different warring states of japan

Chapter 1173 The only one who supports the curtain

Chapter 1173

Tsutsui Junkei has little room for maneuver.

Before Yiyin came back, she had to deal with Changjue of Xingfu Temple and complete the transfer of power.Only in this way can he not leave an excuse for Shibo Yoshihiro who has returned, and have a reason to intervene in the disputes of the Yamato Buddhist Kingdom.

Although Changjue couldn't compete with Tsutsui Shunkei politically, but Kofukuji found a different way and was very good at playing rogues, so they chose to lie flat.

Now, Tsutsui Junqing had a big problem.

Kofukuji Temple is the gate of the Hosho Sect. In the sectarian game, the increasingly weakened Hosho Sect was annexed by the old Shingon Sect of Koyasan. Therefore, Master Changjue of the Shingon Sect served as the head of Kofuku Temple.

Buddhism has been spread widely in Nara since the Heijo-kyo era. It has been nearly a thousand years, and the people are devout and incense is flourishing.As the seat of legal authority of the Yamato Buddhist Kingdom, Kofuku-ji Temple has a very important status.

If Kofukuji fights Tsutsui Junkei with swords, she can take advantage of the problem and win Kofukuji.As long as it doesn't hurt Master Changjue's life, everything else is fine.

But Kofukuji did not engage in hard confrontation, and put on a posture of giving up secular power and focusing on worshiping Buddha, which completely fooled Tsutsui Junkei.

Kofuku-ji Temple has a high status. If there is no confrontation, Tsutsui Junkei would not dare to rush into the Buddhist temple casually and provoke the legal system.

She is just the leader of the nuns, not a Buddha, so she has no courage to go to war in Xingfu Temple.What if the massacre of exterminating the Buddha happened, and the people on Gaoye Mountain directly pointed her out as the enemy of the Buddha?
Baozangyuan Yinrong, she chose a good strategy for Changjue of Xingfu Temple, which is not to resist.

Without the existence of Shiba Yoshigin, once Master Changjue gave in, he would have no chance to regain secular power, Tsutsui Junkei's goal would be achieved, and the ruling power of Yamato Buddha Kingdom would have changed hands since then.

But Yoshihiro Shiba's sword of Damocles hangs high above the top. If Tsutsui Junkei can't take down Master Changjue and control her in his own hands, he will be overturned at any time.

Just when Tsutsui Junqing was in a dilemma, a major event happened in Kyoto.

Yiyin thought for a while and asked.

"Did Tsutsui Junkei have anything to do with Miyoshi going to Luo?"

Nizi Shengjiu shook his head and said.

"I've thought about it, but I don't think it's possible.

If Tsutsui Junkei had participated in the Kyoto Incident, she would never have been so frightened that she would immediately retreat.She did this lest you misunderstand and take your anger out on her. "

Yoshigin nodded, Tsutsui Junkei must have been tricked by Akechi Mitsuhide.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki lived in Kofuku Temple since he was a child, and his identity has never been revealed.But before the Kyoto Incident, the story of Ashikaga's twin daughters suddenly spread, and a large number of ministers went to Xingfuji Temple to investigate.

This matter is inseparably related to Tsutsui Junkei, and only she, the tyrant of the Yamato Kingdom, can help Akechi Mitsuhide find out the identity of Ashikaga Yoshiaki in a short time.

As a result, there was turmoil in Kyoto, and no one thought that General Ashikaga would die in Nijo Castle.Knowing this, Tsutsui Junqing must have been scared out of his wits.

Reminiscent of Ashikaga Yoshiaki's life experience, Kofukuji instantly became a hot potato.

At this time, Tsutsui Junkei is still thinking about besieging Kofuku Temple and trying to seize the power of Yamato Buddhist Kingdom?Run away quickly, don't be suspected of killing the general, so as to save your own life.

Yiyin thought about the cause and effect, and couldn't help sighing.Tsutsui Junqing is also smart, running so fast that people can't catch it.

She surrounded Xingfu Temple in the name of protection, Qiu did not commit any crime, and left in a sudden accident.Even if everyone knew in their hearts that this guy was going to seize power, they still couldn't catch her by the tail.

Right now, Yiyin has a lawsuit all over his head, and he is struggling to fight fires everywhere.Since the evil is not obvious, we can only let the Yamato country go in advance.

he asked.

"How is Master Changjue doing? Has she left the customs?"

Nizi Shengjiu laughed.

"As soon as Tsutsui Shunqing withdrew, Master Changjue left the seclusion. She specially wrote a letter to thank you, and said in the letter that Xingfu Temple will always stand by your side.

Whether it is the supplies of Shangluo, or the support of Koyasan.As long as you need her, she is willing to cooperate fully. "

Yoshihiro laughed dumbfounded, and suddenly realized that Tsutsui Junkei's stealing was a good thing for the Shiba family.

After being tossed like this, Master Changjue finally understood how much his level of political struggle was.She couldn't beat the cunning Tsutsui Junkei, so she had to hug Shiba's thigh tightly.

As long as Shiba Yoshigin is around, Tsutsui Junkei will not dare to have the delusional idea of ​​elevating Kofukuji.It is understandable that Master Changjue has such a large amount of material resources, and the behavior of Sibo's favor.

Yi Yin couldn't help laughing.

"In that case, I have to thank Tsutsui Junqing. If it weren't for her impure mind, Master Changjue would not have attached so much importance to the friendship with the Shiba family.

Alas, I can't bear to deal with this naughty nun leader anymore, it's good to keep her. "

Nizi Shengjiu smiled and nodded in agreement.

Tsutsui Junkei is a bad wolf, but if she keeps her, Kofukuji will follow the steps of the Shiba family and become a reliable ally of the Shiba family.

In this chaotic world of treachery, it is better to rely on the allies to have a conscience than to rely on the allies to come closer. Instead, they feel much more at ease.

Yiyin rubbed his brows, always feeling angry and funny about this matter, and then said.

"I will write to Master Changjue to appease her emotions and promise her again. I, Shibo Yiyin, remember her kindness back then, and will not let anyone infringe on the interests of Xingfu Temple.

In addition, you write a letter to Junkei Tsutsui for me, scolding a little bit harder.By the way, is she a part of the great rebellion of the Kyoto Incident? "

Nizi Shengjiu smiled and agreed.

Tsutsui Junkei is not a fool, let alone the killing of the general, let alone not mixed, even if he really mixed, he can't admit it.

Who dares to admit that there are so many unclean bastards and martial artists in recent days?What's more, she is a nun and samurai who has nothing to do with the shogunate. What good does it do her to kill General Ashikaga?
Yiyin did this purely to scare people, and it was also for Master Changjue of Xingfu Temple to let her understand how much Shiba Yiyin cared about protecting her.

The thousand-year-old temple of Xingfu Temple, the foundation of Yamato Buddhist Kingdom for hundreds of years, has great influence.Yiyin is showing favor now, so he can ask for pictures in the future.

After talking about this, Yi Yin asked.

"Let's leave it at Kofukuji, what's going on with Hatakeyama Takamasa?"

Yoshihiro was also curious when he heard that Hatakeyama Takamasa had raised his army to serve as a military assistant.

After Hatakeyama Takamasa succeeded to the throne, he was incompetent and obsessed with other ways.As a result, the Hatakeyama family was first driven out of Kii by the Kii people, and then lost Hanoi in the battle of Miyoshi Changqing Shangluo.

It is embarrassing that Hatakeyama Takamasa, who sits on two countries and has a stone height of [-], has become homeless.

In the end, it was Yiyin who helped her save the tens of thousands of direct leaders in Hanoi, and finally prevented the Hatakeyama clan from falling into the abyss.

The local powerful faction of the shogunate headed by Yoshigin is a shogunate force formed by him uniting the Hosokawa Mibuchi family, and Hatakeyama Takamasa, a famous family whose strength has been greatly damaged, after he took the initiative to seek refuge.

The Shiba, Hosokawa, and Hatakeyama families were originally the nobles of the three heads of the shogunate.The Shiba and Hosokawa clans have been wiped out, and now only the Hatakeyama clan remains.

Only when the name is upright can the word be smooth.

With the living sign of Hatakeyama Takamasa, it is very beneficial for the stabilization of Yiyin's position within the shogunate.The reorganization of local powerful factions was subsequently recognized by all parties in the shogunate.

This time Miyoshi went to Luo, the Kyoto incident, and the Hosokawa and Mibuchi two snakes and rats at both ends.

Hosokawa Fujitaka actually hooked up with Wada Yuimasa and his group, trying to get rid of Shiba Yoshigin and support Ashikaga Yoshiaki Shangluo.

Although Yi Yin was angry, but out of the consideration of uniting the local powerful factions in the shogunate, he still held his nose and endured the matter.I only gave Hosokawa Fujitaka a cold look for a few days, so I will skip this matter.

But no one has ever mentioned to Yoshihiro about Hatakeyama Takamasa's raising of troops to assist him.

What exactly is going on?

Nizi Katsuhisa was also quite moved by Hatakeyama Gaozheng's rebellion, so he was willing to come out and say a few words for the notorious Hatakeyama family governor.

She said.

"Odaisho, you don't know something.

In fact, in the past two years, the shogunate has not been peaceful.General Ashikaga forcibly took over the power, all parties have ulterior motives, and the dark tide in Kyoto is turbulent.

But His Highness Hatakeyama always stood by the Shiba family's side and never wavered.She has appeared several times to speak for Jinjisibo, and her stand is very firm. "

Yoshigin narrowed his eyes, he really didn't know that Hatakeyama Takamasa was actively defending the Shiba family.That prodigal daughter of the Hatakeyama family has changed her mind?
Nizi Shengjiu saw Yiyin's bewildered face, and sighed secretly, Hatakeyama Takamasa was considered an honest man.

This prodigal daughter has always been the object of ridicule by the concubines of the shogunate. Akechi Mitsuhide pretended to be deaf and dumb out of his own plan to murder the general.

As a result, Hatakeyama Takamasa's active performance of following up with the Shiba family several times did not reach Shibo Yoshitaka's ear, and it was purely winking to the blind.

If she is not popular, no one will speak for her, and if no one speaks, Yoshigin will never know what she has done for the Shiba family.

There are always people who have done six points of work and shouted at twelve points, comparing those honest people who have done ten points.Honest people deserve to be pointed at by guns, and the more they do, the more they suffer.

Therefore, you must yell to let the leader know when you do things.People are not afraid of suffering, but they are afraid of suffering in the dark.Doing things with one's head and heart, receiving credit for others, and bearing the burden by oneself, is blood and tears.

Nizi Shengjiu spoke for her this time because he had a sense of justice in his heart, so he spoke justice for the irrelevant Hatakeyama Takamasa.

she continued.

"After Miyoshi went to Luo, there was no movement from the Hosokawa and Mibuchi families, no movement from the vassals' territories, and no movement from the powerful warriors from all over the world.

The only one who mobilized the army and wanted to raise his troops to the Lozomura was Takamasa Hatakeyama. "

Nizi Katsuhisa said with emotion, which is why she was willing to say a few words for Hatakeyama Takamasa.The shogunate samurai family is used to fooling around, and their selfishness is disgusting. She really can't see it.

General Ashikaga has fallen, and the entire samurai family in recent days is calculating the gains and losses.

Miyoshi's family occupied the capital for a whole winter, yet no one sent troops to attack the villain who killed the general.The prestige of the shogunate has fallen to this point, and this Ashikaga world will end sooner or later.

Hatakeyama Gaozheng only had tens of thousands of stones remaining, but he was able to uphold the righteousness and go to Luozuo to kill the thieves.No matter what her thoughts and considerations are, she deserves respect.

If the Shogun would be ridiculed for killing thieves, what is the meaning of this Shogunate?Public opinion and people's hearts need to be guided to the right path of justice, and those who hold salaries for everyone should not let them freeze to death in the wind and snow.

Yiyin understood what Nizi Shengjiu meant, and the sense of absurdity welled up from the bottom of his heart like a spring, and he couldn't help laughing.

There is sadness in the smile, anger in the sadness, laughing up to the sky, aggrieved.

The Miyoshi family rebelled and killed the king, and the entire samurai family inside and outside the shogunate watched the rebels rampant.The only one who came out to stop the evil was the notorious Hatakeyama Takamasa!

It was this prodigal girl whom Yoshiki Ashikaga looked down upon and Yoshihiro Shiba looked down upon, who resolutely raised her arms when everyone was hesitating.

You know, she only has a territory of tens of thousands of stones in her hands, and it is still scattered all over Hanoi.

After a while, Yiyin's laughter stopped abruptly, and he asked in a low tone.

"You said she was defeated and trapped, but was defeated by the Miyoshi army who stayed behind in Settsu?"

Yiyin thought that Hatakeyama Gaozheng's military strength was weak, so he was defeated by Miyoshi's family, and his army was not successful.Unexpectedly, Nizi Shengjiu told him an unexpected answer.

"At the imperial station, Hatakeyama Takamasa's forces had not yet been assembled, but Yusa Shinomo, who heard the news, sent troops to attack.

Hatakeyama Gaozheng was caught off guard, the army collapsed, and the territory of Nanhanoi was taken by You Zuoxinjiao.

Afterwards, she fled to the territory of Beihanoi, seeking help from Mibuchi Fujihide and Akechi Mitsuhide, but neither of them responded. "

Yiyin's eyes were wide open, he gritted his teeth angrily, and couldn't help cursing.


Although Hatakeyama Gaozheng has only tens of thousands of stones left, her status is not ordinary. The Hatakeyama clan is hereditary Kii, guarded by Hanoi and Hanoi.

Shigehide Suzuki, guardian of Kiiguo, Tohide Mibuchi, guardian of Kitakachi, and Yu Sashinyo, guardian of Minamikawachi, are her subordinates legally!

At the beginning of the Miyoshi peace talks between the shogunate, Yoshihiro stepped forward and handed over Kitakanoi to the Mibuchi family, and Mibuchi Fujihide, the daughter of Mibuchi Haruhito, served as the guardian of Kitagochi.

It was Yoshigin who asked Hatakeyama Takamasa for the position of guardian of Kinokuni, the leader of the Zaga crowd, Shigehide Suzuki.

The condition he offered was to help Hatakeyama Gaozheng keep the tens of thousands of direct leaders of the Hanoi Kingdom.

The guardian of Nanhanoi on behalf of Yu Zuoxinjiao, killed his mother and seized power, and abandoned the Hatakeyama clan to establish his own family.

It was Yoshihiro who coerced and lured Hatakeyama Takamasa to return the direct leader of Nanhanoi, and then returned the direct leader of North Hanoi. Only then did he collect tens of thousands of stones for Hatakeyama Takamasa.

In the Kyoto Incident, it was a righteous act for Hatakeyama Gaozheng to take over Luo Zuo.

You Zuo Xinjiao dared to take advantage of the fire to loot and seize the high-ranking Nan Hanoi Zhiling of Hatakeyama. This was a bow from both sides, and he slapped Yi Yin's face, which made his face dull and his cheeks hurt.

Yiyin laughed back angrily and asked.

"You Zuo Xinjiao colluded with Miyoshi's family?"

Nizi Shengjiu shook his head and said.

"Gaozheng Hatakeyama raised his troops suddenly, and Yuzuo Xinjiao was a thief with a guilty conscience.

She thought that Hatakeyama Takamasa wanted to surprise Takaya Castle to take back the property, so she chose to strike first. "

Nizi Shengjiu glanced at the cold-faced lord and sighed.

"Hatakeyama Takamasa had just written the call to action, and not long after he was beaten by Yusa Nobuko and fled to Beihanoi, it made a big joke for the recent samurai family.

It is said that the outside world ridiculed her, and she hid in the remaining Beihanoi territory without face, and lived like a year.

Although Mibuchi Fujihide, the guardian of Kitagawachi, came forward to mediate and kept Hatakeyama Takamasa's safety, but he did not show any signs of rebellion against Yuzuo Xinjiao's crimes.

Hatakeyama Takamasa was furious, and wrote to Akechi Mitsuhide, seeking help from the Shiba family.But Akechi Mitsuhide didn't care about it, which made her feel disheartened, so she wrote to me.

She didn't say much, she just asked me in the letter, when will you come back? "

Nizi Shengjiu hadn't finished speaking, only a slamming sound was heard.Yiyin stood up suddenly, kicked over the copybook beside him, and cursed.

"Hatakeyama Takamasa is loyal to the general, and it's an act of righteousness to go to Luozuo! It's just that she was unlucky in her career and was killed by a traitor. What's so ridiculous about it?
Those bastards didn't dare to yell at the murderer who killed the general, but instead hurled insults at the loyal people, they are the real ridiculous! "

(End of this chapter)

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