Chapter 1155

Asai Nagamasa was once again ignited by the mayor's words, and said coldly.

"The imperial platform is pure and clean, and I don't want to argue with you, an ignorant and jealous husband. But you don't know how to be grateful, and you still want to talk nonsense and slander your lord.

Mayor, I have already warned you not to meddle in government affairs.

If the military and state affairs are ruined because of you, even if I can forgive you, the retainer group will not forgive! "

The mayor was dissatisfied and wanted to refute.Oda Nobunaga on the side slammed his palm on the desk, causing the tea soup to overflow and splash everywhere.

"Your Majesty, shut up!
His Excellency Asai, I heard that the Imperial Palace came to Otani Castle, and I left immediately?What exactly is going on? "

Asai and his wife quarreled, and the truth was revealed in a few words, and Oda Nobunaga took advantage of the opportunity to ask about the inside story of Shiba Yoshigin's coming to Otani Castle.

Asai Nagamasa was forced to a corner, and at this moment, she couldn't even say anything if she didn't want to.So, she sighed.

"Your Majesty sent an envoy behind my back, and invited the Imperial Office to Xiaogu City."


Oda Nobunaga never expected that his younger brother would be so bold.It's wartime now, how dare you go to harass the Imperial Palace?

She couldn't help but glared at the city lord, only feeling ridiculous in her heart.It was originally thought that Shiba Yoshigin came to Otani Castle because of some secret connection with the Asai family.

Unexpectedly, this was just an oolong made by his younger brother.

Thinking of himself rushing to Kotani City anxiously, intending to investigate Shiba Yoshigin's conspiracy with Asai Nagamasa.At this moment, it seems ridiculous.

An imperial court, a million-dollar daimyo, was played around by a grudge in the inner courtyard of a boudoir.

No wonder Yoshihiro Shiba left overnight, he was so angry that he couldn't vent his anger, and he didn't want to face him face to face, which made him even more embarrassed.

Oda Nobunaga also had a dull face, his eyes became sharper and sharper.She barely endured the discomfort and said.

"His Royal Highness Asai, the Lord is not an unreasonable person. Is there any misunderstanding?"

Asai Nagamasa was taken aback, she couldn't say it, because she had been reluctant to have sex with the mayor for the past two years and perform Zhou Gong's courtesy, so the mayor suspected that she had an affair with Shiba Yoshiyin, right?
After holding back for a while, Nagamasa Asai gritted his teeth and swore to the sky.

"I swear on the honor of the ancestors of the Asai family, there is nothing wrong between me and the Imperial Palace, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it."

When Oda Nobunaga heard what Asai Nagamasa said, he couldn't help feeling relieved.Even she didn't realize it, she was a little nervous.

For some reason, she was very happy to hear that Shiba Yoshiyin and Asai Nagamasa had no affair.

The mayor heard Asai Nagamasa's righteous oath, but he refused to be convinced.

Does it matter if there is a physical relationship between the two?My wife's heart was snatched away by the vixen, so she won't let me use her skin if she keeps it!
But he is a man after all, and he is shy and taboo about men and women. Even if Oda Nobunaga is his older sister, it would be difficult to say such things as sleeping in the same room.

He could only sneer.

"What you have done, you know in your heart!"

Oda Nobunaga didn't know what was going on between the couple, so he misunderstood it instantly, thinking that the city lord was making trouble for no reason.

She squinted her eyes and became even more angry.

Yoshihito Shiba is the leader of this trip, and Nagamasa Asai is the supporter of the Oda family's recent entry.These two people are very important to Oda Nobunaga, and they are related to her strategic plan.

Seeing the mayor's misbehavior, which caused twists and turns in the matter of Shangluo, Oda Nobunaga's eyes showed a fierce look, and he slapped the mayor's face fiercely.

This slap on the Lord's cheek happened to be symmetrical with the slap he received when he got married, and the Lord was stunned on the spot.

he murmured.

"You hit me again, and you hit me again because of him..."

Asai Nagamasa was also dumbfounded, she didn't understand the words of the city lord, let alone Shiba Yoshigin, who was respected as a god in her heart, was a cabbage that was bullied by Oda Nobunaga long ago.

Seeing the mayor being beaten at this moment, Nagamasa Asai suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Although the mayor is messing around, it is Nagamasa Asai himself who made the first mistake.It's just that it's unreasonable that the husband of the Wu family is involved in politics, which affects the overall situation.

After Oda Nobunaga slapped him, seeing the city lord staring at him and refusing to give in, he sneered again and again, and raised his hand to slap him again.

The mayor closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and prepared to be slapped again.Waited for a while, but no slap came down.

He carefully opened his eyes and looked, but saw Asai Nagamasa with a cold face, reaching out to hold His Highness Oda's wrist.

Oda Nobunaga has been going smoothly for the past two years, and he has always said what he says, and no one dares to touch her.

Her eyes turned cold, and she said slowly.

"His Royal Highness Asai, the city lord has acted recklessly, as a sister, can't I teach him a lesson?"

Asai Nagamasa stared at Oda Nobunaga and said word by word.

"Your Highness Oda, he is already Lord Asai City, not Lord Oda City.

If he is wrong, I, my husband, will blame him.Even if you are his husband's family, you can't do it for him, right? "

Oda Nobunaga was suffocated by her words, he couldn't vent his anger, and felt uncomfortable.She exerted force on her wrist, broke free from Nagamasa Asai's control, and sneered.

"Since that's the case, I don't want to interfere any more, please ask Your Highness Asai to deal with it on his own.

The front line is urgent, so I will leave immediately and go to Sawa Mountain City. "

Asai Nagamasa nodded, and called Hashimoto outside to come in and prepare supplies for Oda Nobunaga and his party.

Oda Nobunaga left with a cold face, and simply left with Banner, unwilling to stay longer.

Asai Nagamasa knew that she shouldn't offend Oda Nobunaga, but she couldn't help but feel distressed because she couldn't see the mayor being beaten.

Oda Nobunaga left just now, her hand silently caressed the slapped cheek of the Lord, and said softly.

"Does it hurt?"

The city lord threw himself into her arms with a cry and a smile, shaking his head seriously.

"It doesn't hurt."

He could feel Asai Nagamasa's affection and protection for him, and suddenly regretted his recklessness, but felt it was worth it.

If it weren't for this series of accidents, he would not be able to determine whether there is a place for him in Asai Nagamasa's heart.At this moment, he felt pain on his face and warmth in his heart.

Asai Nagamasa looked helplessly at the mayor, wanting to blame, but couldn't say it.This emotional debt is really being cut constantly, and the reason is still chaotic.

I just don't know if Oda Nobunaga will have a rift with himself because of this, which will affect Shangluo's plan.


Oda Nobunaga left Otani Castle angrily. Although she was upset, she still managed to bear it.

The plan to go to Luo is what she cares most about now, as long as anyone can help her go to Luo, she will tolerate it.

But in the future, not necessarily.

There is no problem with Asai Nagamasa's statement that she married and followed her wife, but her tough attitude made Oda Nobunaga very uncomfortable.

Seeing the big from the small, this Ji has an unyielding temperament, and she is not a character that I can handle at will.

Oda Nobunaga originally thought that after the success of Shangluo, he would give Asai Nagamasa a share of the pie and let her become his good helper in recent days, similar to Tokugawa Ieyasu in Tokaido.

It now appears that this thinking is about to change.

The Oda family will try their best to swallow up the southern Omi land, and will not leave much for the Asai family.

Since Asai Nagamasa is unwilling to become a follower of Oda Nobunaga, she has no choice but to limit her development so as not to lose her future.


An accident that no one expected has profoundly changed the relationship between Oda Nobunaga and Asai Nagamasa.

After all, Asai Nagamasa is not Tokugawa Ieyasu, who was used to being a hostage since she was a child. Her arrogance is incompatible with the arrogant Oda Nobunaga.

Shangluo has not yet succeeded, and the haze between the Oda family and the Asai family has revealed a clue.

Shiba Yoshigin, who just arrived in Sawayama Castle, will also welcome an old friend.

The envoys of the Liujiao family came to visit the imperial platform, and the visitor turned out to be the mother of the Gamo family, Gamo Hyun-hide.


Sawayama Castle, Castle Tower.

Shiba Yoshigin, who had washed away the dust all the way just now, sat on the main seat and accepted the salute from Masahiro Isino.

"The Imperial Palace is safe."

Yiyin laughed.

"Master Isono, I haven't seen you for a few years, but your heroic appearance remains the same as before."

The brave Isono Masahiro is the fierce general of the Asai family next to Akao Kiyozuna, and is deeply trusted by Asai Nagamasa.She has been stationed at Sawa Mountain City on the frontier of the North and South Omi Rivers, and she has a heavy responsibility.

In this battle of Shangluo, various armies assembled in Zuohe Mountain City, which made her so busy that she had nowhere to stay.If it weren't for Shiba Yoshiyin's high status, she really wouldn't have time to come and see her, wasting time.

At this time, she said with a smile.

"Imperial Taisuo still has the same demeanor, even more so than in the past. It's a great honor to have the opportunity to serve under your command again after being away for several years."

Masahiro Isono said it politely, as if he was Yoshigin's subordinate back then.Yiyin also smiled, not taking it seriously.

In the three years before and after, Yiyin's status skyrocketed.Looking back on the past, not only others were surprised, but he himself was deeply touched.

Now that I meet old people from those days, I still have memories in my heart, and I can't help but feel a little emotional.

He said.

"Back then, you and I fought side by side, fighting against the Liujiao family in Norada.

Now, we will go to war with the Liujiao family again.The world is like a cycle of four seasons, which repeats constantly, which is really embarrassing. "

Masahiro Isano laughed.

"The imperial platform is so prestigious that the whole world looks at it. The mantis of the Liujiao family is like a chariot. Before the battle begins, the two groups are frightened to fight, and they are in constant panic.

Miyoshi went to Luo to kill the king, which is intolerable.The great righteousness held by the imperial platform is Shangluo, and it has its own destiny to bless it, making it invincible. "

Yi Yin shook his head and said.

"You are a fierce general, how come you have learned the ability to slap horses? Don't waste your martial arts.

This time I go to Luo, I am still waiting for you to break through and kill the enemy for me. "

Masahiro Isano said solemnly.

"It is my duty to go to battle to kill the enemy, so I should put on my armor and keep my sharp edge, and fight for the one who is entrusted to me by the imperial platform.

It's just that the previous words were not nonsense, every sentence came from the heart, and there was absolutely no exaggeration.

Not only the Liujiao family was scared out of their wits by you, but the Miyoshi family in Kyoto also had trouble sleeping and eating.There was news that the trio of Miyoshi had been sent to Guanyin Temple City as a guest at Liujiao Yizhi.

The envoy of Rokkaku Yoshiharu has arrived at Sawayama Castle, and has been waiting for your arrival, wanting to see you. "

Yiyin's face darkened when he heard that the three good people were entertained at Liujiao's house.

Liujiao Yizhi really doesn't know how to flatter, what does it mean that she receives three good people?Do you think you can stop Shangluo's army by colluding with the Miyoshi family?
You must know that the three good and three people are the sinners who killed the general, and the martial arts in the world can't avoid it.Liujiao Yizhi didn't know how to avoid suspicion, he was looking for death on purpose.

Originally, there was still a sliver of hope that the Liujiao family would be acquainted with each other, but Yiyin didn't want to wipe out this famous Nanjinjiang family.

Without the Rokkaku family, the tentacles of the Oda family will quickly penetrate into the near future and reach the land of Nan Omi.This is not good for Yiyin.

The best result is that Liujia Yizhi cooperates with Shangluo, and Yiyin will help her to prevent the Oda Asai family from being too aggressive.

Even if it is necessary to reduce the territory and hurt the muscles and bones, at least part of the family business can be kept.

But Liujiao Yizhi chose a dead end by himself, so he couldn't blame others for sending her on the road.

Yiyin sneered.

"Since Liujiao Yizhi intends to entertain the three good people, why send envoys? She is in line with the rebellion and regicide, and the Hanoi Genji will seek justice from her.

Deport her envoys, and when the army goes to Luo, I will go to Guanyin Temple City to have a clear talk with her! "

Masahiro Isano bowed and said.

"The imperial platform appeases your anger, I thought so too. But the envoy said that she has an old relationship with you.

This time, one is public and the other is private.Even if the official business returns without success, he still has his own private affairs and hopes to be interviewed by the imperial platform. "

Yi Yin asked with a frown.

"Who is coming?"

"Gamo Hyun Soo."

Yi Yin subconsciously glanced outside the door, and seemed to see Gamo Clan Township who was loyal to his duty and guarded the door.

"It's her..."

Seeing Shiba Yoshigin thinking, Masahiro Isano bowed and said.

"Because she said she had a personal relationship with you, I didn't drive her away, I wanted to wait for you to arrive before dealing with it.

Look, is this person going to be deported? "

Yi Yin shook his head and said.

"No, this person is indeed old with me. My concentric group outside the door, Gamo Clan, is her daughter."

Masahiro Isano accidentally glanced at the sliding door, and vaguely saw Gamo's figure reflected on the paper door, nodded, thinking to himself.

This Pusheng Xianxiu is a formidable person who places bets on all sides and is exquisite in all aspects.She lives in Liujiao's house, her daughter is placed here at the Imperial Palace, and her sister-in-law works for Oda Nobunaga in Kita Ise.

This ability to stand on three boats is really amazing and worth learning.

In a hundred years of troubled times, the concept of loyalty and righteousness of the samurai family has become weaker and weaker, and there are fewer and fewer Ji warriors who uphold righteousness.

The Isono family was originally a vassal of the Kyogoku family, and then switched to the Asai family.Someday when the Asai family fails, Masahiro Isano will try to change his employer again.

Her idea is similar to that of Fujido Gaohu.It's just that Pu Sheng Xianxiu knew it, and she must have smiled wryly and was speechless. She wanted to be loyal but couldn't, and she followed a muddleheaded lord.

Yoshihiro didn't know how Masano Isano thought about Kenhide Gamo in his heart.He greeted the outside world, Gamo clan opened the sliding door and bowed.

"Master Isono, please bring me in."


"Pu Shengji, your mother is here to see you, please come in and sit down first.

You mother and daughter have not seen each other for two years, you should let her take a good look, you have become an excellent Ji warrior. "

Gamo's Township was taken aback for a moment, but couldn't hide his joy afterwards.

These days, she is also secretly worried, will the Battle of Shangluo hurt Gamo's family?It's great to see my mother now.

In Gamo's heart, Shiba Yoshigin is his invincible master, and if the Liujiao family wants to resist the heavenly soldiers, it will definitely end badly.

She secretly made up her mind that she must take this opportunity to persuade her mother to put the family business first and abandon the dark for the bright.

(End of this chapter)

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