different warring states of japan

Chapter 1128 Good Sister 3 Rivers

Chapter 1128 Good Sister Sanhe

Yiyin laughed.

"Takechiyo is still as good-tempered as before. Speaking of which, His Highness Oda's character is as bad as ever, and it hasn't changed over the years."

Tokugawa Ieyasu had tasted a little bit, and his mind became active.

Tokugawa Ieyasu needed the tiger skin of the Nitta family blood very much. The local samurai respected the blood family character, which was very beneficial to the rule of the Tokugawa family.

Oda Nobunaga went to Luo and asked Tokugawa Ieyasu for help, but Tokugawa Ieyasu had to go.

First, the condition given by Oda Nobunaga was to let the shogunate recognize her as a descendant of the Nitta family, which is exactly what Tokugawa Ieyasu lacked.

Second, the threat of the Takeda family looms large, and Tokugawa Ieyasu desperately needs the support of the Oda family to fight against the terrifying Kai no Tiger.

For the past six months, Takeda Harunobu dozed off in the territory, but Tokugawa Ieyasu was so scared that he slept with one eye open.

But although the matter of Shangluo is a foregone conclusion, Tokugawa Ieyasu is actually not satisfied, because the alliance between Oda and Tokugawa is becoming more and more unequal.

At the beginning, the alliance between the two parties was back-to-back, expanding in opposite directions from east to west, but with the rapid growth of Oda Nobunaga's power and her arrogant and domineering character, this alliance has gradually become unbalanced.

Tokugawa Ieyasu knew very well that with the style of Oda Nobunaga, the Tokugawa family must have contributed and the Oda family would eat meat this time.

But she couldn't refuse, so she had to laugh and play with that elder sister Ji Fa.Then the result is that the Oda family is stronger, and the Tokugawa family is likely to become a subsidiary.

Now listening to Shiba Yoshiyin, he wants to bump fists with Oda Nobunaga and talk about Shangluo's conditions.

Tokugawa Ieyasu's heart skipped a beat and he sighed.

"Master Ji's sister has that temper, don't argue with her.

actually. .Ugh. .I don't know if I should say something? "

Yiyin glanced at her and said.

"But it doesn't matter."

Tokugawa Ieyasu whispered.

"Toshikahime had an accident a while ago. It is said that she was called to Gifu City by the Oda Palace and scolded severely. She was driven back to the territory of Shang County in Mino Country, and she was confined to contemplate her mistakes."

Yiyin narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Oda Hall?"

Tokugawa Ieyasu nodded and said.

"Since we took over the Mino Kingdom and got the Million Stone Territory, everyone used to call Master Ji's sister the main hall, and I followed suit."

Yiyin was smiling on the face, but secretly he was burning with anger.

Oda Hall?What a Oda Hall!Maeda Toshiie is the acting official of the Owari Territory of the Shiba family, but she can order punishment, what does that mean?
Tokugawa Ieyasu made a few provocative words, and seeing Shiba Yoshigin's eyes flicker, he felt even more determined.

Shiba Yoshigin has a reputation and Oda Nobunaga has strength. With the cooperation of the two, Shangluo will surely succeed this time.

Tokugawa Ieyasu passed on the small words from it, not for anything else, but because he didn't want Oda Nobunaga's power to grow stronger and overwhelm the Tokugawa family.

She, Tokugawa Ieyasu, was not really willing to be used as a girl by Oda Nobunaga.

The Oda family only occupies Owari Mino Kita Ise, the land of these two and a half countries, and Oda Nobunaga has already used Tokugawa Ieyasu as his younger sister.

If she is allowed to go to Luo to successfully win the power of the shogunate, Tokugawa Ieyasu, a cheap little sister, will not know what she will be in the future, ordering a girl?
Tokugawa Ieyasu said with a worried face.

"Li Jiaji has a deep relationship with me. Back then when Sanhe was always in turmoil, it was she who led the troops to help. I will always remember this kindness.

Now I don't know why she offended Oda Hall, alas, I am really worried. "

Yoshihiro Shiba knew in his heart that Maeda Toshiie's accident was because he sent a message to himself.

He decided to return from the Tōkaidō, caught Oda Nobunaga by surprise, and exposed Maeda Toshiie's tip-off.Speaking of it, I still feel sorry for her.

As for Tokugawa Ieyasu's concern for Maeda Toshiie in his words, he tried his best to show Shiba Yoshiejin that she has friendship with the Shiba family.

Repeatedly mentioning one Ii Naotora and one Maeda Toshiie, Tokugawa Ieyasu's attitude is already very clear.She was not reconciled to become a subordinate of Oda Nobunaga, she shed blood and sacrificed for the growth of the Oda family.

Yoshihiro smiled, and Tokugawa Ieyasu gave him face, and he would reciprocate, so he said.

"His Royal Highness Tokugawa, you are a good person who is grateful to you, I know it well."

Tokugawa Ieyasu was overjoyed when he heard that Yoshigin no longer called himself Takechiyo, but Tokugawa Miao.

"Odaisho, you are too polite. My Tokugawa Miao character is retrospectively..."

Tokugawa Ieyasu also wanted to perform a scene of recognizing the ancestors and returning to the clan, but was stopped by Yiyin.He turned his head and pointed to the imperial white flag planted on the war horse of the Gamo clan, and said.

"Your Highness Tokugawa, look at this flag."

Tokugawa Ieyasu said respectfully.

"Could this be the Hachiman Tai Niang Yubai Banner of the Hakuba Shrine in Tsuruoka Hachiman Palace?"

Yoshihiro Shiba nodded triumphantly.

After he decided to return to Japan from Tōkaidō, the first thing he did was to publicize the miracle of Kamakura from all channels where he could make his voice heard.

Whether it's samurai, merchants, ninjas, or other channels, as long as it is a propaganda outlet that can make a sound, all of them will blow it up for me!

Yoshihiro hadn't left the Echigo Kingdom yet, and the news had already spread throughout the world, which created enough momentum for his return.

Therefore, Tokugawa Ieyasu was able to make fun of knowing what this flag meant, instead of being silent.

Shiba Yoshigin said solemnly.

"I hold the order of General Ashikaga's imperial sword and carry the imperial white flag of Hachiman Tainiang on my back. I call you Tokugawa, and you are the blood of Hanoi Genji Nitta.

You don't need to explain anything, if someone doesn't believe it, just ask her to ask me. "

Tokugawa Ieyasu was overjoyed and bowed deeply.

Although Shiba Yoshigin is far inferior to Oda Nobunaga in strength, no samurai in the world can beat him in a fight for fame.

The golden seal of Yujian was bestowed by Ashikaga Yoshiki, the dead general Ashikaga, and Yubaiqi was given by the heavenly manifestation of Hachimana Tainiyoshi's family. Is there any righteousness more orthodox in the world than him?
Even Ashikaga Yoshiaki, the twin sister of Ashikaga Yoshiki, is theoretically a daughter-in-law with blood but no family background. Strictly speaking, she can't be counted as a descendant of the Hanoi Genji family, and her status is very reluctant.

Tokugawa Ieyasu wanted to laugh in his heart, the family status he pursued so hard did not take any effort.Perhaps, this is what Shibo Yoshigin wanted to express.

She looked up at Brother Yiyin, whom she hadn't seen for many years, and her heart was awe-inspiring.

The powerful Oda Nobunaga and Shiba Yoshiyin, who is close to Dayi, don't know what kind of sparks will collide when the two meet.

Tokugawa Ieyasu showed a trace of expectation at the corner of his mouth, bowed and said.

''Odai is mighty, please allow me to go with you to Owari country. ''

Yiyin said in surprise.

"His Highness Tokugawa is going to Owari too? Why?"

Tokugawa Ieyasu said respectfully.

"Oda Daiden was overjoyed when he heard that you were returning home from Tōkaidō.

She has returned from Gifu City of Mino Country to Kiyosu City of Owari Country to welcome your return. "

Tokugawa Ieyasu said good words, but Shiba Yoshigin listened to them very harshly.

Not far outside Qingzhou City is the [-] stone Zudixi Village of the Sibo family.Back then, Shiba Yoshigin drank bear tea twice with Oda Nobunaga in order to keep the thousand five hundred shi.

Nobunaga Oda, she is waiting for Yoshihiro Shiba to go back at the old place in Kiyosu City. Is this a welcome?This is nostalgia?This is a demonstration!
She is still so arrogant and domineering.

With Tokugawa Ieyasu, a weak ally, she could do whatever she wanted.It's just that the current Shiba Yoshiyin is no longer the Shiba Yoshiyin of the past, so she can't be so presumptuous!
Yoshihiro Shiba narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

"Since this is the case, I happened to be traveling with His Highness Tokugawa. I am also not familiar with Yuanjiang and Sanhe. It is also a good thing to have His Highness Tokugawa leading the way."

Tokugawa Ieyasu had been paying attention to his expression, seeing his angry brows and eyes, he was ready to watch a good show, and replied respectfully.

"It's an honor to be able to lead the way for the imperial platform."

The two looked at each other and smiled, as if reunited after a long absence, with deep affection.


Qingzhou City, inside the castle tower.

Oda Nobunaga put down the letter in his hand, and said kindly to Niwa Changhide.

"Mi Wuniang has worked hard. This time you have done a lot of hard work. I will never forget it."

Niwa Chohide bowed his thanks and said.

"When I returned from Kita Omi, His Highness Ashikaga Yoshiaki asked me to deliver this letter to you. She will move to Mino Country in late winter and early spring."

Oda Nobunaga smiled.

"A twin girl with no name or distinction dares to write me a letter in the form of a royal letter.

It seems that His Highness Yizhao can't wait for Shangluo to succeed to the throne. Should I change my name to Lord Gongfang to make her happy first? "

The samurai society has strict laws and regulations, and Gouaishu is the format for General Ashikaga to communicate with local daimyos in the form of private letters.

The Ashikaga shogunate has been disarmed for many years, and several times of chaos were caused by General Ashikaga calling on powerful local daimyos.In the name of Yu Fenggong, he mobilized Shangluo to help the shogunate and serve General Ashikaga.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki is not the Ashikaga general, and he is not qualified to call on the local daimyo Yuhogong in the form of an imperial letter.

Niwa Chohide said with a smile.

"Three good things are rebellious, the shogunate collapsed, and there are signs of the collapse of etiquette and happiness in the martial arts world.

Because of this, it is necessary for a loyal warrior like you to stand up and fight for the world. "

Oda Nobunaga laughed so hard that he couldn't close his mouth, he pointed at Niwa Changhide and laughed.

"Mi Wuniang, you have been there for a few days, and you have lost your studies with those shogunate puppet masters."

Niwa Changhide didn't want to flatter, but what he said next was a bit ugly, and there must be a foreshadowing.Make Oda Nobunaga happy first, and then talk.

Taking advantage of Oda Nobunaga's mood at this time, she said tentatively.

"Main hall, the day of Shangluo is getting closer, and His Highness Ashikaga Yoshiaki is coming to Mino Country soon. I'm afraid it will be inconvenient for you to stay in Qingzhou City for a long time."

Oda Nobunaga's smile froze, she looked at Niwa Changhide and snorted hard.

"I knew that Mi Wuniang is not Hideyoshi, how could she be so shameless to make me happy, so she is here waiting for me?"

Niwa Chohide sighed.

"Main hall, today is different from the past. Some people have certain things that cannot be viewed from the perspective of the past."

The power of the Oda family expanded, and the residence of Oda Nobunaga moved several times, from Kiyosu Castle to Komakiyama Castle, and finally to Gifu Castle in Mino Country.

This time she deliberately came to Kiyosu City to meet Shiba Yoshiyin. She seemed to be respectful but had hidden secrets, which had already caused quite a commotion in Owari Takeshi's house.

When Niwa Chohide came back to see her, Shibata Katsuie, Maeda Toshiie and others either met or wrote letters, and they all passed messages to her overtly and secretly.

What he said was nothing more than implying that Oda Nobunaga's actions would be too provocative and abusive, and would harm the interests of the Oda family.

It is not a secret among the Owari Samurai that Shiba Zong's family was wiped out by Oda Nobutomo.

After Shiba Yoshigin borrowed troops, he was called to drink tea by Oda Nobunaga, and was drunk all night.

After Tianming left, the first thing he did was to let Yono Takada tell everyone about drinking tea.

This was to intimidate Nobunaga Oda, so that she would not dare to openly swallow the [-] stone quarries of Shiba's house.

Therefore, the fact that Shiba Yoshigin was drunk by Oda Nobunaga twice is a rumor abroad, but here in the Owari Samurai family, the truth cannot be true.

Afterwards, Yoshihiko Shiba went to Luo, and has soared into the sky ever since.

He revived Shiba, and became an unmarried fiancé with General Ashikaga. He was the leader of the powerful local shogunate with nearly two hundred thousand koku.

After that, Shiba Yoshigin went to Kanto.Echigo suppressed the rebellion and killed the Quartet, Shinano Kawanakajima smashed the Takeda family, and Echigo beat the samurai family to fear the fanaticism.

In the end, he teamed up with Uesugi Terutoro to defeat the Hojo family in Guanyachi, performed miracles in Kamakura Tsuruoka Hachiman Palace, and received the imperial white flag bestowed by Hachiman Tainiang.

At this time, Shiba Yoshiyin was no longer the poor nobleman who had his family ruined and died, and exchanged his body for reinforcements. He was a peerless arrogance who was respected by martial artists all over the world.

The Guandong Wu family even respected him as a heavenly man and a god in the world.On the way back from the Royal White Banner, all the daimyos of Guanbazhou, as their vassals, dispatched Jiqilang Party to escort the Royal Taisuo back north according to the traditional etiquette.

Oda Nobunaga even specially came to Qingzhou City to receive such a mighty Imperial Palace.In this castle tower where she forced the other party to drink tea back then, what the hell is receiving the other party!
Isn't this just looking for trouble?Is the Oda family already so good?Invincible can do whatever he wants?

Oda Nobunaga frowned and said.

"According to what you mean, I shouldn't come to serve such a noble person when he returns to his hometown?
Yoshiaki Ashikaga is a puppet who has no name or distinction. I have to sit down obediently in Gifu City and wait for her to come to my door.On the contrary, Kenshin Shiba, who is unparalleled in the world, won't get my hospitality?

Mi Wuniang, there is something wrong with your thinking, have you lost the loyalty of the Wu family? "

Niwa Changhide sighed, Oda Nobunaga is playing a rogue.

"The hall, the retainers are very worried..."

Oda Nobunaga interrupted arrogantly.

"Then tell me, who is worried? I'll explain it to them, so that they can feel at ease!"

Niwa Changxiu was stunned and speechless, she couldn't persuade the boss to play a rascal to such an extent.

The Oda family occupies two and a half lands of Owari, Mino, and Kita Ise. With a stone height of 140 million stone, it is already one of the most powerful feudal clans in the world.But because Oda Nobunaga rose too fast, the retainer group is very complicated.

The northern Ise samurai had just surrendered, in name only.The East and West Merinos were divided, the West Merinos were wooed, and the East Merinos were suppressed, and they basically surrendered.

These outlying samurai have been with the Oda family for too short a time, so there is no loyalty at all.

(End of this chapter)

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