different warring states of japan

Chapter 1110 Looking to Shu from Long

Chapter 1110 Looking to Shu from Long
Pu Sheng's Township was so sad that she wanted to plug her ears and didn't want to listen anymore, but Yi Yin was determined to let her know.

His dignified appearance and silvery heart, Yutaisuo, always wants to have sex with people.

Gamo's Township is his concentric group of writers, and she arranges travel and guards.With her help in covering up, it is possible to hide her scandal deeper.Unlike this time, it was easily broken by someone.

Moreover, for her, Yiyin is more at ease.

Gamo's hometown is from his own surname, and he is also a black hat relative who personally wears Yuanfu. The relationship is a direct line that can't be closer.

This time, he pretended to be a ghost and performed a miracle in Tsuruoka Hachimangu, which was also for the sake of exonerating her.

When Yiyin saw the expression on Gamo's village accepting Yubaiqi, he knew that the heart of this warrior Ji had been conquered by him.

Since Jian Qing was broken by her, she might as well play a holy man who sacrificed everything for his family business.Wouldn't it be nice to have sex inside while she watched the wind and warned the outside?
In order to have this extra insurance, Yiyin is also determined to perform this tragic scene well.

Yiyin looked at Gamo's Township with firm eyes and said.

"Shixiang, I used to have nothing but this skin.

In order to avenge the extermination of the family, I slept with the governor of the Oda family in exchange for reinforcements.In order to win Samurai Hime to serve the Shiba family, I have never spared my body.

I'm not an inviolable god in your heart, I'm just a helpless young man who doesn't have much advantage in his hands to win over the Wu family.

I'm not even as comfortable as you. I bear the fate of the Shiba family on my shoulders, and I have to sleep with one eye open. "

Gamo's lacrimal glands that had dried up just now began to secrete new teardrops, streaming down, she choked up.

"Odaisho, you don't need to explain to me, you don't need to wrong yourself anymore.

You are already the most honorable man in the world, you can live the life you want. "

Yiyin shook his head and sighed.

"Noble? The Shibazong family is the third leader of the shogunate, and the Ashikaga general is the lord of the world.

But now?The Shibazong family was exterminated, and the general died.

Clan Township, there is no innate dignity in this world, with great power comes great responsibility.If those in power cannot shoulder this responsibility, their fate is self-evident. "

Gently stroking Gamo Ujigo's face, Yoshigin's tears also began to flow from his eyes, he continued.

"I have no choice, Shixiang.

do you know?I couldn't sleep all night and all night, I was so afraid that when I woke up in the morning, the Sibo family fell into ruin again, and the family business withered.

No one is more aware of the weakness of the Shiba family than me. I lack genealogical retainers, and I am not a daughter.Everything I have now is like a mirror, and it will disappear without a trace at any time.

The only thing I can do is to do everything possible to strengthen the family business and solidify the foundation.My skin and flesh are not important, I can be despised by future generations and called a prodigal.

But the Shiba family cannot perish! "

Gamo Shigo felt that her heart was going to be broken. All along, she knew that it was not easy for the lord.But she really didn't know how much he had sacrificed in order to support the family business.

Sleeping with other daimyos, sleeping with his important ministers, as long as he can stabilize the family business, he is willing to do anything.

Fighting wars, governing, going to bed, the Shiba family can miraculously revive, it is Shiba Yoshigin who is behind the scenes, silently watering it with his own blood and tears.

Gamo Shixiang could no longer suppress her feelings, she rushed up to hug Yiyin, crying bitterly.

"Please, please stop talking! It's my fault, I'm an asshole, I'm the one who tore your wounds open.

Please don't torture yourself like this again, I will listen to you.As long as you can be happy, I will listen to you. "

Being held in her arms, Yiyin secretly said ashamed.Is my path of pathos a bit too much, it infected Xiao Nizi so badly that she snotted her nose and burst into tears.

Yiyin broke free, touched her little head, and said.

"I am not bitter, this is my life, this is my choice.

I'm just worried that you look down on me, oppose me, and stop me.But there are some things I have to do. "

Gamo Shixiang shook his head and said firmly.

"Odaisho, no matter what you want to do, I will listen to you.

Even if later history books criticize you in every possible way, please bear my name.The Eagle Dog of Sibo Yoshiin, Gamo's Township. "

Looking at the resolute Gamo clan, Yiyin couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and he's done.

He took out a square handkerchief, and wiped away the tears on the face of this loyal Ji warrior in pity.

There is a girl in the Wu family who has just grown up. Although the Gamo clan is young, she is a powerful and ruthless character, and she is Yiyin's trustworthy person.

At this time, she bowed her head shyly, letting Yiyin wipe away her tears.Yi Yin is proud of himself, this is done.

The two stabilized their emotions and cleaned up their appearance.After this incident, the two hearts seem to be much closer, at least Gamo Shigo thinks so.

In her eyes, the lord at this moment is no longer a sacred and inviolable heavenly being, but a beautiful young man who is within reach and cherished.

She couldn't help it, and stretched out her hand again, touching the skin on Yiyin's face.

Yiyin froze for a moment, he didn't expect her to be so brave.So he smiled slightly, took her hand, and pressed it on his vulnerable side face.

The two looked at each other, and gradually approached, their breath was already hitting each other's face, and their lips almost touched one place.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside, which made Kamo Shigo jump up from the tatami in fright.


"It's me, Naomasa Ii."

Yiyin let out a sigh of relief, today's scene really tested his heart, he said.

"come in."

Naomasa Ii opened the door, and respectfully saluted the two people in the room, completely unaware that he had unintentionally ruined a good event in Gamo's hometown.

"Master Gamo, it's time for the changing of the guard.

You asked me to take over at this time and serve the lord, so please go to check the sentry post. "

Gamo Shixiang nodded, and looked back at the lord reluctantly.

The atmosphere was just right, but unfortunately it was interrupted.In the end, without this blessing, she also lost the courage to be impulsive again.

Gamo Clan bowed deeply and said.

"Odaisho, I will take my leave first."

Yi Yin nodded.

"Go, the future will be long."

Kamo Shigo raised her head in surprise, and Yoshihiro smiled and nodded at her.

Ii Naomasa was a little confused when he heard the two of them playing dumb, looking left and right.

Gamo Shigo restrained the joy in his heart, patted her on the shoulder, and said in a deep voice.

"Serve your lord well."


After Kamo Shigo left, Ii Naomasa closed the door and looked back at the lord, Shiba Yoshigin said to her.

"I'm a little thirsty."

He relaxed and retracted on the pillow, comfortable.Solved, perfect.

I'm a bit full today, so there's no need to do it all in one step.When the sky comes down and you are in the mood, give this little girl from Gamo's Township a chance to get close to herself.

While Ii Naomasa was busy pouring water, there was another knock on the door.

"who is it?"

"Your servant, Nobushige Sanada, please refer to the Imperial Office."

Yiyin frowned, come back?What's going on today, if you come here in a hurry, you can make a mahjong table.

He nodded to Ii Naomasa and asked her to open the door.

The sliding door opened, and Nobushige Sanada rushed in, bowing with a hippie smile.

"See the Imperial Palace, the wind in this mountain is really cold."

Yiyin couldn't help rolling his eyes.

No matter how cold it is, can it be colder than the Jiaxin mountain area where you ran and grew up all over the mountains?You, a lively wild monkey in the mountains, are afraid of this little mountain wind?
He didn't care about this guy's jokes, and said to Ii Naomasa who just wanted to go out.

"Iihime, it's cold outside, you should stay indoors."

Ii Naomasa glanced at Nobushige Sanada and hesitated.

"The lord is talking to the important ministers, I am not suitable here, am I?"

Yi Yin shook his head and said.

"You're still young, and it's cold and windy outside, so stay here."

Yoshihiro thought about what kind of secrets Sanada Nobushige, a wild monkey, could have. He was full today, and he was not interested in flirting with Sanada Nobushige anymore.

Nobushige Sanada was a little disappointed, it would be great if he could take advantage of the lord who is lonely and widowed.It's a pity that the lord is chaste and doesn't give her a chance to profit.

Naomasa Ii looked at her in embarrassment, even if Nobushige Sanada didn't want to be magnanimous, he had to pretend to be magnanimous, and smiled frankly.

"It's windy outside, Iihime should stay indoors.

I, Nobushige Sanada, do things aboveboard, and it doesn't matter if you are listening.I believe in Jing Yiji's integrity, and her tone must be kept tight. "

Yiyin glanced at her.

Deliberately emphasizing aboveboard, this wild monkey doesn't really have any conspiracy, does it?In order to cover it up, he added a word of ethics, which was deliberately blocking Ii Naomasa's mouth.

Ii Naomasa felt harsh and frowned slightly.

Although she is young, she is extremely intelligent and experienced, and she is also a warrior Ji who has seen big scenes.Nobushige Sanada's one sentence ran over him, and he answered lukewarmly.

"Please rest assured, Sanada-sama, I am the lord's personal guard, so I naturally know what to say and what not to say."

Sanada Nobushige was choked back by her words, touched his nose helplessly, and secretly glanced at the lord.Jian Yiyin looked at him with a half smile but not a smile, and laughed dryly again.

Yiyin was convinced in his heart that this wild monkey must have some shady business, and wanted to come and confess to him.

He also didn't want to embarrass the newly promoted official of the Guandong Chamber of Commerce, so he made a relief.

"There is something to talk about, the military merit review will start soon, you girl didn't wait to show off your great achievements that day, sneaked to see me in advance.

Why? "

Sanada Nobushige said with a smile.

"Odaisho is wise, there is indeed a small matter that I would like to obtain your permission.

Xiao Ban Xinzhen, have you heard of this person? "

Yiyin thought for a moment and asked.

"The former governor of Xiaofan's family in Guofeng City?"

Sanada Nobushige hid the smile on his face and said seriously.

"It is this person.

You know that the Sanada family used to follow the Unino family, and they fled to the Ueno country after the defeat. My grandmother Yukitaka Sanada and Nobata Nobusada were good friends.

Kobata Nobusada is confused, and among the people of Nishi Ueno, he has always maintained a position of being close to the Hojo family.

After Sano led the battle, Mr. Nagano Yezheng raided Guofeng City, and quickly expelled Xiaoban Nobusada with Xiaoban Jingding as his internal response. "

Yi Yin nodded.

The land of West Ueno is very important, and he has some understanding of the national forces there.

The Nagano family of Minowa Castle and the Kohata family of Kunimine City are two powerful families in West Ueno, belonging to the north and south.

Sano led the battle, and the Hojo family was defeated.Kobata Nobusada was on the wrong team, so of course she had to step down.

It's just that Nagano Yezheng's methods are so powerful that he replaced the eldest daughter-in-law Kobata Nobusada with the second daughter-in-law of Kobata's family, Kobata Kagesada, ensuring the internal stability of the Nishi Ueno Kingdom.

This light-handed thunder method made both Shiba Yoshigin and Uesugi Terotora look sideways.

Yoshigin looked at Nobushige Sanada and asked.

"According to what you said, after Kobata Nobusada was exiled, went to your grandmother?"

Sanada Nobushige bowed and said.

"Hey! Kobata Nobusada was desperate, so I went to Dongshin Sanada to ask my grandmother for advice.

Seeing that she really felt remorseful, my grandmother wrote her a letter asking her to come to Azuma County to find me and introduce her to the Kanto Office. "

Yoshigin's pupils shrank, and he narrowed his eyes to look at Nobushige Sanada.

Sanada Nobushige said sincerely.

"This time, I have the audacity to come to see the imperial platform to intercede for Xiaoban Nobuzhen.

She was really confused before, and she was bewitched by the Hojo family, and she had doubts about the Imperial Palace and His Highness Uesugi.But at this time, she had learned her lesson and lost her home.

When the Sanada family lived in a foreign land, Nobusada Kobata expressed his kindness.My grandmother couldn't bear to see her end like this, so she left the matter to me.

There is a cloud in the sky, and the prodigal girl will not be exchanged for gold when she turns around.Please be merciful and give her a chance to start a new life. "

Yoshihiro watched Sanada Nobushige's impassioned speech carefully, thinking to himself.

When did this wild monkey become so cheeky?The acting skills in this episode are good, and the voice and emotion are fast catching up with Yiyin's own level.

Of course he believed that Sanada Nobushige was telling the truth, but the truth didn't mean it was the truth.

It is true that Kobata Nobusada went to Toshin to find Sanada Yutaka, and it is not false that Sanada Yutaka led her to Sanada Nobushige in Azuma County.

But if you say that the Sanada family did this to repay their kindness, and that Nobusada Kobata did this as a repentance, then you are really fooling Yoshihiro like a fool.

Xiao Ban Xinzhen was expelled, and immediately went to Dongshin to find the leader of the Dongshin group under the command of the Takeda family.

This is the return of the prodigal girl?Is this to seek refuge with Yoshihiko Shiba?What about cheating ghosts?

Rather, she originally wanted to join the Takeda family.But I don't know if the Takeda family didn't take her in, or Sanada Yutaka fooled her, that's why she returned to Azuma County.

As for why Nobushige Sanada cares about this matter?In order to help grandma repay her kindness?Nonsense, this guy is looking forward to Shu, eyeing the West Ueno land of Nagano Yezheng!

Kobata Nobusada's two identities are very sensitive, one is the former governor of Kobata's family in Guofeng City, and the other is the eldest daughter-in-law of Nagano Yezheng.

Nagano industry is controlling the land of Nishi Ueno, internally unites the Nishi Ueno people headed by the Minoru, and externally recruits the wives who marry their sons.

The resolute expulsion of Kobata Nobusada seems to be Nagano Ye's right-handed decision, which saved the Nishi Ueno people from hidden dangers, but it also caused a rift that was difficult to bridge.

Sanada Nobushige actually wanted to recommend Kobata Nobusada to the Kanto Servant, and the Azuma County she controlled was just north of Minowa Castle.

His ambition is obvious and undisguised.

(End of this chapter)

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