different warring states of japan

Chapter 1143 Spozhong Fund

Chapter 1143 Spozhong Fund

Takada Yoshino trembled all over, realizing that he was still too naive.She thought that she was already bad enough, but she didn't expect that the lord and those in power had more poisonous eyes and darker hearts.

Yi Yin said lightly.

"Loans from earth warehouses are a centuries-old business. If there is no background behind it, the money can be borrowed, but there is no way to get it back.

The Tucang stewards of Kyoto and Sakai Port stood in front of the stage, and behind them were famous nobles in Kyoto, monasteries of various sects, and powerful local warriors.

I see that the background behind each of the soil warehouses is clearly written in the document, you have a heart. "

Gao Tian Yang felt bitter in his heart.

She wrote carefully about the forces behind the earth warehouse, which was used to elevate her own importance, and hoped that the lord would treat it with caution and not remove her from office for investigation.

But she never thought that this background check could have other functions.

Yiyin sneered.

"I can't afford to offend Zong. The money of those crazy nuns must be handled carefully, and the interest that should be paid should be paid. Dividends that should be distributed should be distributed.

Yang Nai, you have done a pretty good job of establishing a good relationship with Ishiyama Honganji Temple.When Yuezhong was out, he helped me a lot.

As for some people, there is no need to worry about it.

His Highness Oda is envious of Minami Omi, the Liujiao family will not be able to keep it, and the powerful local samurai family will also be cleaned up.

In the Kyoto incident, the vassals couldn't get rid of their involvement. Who deserved to die and who didn't deserve to die could be decided.

The local samurai family on the Settsu side, there are three members of the Miyoshi family, and those from the Miyoshi family in the four countries, let's see the situation.I always feel that the Miyoshi family did not collapse so quickly. "

Yiyin shook the document in his hand, put it back on the copy, and said coldly.

"Yang Nai, you borrowed too little, it's a pity.

Our Shiba family is trustworthy in doing things, and we will definitely pay back the money we owe.

However, if the original owner is gone, there is no way for us to pay it back. We can only bury this dead debt, so there is nothing we can do about it. "

Takada Yono listened with his head down, sweating coldly.She rejoiced in her heart that she had a good sister, otherwise she really wouldn't be able to pass the test this time.

As expected, I was still too naive, thinking that this large debt was a mess, and the lord could not do without my own operation and financing.

But the lord is right, not everyone needs to pay back their money.The money of the dead, even if you think about it, you can't pay it back.

As for why it will become a dead account?

Fight first, liquidate later.Oda Shangluo, went to war with the Miyoshi family, the military action will inevitably lead to a political reshuffle, death is inevitable, and the economic problem will be solved.

Yi Yin looked at Yang Nao, sighed slightly, and said.

"You, aren't you very courageous? Just a few words to scare you, and your face turns pale?
Do you know that when you go into battle, your blood will flow like a river, your little trick, those warriors who fight on the battlefield, who will be really afraid?
threaten me?It's not as good as Xue Nai's nonsense, I really can't do anything about her.

You, you, don't think too much.I just want you to understand that what you think is difficult is actually not that difficult.

You still have to pay back the money that should be paid back, the reputation of the Shiba family, my reputation is not so cheap, and I will not play dirty tricks just to waste this little money.

But I guess that after going to Los Angeles this time, many loans really don't have to be repaid.

The Miyoshi family has a large army in Kyoto, and there will be a lot of military supplies for a winter.Rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry, let alone an army that is accustomed to using violence to solve problems.

I hope that when we return to Kyoto, the castle town has not been demolished, so let’s save some energy for Kyoto. "

Yoshihiro shook his head and threatened the samurai family with debts, Takada Yono was ridiculously stupid.Although the samurai daimyos don't understand finance, they know how to use violence and physical destruction.

The economic base determines the superstructure, and when there are economic problems, political means are used to adjust them.

War is a continuation of politics.

War is used to renege on debts.


Soon, Takada Yono and Ishida Mitsunari greeted each other in front of Giginza.

The two belonged to the two ends of the Hokuriku Road trade route. In the past two years, they have strengthened their cooperation and kept writing letters.Although they met for the first time, the scene was not cold, talking and laughing.

While being polite, Ishida Mitsunari was thinking about something on his mind.Shiba Yoshigin had hinted to her before that she might be asked to preside over the Sakai Port business.

Regarding this, Ishida Mitsunari felt itchy.

The main body of Japan's foreign trade is the line from Kyushu to the Seto Inland Sea.Sakai Port, located in the East Seto Inland Sea, is also a transit hub for ocean trade connecting the most prosperous areas in the island country.

Compared with Sakai Port, although Naoetsu has developed well in the past two years, it is still very different, just corners and corners.

If he can become the head of the Shiba family in Sakai Port, Ishida Mitsunari will make a lot of money when he comes back this time.

But seeing Takada Yono holding the five-finger palm print on his face, he can still smile and greet him calmly.Ishida Mitsunari was uneasy again, always feeling uneasy.

Takata Yoshino didn't seem to have been severely punished, the samurai daimyo seldom slapped himself, these superiors prefer to be dragged out and beheaded.

Is it possible to pass a few slaps?

Ishida Mitsunari was still thinking wildly, feeling that the cooked duck might fly.

Her expression of worrying about gains and losses fell in Takada Yono's eyes, which was simply ridiculous.

The old lady struggled out of the countryside in Owari with the master, who was a confidant among confidants, a loyal dog raised by the family.You, a native of Jinjiang who came in halfway, dare to covet my seat?
Gao Tian You Nai showed a sneer on his face, completely forgetting how hesitant and helpless he was before.If it weren't for the help of my sister, she would be the one who is worried about gain and loss at the moment.

Yiyin glanced at the changes in the expressions of the two, and shook his head secretly.

The sweetness of power makes people lose themselves. No matter how wise a person is, it is difficult to keep calm and watch his position being taken away by others.

Yiyin can't help thinking that if one day, power and emotion can only choose one.

These Ji warriors who love themselves deeply can abandon the temptation of power and continue to follow themselves.

Yukino's face appeared in Yoshigin's mind, and Ashikaga Yoshiki's figure flashed past.He shook his head, feeling that something was wrong with him recently, and he always thought about Yoshiki Ashikaga more and more.

As expected, the living cannot be compared with the dead, except for Xue Nai, Yi Yin is not sure about the others.

Or, try?
As soon as this thought came to Yiyin's mind, he quickly snuffed it out.Human nature can't stand the test, and people who always want to test others have a sick mind.

He retracted his thoughts, looked at the two concubines in front of him, and said.

"Ishida Hime, I called you here this time because I have some new ideas, and I hope you can implement them for me."

Ishida Mitsunari kowtowed to the ground and said solemnly.

"Please order from the imperial platform."

She was depressed in her heart, hearing Yutaisuo's tone, the matter of replacing Takada Yono was indeed a dead end.It is worthy of being the only pedigree of the Takada family of the Shiba family, and the grace is profound and difficult to shake.

Yiyin glanced at Ishida Mitsunari, saw that she was lost for a moment, and immediately regained her spirit, and was also satisfied in her heart.Good mentality, is a talent.

He brought Ishida Mitsunari back and said that he would give her a future and wealth, so he would definitely do it, he said.

"Before I went to Kanto, I made suggestions for the rapprochement agreement between the three good parties of the shogunate, and recently I have gained peace for a year or so.

It's a pity that the ambitious Miyoshi family went to Luo to kill the emperor, and ruined the whole family into a mess. It really makes me sad.

The world has been in chaos for more than a hundred years, especially in recent days, the center has been full of turmoil, and there is no peace for a moment.The fight for power and profit at the upper level really hurt the Ji warriors at the lower level, and life was very difficult. "

Takada Yono and Ishida Mitsunari looked at each other, wondering what the lord meant when he suddenly sang such a high tune.

But if I can't figure it out, I can't figure it out. Horses should be filmed and filmed, and they can't stop.

Takada Yono bowed and said.

"The imperial platform is sympathetic to the heavens and the people, and every family in recent years will be very touched when they know your feelings.

In recent times, the Samurai family faced the evil deeds of the Miyoshi family, but dared not speak out.Everyone seems to be looking forward to their father, looking forward to you going back to set things right and make decisions for everyone. "

Ishida Mitsunari followed closely.

"The kindness of the imperial platform is really the great fortune of the martial arts in the world. It is my honor to serve the public under your command and contribute to the righteousness of the world.

Despite the order from the Imperial Palace, Ishida Mitsunari will do his best to do a good job for you. "

Yiyin smiled, pretending to be moved, and said.

"It's my luck to have you loyal ministers by my side. It's just that the world is in such a mess, what can I do as a man?

There are clouds in the sky, if you don't sweep a house, how can you sweep the world.

I can't care about the resurgence of wars in recent days, but I am worried about the retainers of the recent few Sibolings, they are having a hard time.

I am powerless in matters outside, but the warriors who follow me can't let them live a hard life with ups and downs.

Since they are loyal to me, I have to give them a basic income to support the whole family. "

Hearing Yoshihiro talk about the loyalty of the samurai clan in Siba in recent days, Takada Yono and Ishida Mitsunari looked at each other and understood.

Shiba Yoshigin is going to take the lead in recent Siba and regain control.But they don't understand what this has to do with them.

Both of them are engaged in business affairs, and they have no influence on the recent past and cannot help.

In particular, Yoshihiro pointed out that he would send Ishida Sancheng to handle errands. Ishida Mitsunari didn't have any contacts in Shibaling recently, so what could he do for the lord?

Ishida Mitsunari took the initiative to kowtow to the ground and said.

"The imperial platform has high righteousness, and this subject is all the samurai families in the near several Sibo territories, thank you to the lord."

Yiyin nodded her twice and said with a smile.

"I don't even know what to do, I just know to say something nice. This is not good, Ishida Hime, what I need is your ability.

Let's put it this way, I want to set up a fund to guarantee the bottom line for the retainers of the Shiba family.

Let's do a pilot in recent Siba collars. If it is done well, it can be rolled out in an all-round way to provide a guarantee for the Shiba family servants in all parts of the Kanto and Kansai. "

"Fund?" x2
The two people under the seat looked at the lord suspiciously, and Yiyin smiled.

"Sibozhong's basic life guarantee deposit, referred to as Sibozhong Fund."

"The Sibozhong Fund?" x2
Facing the doubts of the two, Yiyin stated his idea very simply.

"Yuno, I heard from you that there are a lot of copper coins in Sakai Port and Kyoto Tucang that I dare not lend out.

You go to negotiate with them for me and lend me a loan with [-]% annual interest, is there any problem? "

Takada Yono thought for a while and said.

"With the strength of Esper's family and your reputation, there should be no problem."

Yoshigin nodded and said to Ishida Mitsunari.

"Ishida Hime, you have served in the Naoetsu Pass for two years, and you are most familiar with the operation of the Hokuriku Road trade route.

You will be in charge of the Sibazhong Fund, which will invest in the Hokuriku Road trade route with the loan from the soil warehouse.

I don't care how you operate it, I require the Sibozhong Fund to repay [-]% interest on the money earned every year, and also distribute dividends to the retainers of the recent Sibolings.

The specific dividend ratio will be decided after I go back to Siboling to discuss with the retainers, but you must earn the money for me. In addition to the proportional dividend, the annual balance will continue to be invested to make money.

The recent Sibo collar is just the beginning. In the future, all retainers of the Sibo family must have a loyalty fund.

This is my pledge of loyalty to all of Shiba's retainers. Those who are loyal to me will be protected by me.Don't let husbands and daughters, old and young, suffer from hunger and cold. "

Ishida Mitsunari glanced at Takada Yono who was on the side, and said.

"Odaisho, it's not difficult to make money. The Hokuriku Road trade route has been growing in size in the past two years, and the income is much higher than [-]%.

The subject just wanted to ask, how big is the capital of the Si Bozhong Fund?Because the share of the Hokuriku Road trade route has long been divided, if the scale of funds is too large, it may cause dissatisfaction from other partners. "

What Ishida Mitsunari meant was very clear.

On the Hokuriku Road’s Sakai port, Yono Takada controls the price, and Hokuriku countries share the share of the goods and resell them to make a difference. The JJ market accepts leftover goods and engages in the large Kanto distribution market.

At the two ends of Sakai Port and Naoetsu, and the countries of Hokuriku Road in the middle, everyone is sitting in a row to eat fruit and fruit, and the distribution has been made properly.

If you make some goods on a small scale and make some money, it's not a big problem.But if the scale gets bigger, it will inevitably erode the share of others.

Ishida Mitsunari needs to figure out how much he can do.Sakai Port Shopping Terminal, Hokuriku Road Distributors, Naoetsu Sales Market, which transactions can participate.

If you want to make more money, of course you can eat three fish with one fish, and the best profit is to swallow the whole line.But I'm afraid that someone will make things difficult for the lord because of the loss of interests.

After all, the Hokuriku trade route is not a purely economic account, but also a political account.

The most important thing is to get Takata Yono to nod, because the Shibachu Fund's share of the Hokuriku Road business route is tantamount to taking money from Takata Yono's pocket, and even needs her escort.

Without Takada Yono Matsuguchi, Ishida Mitsunari would not even be able to get a share of goods in Sakai Port, let alone various subsequent transactions.

Yi Yin said.

"Miyoshi goes to Los Angeles. There has been a lot of chaos recently. Many people can't survive this disaster. The shipping side of Sakai Port should be able to re-plan the share.

Hokuriku countries and Naoetsu, you try to maintain a cooperative relationship with the local samurai.The port of Sakai redistributes the share of the goods transferred to you, and you just let the Hokuriku side not suffer as usual.

You are also familiar with the contacts over there, and they are all acquaintances who are easy to handle.

Yang Nai, what do you think? "

The benefits of samurai from various countries in Hokuriku cannot be taken, it is too sensitive.Once a dispute arises, it may be another war.

Those bastards in Echigo are used to eating alone, if they take advantage of them, they might make trouble again.Shiba Yoshigin didn't want to cause trouble for Uesugi Terutoro, so he had to wipe her buttocks himself later.

However, this place has been in chaos in recent days, so I simply took the opportunity to rectify it and get some share of shipments for the Sibo Zhong Fund.

Yoshigin's eyes turned to Takada Yono, to see how much she could move out.

(End of this chapter)

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