different warring states of japan

Chapter 1142 What is this debt?

Chapter 1142 What is this debt?

Yi Yin rubbed his temples, looked at Yang Nao who was holding Yukino, crying so hard that he couldn't breathe, feeling powerless.

How can this be severely punished?

He looked at Xue Nai, who was being held by his sister in a daze, in surprise, and shook his head.

This guy Yukino, if he is not naturally dumb, he is a black-bellied woman who hides deeper than Akechi Mitsuhide.

Her operation completely confused Yiyin.Originally, the idea of ​​teaching Yang Nai a lesson was completely messed up by her.

Is this a nurse madman?

Yi Yin felt helpless, pretended to be serious, and said to Yang Nai.

"Cry, cry, cry, you know how to cry.

Your sister is weak and cannot stand the cold.Hurry up and help her lie down, be careful not to catch a cold! "

Seeing that Xue Nai's face turned pale, Yang Nai came to his senses, helped her sister to lie down, and carefully covered her with the quilt.

Yiyin looked at their sisters' affection, sighed, and said.

"Tell me, how were you going to deal with me?"

Yang Nai glanced at Xue Nai, bowed embarrassedly and said.

"Thunder, rain and dew are all your grace..."

Yiyin shook his hand and said angrily.

"Don't say things that are perfunctory to me. There are a lot of martial arts outside who line up to tell me. You can hear the calluses in your ears. Tell me a few truths."

Yang Nai pursed his lips, took out a stack of documents, and said.

"This time Miyoshi goes to Luo, the main force is the army of the Miyoshi trio and Matsunaga Hideo.

The Shikoku Miyoshi family mobilized very late, and by the time the follow-up troops landed in Sakai Port, the matter in Kyoto had already been settled. "

Yiyin took the document and nodded.

The Miyoshi family is not really stupid. Even if Shang Luo got the acquiescence of the conspirators inside and outside the shogunate, Ashikaga Yoshiki would guard against the Miyoshi family.

With the Miyoshi trio from Settsu as the main force and the cooperation of the Matsunaga family occupying Yodo Castle, they were able to break into the Yamashiro Kingdom and take Kyoto in the first place.

Yiyin thought for a while and asked.

"So, the killing of the general was done by the Miyoshi trio and Song Yongxiu?"

Yang Nai shook his head and said.

"Matsunaga Hideo's daughter is Miyoshi Yoshitsugu's sidekick Takeshi Hime, and she is the one who arranges the actions of the Matsunaga family.

As far as I know, Hideo Matsunaga was in Kyoto at the time and didn't know about it beforehand. "

Yang Nai is not stupid, even if she is assisted by a good sister like Xue Nai, if she can deny it, she should not admit it.

The Shikoku Miyoshi family mobilized very late, so the news from Sakai Port could not help the generals in Kyoto, which is the reason she used to clear herself.

But what about the facts?The fact is that Yono Takada has already obtained the franchise right of Yodogawa through Sohisa Imai.

Miyoshi and three people went to Luo, and the troops were distributed on both sides of the Yodo River, and the logistics supplies needed to be transported through the Yodo River.

There are so many ships coming and going, and the army's movements can't be hidden at all. How could she, Takada Yono, not smell the wind!
But being made such a fuss by Xue Nai, Yi Yin has no interest in pursuing further.After all, the general is dead, but the Takada sisters are her closest confidantes.

There were too many high-ranking samurai who participated in the death of Ashikaga Yoshiki this time, and Shiba Yoshigin grabbed a small mistake of his confidant and punished him to death, but it would not change the overall situation, and it was meaningless.

In fact, Yoshigin already felt that the murder of Ashikaga Yoshiki was probably the responsibility of Miyoshi's family in the end, and the others washed up and went ashore.

But he was so depressed that he couldn't let it go. Is the majestic master of the world so ignorant that he died?Is there still justice in this martial arts society?

But being messed up by Yukino, Yoshihiro became more certain in his heart that the truth will never be revealed, and Ashikaga Yoshiki is really going to die unjustly.

He couldn't even clean up a Takata Yono, and he was implicated in a large group of bastards, who was not more guilty than Takata Yono?
Maeda Masari, Akechi Mitsuhide, Hosokawa Fujitaka, Ise Sadako, Ninagawa Okino, etc., Yoshigin can think of countless names when he turns his head.

Kill all these powerful samurai inside and outside the shogunate, help Ashikaga Yoshiki to avenge, and then face the menacing Oda Nobunaga alone?

Yiyin sighed deeply, he didn't want to think about it.

The more I think about it, the more I feel sorry for Yoshiki Ashikaga, but he really can't help it.He has nothing to give Ashikaga Yoshiki except guilt.

Yiyin shook his head, looked at the document in his hand, and asked about Takada Yono.

"what is this?"

Takada Yoshino was embarrassed to say that this was a butt of debt borrowed by the Hokuriku Road trade route to borrow land warehouses in Sakai, Hong Kong and Kyoto, and it was what Yangno originally planned to rely on to pass the customs.

But being made such a fuss by Xue Nai, the three of them were really moved.It's not easy for Yiyin to punish her, and it's not easy for her to play tricks to fool the lord.

Seeing her embarrassed face, Yiyin knew that this stack of documents was a hot potato.He laughed at himself and said.

"Okay, let me see how my Yang Nai has improved over the years.

This time, I used some powerful thing to block my mouth, to scare me from taking off her position. "

Seeing that Yiyin understood, Yang Nai felt even more ashamed, and looked down at Xue Nai.Seeing her staring at Yiyin in a daze, ignoring her sister at all, she couldn't help being stingy and humming in her heart.

Yiyin didn't see the small quarrel between the sisters, and looked down at the documents.At the beginning, it was ten lines at a glance, but after that, it became slower and slower, and the complexion was very exciting.

After he finished reading, he couldn't help sighing.

"Yang Nai, you are really a genius."

Yang Nai's heart trembled when he heard it, thinking that the lord was mocking him, so he kowtowed to the ground.

"I'm very sorry, but I didn't mean to bother you with these debts.

It's just that the Hokuriku Road trade route has developed rapidly in the past two years, and there was competition from the Tokaido Trade Route before, so a lot of money was needed. I have always relied on land warehouse loans to support the situation.

Now the stall has become like this, without me, it is really difficult for Sakai Port to maintain. "

Yiyin shook his head, thinking, you did it on purpose.

If I hadn't come from a modern society, I would have been intimidated by you if I was used to seeing the financial businessman's big transfer of wealth.

The Wu family in the feudal era had never seen such a big scene of gold and silver. They were not good at mathematics, and they couldn't figure out how much money they owed.

But Yiyin was too lazy to care about Yang Nao's little thought, he said.

"I'm not mocking you, I really think you're very talented.

Debt-to-equity swaps, interest was replaced by dividends, and a large amount of cash flow was obtained in a short period of time to develop the Hokuriku Road trade route.

You can do it.

However, it is not enough to scare me with this little debt.Although you are very talented, it is a pity that you have not experienced 1997 and 2008.

What kind of debt is this, financing, equity increase, convertible bonds, leverage, none of them, how much money can you owe?

I took a look just now, and the interest of each warehouse is different. What is the total amount? "

Yoshigin talked about 1997, 2008, etc. Takada Yono didn't understand at all.But when Yiyin asked, she still answered obediently.

"The interest rate offered by each company is different, but the total is about [-]% interest."

Yiyin said in surprise.

"Only [-]%? Simple interest?"

Takada Yono nodded.

"Yes, there have been endless wars in recent years, and the copper coins released by various families are often not recovered.

Because the samurai fought to extinguish their heirs and fame, shops and caravans were robbed and slaughtered, these copper coins that could not be collected could only become bad debts.

The Hokuriku Road trade route has participated by powerful daimyos from various countries along the way, and it has developed in full swing in the past two years, which is the best quality asset.

That's why everyone is willing to participate at a low interest rate. In fact, most of the copper coins are directly bought as shares.Only a small number of soil warehouses hesitated, and they still settled with loans.

Because dividends are paid every year and rolling interest is rejected, there is only a fixed [-]% interest. "

Yoshihiro nodded, and once again lamented that Yono Takada was a genius, not at all like the business thinking of this era.

Ancient commerce paid more attention to physical objects, in other words, it cared too much about the actual substances.The ancients would not do the way of modern finance that treats money as numbers and makes digital models.

But Takada Yono sees himself as a samurai, not for business.On the contrary, it can jump out of the vision of traditional merchants and pay more attention to cash flow.

Is [-]% interest a year expensive?It's ridiculously cheap without compounding.

There are two ways to play ancient finance, one is to get gold, silver and copper, and create currency to earn interest rate difference.Another one is borrowing.

Nine out of thirteen returns, that is the basic interest rate.Once the money is lent out, thereafter it is compound interest.

Continuously relying on compound interest rates to grow large loans will suck the borrowers to ruin like bloodsuckers, and they will make a lot of money.

And Yono Takada not only lowered the simple interest rate of the earth warehouse loan, but also simply converted the debt into shares of the Hokuriku Road Commercial Road, playing the trick of debt-to-equity swap.

To put it simply, she set up a joint-stock company, and she was in charge of running it.The profit is shared by everyone, and the shareholders who lose money are out of luck.

The entire Hokuriku Road trade route has been divided up, and it seems that the shareholders have assets.But the question is, is this business route considered an asset?
The foundation of the Hokuriku business route is to use Shiba Yoshigin's prestige to connect the powers of various countries in Hokuriku and open a road together to make money.One day when the Shiba family stopped playing, this trade route would cease to exist.

Takada Yono is equivalent to using a non-existent thing in exchange for the real money of Tucang.From the perspective of modern people, exchanging goodwill for cash flow is a real empty-handed white wolf.

Moreover, the interest on the borrowed money is paid by dividends.As long as you know how to adjust the dividend rate, the combination of ex-rights and re-rights will be punched down, and shareholders may have to pay for it.

The dividends have been received, but the principal has shrunk. Is this a profit or a loss?As long as Takada Yoshino's accounts are done well, the soil storehouse that does not participate in the operation will not see any problems at all.

Yi Yin looked at Yang Nai, and suddenly had an idea in his heart, he asked.

"Are the soil warehouses in Sakai Port and Kyoto so rich?"

Takada Yono bowed and said.

"My lord doesn't know.

Since the Eight Generations of Generals Rebellion, the world has been in chaos for a hundred years.As the core of the shogunate, several countries in recent times were in constant wars, one after another.

Counting from the summer when you defeated the Miyoshi family, there has been no war for almost a year and a half. This is a peaceful season that has not been seen for many years.

Sakai Port and the soil warehouses in Kyoto have also been on the decline for more than a hundred years.

You think, the earth warehouse loan is to eat interest.However, if the samurai borrowed money and lost the battle, the whole family would be punished, and if the merchant borrowed money, the whole family would hang himself after a few days of bankruptcy. Which warehouse could bear this kind of risk?
It is said that some veteran soil warehouses simply lock their warehouses and do not borrow them.Because it was left for too long, the ropes that threaded the money were rotten, and the copper coins were scattered all over the place, piled up in the warehouse, moldy and green. "

Yiyin stroked his chin and said.

"Something makes sense."

After confirming that there are still a large amount of copper coins deposited in the recent earth warehouses, Yiyin's mind can't help but become active.

He has been worrying these days, how to take back the control of the few Sibo territories.You must know that the subordinates of the important ministers were all recruited by themselves in the past two years, and Yiyin had no intersection with these newcomers.

Once problems arise in the future, he can't guarantee that the retainers of these retainers will be willing to stand by the Shiba family and obey his orders.

But Takada Yono's approach gave him a little inspiration.

The prosperity of the world is all for Lilai.All the hustle and bustle in the world is for profit.Warriors fight with their heads tied to their belts, is that for loyalty?That's for profit!
Since Yiyin has been away for too long, he is unable to talk about feelings with the retainers of important officials.Well, we can talk about money.

It's a bad coincidence, the copper coins piled up in the recent earthen bins are moldy, and they are also left alone, so it is better to lend them to the Sibo family to win people's hearts.

The corner of Yiyin's mouth turned up, he still had to think about it.But the way he looked at Takada Yono had softened a lot.

Talent is rare.

Takada Yoshino felt uncomfortable seeing the Lord's suddenly gentle gaze.

She didn't know what the lord was thinking, she always felt that she seemed to have passed the test this time, but she didn't understand how she passed the test, and she didn't know what to do.

Yiyin found that Yukino was so tired that he was sleepy when he forced himself to speak just now, so he whispered to Yangnao.

"Go out and talk with me, let Xue Nai rest well."


Yang Nai glanced at his sister who had closed her eyes, with a complicated look on her face, and followed the master lightly and walked out.


In the side room where he was stationed, Yi Yin took the seat of honor and said to Gamo Shixiang.

"Go and call Ishida Mitsunari."


Takada Yono was a little uneasy next time, hearing that Ishida Mitsunari came back with the lord, she already understood the lord's original countermeasure.

Ishida Mitsunari is the person in charge of the Hokuriku Road Trading Route at the Naoetsu Checkpoint. The master brought her back to Japan, which must have been registered in Sakai Port.

Yang Nai was horrified, if it wasn't for Xue Nai's help to speak, today's level would be really difficult, but the lord has kept his back hands.

Seeing her pale face, Yiyin couldn't help snorting.

"Are you afraid now?"

Takada Yoshino kowtowed to the ground and remained silent, Yiyin shook his head.

If it wasn't for Xue Nai's interruption, even if Yang Nai used debts to prevaricate Yi Yin, Yi Yin would not be afraid.He is not an ancient person who has never seen the world, so this little money is no big deal.

In fact, even ancient people have ways to pass.For this kind of thing, the ancient solution is more direct and effective.

Yi Yin said.

"Yang Nai, when I was in Owari, I told you not to think too simple.

That time you wanted to smuggle, but you didn't think about why everyone didn't dare to do it?If there is no endorsement from the lord, how can there be no accidents when dealing with an enemy country?
Later, I gave you the recipe for white sugar, and you used it to make waves in Sakai Port.This time, you played even bigger and settled a pile of foreign debts. You still want me to be afraid of it and dare not dismiss you?
childish! "

Gao Tianyou bowed his head on the ground and said.

"My servant dare not."

Yiyin said leisurely.

"You dare, you are too brave.

It's a pity that you still don't understand the rules of the samurai game.Do you know what is the easiest way to solve foreign debt? "

Takada Yoshino took a peek at Yoshihiro, and shook his head.

Yi Yin sighed.

"The Oda family is about to go to Luo, and I don't know how many people will die.

You said, do you need to pay back the money of the dead? "

(End of this chapter)

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