different warring states of japan

Chapter 1154 The whirlpool of scandals

Chapter 1154 The whirlpool of scandals

Since Yiyin left the capital, he has been busy with politics and military affairs, and has never paid attention to the small circle of Wu family husbands.

After all, he is the boss who makes Ji Wushi do things, and he doesn't have to care about their husbands.What's more, the men of the Wu family have a low status and rarely involve in government affairs, let alone the possibility of intersection.

Except for the samurai husband who dared to invite him to join the brotherhood at the Odaisho in Kyoto back then, there really hadn't been one.

This time, it was strange.

Just when Yoshihiro was puzzled, Asai Nagamasa had already attacked the case and cursed.

"Nonsense! Too much nonsense!

Chiwei-sama and I are discussing important military matters, how dare this man who doesn't know the importance bother the Imperial Palace with these trifles! "

Asai Nagamasa bowed deeply to Yoshigin and said.

"Forgive me from the imperial platform, my wife doesn't know the general idea, so I'll go and teach him a lesson."

After finishing speaking, she unexpectedly left the room, staring at Yiyin dumbfounded.

Even if Asai's husband is not sensible, Yoshigin politely refuses.Asai Nagamasa left in a hurry, but he wanted to cover it up, which aroused suspicion.

Yiyin felt strange in his heart, glanced at Akao Kiyotsuna next to him, and snorted coldly.

Akao Kiyotsuna groaned inwardly, Asai Nagamasa lost his head, now that she left, how would he explain it here?

Godaisho condescended to come to Otani Castle, but Asai Nagamasa left because of such a trivial matter, there is obviously a problem.

Up to now, Akao Kiyozuna also knew that he couldn't hide it, so he decisively acted as a submissive, begging for forgiveness.

"very sorry!"

Yiyin sighed and asked.

"what is the problem?"

Akao Kiyotsuna glanced at Gamojigo, who was stunned at the door because Asai Nagamasa left in a hurry, and said nothing in embarrassment.

Yiyin shook his hand and said.

"Pu Shengji, you go out first."

After Kamo Shigo bowed and went out to close the door, Akao Kiyotsuna let out a sigh and sighed.

"The family is unlucky, Odaisho.

In fact, when you came this time, the house governor didn't know in advance.It was her husband who sent envoys without authorization. "

Yiyin was taken aback. He had thought about many possibilities, but he never expected the truth to be so outrageous.It's unimaginable that a Wu family husband dared to do such a thing behind his wife's back.

Wait a moment, Yoshihiro suddenly realized that he was the one who set up a bridge for Asai and Oda's two families, so that they could join hands.The basis of the alliance between the two is marriage.

He vaguely remembered that Asai Nagamasa's husband was Oda Nobunaga's younger brother, Oda Mayor?No, it should be called Asai Ichi-kun now.

If the mayor, this could really happen.

Yoshigin had heard in Owari country a long time ago that this younger brother of Oda Nobunaga had a personality very similar to hers.

At the beginning, I had complained about how bad the city lord and Nobunaga Oda had the same temper.

Now seeing Akao Kiyosuna terrified in front of him, prostrating himself on the ground to apologize, Yoshigin couldn't help shaking his head, that was really bad.

He said.

"So, you and His Highness Asai originally wanted to perfunctory me? How unreasonable!"

Yoshiyin was a little annoyed, Asai Changzheng couldn't manage his husband well, and he wanted to get away with it, who did he think Yoshiyin was?
There are countless affairs on the front line waiting for Yiyin to deal with, and he made a special trip to Xiaogu City just because of the misbehavior of a stingy man.

If an outsider finds out that a samurai husband has played tricks on the wise and mighty imperial platform, Shiba Yoshigin will lose face!
Seeing that Yoshigin was furious, Akao Kiyotsuna had no other choice but to keep complaining.

"Odaisho, you don't know something.

Although His Highness Oda's anti-seasonal campaign was powerful, the Asai family paid a huge price for it.

Although the military rations were provided by the Oda family, the peasants and soldiers who transported the military rations had to be mobilized locally for labor.The battlefield is in the Omi country, and most of the farmers and soldiers transported are from my family in the North Omi.

For fear of delaying the spring plowing, the voices of dissatisfaction among the retainers never subsided, but were forcibly suppressed by the family governor.

When such a scandal happened, neither the family governor nor I dared to let the news leak out, for fear that the retainers would take the opportunity to rebound and hinder the important matter of mobilizing the peasants and soldiers.

What's more, the husband of the house governor is from the Oda family, if he turns against His Highness Oda because of this, it will affect the overall situation even more. "

Akao Kiyotsuna explained in a low voice, and Yoshigin slowly calmed down after listening.

Asai Nagamasa's approach is indeed not wrong, this time point is too sensitive.Everything is to make way for Shangluo, and it is right not to cause extra complications.

Yi Yin frowned and said.

"Even if you want to hide it from outsiders, you shouldn't hide it from me. Why hide it from me."

Akao Kiyosuna was submissive on the surface, but he didn't think so in his heart.

No matter how noble the Imperial Palace is, to Asai Nagamasa and Akao Kiyotsuna, they are not outsiders, so can they still be regarded as insiders?If it wasn't because she couldn't hide it, she wouldn't tell the truth.

Akao Kiyotsuna apologized repeatedly, seeing that Shiba Yoshigin was reasonable and calmed down a bit.

Yoshigin sighed, and didn't want to pursue Asai Nagamasa's crime of trespass and indecency.

As Akao Kiyozuna said, Shangluo is the top priority right now, and the overall situation should not be damaged because of the mayor's willfulness.

But Yiyin was still very surprised, why did the city lord find him here?
So, he asked Akao Kiyotsuna.

"My husband Asai and I have never lived together. Why did he use some tricks to lure me to Xiaogu City?"

Akao Kiyotsuna was at a loss for words, but she knew some reasons, but how could she say it?
Could it be that he told Yoshihiro Shiba that Asai Nagamasa had a crush on him, so his man was jealous, so he had to see what kind of vixen charmed his wife?

Not to mention that Shiba Yoshigin is pure and innocent, even if he really had an affair with Asai Nagamasa, he would not allow others to make irresponsible remarks.

He is the direct descendant of Hanoi Genji who holds the imperial white flag, the embodiment of righteousness, and the real father of the martial arts family in the world.From ancient times to the present, how can there be any reason why children arrange old fathers?

Maybe, Asai's vassals still think that Asai Nagamasa has taken advantage of it, and they are afraid that their family's fortune will be poor and they will not be able to bear it.

Akao Kiyotsuna couldn't express that little delusional thought of Asai Nagamasa.Yiyin saw that her mouth was tightly shut, but her eyes couldn't stop looking at him, and suddenly her heart skipped a beat.

He silently pointed to his face, and then pointed to the seat where Nagamasa Asai sat just now.Akao Kiyosuna gritted his teeth and nodded lightly, then kowtowed to the ground to plead guilty.

Yiyin looked up to the sky and sighed.

After working for a long time, I still have to find the reason from myself?Sure enough, I'm so handsome that fascinated Asai Nagamasa?
He could not laugh or cry.

It turned out that it was pantothenic acid in the inner courtyard of Asai's house, and Asai Nagamasa couldn't control the scene.No wonder she left in a hurry just now, rushing to put out the fire in the back house.

Knowing the truth, Yiyin only felt his teeth hurt for a while.What the hell did he do? Didn't he take the initiative to seduce Nagamasa Asai?

That city lord can't control his wife, but resents Yiyin instead. It's unreasonable, handsome and breaking the law?

Yi Yin is also annoyed at this city lord who doesn't know what is good or what is bad.But he thought that he was Oda Nobunaga's younger brother, and if he severely punished him, it would attract Oda Nobunaga's concern.

Waiting for Oda Nobunaga to inquire about the reason, how to explain?

Yiyin remembered that he accompanied her to have sex with her back then, and now her siblings want to have sex with her again, so he couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, what kind of thing is this.

Although he understood the cause and effect, Yiyin couldn't point out the matter and could only admit that he was unlucky.

This kind of emotional dispute is still chaotic, so let the Asai and his wife make it on their own.No matter what I do to react, there will be rumors that are not good for me.

The inexplicable gossip about Yutaisuo and Asai husband robbing his wife, and Tamazamae (the fox spirit) returning to recent years must be so ugly and circulated.

Arranging and ridiculing the superiors is the most popular entertainment activity for common people in ancient and modern China and abroad.The rough and direct imagination of the people at the bottom is enough to make Yiyin feel ashamed for no reason.

After all, this is in the world of women, and a man's reputation is also a reputation. Even if Yoshihiro Shiba doesn't care about chastity, he still cares about his image.

After thinking it over, Yiyin decided to pretend to be stupid, he said.

"I'm here this time to discuss the arrangements for the Hokuriku Road trade route this year, right?"

Akao Kiyozuna was taken aback for a moment, and immediately came to his senses.Yiyin didn't want to pursue it, let alone cause a scandal. For the Asai family, this result couldn't be better.

she said quickly.

"Yes, yes, I have invited you here this time to discuss whether the matter of Shangluo will affect the normal operation of the Hokuriku Road trade route."

Yi Yin nodded and said.

"Well, it's good that the matter is clarified, and I can go to Zuohe Mountain City with peace of mind in the future."

Akao Kiyotsuna said respectfully.

"Hi! I'm really sorry to cause you trouble. Please stay in the residence hall for one night today, and the supervisor and I will practice it for you tomorrow."

The two breathed a sigh of relief just now, when there was another knock on the door, Yiyin said helplessly.

"what happened again?"

Gamo Shigo opened the door, bowed and said.

"Imperial Office, the Asai family sent someone to report that Oda Nobunaga misses his younger brother and is coming to Otani Castle to visit, and there is still about a day's journey away."


Yoshigin subconsciously looked at Akao Kiyozuna, his eyes seemed to be asking, what's going on?
Akao Kiyozuna was also confused, and quickly shook his head in denial.

"This incident is really not the work of the Asai family. I only now know that Oda Nobunaga personally came to Otani Castle."

Yi Yin frowned.

"Just because you don't know, doesn't mean others don't know."

Akao Kiyozuna was stunned at the beginning, she really didn't dare to vouch for the mayor.Who knows if this man will lose his mind and send envoys to find his sister to support him.

Yiyin let out a deep breath, he couldn't stay here for a moment.Although he was not afraid of Oda Nobunaga, being caught in this vortex of scandal made him really annoyed.

If he really had sex with Asai Nagamasa back then, he would have admitted it.It's not incomprehensible for someone else's husband to want to find trouble after having sex with his wife.

But he and Asai Nagamasa are innocent, this shit is too bullying.

Yiyin snorted coldly and said.

"The frontline affairs are still waiting for me to deal with. Now that the business route of the Hokuriku Road has been negotiated, I will immediately leave for Sawayama Castle."

Tomorrow, Oda Nobunaga will arrive.Yi Yin had to leave today if he wanted to leave, pretending he didn't know she was coming.If it is delayed until tomorrow, it will be inconvenient to avoid her.

Akao Kiyotsuna made two uh-uh, his mind was in chaos, and his lips were a little out of control.

What would others think if the imperial platform came and left?But if you don't leave, another Oda Nobunaga will come tomorrow, which will be even more troublesome.

Seeing Akao Kiyotsuna's tangled appearance, Yoshihiro snorted coldly, got up and said.

"Kamo Clan Township, let's go now!"


Yoshiyin left decisively, only then did Akao Kiyotsuna wake up, and hurriedly followed.

"Odaisho, please give me some time, I will prepare supplies for your trip."

Yoshigin stopped, nodded to Akao Kiyotsuna.

"Then I will trouble Akao-sama."

Akao Kiyozuna bowed deeply and said.

"It's my family who caused trouble for the Royal Platform, if you don't pursue it, my family is already grateful.

Please rest in the side room for a while, I will go back as soon as I go. "

After finishing speaking, Akao Kiyozuna left in a hurry to prepare for Shiba Yoshigin's trip.Thinking of Oda Nobunaga coming to the door tomorrow, she couldn't help complaining.

Sin!What kind of man did Nagamasa Asai marry? What a big trouble!

Shiba Yoshihiro couldn't wait for the whole night, and left straight away, and the city of Xiaogu behind him was full of chaos.

The mayor swears to God that he never sent another envoy, let alone invited his sister Oda Nobunaga.

Although Asai Nagamasa believed his words, the fact that the imperial court ran away overnight has already aroused doubts and concerns from the retainers.

Akao Kiyosuna was busy calming the emotions of the retainers, saying that Shiba Yoshigin's departure was an emergency on the front line.He also used the unimpeded Hokuriku Road trade route to change the topic, which barely calmed people's minds.

As for the city lord who caused the trouble, Kiyozuna Akao had not had time to complain to Asai Nagamasa before the next day's guest, Oda Nobunaga.

Xiaogucheng Residence, the tea room in the inner courtyard.

Oda Nobunaga came to visit the mayor in name, and he was also surprised to hear that Shiba Yoshigin had left.

She missed Yiyin, so she simply entered the inner courtyard in the name of a visit, drank tea and chatted with Asai and his wife, and then looked for opportunities to test.

When the tea man served tea soup, Nagamasa Asai waved his hand and bowed to leave. The three people in the room were speechless for a while.

Oda Nobunaga clearly felt something was wrong between the two, Asai Nagamasa forced a smile, and the city lord's eyes were red and swollen, as if there was a conflict.

She took a sip of the tea soup lightly and said.

"His Royal Highness Asai, the mayor has a bad temper, please take care of me more in daily life."

The Lord Shi was in a bad mood, and when he heard his sister belittle him, he couldn't help but glared at her.Then, her next sentence made her eye circles hot.

Oda Nobunaga continued.

"But he is my younger brother after all. If there is anything excessive, I would like to apologize to you first. Please be magnanimous and don't care about her."

After speaking, Oda Nobunaga bowed slightly.With her current status as a million-stone daimyo, it is already quite a low profile to say this.

Except for the fact that she was slapped by Oda Nobunaga for humiliating Shiba Yoshiyin before the city's marriage, the relationship between the siblings is actually very good.

Oda Nobunaga also sincerely hoped that the city lord could have a better life at Asai's house.

Asai Nagamasa was also moved, and after bowing in return, he said.

"Your Majesty is my husband, and it is my responsibility to take good care of him, so there is no need for you to condescend so carefully.

It's just that there are some bottom lines outside the female lead and inside the male lead, so don't cross the line. "

Oda Nobunaga narrowed his eyes slightly, not quite understanding what Asai Nagamasa meant.

But at this time, the city lord sneered and said.

"If you and him are clean and clear, why doesn't he dare to participate in my tea party and leave Xiaogu City overnight?
It's clearly a guilty conscience! "

(End of this chapter)

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