different warring states of japan

Chapter 1174 Hanoi Crusade Army

Chapter 1174 Hanoi Crusade Army

Yi Yin was trembling with anger, he had known for a long time that the nearby samurai families inside and outside the shogunate were unreliable.But he really didn't expect them to be so shameless, without the slightest bottom line.

Hatakeyama Takamasa raised his army to serve as the assistant, but the army was not successful because Yuzuo believed in religion and was a guilty conscience, attacking him unprepared, which is still reasonable.

But after that, Mibuchi Fujihide was perfunctory, Akechi Mitsuhide was indifferent and ruthless, and other samurai simply took it as a joke, which was too much.

Seeing the bleak defeat of Hatakeyama Gaozheng, all the concubines sneered and ridiculed, and their selfish faces were not concealed.

Yi Yin didn't mourn for Hatakeyama Takamasa, he mourned for himself.Thinking of Oda Nobunaga's menacing approach, but I have to unite these grasshoppers to fight against the mighty Oda Nobunaga, I feel cold.

Will today's Hatakeyama Takamasa be tomorrow's self?He tried his best to work for the shogunate, but ended up being ridiculed by others.

There was a raging fire in Yiyin's eyes. This extremely distorted atmosphere in recent days must be corrected, starting with Hatakeyama Takamasa!
He slowly sat back on the main seat and said sharply.

"Niziji, write for me, no, I will write the letter myself.

I am writing to Takamasa Hatakeyama to thank her for everything she has done for the Ashikaga family.

I want to tell her that her behavior is not overthinking her own strength, not being a car with a man's arms, but loyalty and righteousness, and everyone should be like her.

Mibuchi Fujihide, heh, I will ask Aunt Mibuchi Harumoto, what is going on with her daughter?

Hatakeyama Takamasa, as the guardian of Hanoi, was overthrown by the representative of the guardian of Nanhanoi, Zuo Xinjiao, her daughter dared to turn a blind eye?
If Mibuchi Fujihide can't maintain the order of the shogunate, and blindly eats the dead, get out of here!
There is also Shigehide Suzuki, the guardian of Kii, and Takamasa Hatakeyama, who was the guardian of Kii and Yi in Hanoi, was plotted against by traitors.Why didn't she act as a subordinate official?What does she eat!
On weekdays, a person looks like a dog, watching You Zuoxinjiao's atrocities indifferently at the critical moment, it's ridiculous!
If you don't want to work for the shogunate, get out of here!Get out together! "

Yoshigin has seen a lot of the careful thinking of Ashikaga Yoshiki's former minister these days, the scumbags of the Hosokawa Mibuchi family, and the disgusting actions of those shogunate ministers. This time he can be regarded as finding a normal person.

Hatakeyama Takamasa was the only local daimyo who took the initiative to mobilize for General Ashikaga's family and went to the Lozomaku.

No matter how small her strength is, it is an attitude and a benchmark.What's more, her family background is extremely high. In theory, all the samurai families in Hanoi, Kii and Yi are under her command.

This gave Yiyin a sufficient reason to make use of the topic to make an example of others within the rules of the shogunate's game, leaving everyone speechless.

No matter what reason Hatakeyama Takamasa sent troops to assist, her behavior must be praised and rewarded.

Yiyin is determined to help her up this time, Nanhe Neiyou Zuo Xinjiao must die!
Whether it's attacking Zuo's army or defeating the superior, You Zuo's religious behavior is unjustifiable.

Back then, she killed her mother, Yusa Chogyo, and threw the blame to Hatakeyama Takamasa, which made Ashikaga Yoshiki suffer a dumb loss and get away with it.

This time, her evil deeds could not be concealed.Yiyin wanted to use her head to deter these fools inside and outside the shogunate, and let them have a bottom line in doing things.

Although Shigehide Suzuki is not a subordinate of Yoshigin, she was overwhelmed by Yoshigin in the Battle of Yamato, and she was given the title of guardian of Kinokuni, which is quite cherished.

Sanyuan Tengying's Beihanoi land was conquered by Yiyin at the beginning.It's just that Shiba's family is too weak to digest it, so he gave it to the family friend Mibuchi's control.

The two of them understood Yiyin's strength so well that they dared not listen to his reprimand.

Yi Yin is the leader of the local power faction, the Hatakeyama, Hosokawa, and Mibuchi families are theoretically protected by him, and they are all samurai groups who follow him.

Sanyuan Tengying is so courageous, how dare she be disobedient?Believe it or not, Mibuchi Haruhiko will smash this daughter's head and give Yiyin an explanation?
Shigehide Suzuki's Zagazhong are followers of the Ichigo sect, and they are not at odds with the new faction of the Wakayama Shingon sect in Kii, and the Genlaizhong under the other party are not vegetarians either.

Suzuki Shigehide, who held the post of guardian of Kii, barely gained the upper hand. If she dared to be disobedient, Yoshigin would dare to ask Hatakeyama Takamasa to deprive her of her post and let her return to the country as a savage.

In addition, Master Xianru of Ishiyama Honganji invested a lot of money in the Hokuriku Road trade route, and the Hokuriku Road's Ichizo sect forces also benefited from the Hokuriku Road trade route.

Mukomune and the Shiba family had a thriving business relationship, and the subordinate forces made a lot of money. Suzuki Shigehide's Zagazhong was one of them.

The fame and wealth are all held by Yiyin, so Shigehide Suzuki has to weigh whether she can bear the price of annoying Yiyin.

Yiyin glanced at Xingsheng Yamanaka and said.


Yamanaka Yukimori came out and bowed.


Yi Yin said coldly.

"I intend to form the Hanoi crusade army, and you will be the general. I will request the Izumi Hosokawa family, the Kita Hanoi Mibuchi family, and the Kii Zaga members to participate in the conquest of the Yusa Nobuko.

Well, call Tsutsui Junkei again, didn't she want to protect Kofukuji before?The turmoil in Nanhan now may affect the peace of Yamato Buddhist Kingdom, so Master Changjue issued a decree to order Tsutsui Castle to send troops.

Niziji, you are in charge of the logistical supply of the Kanto Hime warrior regiment under Yamanakahime's department. "

Nizi Shengjiu kowtowed to the ground, sighing in his heart, Hatakeyama Gaozheng has really developed this time.

The lord was busy cleaning up Miyoshi's house in Kyoto, but he ordered Hosokawa and Mibuchi's two powerful local factions, the Yamato Buddhist Nun Corps, and Kii Zahe to encircle the land of Nanhanoi from all sides.

What kind of resistance did You Zuoxin teach?
The lord is willing to go to war for Hatakeyama's high government, and his political intentions are obvious.Afterwards, he definitely wanted to support the Hatakeyama clan to make a comeback. This was buying horse bones with thousands of dollars to deter the inside and outside of the shogunate.

Hatakeyama Gaozheng has made a lot of money, at least the land of Nanhanoi will definitely return to the Hatakeyama clan.

Nizi Shengjiu's guess was right, and Yiyin really had this plan in mind.

The speculation of Hosokawa and Mibuchi's family this time made him completely see through the untrustworthy appearance of the Wu family.

He had done such a big favor to the two families back then, almost re-supporting the Izumi Hosokawa family that was about to collapse.I thought that the two families would definitely repay their kindness, but it turned out that I thought it was too beautiful.

This fellow Hosokawa Fujitaka didn't know what was on his mind, he was always making troubles within the Hosokawa Mibuchi family, so that the two families had their own little calculations.

Even with the two family governors Hosokawa Motosaki and Mibuchi Haruhito sitting in charge, they have gradually been unable to hold down the full-fledged Hosokawa Fujitaka.

Mibuchi Fujihide didn't even dare to offend a little Yuzuo Shinji, and he was perfunctory to Hatakeyama Takamasa's request for help, which was really contemptible and embarrassing.

The Hosokawa Mibuchi family in the future must be Hosokawa Fujitaka in charge.

Yoshigin couldn't figure out why Hosokawa Fujitaka was making trouble, but she was steadily securing the power of Hosokawa Mibuchi's family step by step.Yiyin had to prepare his backhand to prevent these two families from stabbing him in the back again.

The leader of the local power faction in the shogunate is Yoshiyin's power status in the shogunate.Even if Hosokawa and Mibuchi's family had mischief, it was impossible for him to break with the two and take the initiative to weaken his own power.

How to deal with the internal challenges of the local power faction is a headache for Yiyin.

At this time, Hatakeyama Takamasa, who has always been regarded as a signature mascot, made Yoshigin's eyes shine with her performance in the Kyoto Incident.

Since the Hosokawa Mibuchi family is unreliable, then the Hatakeyama clan will be supported again to check and balance the restless members of the local power faction in the shogunate.

In this Battle of Shangluo, Maeda Toshiie, led by Owari Shiba, Maeda Toshiie, led by Kinkishiba, and Todo Toraka, led by Omi Todo, participated.

Although the Siba family's military strength is small, it is enough to maintain the dignity of the Siba family.

That's why Yoshigin pulled out the [-]-member Kanto Hime Warriors under Yamanaka Yukimori to form a Hanoi Crusade Army.

There is a party in Nizi Mountain, and Yukimori Yamanaka is in charge of the expedition. Nizi Shengjiu will definitely cooperate fully and help her make plans.

Nizi Shengjiu has been running the land of Peking University for two years, and he is brave and resourceful to understand the inside story.With her assistance, Yamanaka Yukimori's expedition should go smoothly, and help Hatakeyama Takamasa return to Nanhanoi.

Besides, Yiyin was watching the scene behind her.The Hosokawa Mibuchi family, Tsutsui Junkei, Suzuki Shigehide and other forces did not dare to make trouble under his nose.

The power of You Zuo Xinjiao can't stand the siege from all sides at all, and there will be results soon.

But regarding Yiyin's arrangement, Nizi Shengjiu had a question, she asked.

"Isn't it necessary for the Imperial Household, Izumi Hosokawa's family, and Kitakachi Mibuchi's family to participate in the battle of Shangluo?"

The Battle of Shangluo was the last battle before the re-establishment of the shogunate. The military exploits of this battle were very important for the ranking of power after the shogunate was revived.

How could the Hosokawa and Mibuchi families be willing to seek justice for Hatakeyama's high politics and give up the huge political benefits of the Battle of Shangluo?

Yiyin sneered.

"This is a question for the Hosokawa Mibuchi family, let them choose for themselves.

They chose to dawdle and refuse to make any effort to deal with You Zuo Xinjiao, so they missed the battle of Shangluo.Or attack with all your strength, after capturing Nanhanoi, then participate in the battle of Shangluo. "

Nizi Shengjiu suddenly realized that the master had planned this.

The Hosokawa Mibuchi family broke Yoshihiro's heart this time, and he no longer had any illusions about the integrity of these two families.

Since they are going to be used to deal with You Zuo Xinjiao, it is natural to ensure that they have to do their best.

The political benefits of the Battle of Shangluo are huge, which is a truth that everyone understands.But whoever is eligible to eat at the table is Yiyin's right.

He is the leader of Shangluo, as a recognized descendant of Hanoi Genji, the widow of Ashikaga Yoshiki, the holder of Yujian Jinyin Yubai Banner, Yoshiyin has the distribution right to sit in a row and eat fruit.

Under the city of Guanyin Temple, he faced bows and arrows without retreating, and convinced Oda Nobunaga, the most powerful feudal lord in Shangluo, and recognized his leadership.

At this moment, who is qualified to participate in the beating of Miyoshi Junshi, a cross-street mouse, Yiyin can decide with one word.

No matter how upset Hosokawa and Mibuchi's family were, they had to endure it.They made mistakes first, and Yiyin had already given enough face by not turning his face.

Now, Yiyin requires them to attack You Zuo Xinjiao before they can participate in the battle of Shangluo.

This is a small punishment and a big commandment, and it is also a testimonial to judge whether the Hosokawa Mibuchi family still belongs to the group of local powerful factions in the shogunate.

Hosokawa Motochang and Mibuchi Haruto, do they dare to be disobedient?Do you dare not try your best?
As for Suzuki Shigehide and Tsutsui Junkei, as long as their brains are not broken, they will definitely follow the Hosokawa Mibuchi family to attack Nanhanoi with all their strength.

Shigehide Suzuki asked for Yiyin in terms of fame, business and profit.It was she who said to Yiyin herself that she swore she was willing to serve the shogunate back then.

Tsutsui Junqing did something wrong just now, and Yoshihiro asked Kofukuji Changjue to order her to send troops, which also meant to warn her, to see if she dared to follow the law.

If not obedient?After the Hanoi Expeditionary Army finished defeating Yu Saxinjiao, they could directly enter the Yamato Kingdom and continue to attack Tsutsui Junqing.

As long as Tsutsui Shunkei is not stupid, he will not give Master Changjue an excuse, and he will do his best to fight with the samurai to eliminate her hidden danger.

Nizi Shengjiu understood what Yiyin meant, nodded and said.

"Hopefully they catch up."

If the Hosokawa and Sanyuan families failed to catch up with the battle of Shangluo because of the Hanoi crusade, they would definitely be dissatisfied with Yiyin.

Regardless of whether it was their own fault or not, they would be dissatisfied because Yiyin's decision damaged their interests.

This is Yiyin's saddest place.

I helped you so much back then, but you still have to be fools at critical moments.I ask you a little bit, and if your interests are damaged, you dare to show your teeth at me.

Unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, is this world still unreasonable?
Sometimes Yoshihiro really wants to follow Oda Nobunaga's style, go to the f*cking samurai rules, samurai traditions, change them all for me!
It's a pity that Yiyin doesn't have the guts to make an enemy of the martial arts all over the world.I was so angry that I didn't dare to overturn the table.

He had no choice but to be patient and continue playing with these bastards within the rules of this bastard's game. He was really aggrieved.

Thinking of this, Yiyin couldn't help feeling a little frustrated, he said wearily.

"The matter of the Hanoi Crusade Army is so decided. All parties must go to war after the spring plowing, and I will write a letter to warn them.

As for the battle of Shangluo, it didn't end so soon.Although Miyoshi's family is in decline, it is the foundation of a million-dollar daimyo after all. Miyoshi Changqing's family property is still there, and he has the strength to fight.

As long as the Hosokawa and Mibuchi families move fast enough, they should be able to catch up with the battle of Luo.After the land of Nanhanoi was pacified, the crusade army went north to Setjin, just threatening the Yodo River waterway. "

Yiyin also didn't want to really fall out with Hosokawa and Sanyuan's family, this time it was just a small punishment and a big punishment to make them take responsibility for their mistakes in Nanhanei.

According to his calculations, after Shangluo, he would have to play at least until early summer.

The Hanoi crusade army can be used as a follow-up army to threaten Yodogawa and the Miyoshi family's retreat in the later stages of the campaign, and it can also be regarded as a contribution to the Hosokawa Mibuchi family.

This should be no problem. .Bar?

Yiyin sighed, everyone else was playing an asshole, but he was the only one who took care of himself, how tiring.

He said.

"That's it, is there anything else?"

Nizi Shengjiu shook his head and said.

"Other trivial matters are not worth mentioning. In the past two years, there have been documents on various matters in the Spolis, and they will be submitted for your review later.

It's just that these two important matters are a little urgent, and I have to trouble the Lord to worry about it. "

(End of this chapter)

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