different warring states of japan

Chapter 1129 Each family has their own thoughts

Chapter 1129 Each family has their own thoughts

The core strength of the Oda family is the Owari people, especially the Shimoowari four-county samurai who started from Oda Nobunaga.

The Zhichen group headed by Niwa Nagahide, that is, the members of the wild child group who grew up with Oda Nobunaga.The generals faction headed by Shibata Katsuie, and Lin Xiuzhen and others are veterans of the genealogy.

Shiba Yoshiyin and Maeda Toshiie actually have a good relationship with the core retainers of the Oda family.

This is also the effect of Maeda Toshie's social cow b disease for many years. She has maintained a good personal relationship with Owari's family over the years.

The wild child group headed by Niwa Chohide, the generals group headed by Shibata Katsuie, and even Hashiba Hideyoshi, who is not popular, are very close to her.

Oda Nobunaga humiliated Maeda Toshiie in Gifu City, and even drove him back to Gushang County, but this did not prevent Maeda Toshiie from writing letters to persuade the Oda retainers.

The Wu family is based on blood relationship, family status, and the traditional human relationship society of the village party. It is common sense for the folks in the village to be stubborn and conservative.

The Oda family is going to Shangluo, do they believe in those shogunate samurai who have seen the Owari samurai as countrymen in recent times, or do they believe in Shiba Yoshigin who was born in Shimoowari?The answer is obvious.

Oda Nobunaga feels that his old lady is invincible in the world and loves to do whatever she wants, but the Oda retainers always feel a little uneasy about Shangluo's grand plan.

Everyone really wants to go to recent times to reap some benefits, but who is not afraid of unfamiliar places?

There is a fellow to lead the way, or the kind of fellow with a particularly good reputation, why not do it?Instead of believing those bastards recently, why not believe in Shiba Yoshihiro, a good fellow?

Several letters were sent from the county, and those who received the letters thought it made sense.

Maeda Toshiie would not gamble Shiba Yoshigin's return on Oda Nobunaga's change of heart.Now that her face has been torn, she must get this done.

No matter how tyrannical Oda Nobunaga was, it was no match for Maeda Toshiie stabbing him softly in the back.The results of it?Even Niwa Nagahide, Oda Nobunaga's best friend, was moved and came to persuade him.

Stay on the front line when doing things, and see you in the future.

Oda Nobunaga didn't even want to listen to Niwa Nagohide's earnest advice. She knew who was behind the scenes and stirred up the whole Oda family as soon as she guessed.

Maeda Toshiie. .Oda Nobunaga gritted his teeth and muttered the name secretly.

The confidant who admired him at the beginning is now desperately stabbing his waist with a knife for a man. Oda Nobunaga wished to twist her head off and kick her as a ball.

But Oda Nobunaga knew that he couldn't do this, and he couldn't even change and reduce her territory, because her territory was called Owari Shiba Territory.

Oda Nobunaga really has no scruples, isn't he afraid of breaking with Shiba Yoshigin?Of course not, she had figured it out a long time ago, and wanted to use Shiba's house to complete Shangluo.

Behind her seeming arrogance, she is actually a cautious person who knows how to assess the situation.Waiting for Shiba Yoshiyin in Qingzhou City is to fight for the dominance of Shangluo.

Excessive asking price, pay back the money on the spot.The Oda family can repeatedly jump between Ashikaga Yoshiaki and Shiba Yoshigin to strive for more benefits.

Looking back at the beginning, it was to consolidate my strong position and facilitate negotiation and asking prices.

But her intentions were seen through by Maeda Toshiie, who tried to block her through the Oda vassal group, and helped Shiba Yoshiyin create a gap.

Looking at the sincere Niwa Nagahide, knowing that she was really thinking about herself, Oda Nobunaga was so angry that he couldn't take it out on her.

Finally, she said grumpily.

"I've made up my mind, I don't need to persuade you anymore!
You go tell those people behind you, of course I know what kind of virtue those people in the shogunate are, and even more who Shibo Yoshiyin is!

Don't listen to Maeda Toshiie's bewitching, put your heart back in your stomach.The Shiba family and the Oda family will be friends, not enemies! "

Oda Nobunaga finally let go, which made her even more annoyed, feeling that she had lost to Maeda Toshiie.

But Niwa Nagahide, who was sitting under her, was relieved, at least the lord was still sensible, it turned out that it was just a negotiation strategy, not a slap in the face, that's fine.

She originally wanted to say a few good words for Maeda Toshiie, but seeing Oda Nobunaga's pretty face covered in haze, she sighed and gave up, let's talk about it later.

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside.

Oda Nobunaga was upset and shouted angrily.

"What's up!"

"Reporting to the main hall, the Imperial Palace and His Highness Tokugawa have crossed the border and are heading towards Qingzhou City."

Oda Nobunaga's body trembled slightly, his face was complicated, he really was. .I'm back. .


With Tokugawa Ieyasu leading the way, Shiba Yoshigin quickly crossed the Enjiang Sanhe Ryogoku, passed through the Okazaki Plain, and headed towards Kiyosu Castle along the coastline on the east side of Ise Bay.

Ii Naotora turned back to the country at the border of the Enjiang country. Before leaving, he was deeply grateful to Shiba Yoshiyin, but in fact he originally wanted to take Ii Naomasa away.

The situation of Jingyi's family is no longer as embarrassing as it used to be.

The reason why her family has been unlucky these years is because they occupy the Tianlongchuan River Basin in the middle of the Yuanjiang River.From Jingyi Valley in the north to Yima City in the south, they are all traditional territories of the Jingyi family.

After the Imagawa family occupied the Yuanjiang country, the Jingyi family lost several governors one after another, and the man Jingyi Naotora was pulled out to be the governor. It can be seen that the situation is difficult and the blood is withered.

After the Imagawa family retreated and Tokugawa Ieyasu took over the Enjiang, the situation was different.

Although the Jingyi family is still a well-known local family, most of the territories except Jingyigu have left the family, and their power is not as good as before.

Not every man is as powerful as Yoshigin Shiba. As a non-threatening man, Ii Naotora was just pulled out by Ieyasu Tokugawa as a model for buying people's hearts.

The catastrophe of the Ii family's extinction has passed, and it is not appropriate for Ii Naotora to occupy the position of family governor as a man after all.

Therefore, he hopes that Naomasa Ii can return to the family and inherit the family business.But this matter was sternly rejected by Ii Naomasa.

Good daughter, aiming everywhere.This was the reason why Naomasa Ii refused, but only she knew what the real reason was.

Looking at the back of Shiba Yoshigin's galloping horse, Ii Naomasa just wanted to follow him closely forever.Whether it is the ends of the earth or the mountains of swords and seas of fire, they will never leave, without complaint or regret.

Yoshihiro is not surprised when he finds out about Naomasa Ii's refusal to go home.Purely from the perspective of profit, it is the best choice for her to hang out with Sibo Yiyin.

Ii Naomasa is Yoshigin's concentric group, the second person in the village of Gamo, who writes, but actually has a lot of power.

In order to help the young Ii Naomasa gain a firm foothold in the Tongxinzhong, Yiyin gave her a right, that is, to take charge of the monitoring and appeal of the Tongxinzhong pension.

As the lord's personal guards, Shi Bo and his colleagues were treated very well, but they were away from home all year round to fight, so it was inevitable that they would be away from home for a long time, and they would be injured and die in battle.

And because Gamo's township deliberately chooses half-grown loli, these girls are not good at protecting their own interests, and behaviors that erode their welfare in various families occur from time to time.

Naomasa Ii is resolute and impartial in his actions. He is outspoken in front of Yoshihiko, and even more merciless with others.

I don't know if it's because children don't know how to be tactful, or because they are born with a serious personality. This temper is very suitable for fighting with reason and protecting the annuities and pensions of the girls and congregants.

The Kanto Servant's Enforcement Office issued money and land, and several times there were problems of encroachment on salary and pensions, and it was Naomasa Ii who went to the gang.

Da Xiong Chaoxiu is such an old fox, how can he be bothered with children, and he was born as a guard with the surname favored by the lord.Every time an accident happened, she would come forward to coordinate and help her force each family to make concessions.

As time went by, Naomasa Ii's status in Tongxinzhong became higher and higher. One day Gamo's resignation, she would most likely be the next writer who was publicly supported by Tongxinzhong.

In other words, Naomasa Ii has a bright future in the Shiba family.Why do you want to go back to Yuanjiang Country to be a local lord, a peripheral samurai who is not a direct descendant of the Tokugawa family.

Regardless of Ii Naomasa's personal affairs, Shiba Yoshiyin was thinking about how to talk to Oda Nobunaga along the way.

Oda Nobunaga wanted to use him to go to Luo, but in fact Shiba Yoshiyin didn't particularly care about the Oda family Shangluo.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki, Oda Nobunaga, Shiba Yoshigin, the demands of the three parties are actually different.

The group under Ashikaga Yoshiaki didn't want Shiba Yoshigin to mix with Shangluo, and wanted to complete the reorganization of the shogunate by themselves, so they needed to use the strength of the Oda family to complete Shangluo.

Oda Nobunaga wants to go to Luo, and needs a few local snakes to lead the way. As for whoever can lead the way, her real goal is to snatch the territory of the Miyoshi family of the Liujiao family and the righteousness of the center.

Shiba Yoshigin doesn't need the support of Ashikaga Yoshiaki and Oda Nobunaga. He has enough reputation and although his strength is small, he has many friends in recent days.

As long as you hold Yujian Jinyin and yell casually, you can call your friends to pull up the team, and it is no problem to kill Miyoshi's family.

But the problem is that Ashikaga Yoshiaki and Oda Nobunaga have already hooked up.If Yoshihiko Shiba doesn't care about them, they will rush to finish Shangluo before Yoshihiko Shiba is ready.

Therefore, Shiba Yoshiyin had to settle for the next best thing, and quickly returned from Tokaido, making a gesture of willingness to cooperate and go to Luo together.

But in essence, he is the one who is least afraid of Tan Beng among the three forces.Because he can complete Shangluo by himself, seeking cooperation is only a political compromise, not asking for others.

Therefore, after learning that Maeda Toshiie was punished, Oda Nobunaga returned to Kiyosu Castle and waited for him to return, Shiba Yoshigin was determined to give Oda Nobunaga a blow.

If she didn't beat this arrogant bastard, she really thought that Yoshihiro Shiba was still the tender tea that was delivered to her door back then.

Oda Nobunaga, times have changed.


Outside Kiyosu Castle, Oda Nobunaga looked into the distance.Behind her, Oda's retainers looked at each other, with different thoughts.

Shimowari four counties are the core territory of the Oda family. This time, in order to welcome Shiba Yoshiyin, Oda Nobunaga specially summoned Lin Xiuzhen, Shibata Katsuie, Niwa Nagahide and other important officials.

These retainers naturally knew what Shiba Yoshigin had experienced in Qingzhou City. It can be said that the most aggrieved time of the majestic Yudaisuo in his life was when he was a grandson in Qingzhou City.

Although Niwa Chohide has privately assured each family that the Shiba family and the Oda family will not break up.Oda Nobunaga's demonstration was just to gain an advantage in the negotiations.

That being said, no one has a clue.Oda Nobunaga's character is surly, arbitrary, and capricious.She has done a lot of things about turning her face.

Moody is unpredictable, and working under her has never been an easy task.

Lin Xiuzhen slightly raised her head and glanced at Oda Nobunaga with complicated eyes. She was the one in the Oda family who opposed Shangluo the most.

As a traditional samurai, after occupying the Owari and Mino countries, she is already very satisfied with the status quo of the Oda family.

Xiaofu Ze'an refers to her kind of person, who only thinks that the Owari Samurai family is suppressing the Mino people, and then grabs a good site in Kita Ise.It's a pretty good little life, why do you want to go to Luo to find yourself uncomfortable?

She was not happy to come to meet Yoshihiro Shiba.

When the Lin family followed Oda Nobuyuki to rebellion, Shiba Yoshiyin broke through Lin Gutong's reserve team and hacked her younger sister Lin Gutong to death.

Maeda Toshiya went to Huangzi City to persuade the Maeda family, and made the Maeda family, which belonged to the Lin family, into two ends of snakes and mice, resulting in the failure of the rebellion.

After the war, Oda Nobuyuki was hacked to death by Oda Nobunaga in full view, and Shibata Katsuya was drawn in by her.And Lin Xiuzhen, the elder of the Oda family, lost her prestige because of begging for mercy.

Although the power of the Oda family has continued to expand over the years, and the Lin family has also benefited a lot, Lin Xiuzhen's voice in the family is getting smaller and smaller.

Not to mention Katsuie Shibata, Nagahide Niwa, Hengxing Ikeda and others, even a lowly Hashiba Hideyoshi was doing well, making Lin Xiuzhen's mentality unbalanced.

Maeda Toshiie was unlucky, she was happy to see the joke.It would be best if Yoshihiro Shiba came back to talk to Nobunaga Oda about his collapse, and the Oda family should not go to Luo. There is nothing wrong with being king and hegemony in their own territory.

Not far from her, Maeda Toshichang had a worried expression on his face.

When Oda Nobuyuki rebelled, Maeda Toshishang hedged his bets.In the end, the Maeda family reaped a lot, and their knowledge and practice expanded to six thousand stones, occupying the entire Huangzi City.

But after that, she was physically and mentally exhausted by her two daughters.

Maeda Yoshihisa went to Los Angeles with Shiba Yoshihisa, and her adoptive mother Maeda Toshihisa took away half of the backbone of the family in order to help her daughter support the Iga Maeda family.

Maeda Toshiie was also polite, and in order to develop Owari Shiba collar, he took away the other half of the backbone.

The foundation of the Maeda family in the huge deserted city was dug up by two unfilial daughters, and the Ji warrior group without a core has made no progress in these years.

Maeda Toshishang was also filled with grief and indignation at the beginning, but after the last look, the result seems to be not bad.

Governor of the Iga Maeda family, Maeda Masaki served as the general of the Shiba clan in Jinji, holding the military power of the Shiba family in Jinji.

Maeda Toshiie, Owari Shiba's deputy leader, expanded his territory to more than [-] shi, and got along like a duck to water in Owari Mino's family.

After watching it for three years, Maeda Toshishang could only sigh in the end.Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, so they can go to waste if they have the ability.Then, she lay down in Huangzi City with peace of mind.

But this time the recent chaos, the fate of the Iga Maeda family is unknown.Maeda Toshiie offended Oda Nobunaga again, and the future is even more unpredictable.

Maeda Toshisho was called to attend the ceremony to welcome Shiba Yoshigin, feeling uneasy.The relationship between Shiba and Oda's two families is complicated and confusing, and she no longer knows how to stand in line.

The Maeda family in Arakko Castle is the Oda retainer who has the deepest relationship with the Shiba family.If the real talks between the two families collapse, she will be the worst.

(End of this chapter)

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