different warring states of japan

Chapter 1144 Yang Nai's Opportunity

Chapter 1144 Yang Nai's Opportunity

Yang Nai stared blankly at Yi Yin, she had a little understanding of what the lord wanted to do.

Use the money from the soil warehouse to make profits from the Hokuriku Road trade route, and then use the profit from the Hokuriku Road trade route to buy the hearts of Shiba's vassals.

The operation of the Hokuriku Road trade route has matured. As long as you invest money, you are digging for gold, and there is no possibility of losing money.

The interest rate of earth warehouse funds is low, and the income of the Hokuriku Road business route is high. The Lord has learned to use other people's earth warehouses as his own wallet, and low-cost financing.

The profits from the capital output of the earth warehouse are used to buy the hearts of the newcomers in recent Sibo, which can enable the lord to get rid of the passive situation that he is not familiar with the newcomers in Jinjisi.

Niko Katsuhisa, Akechi Mitsuhide, and Maeda Yoshihisa's samurai came from all over the world, and Yoshihiro couldn't even figure out their relationship.

But it doesn't matter, because their demands are all the same, that is, to serve the public for the sake of reward.

There are very few middle and high-level warriors with a thousand stones or more, and the real low-level Ji warriors are very poor.They don't have that much loyalty, and they come out to kill people just to have food for the whole family.

Most Ji warriors have meager salaries and know-how land. In addition to fighting, the land servants in the village also have to go to the fields to plow the fields. It is really poor.If you dare to slack off, your family will go hungry.

The larger the size of the Sibo Zhong Fund, the higher the profit, and the more guarantee money for Sibo's retainers.Those who eat and drink Shibo Yiyin must be loyal to him.

Yiyin's choice of this name already shows his intentions.The Shibo Zhong Fund, loyal retainers to Shibo Yiyin, can get a hard-core crop that guarantees the harvest in drought and flood.

Whoever eats it belongs to him.The Wu family seems to be very polite, but it is actually very realistic.But it's normal, the low-level Ji warriors can't get enough to eat, so they don't have the mood to talk about etiquette, justice and shame.

The biggest disadvantage of the enfeoffment system is that the retainers of the retainers are not the retainers of the lord.Shiba Yoshigin has been away from the nearby Siba collar for more than two years, and has neither favor nor affection for the new retainers.

But as long as the loyalty fund can be established, it can continue to make money.The retainers of Shiba's retainers, that is, Shiba Yoshigin's loyal ministers, they will take the initiative to stand by Shiba Yoshigin's side.

Only by closely following Shiba Yiyin, Shiba Zhongji, the hard-core crop, can it be eaten forever.

Takada Yona murmured in his heart, measuring the material resources of the Hokuriku Road trade route, and the favor of Siba's retainers, the lord is really a genius of the world.

And she herself, also got a glimpse of her own opportunity from it.

She was originally full of fighting spirit and came here with a stack of debts, and even boasted about it with Imai Zongjiu in Sakai Port.Let the lord understand that he cannot take away his love for him.

But the reality is too embarrassing, she thought that the debt of the bully was a trivial matter by Shiba Yoshihiro in a few words, which made Takada Yono feel depressed.

What's even more exasperating is that Xue Nai said that the general allowed her to like the lord, and she wanted to share it with Yang Nai.

Yang Nai boasted that he had worked hard for three years, but in the end he had to rely on the help of his stupid younger sister to get the power to like the lord?
She, Takada Yono, doesn't want to lose face!

But now, Yang Nai suddenly discovered that there was an opportunity in front of her.She stared blankly at her beloved lord, as if she had forgotten that this was the prelude to the lord.

Yi Yin was also looking at Yang Nao, waiting for her answer, but found that her expression was gradually becoming idiot, and couldn't help frowning.

What's going on in your mind, girl?

"Yang Nai?"

Yiyin's slightly dissatisfied voice rang in his ears, Yang Nai's eyes widened and he came back to his senses.Looking at Yi Yin's handsome face, she bit her lower lip to muster up her courage.

Maybe, this is the last chance in this life, don't let it go, you must seize it!
Takada Yoshino looked at the young man he admired with firm eyes, and asked.

"May I ask my lord, is the Siba Zhong Fund related to the future of the Siba family?"

Yiyin looked at her suspiciously, always feeling that her attitude was a little weird, but he still nodded.


If the Sibazhong Fund can be successful, it will be fully deployed in the Siba retainer group in the future.All Ji samurai who worked for the Shiba family will receive a dividend that meets the minimum living guarantee.

As long as it is a Hime samurai who is sincerely serving the Shiba family, I, Shiba Yoshigin, will not hesitate to reward him.

This matter is very important. "

Yoshihiro Shiba emphasized the role of the Shibachu Fund because he discovered that Akechi Mitsuhide's solitary behavior had seriously threatened his own power.

The higher-ups cannot tolerate threats. Even if he knows that Akechi Mitsuhide loves him deeply, Yoshihiro will not hand over his power base to this dangerous woman for manipulation.

After the allocation of materials by Sibo, the rudiment of the strategy of doves occupying magpies' nests has actually been rolled out.

Takeshi Ji, who got Siba's material, is the target of Yoshihiro's future rape. The last child born will inherit Hime Takeshi's vassals and Shiba's warehouse, becoming the foundation of the Shiba family.

But there is a great hidden danger in this plan, that is Mitsuhide Akechi's personal will.What Yoshihiro Shibo needs is an executor, not a leader who can make decisions for himself.

In this world, only Yoshihiro Shiba and Mitsuhide Akechi know about the plan to occupy the magpie's nest.

Akechi Mitsuhide claimed to be the king's planner, but she dared to act without telling Shiba Yoshigin and killed Ashikaga Yoshiki.

What's more frightening is that Akechi Mitsuhide took advantage of Shiba's ignorance of the plan to occupy the magpie's nest, and used Shiba as a bait to implicate Maeda's interests and Takada Yono in the Kyoto incident.

Her actions completely trampled Shibo Yoshihiro's bottom line, which he couldn't tolerate.

Because of the strategy of doves occupying the magpie's nest, Yoshigin Shiba has been reduced to a puppet of Mitsuhide Akechi to a certain extent, which is unacceptable to any superior.

The future of the Shiba family must be firmly controlled by Yoshihiko Shiba, and no one can challenge his power or threaten his status.

Yoshigin needs to find a way to control Shiba's retainers outside of the plan to occupy the magpie's nest, so that the importance of Akechi Mitsuhide, who is in charge of the plan to occupy the magpie's nest, will decline.

He needs to have enough weight behind him to calmly handle Mitsuhide Akechi, a black-bellied woman.

And Takada Yoshino used the funds from the soil storehouse to quickly create a business miracle on the Hokuriku Road trade route, which made Yoshihiro think of a way.

In this world, no one knows what money is better than him.

The copper coins placed in the earthen warehouse are nothing more than a pile of moldy and rusty things.But if these copper coins can be lent out, this cash flow can help Shiboyiyin get out of its current predicament.

Money spent is money.

Once the Tucang copper coins enter the circulation market, the Sibo family's dominant position in the Hokuriku Road trade route is like being both a player and a referee in a game, and the cash flow will rapidly expand.

Shiba Yoshigin has no shortage of fame. He already has the golden seal of the sword of General Ashikaga, and also carries the royal white flag of Mrs. Hachiman on his back.

But orthodoxy can't be eaten as a meal, the foundation of the Wu family society is to reward the public.To put it simply, having milk is a father.

At that time, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu opened Tomorrow Trading and made a lot of money. He was orthodox in one hand and copper coins in the other. Only then did he have the power to dominate the world.

Yoshigin is now the biggest father of the entire samurai society. Just like Ashikaga Yoshimitsu relies on tomorrow's trade to make money, he needs to find his own source of income.

If the Shibazhong Fund can really turn the Tucang copper coins into a huge and continuously growing cash flow, Shiba Yoshiin will have enough money to buy the entire Shiba retainer group.

The Sibozhong fund he envisioned is to directly bypass the middle and high-level samurai families and distribute money to the low-level Ji samurai warriors.If he earns enough, he can even come up with a whole welfare system.

Year-end allowance, medical allowance, pension, pension, childcare allowance. .As long as you have money in hand, there are many reasons to send money.As long as there is money in hand, loyalty can be poured out.

If this is really going to happen, Shiba Yoshigin doesn't care whether the high-level samurai is loyal or not.

Because the low-level Ji warriors are his Sibo guards, they will help him hack all the unfaithful high-level Sibo.

And the grassroots Ji samurai all over the world will envy the Shiba family Ji samurai's guaranteed deposit, and hope to enter the Shiba family's establishment and become a member of the drought and flood guarantee.

The heart of the world is nothing more than this.

In Yiyin's conception, the Sibo Zhong Fund is a short-term stimulant, and the strategy of doves occupying the magpie's nest is a long-term arrangement.

The cash flow of Zhong Fund cannot grow indefinitely, and there will always be a day of slowdown and stagnation.But until the growth slows down, the power of the Shiba family will be firmly controlled by Yoshihiko Shiba himself.

The dove occupying the magpie's nest plan reconstructed the basic board of the Siba family, and the selected Ji warriors will become the branches of the Siba family, spreading branches and leaves for the Siba family.

At this moment, the Sibo Zhong Fund has not yet started.But Takada Yoshino has already detected Shiba Yoshiyin's plan with his keen business sense.

She said.

"May I ask my lord, is the importance of the Sibo Zhong Fund comparable to that of the Sibo Institute?"

Yi Yin narrowed his eyes, a little angry, he stared at Takada Yono, and said slowly.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Seeing the lord's angry gaze, Takada Yono's hands couldn't stop shaking, but she still clenched her fists tightly and refused to give up.

At this moment, Takada Yoshino, she realized that she was more important than ever, and she unexpectedly got a bargaining chip.

The smooth operation of the Sibozhong Fund needs to meet two conditions.

First, borrow money from soil warehouses.

The owner of the earth warehouse is not a fool. Without familiar contacts and superb skills, it is impossible to talk about low-interest loans.

There are also the details of the various soil warehouses, which must be understood by those who know the basics.Which earth warehouse is really rich and which one is just empty shelf, only by knowing what is in mind can you borrow money smoothly.

Second, the cash flow of the Shibazhong Fund is converted into actual commodities and earns profits. It needs to participate in the distribution of the Hokuriku Road cargo share on the Sakai Port side.

If there is no share of goods, cash flow cannot be converted into commodities, and money cannot make money.In an ideal state, it is impossible for cash cows to continuously produce profits.

And these two conditions are inseparable from the cooperation of Takada Yono.

No one knows the current situation of the recent soil warehouses better than Yono Takada, who has been cultivating Sakai Port for three years.It is not something that can be done in a day or two to figure out the intricate distribution of goods at Sakai Port.

It is not a long-term solution for Shibo Yoshino to stay a few days away.Sooner or later, he will return to the nearby Sibo area and take charge of the overall situation.

Except for Takada Yono, no one can help him settle these two matters in a short period of time.

In other words, without Takada Yono, the Shibazhong Fund will not be able to do it in the short term.Yiyin wanted to suppress the idea of ​​the top leaders of recent Sibo as soon as possible, but it could not be realized in a short time.

Takada Yoshino was keenly aware of his importance, and Shiba Yoshigin also noticed it.

He was very annoyed, because Yang Nai was a girl, and she wanted to negotiate terms with him.She gave everything by herself, and she still wants to bargain?His heart can be punished!

Ishida Mitsunari, who was on the side, was even more surprised. He didn't expect Takada Yono to be so brave. She was breaking the lord's scales.Just passed through the Kyoto Incident, how dare Takada Yono dare to die?

You must know that the master does not mean that leaving Takata Yono will not make the Shibazhong Fund, but it will delay the opportunity.At this time, Takada Yoshino held the bargaining chip and called the price, it was really desperate.

Facing Yoshihiko Shiba's anger, Yoshino Takada was already trembling with fright, but she gritted her teeth and refused to give up, saying every word.

"Yang Nai has no other intentions, but just wants to ask my lord, is the importance of the Sibo Zhong Fund comparable to what Sibo expected?

Is the share of Sakai Port cargo that I gave to the Shibazhong Fund considered another form of Shiba Materials Co., Ltd.? "

Yiyin was taken aback for a moment, and the anger on his face gradually turned into embarrassment.

Ishida Mitsunari on the side was even more dumbfounded, it turned out that Takada Yono meant this.She didn't want to threaten the lord, she just wanted to get married!
What is the connotation of Ji Samurai who owns the Siba Institute, and the senior leaders of the Siba collar have understood in their hearts in recent days.That is a ticket to enter the venue, leading to the Shura Field called Ruzuo.

Takada Yoshino is the magistrate of the town, and her knowledge and practice are only a thousand stones.If she didn't control Sakai Port, she would be nothing but a land of thousands of stones.

As for the thousand stones, it was still Yiyin who went crazy at the beginning, extracting income from Akechi Mitsuhide's material.Takada Yoshino has a shallow foundation and has no retainers of his own to manage the place.

With her status, Sibo would never get her turn, so naturally she had no chance to get married.

Now that the opportunity is at hand, Takada Yono compares the share of goods of the Shibachu Fund to the Shiba Institute, and her mind is clearly revealed.

This is a ticket to get married!
Yoshihiro Shiba took a deep breath, not knowing how to react for a moment.

Takada Yoshino lay down on the ground and made a seat under the soil, and said sincerely.

"Everything about me is bestowed by the lord, and I have already dedicated my body and mind to you.

As long as you order, I will try my best to get back everything needed for the establishment of the Sibo Zhong Foundation.

But I just want to ask you one question.

I, Takada Yono, really have no chance at all?
I, Takada Yono, can't I even have wishful thinking?

I, Takada Yono, am I wasting my time and daydreaming no matter what I do? "

Yiyin glanced at Ishida Mitsunari who was on the side, and saw that she was suddenly very interested in the paintings on the wall, staring at them intently and engrossed.

This guy is really knowledgeable, Yi Yin turned his eyes back to Yang Nai, seeing her trembling but still gritted her teeth, it was really pitiful to see.

Yiyin couldn't help sighing secretly.

Mitsuhide Akechi, that bastard, is misleading people everywhere, linking the name of Shiba's agency with his wife's name, what a crime.How can there be any marriage, I obviously want everything.

Yiyin wanted to harden his heart and reprimand, the serious scene of Jun Qianqian was disturbed by Takada Yono, how decent it is!
But seeing the sad expression on her face when she raised her head, Yiyin felt weak again.

Gao Tian You Nai couldn't wait for the master's answer for a long time, his heart was like ashes, and there was a trace of desolation at the corner of his mouth.At this moment, the lord's natural voice came from her ears.

"That's not a single sentence, it's clearly three sentences. The dignified Shibacho practiced, so confused that one, two, three can't be counted, I really don't know what it means!
Shibo, that's not what you think, so don't make a fool of yourself.

Joking is not nonsense, and adaptation is not random making up.You people spread rumors down there all day, aren't you afraid that one day in the future, you will apologize to me with seppuku?
Nonsense! "

(End of this chapter)

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