two villages listen to in the future?Of course, whoever gives the most should listen to him.

In addition to the scenery gang, the village is prosperous, and they can only obediently stay under your command.Because what you have now, they will not be able to get it out after ten lifetimes of hard work. "

Yoshigin finally patted Yamanaka Yukimori and said to her with a smile.

"Remember, you have the right to decide whether to give or not to give your things. If your dog is willing to wag his tail, he will get an extra piece. If he dares to show his teeth, he will chop up and eat the meat.

With me here, with Nizi Shengjiu here, all these loach rolling in the small quagmire are not qualified to challenge you and disobey you.

Don't think about giving them any benefits, you have to be stronger.They should be begging you, begging you to get them out of that little quagmire with no future. "

Yamanaka Yukimori nodded thoughtfully.Looking at Yiyin's confident smile, she couldn't help asking.

"What about me? Why should I have all this?"

Yiyin patted her head, leaned into her ear, and said softly.

"Because I like you, and I'd love to give it to you, my little fool."

Then Yoshigin was hugged tightly by Yamanaka Yukimori.Her sudden movement startled Yiyin.

Yamanaka Yukimori hugged his beloved lord boldly, blushing and said in his ear.

"Yamanaka Yukimori loves Shiba Yoshigin, loves him so much that he is willing to die for him, even if his body is smashed to pieces, he will have no regrets."

Yiyin patted her on the back helplessly and repeated.

"Little fool."

He wanted to break free from Yamanaka Yukimori's embrace, but found her hugging him even tighter.

Yamanaka Yukimori raised his head, summoned up his courage, looked into Yoshigin's eyes and said.

"I know I'm stupid, bad, bad, but I won't give you up to anyone, not even to death!"

Yiyin looked at her in astonishment, her eyes glistening with tears.Yiyin had no choice but to rest his head on her shoulder, hugged her too, and said in a low voice.

"What a little fool."

The two snuggled together, silent for a long time.


When Yamanaka Yukimori opened the sliding door and walked out of the room, his eyes were still red.

Although she tried her best to cover it up, the red and swollen eyes from crying could not subside in a short while.

Kamo Shigo bowed to her, Yamanaka Yukimori bowed slightly and returned a half salute, saying something in a low voice.

"Take care of your lord."


After finishing speaking, Yamanaka Yukimori walked out quickly as if running away.

She was really afraid that Kamo Shigo raised her head and saw her red and swollen eyes, which would have some bad associations and tarnish the lord's name.

All the crimes are my Yamanaka Yukimori's fault, it has nothing to do with the lord, it's my fault again and again.If heaven is going to punish heaven and punish heaven, please give it all to me, and don't harm my lord.

She walked in the snow, but her mind was warm and joyful.She could feel the lord's sincere affection for her.

Although this is arrogance and blasphemy, she is addicted to it and cannot extricate herself.Tonight, she will miss the lord in her dreams and help herself pull out again.

It's all the fault of Gamo's Township, why is she blocking the door, it's really inconvenient.


Gamo Clan looked at Xingsheng in the mountains in the distance, with complicated eyes, then turned his head to look inside the house.

Shiba Yoshigin did not close his eyes to rest this time, but was looking at the bonfire, wondering what was on his mind.

Gamo Shixiang walked into the room, turned around and closed the sliding door.

Yiyin didn't even lift his eyelids, and said lightly.

"Shixiang, give me a glass of water."

Although this body is young and strong enough to complete ten times a night.But the scene just now was too exciting, just two times made Yiyin a little tired, and he felt dry mouth.

Gamo Shigo let out a cheer, and went to the campfire, and took out a bowl of hot water from the iron pot hanging on the campfire.Then he took a little cold water from the jug standing beside him and poured it in.

Putting warm water in front of Yiyin with both hands, looking at the tired face of the lord, he saw him drink it slowly.Gamo Shigo couldn't control his emotions anymore, he lowered his head and lay down on the tatami.

Yiyin drank a couple of sips, and wanted to return the water bowl to Gamo Shixiang, but found that her shoulders were shaking, and she was lying on the ground crying faintly.

He froze for a moment and asked.

"what happened?"

Gamo Shigo raised his head, tears still overflowing from his eyes.She wiped and wiped, but couldn't stop.

"I'm terribly sorry, I just feel bad for the imperial platform. You sacrificed too much for the Shiba family business."

Yiyin's heart felt cold, he put the water bowl beside him, and said in a deep voice.

"you saw it?"

Pusheng's hometown kowtowed to the ground and said.

"I'm very sorry, I didn't mean to spy on the discussion between the lord and the important ministers. It's just that the paper window was damaged in the corner outside the sliding door, and I accidentally peeped into the house."

Yiyin was startled for a moment, as he often walked by the river, his shoes would get wet.

In the past, he hung out fiercely with Yukimori Yamanaka and Katsushima Shima, and they always got away with it.But the more times you do it, the more you won't be able to hide it from others.Especially Gamo Clan Township, the head of the guards who are the head of the concentric group.

Seeing Yoshihiro's complexion suddenly changed in Pu Sheng's Township, and the sadness flowed upstream like a river, turning into tears and blurring his eyes.

As early as the beginning, when Yamanaka Yukimori and Shimakatsu faced each other fiercely in the snow, and the lord ran barefoot to stop him, she had already seen the clue.

However, seeing is believing and hearing is believing.

Without seeing the scandal between the lord and these two important ministers with his own eyes, Gamo's hometown is absolutely not sure.The holy and innocent lord in my heart will be defiled by others, not just one person.

Gamo Shixiang didn't know why she was crying, the most she should do at this time was to pretend she didn't know.

As the head of the lord's personal guards, the confidant among the confidantes.There are some things she should know, and some things she shouldn't know.When you encounter something you shouldn't know, you should pretend not to know.

But she just couldn't control her emotions.

For more than two years, she has been by Yiyin's side day and night, from her surname to the head of the personal guard, bathed in Yiyin's peerless splendor.

Her feelings for Yiyin are clearest in her own heart.She knew she shouldn't, she knew she wasn't worthy, as long as she could be by the Lord's side, she was content.

Lost the imperial flag, let the Hojo clan government force the lord to step down at the Hachimangu Shrine, the Gamo clan at that time really wanted to die.She would rather die than see the Lord being embarrassed because of herself.

But Sibo Yiyin stopped her, preferring to pay a heavy price to save her life.

At that moment, Gamo Clan Township was really happy, so happy that he even forgot the scene where the lord and those important ministers were faintly alike.

But today, she witnessed it all with her own eyes.A young girl in love, blowing the mountain wind outside the house, her heart is colder and more desperate than the mountain wind.

She told herself, I have to be patient.In the end, he wept uncontrollably in front of the lord.

Yi Yin, who is on the opposite side, doesn't know the mental journey of Gamo's hometown.At this moment, there is only one thought in his mind.

It's broken, the human design is broken.

Yiyin squeaked, wanted to explain something, he said.

"Actually...I'm not...this matter...not..."

He himself didn't know what he was talking about, Gamo Shigo said angrily.

"General Yili, what a pair of loyal samurai who put righteousness first. One is tough, the other is soft. It is a perfect match for both hard and soft! Pooh!"


Yiyin's face froze on the spot.

Isn't that right?The situation in the room just now should be that you are cheating, I am cheating, who is more cheating than the other.

Why did Gamo Clan look indignant, only targeting Shimao Katsuo and Yamanaka Yukimori.Was she referring to Sang scolding Huai, or did she really not see it?or. .

Yiyin opened the system interface silently, looking at the special effects of life, how could he forget the bastard of the system.

Life is not a crime, the grass man is equal to the wormwood.So, the truth in Gamo's eyes is that Yoshihiro was raped by Shimakatsu and soft by Yamanaka Yukimori?
Keeping the Yi Yin set up by the human being, he slowly lay back on his cushion, slowly picked up the water beside him and drank it.

He stopped panicking.

"Shixiang, am I cheap?"

Seeing Yiyin's words, Pu Sheng's township felt nervous, and hurriedly explained.

"My lord, I don't mean to look down on you, but I just think your sacrifice is too great."

Yiyin made a tentative sentence, but Gamo Shixiang panicked.He confirmed in his heart that he was even more certain that he would not commit special effects crimes in his life.

Although I kill and set fire to play with women, I am still a good boy, and men with special effects really like to be presumptuous.

Yiyin looked at the bonfire beside him and began to show off his acting skills.There was no joy or worry on his face, and his heart was ashamed.

"I know, I'm stupid.

What you saw is not wrong, I have been using my body to win over important officials in my family. "

Seeing his calm face, Gamo Shixiang became even more panicked, thinking that his reckless words and deeds had hurt the lord's self-esteem as a man.

She raised her right hand and swore to the sky.

"My lord calm down.

God of Hachiman, if I have the slightest heart to be a lowly lord in my hometown of Gamo.I will be killed by thousands of arrows, and I will never be reborn. "

Yiyin straightened up, covered her mouth, and cursed.

"What nonsense are you talking about, there is a god standing three feet up! The Royal White Flag is on your body, how dare you talk so nonsense!"

Gamo Shixiang was covered by Yiyin, but his eyes seemed to be able to speak, and he looked at him without blinking.

Yiyin sighed, let go of his hands and sat back, laughing at himself.

"Don't blame Katsumojima and Yukimori Yamanaka, I seduced them.

You know, your lord, if you really want to seduce someone, who can resist it. "

Seeing Yiyin's broken appearance, Pusheng Shixiang didn't dare to talk anymore, lest he say something wrong and make the lord even more sad.

Yiyin stroked his hair and said lightly.

"The Spozong family has been in decline for many years, and was once slaughtered.

Except for the two little girls from the Takada family who can't fight, I don't even have a Ji warrior who knows everything.

Fortunately, he was pretty handsome, and he was also a bargaining chip.

Are you right, Shixiang? "

Gamo Shixiang bowed her head deeply, she wished she could beat herself to death now.Why uncover the scars of the lord and sprinkle salt on his wounds.

me bastard!
(End of this chapter)

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